
Apr 27, 2014


Retard Alert
A way of warning people that a retard is present in the vicinity. Can be either verbal or typed. Used primarily on forums when someone says something so incredibly ignorant or stupid, you simply cannot believe it. Alert

dont read this go past dont read it you will die a little


Aw, cute, you are trying to figure out how to use the post functions again.

Does everyone here understand what this user is trying to say?

i am trying to say you are a retard and your showing it quite well

i do not understand you said gogeta could beat superman how am t not a agreeance with this

If you want, I'll lay it out again.

sure keep trying

I will attempt to clean it up and use a differently colored text so you can actually read this mess you tried to post.

i will use blue because you can't remember what you posted

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1.

my poorly worded post or you poorly worded post becouse when we have to get out coloring like in pre school hi five your self for pre school

that would explain your retarded post

Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai) has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy.

Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out

which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily

Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight?


right becouse Gogeta is goku good job

you replyed to you own post

frist you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)

you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?

you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?

you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said

so even you said i corrected you <--- Refer to point #1.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said

Look back at your posts. <-- point 2 what you said

lol i am useing you post you are probley confused agian <--- You obviously lack the ability to understand simple English. Which is not a bad thing and if you are not fluent in English, please let us know. Because it will explain why you struggle to even articulate the most simply of points... But if you do understand English, then your posts are a combination of ignorance and/or laziness. Please ACTUALLY re-read the previous points because every time you post, it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting. <-- point 2 what you said

all you do is act stupid you have no facts and yet claim superman could beat goku cameing gnorance and/or laziness. when you are the one to start this supid shit

it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting ( you are the one that does not understand go back and read what you posted )

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one <---- Again, you're jumping all over the place when you're trying to describe Superman's abilities. The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke. Sure. The Dark Knight Returns Superman also can't take a nuke. Sure. But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way, which were the images you provided. Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? It's because you don't know the actual source and you like to mindlessly Google images of random pictures that you feel will superficially support your claim.

you even say The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke.You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. the post is superman vs goku superman got blow up by a nuke goku wins

But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it.

sure three superman are a fiar fight for goku he might have to turn supersayin 2 to fight any what other superman would you like to through in there? superboy superboy prime superdog goku could easily take it.

The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way,

post-crisis superman

Post-Crisis is a term used to describe characters, items, realities or events that take place during DC Comics' publishing history following the 1985-86Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. The term is used by industry professionals and consumers, and is widely considered to be an out-of-universe phrase; which is to say – characters within the DC universe continuity (with rare exception), do not use the term "Post-Crisis" when referring to events preceding the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

  • Superman: Superman's history and background were completely retooled rendering nearly all Silver Age appearances apocryphal. As such, Superman's entire supporting cast and gallery of villains were reimagined for a more palatable, modern setting including having his foster parents survive into his adult life.
Pre-Crisis Apocrypha

The following is a list of articles pertaining to Pre-Crisis material that is considered apocryphal, and is no longer validated in the modern continuity of DC Comics history.
  • The Superman reality of Earth-Two. Although Kal-L and Lois Lane-Kent of Earth-Two survived the Crisis, their respective dimension, timeline and all related materials to the Earth-Two storyline such as the Daily Star, James Olsen, Alexei Luthor, George Taylor are no longer validated in the revised continuity of New Earth dimension, except for Power Girl. Supposedly, according to recent events somehow Power-Girl has returned to being an Earth-Two being despite the universal reset that prevented the Earth-Two reality from ever existing. The Power Girl contention has not been resolved at this time in-story.
  • Superman and all-related supporting articles of Earth-One are no longer specifically validated in the revised continuity such as the current Superman was never costumed Superboy as was the Earth-One Superman. However after the events of Infinite Crisis writing and One Year Later many elements of the Earth-One history have been brought back into continuity such as the current Superman is again a three year old toddler when he arrives on Earth and not born in a birthing chamber and having superpowers from his earliest days and not developing slowly as he grew, invalidating some elements of the revised history of John Byrne's Man of Steel origin. Many of the current Superman's early adventures with the Justice League of America are similar in scope to their Pre-Crisis counterparts, but with various differences. The JLA: Year One limited series and the JLA: Incarnations limited series provides brief snapshots of Pre-Crisis JLA stories that are still considered canon.
dc 1 million


The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.

so you correct yourself it make it hard for me to do so


You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <--- point 3 i am right about something you cant find a point with

Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? ok will form this post

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya <---- So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

pink kytopnite only makes superman turn gay it would not make you gay unless you had gay sex with superman and that is not what i said"battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya" this only shows how much of superman do you realy know So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? i did not say this kyptonite only makes superman turn gay it would not make any one other than superman be gay other than superman We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) ok i will


This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

The global phenomenon Dragon Ball is being made into a movie using Toei Animation’s latest technology, consistently realized as a Toriyama work, with the original author Akira Toriyama himself deeply involved from the script stage for the first time. An episode from between the animation series "Z" and "GT", or in other words from the blank decade between the end of the battle with Majin Boo in chapter 517 of the manga and chapter 518, will be depicted for the first time. Such well-known and charming characters as Kuririn, Piccolo, and Vegeta will all make an appearance. A new story in the official history of Dragon Ball is born, neither a spin-off nor a side-story, one that can be enjoyed by both children and parents, manga fans and anime fans.
—Toei Animation's Press Release for the upcoming film - July 17, 2012[6]
Release and reception[edit]

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods opened at number one in the Japanese box office, earning US$7,317,313 with 561,098 tickets sold in its first two days.[39][40] The movie's showings at all 16 of the IMAX Digital theaters in Japan that weekend earned US$450,000, with an average of US$28,000 per screen.[41] It was ranked number five in the overseas box office chart by Variety, making it the top-grossing non-American film on the chart.[41][42] While the top four films are playing in over 50 territories each, Battle of Gods' performance is based only on 328 screens in Japan.[42] By its fifth day, the film had made over US$12,000,000 with 988,790 tickets sold.[43] As a result, the film was projected to sell more than 1 million tickets by its sixth day, making it the fastest film to reach that milestone so far this year in Japan.[43] It was number one in its second week as well, with a total of 1,488,518 tickets sold and an estimated US$17,908,626 total earnings.[44][45] The film was number one for a third week, raising its total to US$22,565,448 with 1,823,141 tickets sold, making it the fastest-grossing film of 2013 in Japan.[46][47] It dropped to fourth place the subsequent weekend of April 20–21, but total tickets sold passed the two million mark and its total revenue climbed to US$24,836,469.[48][49] The film dropped to eighth during Golden Week, which is when many new movies open in theaters and is the film industry's best week in Japan, while the box office gross grew to US$27,163,738 and tickets reached 2,181,328.[50][51] The following week it held on to the eighth place, with tickets sold increasing to 2,346,726 and its gross to US$29,072,176.[52][53]
Toei aimed for Battle of Gods to earn a domestic Japanese box office take of ¥3 billion (about US$32 million).[54] Oricon compared Battle of Gods' box office total as of 1:00 p.m. on its first day with One Piece Film Z's total during that same time, and projected that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods would exceed Toei's ¥3 billion target.[42] On August 15, it was reported that Toei revealed the film had earned ¥2.9 billion (about US$30 million) at the box office.[55]

goku can turn ss
goku can turn ss2
goku can turn ss3
goku can turn ss4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?

goku and also turn ss god

superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight
superman can not turn sliver age or all star these are differential stroys differential supermans not the same guy
i dont understand superman prime what about superman prime like superman prime is not superman do you understand that? <--- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman. No version of Goku can beat him. Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku, would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it, but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you? <-- point 2 what you said

- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. all of them

You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman.No version of Goku can beat him. a

Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku wrong allready answerd this one

would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions,

not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it superman truning post crisis sure why not superman has does worse like that time he did that porno

but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

so much retard it pains me like it realy painful

goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect <--- See, this is proof you STILL don't understand what DC One Million's Superman Prime is.

i think you dont understand

If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.

please do so i can make this list longer <---- Will do! :)

please stop this is killing my brain cells how you live i dont know but it must be hard

At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.

please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please <--- Aw, how cute. You're still trying to use that insult and this time you didn't use the word "retard"! You're improving the way an old racist stops using sexist slurs but keeps the racism ripe.

But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

what have i misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand? <---- Look back at point #1. I don't think you understand anything I actually meant. Also, do you now understand the difference between the manga version of Goku and the anime version of Goku?

goku in only one canon so it is the same guy

superman is differant canons and not the same guy and yet you clame superman prime is not superman read the comics tard

And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.

good job i think i will




he did the same thing in this post he just a troll <--- point 3 i am right
Last edited:


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Changing certain colors so you can actually understand my post. Because you know, I have to color like in pre-school for someone of your level.

And I could do this forever. Keep dancing for me. I eagerly await another post so I can educate you further.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1.

my poorly worded post or you poorly worded post becouse when we have to get out coloring like in pre school hi five your self for pre school

that would explain your retarded post

Re-read what you wrote out loud. Every post you make sounds like a person who was hit one too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits. And then you claim my post is retarded! LOL! You're a bit too dimwitted to understand the irony.

frist you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)

you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?

you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?

you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said

so even you said i corrected you <--- Refer to point #1.

I really hope you understand the difference between pointing out a typo and proving someone wrong. You at least are smart enough to understand that, right? You have not proven one point I made incorrectly. All you did was point out the typo I made. But keep trying, I'm enjoying these posts. So again, refer to point 1 because you have not proven any of my points as incorrect thus far.

all you do is act stupid you have no facts and yet claim superman could beat goku cameinggnorance and/or laziness. when you are the one to start this supid shit

it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting ( you are the one that does not understand go back and read what you posted )

You're like a kid trying to run a mile without realizing you're just slamming your body into a wall over and over.

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one <---- Again, you're jumping all over the place when you're trying to describe Superman's abilities. The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke. Sure. The Dark Knight Returns Superman also can't take a nuke. Sure. But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way, which were the images you provided. Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? It's because you don't know the actual source and you like to mindlessly Google images of random pictures that you feel will superficially support your claim.

you even say The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke.You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. the post is superman vs goku superman got blow up by a nuke goku wins

But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it.

sure three superman are a fiar fight for goku he might have to turn supersayin 2 to fight any what other superman would you like to through in there? superboy superboy prime superdog goku could easily take it.

DC One Million's Superman Prime can beat Goku. All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit.

The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way,

post-crisis superman

Post-Crisis is a term used to describe characters, items, realities or events that take place during DC Comics' publishing history following the 1985-86Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. The term is used by industry professionals and consumers, and is widely considered to be an out-of-universe phrase; which is to say – characters within the DC universe continuity (with rare exception), do not use the term "Post-Crisis" when referring to events preceding the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

  • Superman: Superman's history and background were completely retooled rendering nearly all Silver Age appearances apocryphal. As such, Superman's entire supporting cast and gallery of villains were reimagined for a more palatable, modern setting including having his foster parents survive into his adult life.

Pre-Crisis Apocrypha

The following is a list of articles pertaining to Pre-Crisis material that is considered apocryphal, and is no longer validated in the modern continuity of DC Comics history.
  • The Superman reality of Earth-Two. Although Kal-L and Lois Lane-Kent of Earth-Two survived the Crisis, their respective dimension, timeline and all related materials to the Earth-Two storyline such as the Daily Star, James Olsen, Alexei Luthor, George Taylor are no longer validated in the revised continuity of New Earth dimension, except for Power Girl. Supposedly, according to recent events somehow Power-Girl has returned to being an Earth-Two being despite the universal reset that prevented the Earth-Two reality from ever existing. The Power Girl contention has not been resolved at this time in-story.
  • Superman and all-related supporting articles of Earth-One are no longer specifically validated in the revised continuity such as the current Superman was never costumed Superboy as was the Earth-One Superman. However after the events of Infinite Crisis writing and One Year Later many elements of the Earth-One history have been brought back into continuity such as the current Superman is again a three year old toddler when he arrives on Earth and not born in a birthing chamber and having superpowers from his earliest days and not developing slowly as he grew, invalidating some elements of the revised history of John Byrne's Man of Steel origin. Many of the current Superman's early adventures with the Justice League of America are similar in scope to their Pre-Crisis counterparts, but with various differences. The JLA: Year One limited series and the JLA: Incarnations limited series provides brief snapshots of Pre-Crisis JLA stories that are still considered canon.
dc 1 million


The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.

so you correct yourself it make it hard for me to do so

No correction needed on my part, just clarification for you, since you're not familiar with The Dark Knight Returns universe nor does it seem you understand the point that was made. Here, I'll make it more simple for you. The Dark Knight Returns was never part any of the main DCU in any direct sense and thus rarely considered to be part of any vs thread like this. If you would like to include Earth-31 though, go ahead. All versions of Goku, post Saiyan saga, can most certainly beat or at least match in strength the Superman of Earth-31.


You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <--- point 3 i am right about something you cant find a point with

You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed. This is wrong for Pre-Crisis and (DC 1 Million) Superman Prime. That is incorrectly describing Superman's abilities.

Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? ok will form this post

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya <---- So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

pink kytopnite only makes superman turn gay it would not make you gay unless you had gay sex with superman and that is not what i said"battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya" this only shows how much of superman do you realy know So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? i did not say this kyptonite only makes superman turn gay it would not make any one other than superman be gay other than superman We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) ok i will

And what exactly was your point of bringing up pink "kyptonite" then? So that Superman can become gay and then what? I don't understand? I'll ask the same exact question but with a slight alteration, so him becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie?


This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

The global phenomenon Dragon Ball is being made into a movie using Toei Animation’s latest technology, consistently realized as a Toriyama work, with the original author Akira Toriyama himself deeply involved from the script stage for the first time. An episode from between the animation series "Z" and "GT", or in other words from the blank decade between the end of the battle with Majin Boo in chapter 517 of the manga and chapter 518, will be depicted for the first time. Such well-known and charming characters as Kuririn, Piccolo, and Vegeta will all make an appearance. A new story in the official history of Dragon Ball is born, neither a spin-off nor a side-story, one that can be enjoyed by both children and parents, manga fans and anime fans.
—Toei Animation's Press Release for the upcoming film - July 17, 2012[6]
Release and reception[edit]

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods opened at number one in the Japanese box office, earning US$7,317,313 with 561,098 tickets sold in its first two days.[39][40] The movie's showings at all 16 of the IMAX Digital theaters in Japan that weekend earned US$450,000, with an average of US$28,000 per screen.[41] It was ranked number five in the overseas box office chart by Variety, making it the top-grossing non-American film on the chart.[41][42] While the top four films are playing in over 50 territories each, Battle of Gods' performance is based only on 328 screens in Japan.[42] By its fifth day, the film had made over US$12,000,000 with 988,790 tickets sold.[43] As a result, the film was projected to sell more than 1 million tickets by its sixth day, making it the fastest film to reach that milestone so far this year in Japan.[43] It was number one in its second week as well, with a total of 1,488,518 tickets sold and an estimated US$17,908,626 total earnings.[44][45] The film was number one for a third week, raising its total to US$22,565,448 with 1,823,141 tickets sold, making it the fastest-grossing film of 2013 in Japan.[46][47] It dropped to fourth place the subsequent weekend of April 20–21, but total tickets sold passed the two million mark and its total revenue climbed to US$24,836,469.[48][49] The film dropped to eighth during Golden Week, which is when many new movies open in theaters and is the film industry's best week in Japan, while the box office gross grew to US$27,163,738 and tickets reached 2,181,328.[50][51] The following week it held on to the eighth place, with tickets sold increasing to 2,346,726 and its gross to US$29,072,176.[52][53]
Toei aimed for Battle of Gods to earn a domestic Japanese box office take of ¥3 billion (about US$32 million).[54] Oricon compared Battle of Gods' box office total as of 1:00 p.m. on its first day with One Piece Film Z's total during that same time, and projected that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods would exceed Toei's ¥3 billion target.[42] On August 15, it was reported that Toei revealed the film had earned ¥2.9 billion (about US$30 million) at the box office.[55]

(Side argument on your bad taste in movies) I don't think you understood my question. So I'll be more specific, though it didn't seem initially necessary. Why do YOU think it's good? Because it made money? Because of the animation? If so, say it. I want you to say it because I want to know how bad your taste in anime is.

- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. all of them

Again, Pre-Crisis and (DC 1 Million) Superman Prime can easily beat any version of Goku.

You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman.No version of Goku can beat him. a

Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku wrong allready answerd this one

would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions,

not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it superman truning post crisis sure why not superman has does worse like that time he did that porno

but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

so much retard it pains me like it realy painful

Do you know what a category is? Superman is a category. When you go on a wiki, which seems to be your only source of information, it divides Superman up into various categories. Here, just take a look: For every entry, they try to tell you which universe that Superman is from. That should tell you something...

goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect <--- See, this is proof you STILL don't understand what DC One Million's Superman Prime is.

i think you dont understand

Do you know what DC 1 Million's Superman Prime's powers are? Do you know what powers from the fifth dimension suggest?

But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

what have i misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand? <---- Look back at point #1. I don't think you understand anything I actually meant. Also, do you now understand the difference between the manga version of Goku and the anime version of Goku?

goku in only one canon so it is the same guy

There are different versions of Goku. The Manga Goku and the Anime Goku are vastly different because of filler. Are you familiar with what filler is? Do you know the differences between the anime (not Kai) and the manga? Do you understand the difference between Goku in the movies when compared to the main series? Are you even familiar with the differences between GT Goku and the main anime Goku? If you wish to simply claim that GT Goku is a canon continuation of Anime Goku, you do know the difference still between GT Goku and Manga Goku, right? There is also Future Trunks' timeline Goku, which is from a completely different universe. Thus Dragon Ball also includes the multiverse theory that is similar to that of DC.

superman is differant canons and not the same guy and yet you clame superman prime is not superman read the comics tard

What the hell are you talking about. I said Superman Prime is Superman. Why do I keep bringing him up?


i dont know if i will make it
Thanks for the motivation. Hopefully it's terminal. :D
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Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Your use of images are at least understandable. Seriously kid, stay in school and learn how to actually write sentences properly. Or at least learn to post things in a neat and clear manner rather than just throwing random words together and calling it a sentence. It's like you come up with most of your posts by banging your head on the keyboard and then, when seeing the jumbled up mess of characters, you press enter. You don't need to be grammatically correct but you just need to learn how to post things clearly. Seriously, it'll help you in life kid.


Apr 27, 2014
like all you do is be so stupid for real that what you post will kill brain cells there is no why around it that like no one will not one will even read your mess you can even see your post from my post you so you go off thinking you are right when you are just a retard
Last edited:


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
like all you do is be so supid that it that like no one will not one will even read your mess
Well, this is now just a flame war since we're no longer on topic, though we never technically were with our convo for this specific thread.

So all I have to say is, actually read your post out loud. Seriously, just read it out loud. The realization of the quality of your posts should become clear once you actually hear it.

Edit: Hey, you learned how to edit! That's great! Good job! Now you just need to learn how to organize your sentences. Remember, if you don't use punctuation marks, try to use other visual means to make it clear you are writing more than one sentence. Spacing helps, just press enter so your next sentence will be on another line. Stuff like that. ;)
Last edited:


Apr 27, 2014
like all you do is be so stupid for real that what you post will kill brain cells there is no why around it that like no one will not one will even read your mess you can even see your post from my post you so you go off thinking you are right when you are just a retard

like all you do is be so supid that it that like no one will not one will even read your mess
Well, this is now just a flame war since we're no longer on topic, though we never technically were with our convo for this specific thread.

So all I have to say is, actually read your post out loud. Seriously, just read it out loud. The realization of the quality of your posts should become clear once you actually hear it.

there is no limit to you crap (you can even see your post from my post you so you go off thinking you are right when you are just a retard)

this is the thread this started in you cant even keep you nonsense to one thread


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
there is no limit to you crap (you can even see your post from my post you so you go off thinking you are right when you are just a retard)

this is the thread this started in you cant even keep you nonsense to one thread

Awesome! You're continuing! Thanks! This is great!

Though I believe you are using the wrong word. It should be "your" not "you". Does "no limit to you crap" make sense? I don't think so. ;) Hope that helps.


Apr 27, 2014
there is no limit to you crap (you can even see your post from my post you so you go off thinking you are right when you are just a retard)

this is the thread this started in you cant even keep you nonsense to one thread

Awesome! You're continuing! Thanks! This is great! (you did not say this was untrue

Though I believe you are using the wrong word. It should be "your" not "you". Does "no limit to you crap" make sense? I don't think so. ;) Hope that helps.

"your" can even see your post

(you can even see your post

i said you where a retard and you did not say this was untrue and i take you are just a troll


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
"your" can even see your post

(you can even see your post

i said you where a retard and you did not say this was untrue and i take you are just a troll
Don't you mean "I said you were a retard" not "i said you where a retard"?

Good attempt though! Keep trying! :)


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
ok troll i got your game i will finish the debate
If that's what you think. You were the first one to not continue the argument and instead decided to change the subject into a conversation about how "retarded" my posts are because you can't back up your arguments. Stop trolling, kid.

Learn the difference between categories and specifics within that category. Learn the difference between filler and what's in the manga. Finally, learn about the material you are actually talking about before you do a random search in hopes of finding shit that you think will prove you right but instead further proves how little you know about the actual subject.

Maybe then your comments will be taken seriously.


Apr 27, 2014
ok troll i got your game i will finish the debate
If that's what you think. You were the first one to not continue the argument and instead decided to change the subject into a conversation about how "retarded" my posts are because you can't back up your arguments. Stop trolling, kid.

no i think you brought it up when i said supersayin god goku is stronger than ssj4 or more important proven that is. something you have never done all you have posted is crazy retard post that no one can understand and i replay with you are a retard

i also think we should talk about you changing back to black ink so you can say i said something i did not

Learn the difference between categories and specifics within that category. Learn the difference between filler and what's in the manga. Finally, learn about the material you are actually talking about before you do a random search in hopes of finding shit that you think will prove you right but instead further proves how little you know about the actual subject.

i have posted the links to where the source comes form so you are just going against the sources that prove you wrong

here i go the most retarded part of this canon i dont care a bout goku stomps superman so bad it not funny

please post you hard to read retard comments (wait you already did ) now you have already said most superman would lose to goku so lets go from there you then say superman prime is superman tho he is not so goku has already won this your just pushing it on becouse you are a troll


you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

this is pure crap even you own post prove this wrong so i am not gona even touch this poop you put out there ok Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions,not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it

ok lets go over how stupid it is it have superman turn post crisis like what you posted he would be retconning him self

goku can turn ss,ss2,ss3,ss3,ss,4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?goku and also turn ss godsuperman can not self retcon to Post-Crisis in a fight so this is clear to be wrong

Aw, cute, you are trying to figure out how to use the post functions again.

yes you are a troll and a dumb one at that

Does everyone here understand what this user is trying to say?

i am trying to say you are a retard and your showing it quite well

i do not understand you said gogeta could beat superman how am t not a agreeance with this

If you want, I'll lay it out again.

sure keep trying

still trying you get after you grown up

I will attempt to clean it up and use a differently colored text so you can actually read this mess you tried to post.

i will use blue because you can't remember what you posted


this is what everyone who reads this feels

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1.

my poorly worded post or your poorly worded post because when we have to get out coloring like in preschool hi five your self for preschool

that would explain your retarded post

Re-read what you wrote out loud. Every post you make sounds like a person who was hit one too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits. Every post you make sounds like a person who was hit one too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digitsAnd then you claim my post is retarded! LOL! You're a bit too dimwitted to understand the irony.

you are just projecting your childhood on to me to me please stop

I really hope you understand the difference between pointing out a typo and proving someone wrong. You at least are smart enough to understand that, right? You have not proven one point I made incorrectly. All you did was point out the typo I made. But keep trying, I'm enjoying these posts. So again, refer to point 1 because you have not proven any of my points as incorrect thus far.

i do you just wont say that you are wrong what you did already thats ok you can say it one more time after all you are red i am blue becouse you dont even know what post is what your or mine do you?

Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai) has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy. <-- point 2 what you said

Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out

which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily

Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight? <-- point 2 what you said


right becouse Gogeta is goku good job

you replyed to you own post

then you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)

you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?

you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?


you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said

so even you said i corrected you <--- Refer to point #1.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said

Look back at your posts. <-- point 2 what you said

lol i am using your own post you are probably too confused too understand <--- You obviously lack the ability to understand simple English. Which is not a bad thing and if you are not fluent in English, please let us know. Because it will explain why you struggle to even articulate the most simply of points... But if you do understand English, then your posts are a combination of ignorance and/or laziness. Please ACTUALLY re-read the previous points because every time you post, it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting. <-- point 2 what you said

all you do is act stupid you have no facts and yet claim superman could beat goku cameing gnorance and/or laziness. when you are the one to start this supid shit

it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting ( you are the one that does not understand go back and read what you posted )

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one <---- Again, you're jumping all over the place when you're trying to describe Superman's abilities. The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke. Sure. The Dark Knight Returns Superman also can't take a nuke. Sure. But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way, which were the images you provided. Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? It's because you don't know the actual source and you like to mindlessly Google images of random pictures that you feel will superficially support your claim. so ok i will then

also i do know thats the point is you dont


you even say The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke.You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. the post is superman vs goku superman got blow up by a nuke goku wins

But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it.

sure three superman are a fiar fight for goku he might have to turn supersayin 2 to fight any what other superman would you like to through in there? superboy superboy prime superdog goku could easily take it.

DC One Million's Superman Prime can beat Goku. All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit.

nope you have never read this comic and DC One Million prime One Million's Superman Prime All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. nope this is bull and you know it i want you to show where you got this from becouse you cant this neven hapend i would love you show but you should show me

also i am glad you are down to superman prime 1 One Million and have ruled out all other superman so we can be done quick this has been one of the most stupid parts of my life thanks

The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way,

post-crisis superman

Post-Crisis is a term used to describe characters, items, realities or events that take place during DC Comics' publishing history following the 1985-86Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. The term is used by industry professionals and consumers, and is widely considered to be an out-of-universe phrase; which is to say – characters within the DC universe continuity (with rare exception), do not use the term "Post-Crisis" when referring to events preceding the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

  • Superman: Superman's history and background were completely retooled rendering nearly all Silver Age appearances apocryphal. As such, Superman's entire supporting cast and gallery of villains were reimagined for a more palatable, modern setting including having his foster parents survive into his adult life.

Pre-Crisis Apocrypha

The following is a list of articles pertaining to Pre-Crisis material that is considered apocryphal, and is no longer validated in the modern continuity of DC Comics history.
  • The Superman reality of Earth-Two. Although Kal-L and Lois Lane-Kent of Earth-Two survived the Crisis, their respective dimension, timeline and all related materials to the Earth-Two storyline such as the Daily Star, James Olsen, Alexei Luthor, George Taylor are no longer validated in the revised continuity of New Earth dimension, except for Power Girl. Supposedly, according to recent events somehow Power-Girl has returned to being an Earth-Two being despite the universal reset that prevented the Earth-Two reality from ever existing. The Power Girl contention has not been resolved at this time in-story.
  • Superman and all-related supporting articles of Earth-One are no longer specifically validated in the revised continuity such as the current Superman was never costumed Superboy as was the Earth-One Superman. However after the events of Infinite Crisis writing and One Year Later many elements of the Earth-One history have been brought back into continuity such as the current Superman is again a three year old toddler when he arrives on Earth and not born in a birthing chamber and having superpowers from his earliest days and not developing slowly as he grew, invalidating some elements of the revised history of John Byrne's Man of Steel origin. Many of the current Superman's early adventures with the Justice League of America are similar in scope to their Pre-Crisis counterparts, but with various differences. The JLA: Year One limited series and the JLA: Incarnations limited series provides brief snapshots of Pre-Crisis JLA stories that are still considered canon.
dc 1 million


The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.

so you correct yourself it make it hard for me to do so

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <--- point 3 i am right about something you cant find a point with

You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed. This is wrong for Pre-Crisis and (DC 1 Million) Superman Prime. That is incorrectly describing Superman's abilities.

ok so this is what i got You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed so this is right for superman and explain how superman prime or superman boy prime or superman prime 1 million are in any way changed how am i incorrectly describing Superman's abilities. m when if you look at what i first posted explanis with scans of superman prof that goku would win goku would win

Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? ok will form this post

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya <---- So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

pink kytopnite only makes superman turn gay it would not make you gay unless you had gay sex with superman and that is not what i said"battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya" this only shows how much of superman do you realy know So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? i did not say this kyptonite only makes superman turn gay it would not make any one other than superman be gay other than superman We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) ok i will

And what exactly was your point of bringing up pink "kyptonite" then? So that Superman can become gay and then what? I don't understand? I'll ask the same exact question but with a slight alteration, so him becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie?

well i could tell many reasons but you cant argue with facts dragon ball z battle of gods is a very good movie and so i show proof now i can like something you would not and vice versa so i have prof good pink kytopnite some people like the color blue some like the color pink some people does not make any one wrong if one like goku and one like superman


This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

The global phenomenon Dragon Ball is being made into a movie using Toei Animation’s latest technology, consistently realized as a Toriyama work, with the original author Akira Toriyama himself deeply involved from the script stage for the first time. An episode from between the animation series "Z" and "GT", or in other words from the blank decade between the end of the battle with Majin Boo in chapter 517 of the manga and chapter 518, will be depicted for the first time. Such well-known and charming characters as Kuririn, Piccolo, and Vegeta will all make an appearance. A new story in the official history of Dragon Ball is born, neither a spin-off nor a side-story, one that can be enjoyed by both children and parents, manga fans and anime fans.
—Toei Animation's Press Release for the upcoming film - July 17, 2012[6]
Release and reception[edit]

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods opened at number one in the Japanese box office, earning US$7,317,313 with 561,098 tickets sold in its first two days.[39][40] The movie's showings at all 16 of the IMAX Digital theaters in Japan that weekend earned US$450,000, with an average of US$28,000 per screen.[41] It was ranked number five in the overseas box office chart by Variety, making it the top-grossing non-American film on the chart.[41][42] While the top four films are playing in over 50 territories each, Battle of Gods' performance is based only on 328 screens in Japan.[42] By its fifth day, the film had made over US$12,000,000 with 988,790 tickets sold.[43] As a result, the film was projected to sell more than 1 million tickets by its sixth day, making it the fastest film to reach that milestone so far this year in Japan.[43] It was number one in its second week as well, with a total of 1,488,518 tickets sold and an estimated US$17,908,626 total earnings.[44][45] The film was number one for a third week, raising its total to US$22,565,448 with 1,823,141 tickets sold, making it the fastest-grossing film of 2013 in Japan.[46][47] It dropped to fourth place the subsequent weekend of April 20–21, but total tickets sold passed the two million mark and its total revenue climbed to US$24,836,469.[48][49] The film dropped to eighth during Golden Week, which is when many new movies open in theaters and is the film industry's best week in Japan, while the box office gross grew to US$27,163,738 and tickets reached 2,181,328.[50][51] The following week it held on to the eighth place, with tickets sold increasing to 2,346,726 and its gross to US$29,072,176.[52][53]
Toei aimed for Battle of Gods to earn a domestic Japanese box office take of ¥3 billion (about US$32 million).[54] Oricon compared Battle of Gods' box office total as of 1:00 p.m. on its first day with One Piece Film Z's total during that same time, and projected that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods would exceed Toei's ¥3 billion target.[42] On August 15, it was reported that Toei revealed the film had earned ¥2.9 billion (about US$30 million) at the box office.[55]

(Side argument on your bad taste in movies) I don't think you understood my question. So I'll be more specific, though it didn't seem initially necessary. Why do YOU think it's good? Because it made money? Because of the animation? If so, say it. I want you to say it because I want to know how bad your taste in anime is.

it made money is proof

what anime do you like i dont realy like the anime, hintai and tentacle rape monsters that you are in to i like comics like spiderman stuff like that why dont you point out what you like

goku can turn ss goku can turn ss2goku can turn ss3 goku can turn ss4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?

goku and also turn ss god

superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight
superman can not turn sliver age or all star these are differential stroys differential supermans not the same guy
i dont understand superman prime what about superman prime like superman prime is not superman do you understand that? <--- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman. No version of Goku can beat him. Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku, would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it, but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you? <-- point 2 what you said

- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. all of them
You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman.No version of Goku can beat him. all of them
Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku wrong allready answerd this one
would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it superman truning post crisis sure why not superman has does worse like that time he did that porno
but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

please if you make this any more dumb i dont think i could take it
"so much retard it pains me like it realy painful"
goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect <--- See, this is proof you STILL don't understand what DC One Million's Superman Prime is.
i think you dont understand
If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.
please do so i can make this list longer <---- Will do! :)
please stop this is killing my brain cells how you live i dont know but it must be hard
At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.
please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please <--- Aw, how cute. You're still trying to use that insult and this time you didn't use the word "retard"! You're improving the way an old racist stops using sexist slurs but keeps the racism ripe.

you the one that types Aw, how cute.


But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

what have i have misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand? <---- Look back at point #1. I don't think you understand anything I actually meant. Also, do you now understand the difference between the manga version of Goku and the anime version of Goku?

There are different versions of Goku. The Manga Goku and the Anime Goku are vastly different because of filler. Are you familiar with what filler is? Do you know the differences between the anime (not Kai) and the manga? Do you understand the difference between Goku in the movies when compared to the main series? Are you even familiar with the differences between GT Goku and the main anime Goku? If you wish to simply claim that GT Goku is a canon continuation of Anime Goku, you do know the difference still between GT Goku and Manga Goku, right? There is also Future Trunks' timeline Goku, which is from a completely different universe. Thus Dragon Ball also includes the multiverse theory that is similar to that of DC.

superman is differant canons and not the same guy and yet you clame superman prime is not superman read the comics tard

What the hell are you talking about. I said Superman Prime is Superman. Why do I keep bringing him up?

goku in only one canon so it is the same guy

i dont think you understand what canon means also you keep trying to pull down dbz like superman and i will not let you goku is nothing like supermans broken canon

this is so dumb anime goku vs freeza


manga goku vs freeza

And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.

good job i think i will

he did the same thing in this post he just a troll <--- point 3 i am right

someday this will be a no retard zone
Last edited:


Dec 5, 2008
Is it just me or when Goku went SSJ the first time his muscle mass kept increasing almost to a ASSJ/USSJ possibly even LSSJ level


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Keep dancing for me! :D

If that's what you think. You were the first one to not continue the argument and instead decided to change the subject into a conversation about how "retarded" my posts are because you can't back up your arguments. Stop trolling, kid.

no i think you brought it up when i said supersayin god goku is stronger than ssj4 or more important proven that is. something you have never done all you have posted is crazy retard post that no one can understand and i replay with you are a retard

You were the first to decide to change the subject once we engaged into an argument on this thread. I was talking to aussj5link about how terrible your posts were before you engaged me on this thread and we then actually had this debate.

i also think we should talk about you changing back to black ink so you can say i said something i did not

Show me where I misquoted you. I am changing my previous red text to black so we can see my new posts, which I stated before. If all we see is just red, this would look waaaay more chaotic than it already does.

Learn the difference between categories and specifics within that category. Learn the difference between filler and what's in the manga. Finally, learn about the material you are actually talking about before you do a random search in hopes of finding shit that you think will prove you right but instead further proves how little you know about the actual subject.

i have posted the links to where the source comes form so you are just going against the sources that prove you wrong

Again, learn the difference between filler and the manga.

Learn what the word category means and then learn what variations, aka specifics, exist within a category.

here i go the most retarded part of this canon i dont care a bout goku stomps superman so bad it not funny

I have no doubt Goku can beat certain versions of Superman. That has been established from the get go. What you seem to not understand is that there are also other versions of Superman that can easily over power any version of Goku. Such as, as repeated multiple times, Pre-Crisis Superman and Superman Prime (DC 1 Million).

please post you hard to read retard comments (wait you already did ) now you have already said most superman would lose to goku so lets go from there you then say superman prime is superman tho he is not so goku has already won this your just pushing it on becouse you are a troll

Superman Prime (from DC One Million) is Superman.... This is a version of him. Please understand that. It isn't difficult. Read this: Since you seem unable to actually do a simple search for the actual source material, this seems to be the next best thing for you, a wiki page. Superman Prime (DC One Million) = a version of SUPERMAN.

you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

this is pure crap even you own post prove this wrong so i am not gona even touch this poop you put out there ok Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions,not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it

ok lets go over how stupid it is it have superman turn post crisis like what you posted he would be retconning him self

Since it seems you cannot grasp connotative writing, I brought that up because comic books like these tend to write really stupid stories and thus there could be a ridiculous situation where New 52's Prime Earth Superman suddenly changes into Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis Superman, which seemed almost possible in the New 52's Grant Morrison run with Action Comics. Grant Morrison, and various other writers, like taking stories that have been retconned and then bringing them back into continuity through narrative and symbolic exploration. This is a common trope among writers akin to Morrison. It's okay if you are not aware of this because you don't seem to be invested within the DC universe and thus there's no real reason for you to know that except for when you instigate a debate like this.

goku can turn ss,ss2,ss3,ss3,ss,4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?goku and also turn ss godsuperman can not self retcon to Post-Crisis in a fight so this is clear to be wrong

Refer to the previous point. I never claimed that Superman has this ability. I simply said it's possible because writers sometimes pull stories out of their ass, which is every power that Pre-Crisis Superman has. Seriously, the point of that post was just that. It wasn't to further the suggestion that a Superman can turn into other versions of Superman....

Aw, cute, you are trying to figure out how to use the post functions again.

yes you are a troll and a dumb one at that

You still don't seem to grasp the act of reviewing your posts and using the edit feature.

Does everyone here understand what this user is trying to say?

i am trying to say you are a retard and your showing it quite well

It is "you're" not "your". You should learn how to write properly first before arguing about the quality of someone else's post.

i do not understand you said gogeta could beat superman how am t not a agreeance with this

If you want, I'll lay it out again.

sure keep trying

still trying you get after you grown up

It's really hard to believe you are not posting this poorly on purpose. Seriously, just read your posts out loud, as I have echoed many times before.

I will attempt to clean it up and use a differently colored text so you can actually read this mess you tried to post.

i will use blue because you can't remember what you posted


this is what everyone who reads this feels

Prove it. I feel incredible having the ability to influence others to such an extreme.

Re-read what you wrote out loud. Every post you make sounds like a person who was hit one too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits. Every post you make sounds like a person who was hit one too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digitsAnd then you claim my post is retarded! LOL! You're a bit too dimwitted to understand the irony.

you are just projecting your childhood on to me to me please stop

No, your imagined reality of my childhood will continue to fester in your mind. It will never stop. It will never end.

I really hope you understand the difference between pointing out a typo and proving someone wrong. You at least are smart enough to understand that, right? You have not proven one point I made incorrectly. All you did was point out the typo I made. But keep trying, I'm enjoying these posts. So again, refer to point 1 because you have not proven any of my points as incorrect thus far.

i do you just wont say that you are wrong what you did already thats ok you can say it one more time after all you are red i am blue becouse you dont even know what post is what your or mine do you?

Look at how you post. You can't even quote someone properly without messing it up. Just take a day to learn the IGN post functions. Learn to organize your thoughts better. You can't even avoid triple posting because you lack a simple understanding of the edit function.

Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai)has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy. <-- point 2 what you said

Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out

which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily

Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight? <-- point 2 what you said


right becouse Gogeta is goku good job

you replyed to you own post

then you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)

you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?

you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?


you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.

DC One Million's Superman Prime can beat Goku. All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit.

nope you have never read this comic and DC One Million prime One Million's Superman Prime All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. nope this is bull and you know it i want you to show where you got this from becouse you cant this neven hapend i would love you show but you should show me

In the DC One Million story The Divided Self, on page 5, Superman Prime has already created his own personal universe with powers of the fifth dimension. On page 18 of DC One Million #04, Superman Prime, with the powers of the fifth dimension that are at his disposal now, recreates Lois Lane 1 million years since her death with his mind using a strand of her DNA. One the next page, he then, out of a chunk of rock, recreates Krypton and everyone that died on it with his mind. He can turn Goku's heart into a marshmallow and kill him that way. Why? Because he is too overpowered.

also i am glad you are down to superman prime 1 One Million and have ruled out all other superman so we can be done quick this has been one of the most stupid parts of my life thanks

Pre-Crisis Superman can still beat any versions of Goku. His powers are basically a kids game of "let's pull powers out of our asses". Also I have consistently pointed out, since the beginning, that Goku can beat or match most forms of Superman except for Pre-Crisis Superman, Superman Prime (DC 1 Million), sometimes Post-Crisis Superman. In fact, that was my first post on your other thread. It was that Pre-Crisis Superman and Morrison's Superman Prime can beat Goku.

And what exactly was your point of bringing up pink "kyptonite" then? So that Superman can become gay and then what? I don't understand? I'll ask the same exact question but with a slight alteration, so him becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie?

well i could tell many reasons but you cant argue with facts dragon ball z battle of gods is a very good movie and so i show proof now i can like something you would not and vice versa so i have prof good pink kytopnite some people like the color blue some like the color pink some people does not make any one wrong if one like goku and one like superman

Fair enough. You chose pink kryptonite because some people like the color... Or based on the image below, it's because his powers that come with it are fantastic... If that's the reason you want, unless you actually want to list the many reasons why, then alright...


(Side argument on your bad taste in movies) I don't think you understood my question. So I'll be more specific, though it didn't seem initially necessary. Why do YOU think it's good? Because it made money? Because of the animation? If so, say it. I want you to say it because I want to know how bad your taste in anime is.

it made money is proof

That's like saying the shitty Man of Steel movie is good because it had a higher gross than Battle of the Gods... I want to know why YOU like the movie. Unless it really is because it made money...

what anime do you like i dont realy like the anime, hintai and tentacle rape monsters that you are in to i like comics like spiderman stuff like that why dont you point out what you like

The character development in those tentacle hentai flicks are incredible. Real BAFTA award winning stuff.

please if you make this any more dumb i dont think i could take it
"so much retard it pains me like it realy painful"

I hope you're still in pain. Did this post help continue that feeling at all, you masochist?

please stop this is killing my brain cells how you live i dont know but it must be hard
At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.
please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please <--- Aw, how cute. You're still trying to use that insult and this time you didn't use the word "retard"! You're improving the way an old racist stops using sexist slurs but keeps the racism ripe.

you the one that types Aw, how cute.

Awwwwww, how cute! It's "you're" not "you", by the way. ;)

What the hell are you talking about. I said Superman Prime is Superman. Why do I keep bringing him up?

goku in only one canon so it is the same guy

Superman Prime is a version of Superman. There are multiple canon versions of Goku. There is the anime and the manga. Then there are the movies. Finally there is GT. If you wish to make the anime, not Kai, the same as the GT Goku, that's fine.

i dont think you understand what canon means also you keep trying to pull down dbz like superman and i will not let you goku is nothing like supermans broken canon

Okay, this is not meant to be facetious because there is actually some interesting dialog over what canon is when it comes to adapted works. Canon means what is official. In that sense, the anime is canon. No doubt about that. Another use of canon though, for fans, is the manga vs the anime adaptation. So, usually, fans accept that the anime is it's own canon vs the manga being it's own canon. Others argue that any expansion done in the anime, like let's say Future Trunks' movie, is canon as the people in charge of the series actually claim it to be so. Fans, though, argue that because of the huge inconsistencies, the manga should be the main canon and everything else is not. I don't believe this nor do I accept that whatever the creator's say is immediately canon. I believe that the anime is its own canon, the manga is its own canon, etc. This is because of things like fillers, movies, and OVA that do not fit within the continuity established by the manga and even the anime (in relation to the movies and OVAs). Like in Dead Zone, Krillin already knows about Gohan (while he still has his tale) yet in the manga he meets him for the first time on Roshi's Island and then Goku immediately dies afterwards. The only time Dead Zone could have taken place is after the Saiyan Saga but Gohan is older now while Goku and Piccolo have not seen each other since the World Tournament which makes it so it must take place before Radditz even appears. That is a glaring and seemingly intended inconsistency. So it's not canon. It cannot be. Many of the other movies do that. I don't believe these are simply plot holes but entirely different canon. Thus the movies, most of them at least, exist outside of the manga and most of the anime. That doesn't mean

Here are some links that should help:

someday this will be a no retard zone

If you keep posting, that'll never happen.


Apr 27, 2014


Retard Alert
A way of warning people that a retard is present in the vicinity. Can be either verbal or typed. Used primarily on forums when someone says something so incredibly ignorant or stupid, you simply cannot believe it. Alert

dont read this go past dont read it you will die a little


Upyours192 is a troll and not a very good one
I have no doubt Goku can beat certain versions of Superman. That has been established from the get go.

so we are debating yamcha can beat superman

the following post is


ok troll i got your game i will finish the debate
If that's what you think. You were the first one to not continue the argument and instead decided to change the subject into a conversation about how "retarded" my posts are because you can't back up your arguments. Stop trolling, kid.
no i think you brought it up when i said supersayin god goku is stronger than ssj4 or more important proven that is. something you have never done all you have posted is crazy retard post that no one can understand and i replay with you are a retard
You were the first to decide to change the subject once we engaged into an argument on this thread. I was talking to aussj5link about how terrible your posts were before you engaged me on this thread and we then actually had this debate.
i was the frist one to point out that you are a retard and a troll
someday this will be a no retard zone
If you keep posting, that'll never happen.
even you say that the retard posting will not stop till but you dont understand the source of the retard the place the retard is emanating from
i also think we should talk about you changing back to black ink so you can say i said something i did not​
Learn the difference between categories and specifics within that category. Learn the difference between filler and what's in the manga. Finally, learn about the material you are actually talking about before you do a random search in hopes of finding shit that you think will prove you right but instead further proves how little you know about the actual subject.
i have posted the links to where the source comes form so you are just going against the sources that prove you wrong
Again, learn the difference between filler and the manga.
learn the difference between superman and superman prime
here i go the most retarded part of this canon i dont care a bout goku stomps superman so bad it not funny
I have no doubt Goku can beat certain versions of Superman. That has been established from the get go. What you seem to not understand is that there are also other versions of Superman that can easily over power any version of Goku. Such as, as repeated multiple times, Pre-Crisis Superman and Superman Prime (DC 1 Million).
please post your hard to read retard comments (wait you already did ) now you have already said most superman would lose to goku so lets go from there you then say superman prime is superman tho he is not so goku has already won this your just pushing it on becouse you are a troll
Superman Prime (from DC One Million) is Superman.... This is a version of him. Please understand that. It isn't difficult. Read this: Since you seem unable to actually do a simple search for the actual source material, this seems to be the next best thing for you, a wiki page. Superman Prime (DC One Million) = a version of SUPERMAN.
When Solaris fired what he thought was the Knight Fragment at the Sun in order to kill Superman Prime, the Green Lanternretrieved a DNA sample from Solaris' core which had been placed there when he was constructed, starting a supernova reaction in Solaris' core. The Green Lantern then attempted to contain the explosion with his power ring. He was joined by Kal Kent who used his force vision to contain the explosion. Superman Prime suddenly reappeared from the sun after fifteen thousand years of absorbing solar energy and crushed the tyrant sun once and for all with the Green Lantern ring that Solaris had inadvertently given to him.
you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?
this is pure crap even you own post prove this wrong so i am not gona even touch this poop you put out there ok Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions,not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it
ok lets go over how stupid it is it have superman turn post crisis like what you posted he would be retconning him self
Since it seems you cannot grasp connotative writing, I brought that up because comic books like these tend to write really stupid stories and thus there could be a ridiculous situation where New 52's Prime Earth Superman suddenly changes into Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis Superman, which seemed almost possible in the New 52's Grant Morrison run with Action Comics. Grant Morrison, and various other writers, like taking stories that have been retconned and then bringing them back into continuity through narrative and symbolic exploration. This is a common trope among writers akin to Morrison. It's okay if you are not aware of this because you don't seem to be invested within the DC universe and thus there's no real reason for you to know that except for when you instigate a debate like this.
yet i know more about it than you do
Refer to the previous point. I never claimed that Superman has this ability. I simply said it's possible because writers sometimes pull stories out of their ass, which is every power that Pre-Crisis Superman has. Seriously, the point of that post was just that. It wasn't to further the suggestion that a Superman can turn into other versions of Superman....
superman has never reckoned him self before and has never shown to have the power to do so
goku can turn ss,ss2,ss3,ss3,ss,4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?goku and also turn ss godsuperman can not self retcon to Post-Crisis in a fight so this is clear to be wrong
Aw, cute, you are trying to figure out how to use the post functions again.
yes you are a troll and a dumb one at that
Does everyone here understand what this user is trying to say?
i am trying to say you are a retard and your showing it quite well
i do not understand you said gogeta could beat superman how am t not a agreeance with this
If you want, I'll lay it out again.
sure keep trying
still trying you get after your grown up mabey then you understand
It's really hard to believe you are not posting this poorly on purpose. Seriously, just read your posts out loud, as I have echoed many times before.
I will attempt to clean it up and use a differently colored text so you can actually read this mess you tried to post.​
i will use blue because you can't remember what you posted
all the way back at the start remember?
this is what everyone who reads this feels
Prove it. I feel incredible having the ability to influence others to such an extreme.
that is proof you are a troll readers all of the one person reading this i am sorry for you
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said
my poorly worded post or your poorly worded post because when we have to get out coloring like in preschool hi five your self for preschool
that would explain your retarded post
Re-read what you wrote out loud. Every post you make sounds like a person who wasone too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits. Every post you make sounds like aNo, your imagined reality of my childhood will continue to fester in your mind. It will never stop. It hit will never end. then you claim my post is retarded! LOL! You're a bit too dimwitted to understand the irony. <-- point 2 what you said
you are just projecting your childhood on to me to me please stop
No, your imagined reality of my childhood will continue to fester in your mind. It will never stop. It will never end. <-- point 2 what you said
ok so i have imagined reality of you chlidhood (person who wasone too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits) so are you helping me to understand? your childhood? i mean this sounds full retard but i dont want to go full retard so no thanks
I really hope you understand the difference between pointing out a typo and proving someone wrong. You at least are smart enough to understand that, right? You have not proven one point I made incorrectly. All you did was point out the typo I made. But keep trying, I'm enjoying these posts. So again, refer to point 1 because you have not proven any of my points as incorrect thus far. <-- point 2 what you said
i do you just wont say that you are wrong what you did already thats ok you can say it one more time after all you are red i am blue becouse you dont even know what post is what your or mine do you?
Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai) has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy. <-- point 2 what you said
Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out
which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily
Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight? <-- point 2 what you said
right becouse Gogeta is goku good job
you replyed to you own post
then you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)
you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?
you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?
you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said
This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said
so even you said i corrected you <--- Refer to point #1.
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said
This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said
Look back at your posts. <-- point 2 what you said
lol i am using your own post you are probably too confused too understand <--- You obviously lack the ability to understand simple English. Which is not a bad thing and if you are not fluent in English, please let us know. Because it will explain why you struggle to even articulate the most simply of points... But if you do understand English, then your posts are a combination of ignorance and/or laziness. Please ACTUALLY re-read the previous points because every time you post, it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting. <-- point 2 what you said
all you do is act stupid you have no facts and yet claim superman could beat goku cameing gnorance and/or laziness. when you are the one to start this supid shit
it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting ( you are the one that does not understand go back and read what you posted )
You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. <-- point 2 what you said
You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <-- point 2 what you said
superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one <---- Again, you're jumping all over the place when you're trying to describe Superman's abilities. The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke. Sure. The Dark Knight Returns Superman also can't take a nuke. Sure. But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way, which were the images you provided. Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? It's because you don't know the actual source and you like to mindlessly Google images of random pictures that you feel will superficially support your claim. so ok i will then
also i do know thats the point is you dont
you even say The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke.You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. the post is superman vs goku superman got blow up by a nuke goku wins
But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. <-- point 2 what you said
sure three superman are a fiar fight for goku he might have to turn supersayin 2 to fight any what other superman would you like to through in there? superboy superboy prime superdog goku could easily take it.
DC One Million's Superman Prime can beat Goku. All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. <-- point 2 what you said
nope you have never read this comic and DC One Million prime One Million's Superman Prime All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. nope this is bull and you know it i want you to show where you got this from becouse you cant this neven hapend i would love you show but you should show me
In the DC One Million story The Divided Self, on page 5, Superman Prime has already created his own personal universe with powers of the fifth dimension. On page 18 of DC One Million #04, Superman Prime, with the powers of the fifth dimension that are at his disposal now, recreates Lois Lane 1 million years since her death with his mind using a strand of her DNA. One the next page, he then, out of a chunk of rock, recreates Krypton and everyone that died on it with his mind. He can turn Goku's heart into a marshmallow and kill him that way. Why? Because he is too overpowered.
you still have not shown me anything
also i am glad you are down to superman prime 1 One Million and have ruled out all other superman so we can be done quick this has been one of the most stupid parts of my life thanks
The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way,
and the new 52 is looking more like the dark knight returns every day now
post-crisis superman
Post-Crisis is a term used to describe characters, items, realities or events that take place during DC Comics' publishing history following the 1985-86Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. The term is used by industry professionals and consumers, and is widely considered to be an out-of-universe phrase; which is to say – characters within the DC universe continuity (with rare exception), do not use the term "Post-Crisis" when referring to events preceding the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
  • Superman: Superman's history and background were completely retooled rendering nearly all Silver Age appearances apocryphal. As such, Superman's entire supporting cast and gallery of villains were reimagined for a more palatable, modern setting including having his foster parents survive into his adult life.
Pre-Crisis Apocrypha
The following is a list of articles pertaining to Pre-Crisis material that is considered apocryphal, and is no longer validated in the modern continuity of DC Comics history.
  • The Superman reality of Earth-Two. Although Kal-L and Lois Lane-Kent of Earth-Two survived the Crisis, their respective dimension, timeline and all related materials to the Earth-Two storyline such as the Daily Star, James Olsen, Alexei Luthor, George Taylor are no longer validated in the revised continuity of New Earth dimension, except for Power Girl. Supposedly, according to recent events somehow Power-Girl has returned to being an Earth-Two being despite the universal reset that prevented the Earth-Two reality from ever existing. The Power Girl contention has not been resolved at this time in-story.
  • Superman and all-related supporting articles of Earth-One are no longer specifically validated in the revised continuity such as the current Superman was never costumed Superboy as was the Earth-One Superman. However after the events of Infinite Crisis writing and One Year Later many elements of the Earth-One history have been brought back into continuity such as the current Superman is again a three year old toddler when he arrives on Earth and not born in a birthing chamber and having superpowers from his earliest days and not developing slowly as he grew, invalidating some elements of the revised history of John Byrne's Man of Steel origin. Many of the current Superman's early adventures with the Justice League of America are similar in scope to their Pre-Crisis counterparts, but with various differences. The JLA: Year One limited series and the JLA: Incarnations limited series provides brief snapshots of Pre-Crisis JLA stories that are still considered canon.
dc 1 million
The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.
so you correct yourself it make it hard for me to do so​
You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <--- point 3 i am right about something you cant find a point with
You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed. This is wrong for Pre-Crisis and (DC 1 Million) Superman Prime. That is incorrectly describing Superman's abilities.
ok so this is what i got You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed so this is right for superman and explain how superman prime or superman boy prime or superman prime 1 million are in any way changed how am i incorrectly describing Superman's abilities. m when if you look at what i first posted explanis with scans of superman prof that goku would win goku would win
Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? ok will form this post
You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.​
battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya <---- So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said
pink kytopnite only makes superman turn gay it would not make you gay unless you had gay sex with superman and that is not what i said"battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya" this only shows how much of superman do you realy know So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? i did not say this kyptonite only makes superman turn gay it would not make any one other than superman be gay other than superman We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) ok i will
And what exactly was your point of bringing up pink "kyptonite" then? So that Superman can become gay and then what? I don't understand? I'll ask the same exact question but with a slight alteration, so him becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie?
well i could tell many reasons but you cant argue with facts dragon ball z battle of gods is a very good movie and so i show proof now i can like something you would not and vice versa so i have prof good pink kytopnite some people like the color blue some like the color pink some people does not make any one wrong if one like goku and one like superman
Fair enough. You chose pink kryptonite because some people like the color... Or based on the image below, it's because his powers that come with it are fantastic... If that's the reason you want, unless you actually want to list the many reasons why, then alright...
well i never said i did like the color of the pink kyptonite but that does not mean some people dont like it some do if that is what thay are into that ok, i mean pink kyptonite makes superman turn gay and thats ok for the people that like that
This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said
The global phenomenon Dragon Ball is being made into a movie using Toei Animation’s latest technology, consistently realized as a Toriyama work, with the original author Akira Toriyama himself deeply involved from the script stage for the first time. An episode from between the animation series "Z" and "GT", or in other words from the blank decade between the end of the battle with Majin Boo in chapter 517 of the manga and chapter 518, will be depicted for the first time. Such well-known and charming characters as Kuririn, Piccolo, and Vegeta will all make an appearance. A new story in the official history of Dragon Ball is born, neither a spin-off nor a side-story, one that can be enjoyed by both children and parents, manga fans and anime fans.
—Toei Animation's Press Release for the upcoming film - July 17, 2012[6]
Release and reception[edit]
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods opened at number one in the Japanese box office, earning US$7,317,313 with 561,098 tickets sold in its first two days.[39][40] The movie's showings at all 16 of the IMAX Digital theaters in Japan that weekend earned US$450,000, with an average of US$28,000 per screen.[41] It was ranked number five in the overseas box office chart by Variety, making it the top-grossing non-American film on the chart.[41][42] While the top four films are playing in over 50 territories each, Battle of Gods' performance is based only on 328 screens in Japan.[42] By its fifth day, the film had made over US$12,000,000 with 988,790 tickets sold.[43] As a result, the film was projected to sell more than 1 million tickets by its sixth day, making it the fastest film to reach that milestone so far this year in Japan.[43] It was number one in its second week as well, with a total of 1,488,518 tickets sold and an estimated US$17,908,626 total earnings.[44][45] The film was number one for a third week, raising its total to US$22,565,448 with 1,823,141 tickets sold, making it the fastest-grossing film of 2013 in Japan.[46][47] It dropped to fourth place the subsequent weekend of April 20–21, but total tickets sold passed the two million mark and its total revenue climbed to US$24,836,469.[48][49] The film dropped to eighth during Golden Week, which is when many new movies open in theaters and is the film industry's best week in Japan, while the box office gross grew to US$27,163,738 and tickets reached 2,181,328.[50][51] The following week it held on to the eighth place, with tickets sold increasing to 2,346,726 and its gross to US$29,072,176.[52][53]
Toei aimed for Battle of Gods to earn a domestic Japanese box office take of ¥3 billion (about US$32 million).[54]Oricon compared Battle of Gods' box office total as of 1:00 p.m. on its first day with One Piece Film Z's total during that same time, and projected that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods would exceed Toei's ¥3 billion target.[42] On August 15, it was reported that Toei revealed the film had earned ¥2.9 billion (about US$30 million) at the box office.[55]
(Side argument on your bad taste in movies) I don't think you understood my question. So I'll be more specific, though it didn't seem initially necessary. Why do YOU think it's good? Because it made money? Because of the animation? If so, say it. I want you to say it because I want to know how bad your taste in anime is.
it made money is proof
That's like saying the shitty Man of Steel movie is good because it had a higher gross than Battle of the Gods... I want to know why YOU like the movie. Unless it really is because it made money...
battle of god was only in japan if the moive opened in the usa it would have over took man of steel also i like man of steel so you suck
goku can turn ss goku can turn ss2goku can turn ss3 goku can turn ss4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?
goku and also turn ss god​
superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight
superman can not turn sliver age or all star these are differential stroys differential supermans not the same guy
i dont understand superman prime what about superman prime like superman prime is not superman do you understand that? <--- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman. No version of Goku can beat him. Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku, would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it, but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you? <-- point 2 what you said
- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. all of them
You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman.No version of Goku can beat him. all of them
Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku wrong allready answerd this one
would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates itsuperman truning post crisis sure why not superman has does worse like that time he did that porno
but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?
please if you make this any more dumb i dont think i could take it
"so much retard it pains me like it realy painful"
I hope you're still in pain. Did this post help continue that feeling at all, you masochist?
ok you have issues
ok i say two much retard.
then you are like here is more retard .then u must know it you are a retard also you have never said you are not a retard so that makes me think you are a retard are you a retard would you even be able to tell if you are one or not? u should ask you mom if you are a retard if she said yes then i will stop posting becouse then you would be a real retard than makeing fun of you would not be ok it would be sad so if you are a real retard please say so and if you dont know ask someone to help you if not
goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect <--- See, this is proof you STILL don't understand what DC One Million's Superman Prime is.
i think you dont understand
If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.​
please do so i can make this list longer <---- Will do! :)
please stop this is killing my brain cells how you live i dont know but it must be hard
At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.
please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please <--- Aw, how cute. You're still trying to use that insult and this time you didn't use the word "retard"! You're improving the way an old racist stops using sexist slurs but keeps the racism ripe.
you the one that types Aw, how cute.
But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.
what have i have misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand? <---- Look back at point #1. I don't think you understand anything I actually meant. Also, do you now understand the difference between the manga version of Goku and the anime version of Goku?
There are different versions of Goku. The Manga Goku and the Anime Goku are vastly different because of filler. Are you familiar with what filler is? Do you know the differences between the anime (not Kai) and the manga? Do you understand the difference between Goku in the movies when compared to the main series? Are you even familiar with the differences between GT Goku and the main anime Goku? If you wish to simply claim that GT Goku is a canon continuation of Anime Goku, you do know the difference still between GT Goku and Manga Goku, right? There is also Future Trunks' timeline Goku, which is from a completely different universe. Thus Dragon Ball also includes the multiverse theory that is similar to that of DC.
superman is differant canons and not the same guy and yet you clame superman prime is not superman read the comics tard
What the hell are you talking about. I said Superman Prime is Superman. Why do I keep bringing him up?
goku in only one canon so it is the same guy
i dont think you understand what canon means also you keep trying to pull down dbz like superman and i will not let you goku is nothing like supermans broken canon
Okay, this is not meant to be facetious because there is actually some interesting dialog over what canon is when it comes to adapted works. Canon means what is official. In that sense, the anime is canon. No doubt about that. Another use of canon though, for fans, is the manga vs the anime adaptation. So, usually, fans accept that the anime is it's own canon vs the manga being it's own canon. Others argue that any expansion done in the anime, like let's say Future Trunks' movie, is canon as the people in charge of the series actually claim it to be so. Fans, though, argue that because of the huge inconsistencies, the manga should be the main canon and everything else is not. I don't believe this nor do I accept that whatever the creator's say is immediately canon. I believe that the anime is its own canon, the manga is its own canon, etc. This is because of things like fillers, movies, and OVA that do not fit within the continuity established by the manga and even the anime (in relation to the movies and OVAs). Like in Dead Zone, Krillin already knows about Gohan (while he still has his tale) yet in the manga he meets him for the first time on Roshi's Island and then Goku immediately dies afterwards. The only time Dead Zone could have taken place is after the Saiyan Saga but Gohan is older now while Goku and Piccolo have not seen each other since the World Tournament which makes it so it must take place before Radditz even appears. That is a glaring and seemingly intended inconsistency. So it's not canon. It cannot be. Many of the other movies do that. I don't believe these are simply plot holes but entirely different canon. Thus the movies, most of them at least, exist outside of the manga and most of the anime. That doesn't mean
well you put a lot of time typeing this but i am not gona read this i am sure is full of self contradicting statements about canon when you say superman prime (gold guy) is the same canon as some other superman old primey was to spend one hundred centuries (eon)(10,000 years = 100 centuries = 10 millenia = 1 eon) superman would say wait for me while i sun tan for a eon goku would just blow up the sun and end this retarded thread
this is so dumb anime goku vs freeza
manga goku vs freeza​
And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.​
good job i think i will
he did the same thing in this post he just a troll <--- point 3 i am right


someday this will be a no retard zone

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Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Upyours192 is a troll and not a very good one

I am not a troll. But, if I were, I would be a very good one as you seem to keep responding to me, which is essentially what a troll wants, to further instigate an argument. I, however, am not a troll but an educator. I am here to teach you but you seem a bit too thick to learn. I won't give up though! Society may leave you behind but I'm here for you! Don't give up! Keep posting! :D

You were the first to decide to change the subject once we engaged into an argument on this thread. I was talking to aussj5link about how terrible your posts were before you engaged me on this thread and we then actually had this debate.

i was the frist one to point out that you are a retard and a troll

Okay. And I suggested that you were a troll many posts before when you went on a comic book board and posted a thread about how Goku could beat Superman. On a comic book board...

someday this will be a no retard zone

If you keep posting, that'll never happen.

even you say that the retard posting will not stop till but you dont understand the source of the retard the place the retard is emanating from

Poor logic. One could easily say the source is from you and you are not aware of the "source". Nice try, terrible execution.

Again, learn the difference between filler and the manga.

learn the difference between superman and superman prime

Superman Prime is a version of Superman. My god, why don't you actually read the whole story instead of simply picking random pages. In fact, here you go:

Read it. Understand it. Superman Prime (DC One Million) IS a version of Superman.

I have no doubt Goku can beat certain versions of Superman. That has been established from the get go. What you seem to not understand is that there are also other versions of Superman that can easily over power any version of Goku. Such as, as repeated multiple times, Pre-Crisis Superman and Superman Prime (DC 1 Million).

please post your hard to read retard comments (wait you already did ) now you have already said most superman would lose to goku so lets go from there you then say superman prime is superman tho he is not so goku has already won this your just pushing it on becouse you are a troll

Here is my very first response to you:

"Pre-Crisis Superman would win. His sneeze could destroy any entire solar system. There is nothing taken out of context. Go check out Issue 273 of Action Comics to see it happen. Just a sneeze.

Morrison's Superman Prime would also win."

Which versions of Superman did I bring up? Which versions of Superman do I keep bringing up? I have never faltered from my original stance thus far, which is that Superman Prime (Morrison's which is DC One Million) and Pre-Crisis Superman can beat Goku.

Superman Prime (from DC One Million) is Superman.... This is a version of him. Please understand that. It isn't difficult. Read this: Since you seem unable to actually do a simple search for the actual source material, this seems to be the next best thing for you, a wiki page. Superman Prime (DC One Million) = a version of SUPERMAN.

When Solaris fired what he thought was the Knight Fragment at the Sun in order to kill Superman Prime, the Green Lanternretrieved a DNA sample from Solaris' core which had been placed there when he was constructed, starting a supernova reaction in Solaris' core. The Green Lantern then attempted to contain the explosion with his power ring. He was joined by Kal Kent who used his force vision to contain the explosion. Superman Prime suddenly reappeared from the sun after fifteen thousand years of absorbing solar energy and crushed the tyrant sun once and for all with the Green Lantern ring that Solaris had inadvertently given to him.

My god you thick thing! Superman Prime is Superman. Please actually read the whole thing. Nothing about what you posted above contradicts this fact. Superman Prime is Superman, the Superman that was sent to Earth from a dying Krypton and was raised by the Kents. This is the very same person. This is a version of your overarching definition of Superman. What is so hard to understand about that?


Refer to the previous point. I never claimed that Superman has this ability. I simply said it's possible because writers sometimes pull stories out of their ass, which is every power that Pre-Crisis Superman has. Seriously, the point of that post was just that. It wasn't to further the suggestion that a Superman can turn into other versions of Superman....

superman has never reckoned him self before and has never shown to have the power to do so

Re-read my point. I never said he could, all I am suggesting is that when we get stories like Final Crisis, Morrison's New 52's Action Comics, or even All-Star Superman, we get narratives about seemingly retconned figures. Like when Superman encountered a version of himself that fought Doomsday in the New 52, a reality that was retconned as they rebooted everything.

that is proof you are a troll readers all of the one person reading this i am sorry for you

Nope, not a troll, just wouldn't mind if you jumped out a window. But seriously, prove that's how other users feel because of my posts, not just yours. Please brighten my day. :)

you are just projecting your childhood on to me to me please stop

No, your imagined reality of my childhood will continue to fester in your mind. It will never stop. It will never end.

ok so i have imagined reality of you chlidhood (person who wasone too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits) so are you helping me to understand? your childhood? i mean this sounds full retard but i dont want to go full retard so no thanks

Any discomfort you experience brings joy to my heart. If your perception of what my childhood is something you want to stop, I want it to continue. Forever.

nope you have never read this comic and DC One Million prime One Million's Superman Prime All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. nope this is bull and you know it i want you to show where you got this from becouse you cant this neven hapend i would love you show but you should show me

In the DC One Million story The Divided Self, on page 5, Superman Prime has already created his own personal universe with powers of the fifth dimension. On page 18 of DC One Million #04, Superman Prime, with the powers of the fifth dimension that are at his disposal now, recreates Lois Lane 1 million years since her death with his mind using a strand of her DNA. One the next page, he then, out of a chunk of rock, recreates Krypton and everyone that died on it with his mind. He can turn Goku's heart into a marshmallow and kill him that way. Why? Because he is too overpowered.

you still have not shown me anything

Wait... really? Did you read more than the scan you posted above where Superman Prime (DC One Million) uses the Green Lantern ring? My sources that I posted above is from DC One Million #04, the very same issue that the scan you posted is from and the sources I posted are literally the next two pages... Seriously, just look at it. Please look at it. I gave you the description, the exact issues they are in, and the page number. What more do you want other than me resorting to piracy?

also i am glad you are down to superman prime 1 One Million and have ruled out all other superman so we can be done quick this has been one of the most stupid parts of my life thanks

I think you really are just in "blind argument" mode. I have said, from the start, that there are two definite versions of Superman that can beat Goku. Then there's Post-Crisis Superman but that's debatable, which I have consistently said. From the very start, I said that Superman Prime (DC One Million) and Pre-Crisis Superman can beat any form/version of Goku.

You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed. This is wrong for Pre-Crisis and (DC 1 Million) Superman Prime. That is incorrectly describing Superman's abilities.

ok so this is what i got You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed so this is right for superman and explain how superman prime or superman boy prime or superman prime 1 million are in any way changed how am i incorrectly describing Superman's abilities. m when if you look at what i first posted explanis with scans of superman prof that goku would win goku would win

The scans you provided were not Pre-Crisis Superman.

And what exactly was your point of bringing up pink "kyptonite" then? So that Superman can become gay and then what? I don't understand? I'll ask the same exact question but with a slight alteration, so him becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie?

well i could tell many reasons but you cant argue with facts dragon ball z battle of gods is a very good movie and so i show proof now i can like something you would not and vice versa so i have prof good pink kytopnitesome people like the color blue some like the color pink some people does not make any one wrong if one like goku and one like superman

Fair enough. You chose pink kryptonite because some people like the color... Or based on the image below, it's because his powers that come with it are fantastic... If that's the reason you want, unless you actually want to list the many reasons why, then alright...

well i never said i did like the color of the pink kyptonite but that does not mean some people dont like it some do if that is what thay are into that ok, i mean pink kyptonite makes superman turn gay and thats ok for the people that like that

And I never suggested that you liked the color of pink kryptonite. I even used your words for the most part when responding. What I would like to know, considering you have "many reasons", is why you would like for me to be with Superman with pink kryptonite for an hour and what I would learn from it?


This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

it made money is proof

That's like saying the shitty Man of Steel movie is good because it had a higher gross than Battle of the Gods... I want to know why YOU like the movie. Unless it really is because it made money...

battle of god was only in japan if the moive opened in the usa it would have over took man of steel also i like man of steel so you suck

So is it really because of the money it made? And you are really suggesting that if the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods movie were released in the United States, it would actually make more money then what the (really crappy) Man of Steel movie made, domestically? You are you really suggesting that? [face_confused] If that's your point, then alright. The reason why it's a good movie, according to the reasons you gave, is because it made money $18 million domestically and would make over $660 million internationally, if there were a wide release. Or it'll at least make more than $290 million in the USA. Which we'll find out soon as it'll be released here in the states later this year. I do hope it'll do well though, as bad as the movie is, I wouldn't mind seeing more of the Dragon Ball universe, and the more success it gets the more of a chance that'll happen. Hell, I'll even watch the sequel coming out soon.

please if you make this any more dumb i dont think i could take it

"so much retard it pains me like it realy painful"

I hope you're still in pain. Did this post help continue that feeling at all, you masochist?

ok you have issues


And I want you to bark for me too, you glutton for pain!

ok i say two much retard.

Oh my god. "ok i say two much retard"... You are hilarious! The irony is so strong here. I swear, if you aren't a troll then you're like the IGN version of Karl Pilkington! This is just incredible. No way you are this stupid! I can't be underestimating your idiocy this much! No way!

then you are like here is more retard .then u must know it you are a retard also you have never said you are not a retard so that makes me think you are a retard are you a retard would you even be able to tell if you are one or not? u should ask you mom if you are a retard if she said yes then i will stop posting becouse then you would be a real retard than makeing fun of you would not be ok it would be sad so if you are a real retard please say so and if you dont know ask someone to help you if not

Lol, sure, back out now. Just give it up and let me win or continue to stay so I can educate you. You can keep calling me retard, I don't mind it! It' the only insult you got so might as well let you keep it. :D

someday this will be a no retard zone

Someday you'll learn to type properly.
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Apr 27, 2014


Retard Alert
A way of warning people that a retard is present in the vicinity. Can be either verbal or typed. Used primarily on forums when someone says something so incredibly ignorant or stupid, you simply cannot believe it. Alert

dont read this go past dont read it you will die a little


Upyours192 is a troll and not a very good one
I have no doubt Goku can beat certain versions of Superman. That has been established from the get go.

so we are debating yamcha can beat superman


the following post is


ok troll i got your game i will finish the debate
If that's what you think. You were the first one to not continue the argument and instead decided to change the subject into a conversation about how "retarded" my posts are because you can't back up your arguments. Stop trolling, kid.
no i think you brought it up when i said supersayin god goku is stronger than ssj4 or more important proven that is. something you have never done all you have posted is crazy retard post that no one can understand and i replay with you are a retard
You were the first to decide to change the subject once we engaged into an argument on this thread. I was talking to aussj5link about how terrible your posts were before you engaged me on this thread and we then actually had this debate.
i was the frist one to point out that you are a retard and a troll
I am not a troll. But, if I were, I would be a very good one as you seem to keep responding to me, which is essentially what a troll wants, to further instigate an argument. I, however, am not a troll but an educator. I am here to teach you but you seem a bit too thick to learn. I won't give up though! Society may leave you behind but I'm here for you! Don't give up! Keep posting! :D
someday this will be a no retard zone
If you keep posting, that'll never happen.
even you say that the retard posting will not stop till but you dont understand the source of the retard the place the retard is emanating from
i also think we should talk about you changing back to black ink so you can say i said something i did not​
Learn the difference between categories and specifics within that category. Learn the difference between filler and what's in the manga. Finally, learn about the material you are actually talking about before you do a random search in hopes of finding shit that you think will prove you right but instead further proves how little you know about the actual subject.
i have posted the links to where the source comes form so you are just going against the sources that prove you wrong
Again, learn the difference between filler and the manga.
learn the difference between superman and superman prime
here is a post from the twiter for the man you love
does this answer you question? from death battle and the man you love so much​
'lol the what is canon debate is fun for a joke but so lame when people take it seriously"​
"no matter what super-saiyan god is it will not changer the death batte unless it compleletely destroys the main purpose of goku character"​
"and even if it does its still veny unlikely it'd change things even slightly as expressed in the most important part of our recap (after the arbitrary yet expected measurements)"​
here i go the most retarded part of this canon i dont care a bout goku stomps superman so bad it not funny
I have no doubt Goku can beat certain versions of Superman. That has been established from the get go. What you seem to not understand is that there are also other versions of Superman that can easily over power any version of Goku. Such as, as repeated multiple times, Pre-Crisis Superman and Superman Prime (DC 1 Million).
please post your hard to read retard comments (wait you already did ) now you have already said most superman would lose to goku so lets go from there you then say superman prime is superman tho he is not so goku has already won this your just pushing it on becouse you are a troll
Superman Prime (from DC One Million) is Superman.... This is a version of him. Please understand that. It isn't difficult. Read this: Since you seem unable to actually do a simple search for the actual source material, this seems to be the next best thing for you, a wiki page. Superman Prime (DC One Million) = a version of SUPERMAN.
When Solaris fired what he thought was the Knight Fragment at the Sun in order to kill Superman Prime, the Green Lanternretrieved a DNA sample from Solaris' core which had been placed there when he was constructed, starting a supernova reaction in Solaris' core. The Green Lantern then attempted to contain the explosion with his power ring. He was joined by Kal Kent who used his force vision to contain the explosion. Superman Prime suddenly reappeared from the sun after fifteen thousand years of absorbing solar energy and crushed the tyrant sun once and for all with the Green Lantern ring that Solaris had inadvertently given to him.
you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?
this is pure crap even you own post prove this wrong so i am not gona even touch this poop you put out there ok Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions,not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates it
ok lets go over how stupid it is it have superman turn post crisis like what you posted he would be retconning him self
Since it seems you cannot grasp connotative writing, I brought that up because comic books like these tend to write really stupid stories and thus there could be a ridiculous situation where New 52's Prime Earth Superman suddenly changes into Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis Superman, which seemed almost possible in the New 52's Grant Morrison run with Action Comics. Grant Morrison, and various other writers, like taking stories that have been retconned and then bringing them back into continuity through narrative and symbolic exploration. This is a common trope among writers akin to Morrison. It's okay if you are not aware of this because you don't seem to be invested within the DC universe and thus there's no real reason for you to know that except for when you instigate a debate like this.
yet i know more about it than you do
Refer to the previous point. I never claimed that Superman has this ability. I simply said it's possible because writers sometimes pull stories out of their ass, which is every power that Pre-Crisis Superman has. Seriously, the point of that post was just that. It wasn't to further the suggestion that a Superman can turn into other versions of Superman....
superman has never reckoned him self before and has never shown to have the power to do so
Re-read my point. I never said he could, all I am suggesting is that when we get stories like Final Crisis, Morrison's New 52's Action Comics, or even All-Star Superman, we get narratives about seemingly retconned figures. Like when Superman encountered a version of himself that fought Doomsday in the New 52, a reality that was retconned as they rebooted everything.
i have not read this comic so i will take you word for this (the word of a retard) and say ok but that does not make any since (dc comics why are you always screwing over your readers i said to my self)so there is more than 52 in the new 52 and one more crisis is on the way
goku can turn ss,ss2,ss3,ss3,ss,4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?goku and also turn ss godsuperman can not self retcon to Post-Crisis in a fight so this is clear to be wrong
Aw, cute, you are trying to figure out how to use the post functions again.
yes you are a troll and a dumb one at that
Does everyone here understand what this user is trying to say?
i am trying to say you are a retard and your showing it quite well
i do not understand you said gogeta could beat superman how am t not a agreeance with this
If you want, I'll lay it out again.
sure keep trying
still trying you get after your grown up mabey then you understand
It's really hard to believe you are not posting this poorly on purpose. Seriously, just read your posts out loud, as I have echoed many times before.
I will attempt to clean it up and use a differently colored text so you can actually read this mess you tried to post.​
i will use blue because you can't remember what you posted
all the way back at the start remember?
this is what everyone who reads this feels
Prove it. I feel incredible having the ability to influence others to such an extreme.
that is proof you are a troll readers all of the one person reading this i am sorry for you
Nope, not a troll, just wouldn't mind if you jumped out a window. But seriously, prove that's how other users feel because of my posts, not just yours. Please brighten my day. :)
ask the one guy what would read this retard posting i put a warring for people to know so that would not have to read this and lose brain cells
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said
my poorly worded post or your poorly worded post because when we have to get out coloring like in preschool hi five your self for preschool
that would explain your retarded post
Re-read what you wrote out loud. Every post you make sounds like a person who wasone too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits. Every post you make sounds like aNo, your imagined reality of my childhood will continue to fester in your mind. It will never stop. It hit will never end. then you claim my post is retarded! LOL! You're a bit too dimwitted to understand the irony. <-- point 2 what you said
you are just projecting your childhood on to me to me please stop
No, your imagined reality of my childhood will continue to fester in your mind. It will never stop. It will never end. <-- point 2 what you said
ok so i have imagined reality of you chlidhood (person who wasone too many times on the head until your brain cell count is only within the double digits) so are you helping me to understand? your childhood? i mean this sounds full retard but i dont want to go full retard so no thanks
I really hope you understand the difference between pointing out a typo and proving someone wrong. You at least are smart enough to understand that, right? You have not proven one point I made incorrectly. All you did was point out the typo I made. But keep trying, I'm enjoying these posts. So again, refer to point 1 because you have not proven any of my points as incorrect thus far. <-- point 2 what you said
i do you just wont say that you are wrong what you did already thats ok you can say it one more time after all you are red i am blue becouse you dont even know what post is what your or mine do you?
Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai) has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy. <-- point 2 what you said
Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out
which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily
Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight? <-- point 2 what you said
right becouse Gogeta is goku good job
you replyed to you own post
then you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)
you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?
you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?
you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said
This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said
so even you said i corrected you <--- Refer to point #1.
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1. <-- point 2 what you said
This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job.:) <-- point 2 what you said
Look back at your posts. <-- point 2 what you said
lol i am using your own post you are probably too confused too understand <--- You obviously lack the ability to understand simple English. Which is not a bad thing and if you are not fluent in English, please let us know. Because it will explain why you struggle to even articulate the most simply of points... But if you do understand English, then your posts are a combination of ignorance and/or laziness. Please ACTUALLY re-read the previous points because every time you post, it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting. <-- point 2 what you said
all you do is act stupid you have no facts and yet claim superman could beat goku cameing gnorance and/or laziness. when you are the one to start this supid shit
it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting ( you are the one that does not understand go back and read what you posted )
You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. <-- point 2 what you said
You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <-- point 2 what you said
superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one <---- Again, you're jumping all over the place when you're trying to describe Superman's abilities. The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke. Sure. The Dark Knight Returns Superman also can't take a nuke. Sure. But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way, which were the images you provided. Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? It's because you don't know the actual source and you like to mindlessly Google images of random pictures that you feel will superficially support your claim. so ok i will then
also i do know thats the point is you dont
you even say The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke.You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post. the post is superman vs goku superman got blow up by a nuke goku wins
But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. <-- point 2 what you said
sure three superman are a fiar fight for goku he might have to turn supersayin 2 to fight any what other superman would you like to through in there? superboy superboy prime superdog goku could easily take it.
DC One Million's Superman Prime can beat Goku. All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. <-- point 2 what you said
nope you have never read this comic and DC One Million prime One Million's Superman Prime All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. nope this is bull and you know it i want you to show where you got this from becouse you cant this neven hapend i would love you show but you should show me
In the DC One Million story The Divided Self, on page 5, Superman Prime has already created his own personal universe with powers of the fifth dimension. On page 18 of DC One Million #04, Superman Prime, with the powers of the fifth dimension that are at his disposal now, recreates Lois Lane 1 million years since her death with his mind using a strand of her DNA. One the next page, he then, out of a chunk of rock, recreates Krypton and everyone that died on it with his mind. He can turn Goku's heart into a marshmallow and kill him that way. Why? Because he is too overpowered.
you still have not shown me anything
also i am glad you are down to superman prime 1 One Million and have ruled out all other superman so we can be done quick this has been one of the most stupid parts of my life thanks
The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way,
and the new 52 is looking more like the dark knight returns every day now
post-crisis superman
Post-Crisis is a term used to describe characters, items, realities or events that take place during DC Comics' publishing history following the 1985-86Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. The term is used by industry professionals and consumers, and is widely considered to be an out-of-universe phrase; which is to say – characters within the DC universe continuity (with rare exception), do not use the term "Post-Crisis" when referring to events preceding the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
  • Superman: Superman's history and background were completely retooled rendering nearly all Silver Age appearances apocryphal. As such, Superman's entire supporting cast and gallery of villains were reimagined for a more palatable, modern setting including having his foster parents survive into his adult life.

Pre-Crisis Apocrypha
The following is a list of articles pertaining to Pre-Crisis material that is considered apocryphal, and is no longer validated in the modern continuity of DC Comics history.
  • The Superman reality of Earth-Two. Although Kal-L and Lois Lane-Kent of Earth-Two survived the Crisis, their respective dimension, timeline and all related materials to the Earth-Two storyline such as the Daily Star, James Olsen, Alexei Luthor, George Taylor are no longer validated in the revised continuity of New Earth dimension, except for Power Girl. Supposedly, according to recent events somehow Power-Girl has returned to being an Earth-Two being despite the universal reset that prevented the Earth-Two reality from ever existing. The Power Girl contention has not been resolved at this time in-story.
  • Superman and all-related supporting articles of Earth-One are no longer specifically validated in the revised continuity such as the current Superman was never costumed Superboy as was the Earth-One Superman. However after the events of Infinite Crisis writing and One Year Later many elements of the Earth-One history have been brought back into continuity such as the current Superman is again a three year old toddler when he arrives on Earth and not born in a birthing chamber and having superpowers from his earliest days and not developing slowly as he grew, invalidating some elements of the revised history of John Byrne's Man of Steel origin. Many of the current Superman's early adventures with the Justice League of America are similar in scope to their Pre-Crisis counterparts, but with various differences. The JLA: Year One limited series and the JLA: Incarnations limited series provides brief snapshots of Pre-Crisis JLA stories that are still considered canon.
dc 1 million

The Superman series, along with every other ongoing DC series, has been relaunched as part of "The New 52" reboot, thus eliminating all previous DC canon, including the renunciation of Superman's American identity.
so you correct yourself it make it hard for me to do so​
You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities. <--- point 3 i am right about something you cant find a point with
You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed. This is wrong for Pre-Crisis and (DC 1 Million) Superman Prime. That is incorrectly describing Superman's abilities.
ok so this is what i got You described Superman as unable to control his movements with precision while under great speed so this is right for superman and explain how superman prime or superman boy prime or superman prime 1 million are in any way changed how am i incorrectly describing Superman's abilities. m when if you look at what i first posted explanis with scans of superman prof that goku would win goku would win
Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? ok will form this post
You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.​
battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya <---- So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said
pink kytopnite only makes superman turn gay it would not make you gay unless you had gay sex with superman and that is not what i said"battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya" this only shows how much of superman do you realy know So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? i did not say this kyptonite only makes superman turn gay it would not make any one other than superman be gay other than superman We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) ok i will
And what exactly was your point of bringing up pink "kyptonite" then? So that Superman can become gay and then what? I don't understand? I'll ask the same exact question but with a slight alteration, so him becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie?
well i could tell many reasons but you cant argue with facts dragon ball z battle of gods is a very good movie and so i show proof now i can like something you would not and vice versa so i have prof good pink kytopnite some people like the color blue some like the color pink some people does not make any one wrong if one like goku and one like superman
Fair enough. You chose pink kryptonite because some people like the color... Or based on the image below, it's because his powers that come with it are fantastic... If that's the reason you want, unless you actually want to list the many reasons why, then alright...
well i never said i did like the color of the pink kyptonite but that does not mean some people dont like it some do if that is what thay are into that ok, i mean pink kyptonite makes superman turn gay and thats ok for the people that like that
This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said
The global phenomenon Dragon Ball is being made into a movie using Toei Animation’s latest technology, consistently realized as a Toriyama work, with the original author Akira Toriyama himself deeply involved from the script stage for the first time. An episode from between the animation series "Z" and "GT", or in other words from the blank decade between the end of the battle with Majin Boo in chapter 517 of the manga and chapter 518, will be depicted for the first time. Such well-known and charming characters as Kuririn, Piccolo, and Vegeta will all make an appearance. A new story in the official history of Dragon Ball is born, neither a spin-off nor a side-story, one that can be enjoyed by both children and parents, manga fans and anime fans.
—Toei Animation's Press Release for the upcoming film - July 17, 2012[6]
Release and reception[edit]
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods opened at number one in the Japanese box office, earning US$7,317,313 with 561,098 tickets sold in its first two days.[39][40] The movie's showings at all 16 of the IMAX Digital theaters in Japan that weekend earned US$450,000, with an average of US$28,000 per screen.[41] It was ranked number five in the overseas box office chart by Variety, making it the top-grossing non-American film on the chart.[41][42] While the top four films are playing in over 50 territories each, Battle of Gods' performance is based only on 328 screens in Japan.[42] By its fifth day, the film had made over US$12,000,000 with 988,790 tickets sold.[43] As a result, the film was projected to sell more than 1 million tickets by its sixth day, making it the fastest film to reach that milestone so far this year in Japan.[43] It was number one in its second week as well, with a total of 1,488,518 tickets sold and an estimated US$17,908,626 total earnings.[44][45] The film was number one for a third week, raising its total to US$22,565,448 with 1,823,141 tickets sold, making it the fastest-grossing film of 2013 in Japan.[46][47] It dropped to fourth place the subsequent weekend of April 20–21, but total tickets sold passed the two million mark and its total revenue climbed to US$24,836,469.[48][49] The film dropped to eighth during Golden Week, which is when many new movies open in theaters and is the film industry's best week in Japan, while the box office gross grew to US$27,163,738 and tickets reached 2,181,328.[50][51] The following week it held on to the eighth place, with tickets sold increasing to 2,346,726 and its gross to US$29,072,176.[52][53]
Toei aimed for Battle of Gods to earn a domestic Japanese box office take of ¥3 billion (about US$32 million).[54]Oricon compared Battle of Gods' box office total as of 1:00 p.m. on its first day with One Piece Film Z's total during that same time, and projected that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods would exceed Toei's ¥3 billion target.[42] On August 15, it was reported that Toei revealed the film had earned ¥2.9 billion (about US$30 million) at the box office.[55]
(Side argument on your bad taste in movies) I don't think you understood my question. So I'll be more specific, though it didn't seem initially necessary. Why do YOU think it's good? Because it made money? Because of the animation? If so, say it. I want you to say it because I want to know how bad your taste in anime is.
it made money is proof
That's like saying the shitty Man of Steel movie is good because it had a higher gross than Battle of the Gods... I want to know why YOU like the movie. Unless it really is because it made money...
battle of god was only in japan if the moive opened in the usa it would have over took man of steel also i like man of steel so you suck
goku can turn ss goku can turn ss2goku can turn ss3 goku can turn ss4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?
goku and also turn ss god​
superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight
superman can not turn sliver age or all star these are differential stroys differential supermans not the same guy
i dont understand superman prime what about superman prime like superman prime is not superman do you understand that? <--- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman. No version of Goku can beat him. Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku, would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it, but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you? <-- point 2 what you said
- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. all of them
You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman.No version of Goku can beat him. all of them
Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku wrong allready answerd this one
would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it superman not unless the story dictates itsuperman truning post crisis sure why not superman has does worse like that time he did that porno
but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?
please if you make this any more dumb i dont think i could take it
"so much retard it pains me like it realy painful"
I hope you're still in pain. Did this post help continue that feeling at all, you masochist?
ok you have issues
And I want you to bark for me too, you glutton for pain!
ok i say two much retard.
Oh my god. "ok i say two much retard"... You are hilarious! The irony is so strong here. I swear, if you aren't a troll then you're like the IGN version of Karl Pilkington! This is just incredible. No way you are this stupid! I can't be underestimating your idiocy this much! No way!
yes this is far too much retard for one thread this is a yamcha vs superman prime 1 million debate and is over you lost get over it is ok superman prime still beats some wounder womans and thats prity good i have a message from barack obama if you like the president of the united states then you should understand what he is saying
then you are like here is more retard .then u must know it you are a retard also you have never said you are not a retard so that makes me think you are a retard are you a retard would you even be able to tell if you are one or not? u should ask you mom if you are a retard if she said yes then i will stop posting becouse then you would be a real retard than makeing fun of you would not be ok it would be sad so if you are a real retard please say so and if you dont know ask someone to help you if not
Lol, sure, back out now. Just give it up and let me win or continue to stay so I can educate you. You can keep calling me retard, I don't mind it! It' the only insult you got so might as well let you keep it. :D
ok let walk through the facts i said you are puting out too much retard and it is painful then you go and say take more pain where is the pain coming from if not becouse you are a retard you never said you were not a retard so you must be one i even said you should ask your mom if you are a retard did you i dont think you can tell what a retard is a what reason is you are just too stupid how low can you go?
goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect <--- See, this is proof you STILL don't understand what DC One Million's Superman Prime is.
i think you dont understand
If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.​
please do so i can make this list longer <---- Will do! :)
please stop this is killing my brain cells how you live i dont know but it must be hard
At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.
please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please <--- Aw, how cute. You're still trying to use that insult and this time you didn't use the word "retard"! You're improving the way an old racist stops using sexist slurs but keeps the racism ripe.
you the one that types Aw, how cute.
But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.
what have i have misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand? <---- Look back at point #1. I don't think you understand anything I actually meant. Also, do you now understand the difference between the manga version of Goku and the anime version of Goku?
There are different versions of Goku. The Manga Goku and the Anime Goku are vastly different because of filler. Are you familiar with what filler is? Do you know the differences between the anime (not Kai) and the manga? Do you understand the difference between Goku in the movies when compared to the main series? Are you even familiar with the differences between GT Goku and the main anime Goku? If you wish to simply claim that GT Goku is a canon continuation of Anime Goku, you do know the difference still between GT Goku and Manga Goku, right? There is also Future Trunks' timeline Goku, which is from a completely different universe. Thus Dragon Ball also includes the multiverse theory that is similar to that of DC.
superman is differant canons and not the same guy and yet you clame superman prime is not superman read the comics tard
What the hell are you talking about. I said Superman Prime is Superman. Why do I keep bringing him up?
goku in only one canon so it is the same guy
i dont think you understand what canon means also you keep trying to pull down dbz like superman and i will not let you goku is nothing like supermans broken canon
Okay, this is not meant to be facetious because there is actually some interesting dialog over what canon is when it comes to adapted works. Canon means what is official. In that sense, the anime is canon. No doubt about that. Another use of canon though, for fans, is the manga vs the anime adaptation. So, usually, fans accept that the anime is it's own canon vs the manga being it's own canon. Others argue that any expansion done in the anime, like let's say Future Trunks' movie, is canon as the people in charge of the series actually claim it to be so. Fans, though, argue that because of the huge inconsistencies, the manga should be the main canon and everything else is not. I don't believe this nor do I accept that whatever the creator's say is immediately canon. I believe that the anime is its own canon, the manga is its own canon, etc. This is because of things like fillers, movies, and OVA that do not fit within the continuity established by the manga and even the anime (in relation to the movies and OVAs). Like in Dead Zone, Krillin already knows about Gohan (while he still has his tale) yet in the manga he meets him for the first time on Roshi's Island and then Goku immediately dies afterwards. The only time Dead Zone could have taken place is after the Saiyan Saga but Gohan is older now while Goku and Piccolo have not seen each other since the World Tournament which makes it so it must take place before Radditz even appears. That is a glaring and seemingly intended inconsistency. So it's not canon. It cannot be. Many of the other movies do that. I don't believe these are simply plot holes but entirely different canon. Thus the movies, most of them at least, exist outside of the manga and most of the anime. That doesn't mean
well you put a lot of time typeing this but i am not gona read this i am sure is full of self contradicting statements about canon when you say superman prime (gold guy) is the same canon as some other superman old primey was to spend one hundred centuries (eon)(10,000 years = 100 centuries = 10 millenia = 1 eon) superman would say wait for me while i sun tan for a eon goku would just blow up the sun and end this retarded thread
this is so dumb anime goku vs freeza
manga goku vs freeza​
And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.​
good job i think i will
he did the same thing in this post he just a troll <--- point 3 i am right


someday this will be a no retard zone



Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Dance, Mr. Slave! Dance!


[face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush] [face_blush][face_blush]

Again, learn the difference between filler and the manga.

learn the difference between superman and superman prime

Superman Prime (DC One Million) is Superman. The very same that was sent to Earth by his parents before Krypton blew up and was raised by the Kents... That is Superman... It's a version of his, as there are an infinite amount of versions of him... But this is as close as it should be.

Again, learn the difference between filler and the manga.

here is a post from the twiter for the man you love


does this answer you question? from death battle and the man you love so much

How hard is it to quote someone verbatim for you? Even when quoting someone, you have spelling mistakes everywhere. [face_confused]

'lol the what is canon debate is fun for a joke but so lame when people take it seriously"

Sure, it's lame when people take it seriously. That offers absolutely nothing to this conversation other than it being lame, which I agree with and continue to be so.

"no matter what super-saiyan god is it will not changer the death batte unless it compleletely destroys the main purpose of goku character"

I disagree. SSJ God Mode should still be considered and could possibly change the outcome of that stupid DEATH BATTLE video as they only used Post-Crisis version of Superman, though it's a pre-New 52 version for the most part it seems. It being a non-Pre-Crisis Superman is something they flat out explained they were going to do from the get go so no problem there with that restriction.

"and even if it does its still veny unlikely it'd change things even slightly as expressed in the most important part of our recap (after the arbitrary yet expected measurements)"

The re-cap was that Goku will lose because he's a character made to overcome limitations to save the day. Superman, however, is not about overcoming anything because "Superman is as strong as he needs to be", a quote from them that doesn't really actually apply in today's comics in my opinion. So the point this Ben guy was trying to make was that SSJ God Mode doesn't change the fact that Goku still cannot beat Superman because Goku represents someone with restrictions while Superman represents someone without the need to overcome anything in terms of power. Which is stupid because it doesn't reflect the Superman in today's comics. He has been heavily de-powered for the fact that he must overcome his restrictions and he isn't as strong as he needs to be. This applies to the Superman of before, "the Man of Yesteryear", rather than the man of today. I guess it applies to the Post-Crisis Superman of before but certainly not the New 52 version.

Re-read my point. I never said he could, all I am suggesting is that when we get stories like Final Crisis, Morrison's New 52's Action Comics, or even All-Star Superman, we get narratives about seemingly retconned figures. Like when Superman encountered a version of himself that fought Doomsday in the New 52, a reality that was retconned as they rebooted everything.

i have not read this comic so i will take you word for this (the word of a retard) and say ok but that does not make any since (dc comics why are you always screwing over your readers i said to my self)so there is more than 52 in the new 52 and one more crisis is on the way

Yeah, the reason why DC screws over the reader is because most of the time, the writers run out of ideas and start creating ridiculously bullshit narratives. Grant Morrison's story isn't actually that bad though but when other writers do it, it tends to suck... Except for Planetary. Planetary is perfect.

Nope, not a troll, just wouldn't mind if you jumped out a window. But seriously, prove that's how other users feel because of my posts, not just yours. Please brighten my day. :)

ask the one guy what would read this retard posting i put a warring for people to know so that would not have to read this and lose brain cells

There you go again, claiming my posts are retarded when you can't even form a simple sentence properly.

DC One Million's Superman Prime can beat Goku. All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. <-- point 2 what you said

nope you have never read this comic and DC One Million prime One Million's Superman Prime All he needs to do is will Goku's heart into a marshmallow and Goku would die... You really don't understand your shit. nope this is bull and you know it i want you to show where you got this from becouse you cant this neven hapend i would love you show but you should show me

In the DC One Million story The Divided Self, on page 5, Superman Prime has already created his own personal universe with powers of the fifth dimension. On page 18 of DC One Million #04, Superman Prime, with the powers of the fifth dimension that are at his disposal now, recreates Lois Lane 1 million years since her death with his mind using a strand of her DNA. One the next page, he then, out of a chunk of rock, recreates Krypton and everyone that died on it with his mind. He can turn Goku's heart into a marshmallow and kill him that way. Why? Because he is too overpowered.

you still have not shown me anything

Wait... really? Did you read more than the scan you posted above where Superman Prime (DC One Million) uses the Green Lantern ring? My sources that I posted above is from DC One Million #04, the very same issue that the scan you posted is from and the sources I posted are literally the next two pages... Seriously, just look at it. Please look at it. I gave you the description, the exact issues they are in, and the page number. What more do you want other than me resorting to piracy?

also i am glad you are down to superman prime 1 One Million and have ruled out all other superman so we can be done quick this has been one of the most stupid parts of my life thanks

I think you really are just in "blind argument" mode. I have said, from the start, that there are two definite versions of Superman that can beat Goku. Then there's Post-Crisis Superman but that's debatable, which I have consistently said. From the very start, I said that Superman Prime (DC One Million) and Pre-Crisis Superman can beat any form/version of Goku.

well i never said i did like the color of the pink kyptonite but that does not mean some people dont like it some do if that is what thay are into that ok, i mean pink kyptonite makes superman turn gay and thats ok for the people that like that


To repeat the VERY SAME THING in reference to this quote and your post above:

"battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya"

"And I never suggested that you liked the color of pink kryptonite. I even used your words for the most part when responding. What I would like to know, considering you have "many reasons", is why you would like for me to be with Superman with pink kryptonite for an hour and what I would learn from it?"

This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good? <-- point 2 what you said

(Side argument on your bad taste in movies) I don't think you understood my question. So I'll be more specific, though it didn't seem initially necessary. Why do YOU think it's good? Because it made money? Because of the animation? If so, say it. I want you to say it because I want to know how bad your taste in anime is.

it made money is proof

That's like saying the shitty Man of Steel movie is good because it had a higher gross than Battle of the Gods... I want to know why YOU like the movie. Unless it really is because it made money...

battle of god was only in japan if the moive opened in the usa it would have over took man of steel also i like man of steel so you suck

So is it really because of the money it made? And you are really suggesting that if the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods movie were released in the United States, it would actually make more money then what the (really crappy) Man of Steel movie made, domestically? You are you really suggesting that? [face_confused] If that's your point, then alright. The reason why it's a good movie, according to the reasons you gave, is because it made money $18 million domestically and it'll at least make more than $290 million in the USA if it ever were released here. Which we'll find out soon as it'll be released here in the states later this year. I do hope it'll do well though, as bad as the movie is, I wouldn't mind seeing more of the Dragon Ball universe, and the more success it gets the more of a chance that'll happen. Hell, I'll even watch the sequel coming out soon.

yes this is far too much retard for one thread this is a yamcha vs superman prime 1 million debate and is over you lost get over it is ok superman prime still beats some wounder womans and thats prity good i have a message from barack obama if you like the president of the united states then you should understand what he is saying

Nope. I have not lost and you are in serious need of education. Thus the debate continues. Don't give up.

then you are like here is more retard .then u must know it you are a retard also you have never said you are not a retard so that makes me think you are a retard are you a retard would you even be able to tell if you are one or not? u should ask you mom if you are a retard if she said yes then i will stop posting becouse then you would be a real retard than makeing fun of you would not be ok it would be sad so if you are a real retard please say so and if you dont know ask someone to help you if not

Lol, sure, back out now. Just give it up and let me win or continue to stay so I can educate you. You can keep calling me retard, I don't mind it! It' the only insult you got so might as well let you keep it. :D

ok let walk through the facts i said you are puting out too much retard and it is painful then you go and say take more pain where is the pain coming from if not becouse you are a retard you never said you were not a retard so you must be one i even said you should ask your mom if you are a retard did you i dont think you can tell what a retard is a what reason is you are just too stupid how low can you go?

You used a punctuation mark again! Great job! You should really learn how to distinguish your sentences though. Using periods, commas, or even spacing can help.
Last edited:
Aug 10, 2008
So, for a change of pace I would like to discuss how test tube fetus Cell could fight toe to toe (or toe to stump) with The Living Tribunal.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 19, 2014
Some likes playing with the editing tools. [face_tongue]

Superman as a concept is garbage. He's basically just the everything proof shield from your school yard days, same with Goku, especially in the movies. Weakness to kryptonite? oh, well here's my kryptonite proof suit. Weakness to magic? oh, well here's my magic proof sash. Boring. That's actually one of the reasons why I enjoyed The Dark Knight Returns, because we got to see a broken, near death, Batman, beat the ever loving crap out Deus Ex Machina man.
Apr 13, 2015
As much as I would love to agree with you, unfortunately the creators of supes made him retardedly overpowered in the comic version. Which once again I saw it's stupid as shit that they made so many versions of supes. It's seems like they made the first version and at the time that beat everyone else's characters but then someone came up with a stronger character so they freaked out and made a new version to beat that one, rinse and repeat, we have 5,000 versions of superman ending with him basically being god... Which is one of the biggest reasons I can't respect Superman. Goku only has one version. But in case you're curious check out this death battle, they compared pretty well, on supes part at least, not so much Goku's.

Dance battles is a joke!!!
Apr 22, 2019
idk why yamcha is highly memed character of dbz regarding his strength. tbh i think being a normal human (unlike goku or vegita) he is pretty strong