
Dec 15, 2005
I will argue that Yamcha(DBZ) can fight toe to toe with Superman(DC).

Before you scream troll. I want to explain, and make things clear. I know there are multiple versions of Superman,
and I am not saying that Yamcha would win against Superman. But I believe he could hold up a good fight.

The reason I come to this conclusion is based on the strengths of Superman in his universe, in comparison to some of the abilities of Yamcha in DBZ universe.

Superman Has:
1)Super Strength
3) Super Speed
4)Laser Eyes

Yamcha has:
1)Super Strength
2) Flight
3) Super Speed
4)Energy blast

Superman is known to be very strong in his universe. But in DBZ, Nappa (Sayian Saga version) was shown to be as fast as a Airplane, was strong enough to rip it apart like tissue paper.
Nappa (Sayian Saga version) was weaker than Vegeta (Sayian Saga version) yet could do all of this.

Now vegeta lost that fight on earth, and recovered. We know that Sayians after recovering from battle, get stronger. So on Namek Vegeta is even more stronger and faster and more powerful than Nappa from earth, and Vegeta from earth.

But Namek Vegeta lost to the Ginyu Special Force on Namek. He was outmatched in every way.

yet the same Ginyu Force that beat Vegeta on Namek, were easily defeated by Yamcha on King Kai's planet.

this imply that King Kai version of Yamcha is stronger/faster/ more powerful than Namek vegeta, which is lot more stronger than Earth Nappa.

Also during the Cell/ Android saga, although useless, he show toughness to take a beating.

So since we comparing Cell Saga Yamcha to Nappa of Earth, who seem to have similar talents to Superman, wouldnt this mean that Yamcha could stand toe to toe with Superman?

keep in mind, Yamcha isnt one of the most powerful beings in DBZ. Thats sort of my point.


Dec 5, 2008
I feel u bruh. I personally think that most characters from other series dont stand a chance against DBZ characters. Of course the main point i make to a Superman fan is this.

Superman's power derives solely from the type of star he is near. Yellow star - "Normal" Superman. Red star - "Human" Superman. Blue star "Super" Superman. [He gains "Super Vision" and can temporarily(?) give others powers like his see link for more ). ANYWAY. We know that if Superman and a Z fighter fight on Earth, the planet will more than likely be destroyed as a side effect from the fight. Which would mean that both Superman and Z-Warrior fail their job of protecting Earth. So I say they would fight on a different planet, because I'm sure Superman and Z-Warrior (most of the times its Goku hes pitted against) would come to the same understanding of each others powers. We all know Superman's weaknesses are kryptonite and magic, and to some extent THE SUN ITSELF. I say this because Superman's power derives solely from the type of star he is near. (excuse my redundancy, its 518AM here and i havent slept in over 24 hours. too lazy to edit my post) NONE of the Z Warriors have the NEED for reliable source of power such as this. So ANY Superman battle is solely decided off of what kind of star the fight takes place around. I always suggest that the battle take place in Otherworld or the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, or a neutral territory in the DC Universe. Now I will say that under normal circumstances, I dont think DBZ or Superman will win 100% of the time. I also have to say that none of the Z fighters, especially Saiyans become "normal" when they are introduced to pieces of rock from their home planet.

Besides... All this Superman VS DBZ is getting played out. No body ever asks if Superman can eat more than Goku, or if Cell could defeat Brainiac or if Kid Buu could beat Darkseid. Or how about Goku AND Superman team up to fight Omega Shenron and Darkseid? I do know however that Thanos is one person that nobody wants to fight, especially if it the fight takes place during the time that he has "The Heart Of The Universe" in his possession. Heck, Thanos is immortal in the first place, and couple that with the fact he has the Infinity Gauntlet and the six infinity gems hes God-like.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Goku would have a hard time against Superman let alone Yamcha.

Sure Yamcha is very powerful but the difference between him and Superman is staggering. Superman can fly faster than light, Yamcha can't move a percent of the speed of light. Superman is strong enough to be able to bench press the weight of the planet for days straight.

He would literally grab and snap Yamcha's neck before he knew what happened.


Dec 15, 2005
Goku would have a hard time against Superman let alone Yamcha.

Sure Yamcha is very powerful but the difference between him and Superman is staggering. Superman can fly faster than light, Yamcha can't move a percent of the speed of light. Superman is strong enough to be able to bench press the weight of the planet for days straight.

He would literally grab and snap Yamcha's neck before he knew what happened.
Its obvious that he can beat Yamcha. This is subliminally about Goku vs Superman.
Remember how strong Cell and Gohan at ssj2 was. Yet in GT Goku fought cell effortlessly without going super.

Sent from my LG-VS410PP using Tapatalk 2


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
As strong as they are they still physically don't match up to Superman. All they'd really have going for them is superior martial arts abilities and depending on the character some clever tricks. Other than that they have greater destructive powers. Cell said he could wipe out a Solar System if characters of his level and above hit Superman with their best shot maybe it'd be enough to kill him.

Superman is weak against magic and Buu is genie. Buu could absorb him and it'd be next to impossible for Superman to kill him because no matter how hard he hit him he'd still always regenerate.

Bills is probably a could match up for Superman. He ate some spicy wasabi and as a result bounced around the moons and destroyed them just by crashing into them.


Dec 5, 2008
Look. ill say it again. It ALL depends on the the color of the closest star on the planet that they are fighting on. Red Sun Superman gets destroyed by ANY z-fighter. Yellow Sun Superman, Goku Vegeta Gohan maybe Piccolo and maaaaybe Tien could fight against Superman,. The Saiyans might win, or fight into a stalemate Piccolo and Tien would put up a great fight but more than likely lose. Blue Sun Superman, Superman Wins easily. geez luis.

Bills would kill Superman... hes the God of Destruction c'mon now...


Jan 13, 2013
With all the many versions of superman - yes some versions could be easily defeated by any dbz character, others can't be beaten by anything due to the fact that if you come up with something better the writers of supes would make him even stronger... I don't take supes seriously anymore because he's basically a 10 year olds wet dream that he came up with on the playground to beat his friends in a contest of "who's superhero is stronger". Seriously, if the writers of superman can come up with any retardedly overpowered version then dbz can have a second version (note that dbz has only one version because they apparently can do it right the first time) that's better than supes.


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
This thread is now about Jimmy Olsen vs Farmer with a Shotgun.




The Farmer shoots with a gun as Jimmy shoots him with a snapshot for next week's front cover.
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Dec 5, 2008
Farmer with Shot Gun every time
shooting a gun is more deadly than shooting a picture
unless its that camera from Goosebumps Say Cheese and Die. pretty sure Jimmy Olsen doesnt have that camera.


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Farmer with Shot Gun every time
shooting a gun is more deadly than shooting a picture
unless its that camera from Goosebumps Say Cheese and Die. pretty sure Jimmy Olsen doesnt have that camera.
The Farmer with the shotgun quickly called the police after he shot him. The cops came by and found Jimmy's last photographs of the angry Farmer. Of course Jimmy trespassed but he took such emotionally provocative shots that it inspired the entire nation to condemn the Farmer. Later the courts decided to let the Farmer go, as an innocent man, but the rest of the nation boycotted his trade. The Farmer lived his life in a constant battle with constant death threats and hostile voice messages. His wife divorced him and took the kids. He sold his farm and his shotgun to meet ends. The Farmer, or rather former farmer, died alone, sad, and pathetic. All because he decided to pull that trigger on one of the most prolific Pulitzer Prize winning journalists in the world.


Dec 5, 2008
But what the public didn't know, was that Jimmy Olsen ignored the many "Trespassers Will Be Shot" signs posted on Farmer With Shotgun's property. Not only that but due to the Saiyan Spaceship landing there earlier, Farmer With Shotgun had made quite a bit of money allowing scientists to study the space ship that was located on his property and also setting up a tourist attraction and charging tourist the opportunity to see where the "Alien Space Warrior" had crash landed and fought former World Martial Arts Champion Son Goku and runner-up Majunior. Also, Farmer With Shotgun was the head of the largest farming company in the world at the time so when he sold his farm he was able to retire a rich man as he had been working on his farm from Age 761-Age 778. He sold his shot gun yet he replaced it with a BFG9000. His reasoning was "Lets see one of those bullet catching aliens catch a slug from one of THESE bad boys". His reasoning for shooting Jimmy Olsen was because he thought he was another "Alien Space Warrior" and was forgiven by all who remembered the destruction done by two similarly dressed "Alien Space Warriors", except for Lois Lane and Clark Kent who were responsible for the hate mail, death threats and hostile voice messages. After a long investigation into this, arrests were made and Lois Lane and Clark Kent were each sentenced to 10 years in prison. They say that Farmer With Shotgun's family was relocated by the Witness Protection Agency and that the story about Farmer With Shotgun's wife taking custody of the kids and Farmer With Shotgun dying alone, sad, and pathetic was merely a cover-up story for what really happened. Years later, Superman committed suicide, blaming himself for Jimmy's death, which lead to an alcoholic Lois Lane jumping from the roof of the Daily Planet because of Clark Kent/Supermans passing
Some say Farmer With Shot Gun has a private island somewhere near Master Roshi's these days, but thats just mere speculation.
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Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
This is stupid. BATMAN could and Has beaten Superman! And he's just the equivelant of Mr. Satan from DBZ. Yamcha or any Z fighter would destroy Superman effortlessly. And if you put Goku against Superman it'd be the biggest lop sided beat down of all time! Goku would crush him like a bug!!!

Give me a kryptonite pebble and I'LL beat Superman!


Jan 13, 2013
As much as I would love to agree with you, unfortunately the creators of supes made him retardedly overpowered in the comic version. Which once again I saw it's stupid as shit that they made so many versions of supes. It's seems like they made the first version and at the time that beat everyone else's characters but then someone came up with a stronger character so they freaked out and made a new version to beat that one, rinse and repeat, we have 5,000 versions of superman ending with him basically being god... Which is one of the biggest reasons I can't respect Superman. Goku only has one version. But in case you're curious check out this death battle, they compared pretty well, on supes part at least, not so much Goku's.



Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Goku and other Z fighters can destroy the entire planet with an energy blast, im pretty sure superman's xray vision eye beams cant do that. Goku and the Z fighters also kill their opponents which is something Superman doesn't do. Goku can instant transmission to anywhere in the universe, something superman cant do, so if Goku was somehow losing (which he wouldn't be) he could simply instant transmission Superman to the realm of the Dead and leave him there, or anywhere else in the universe so far away that he could leave him to starve to death OR he could instant transmission him to a star system with a kryptonian star which would take away all of Superman's powers and beat him that way!

Lets also not forget that in this last movie Goku himself became a god! Therefore Superman would once again have no chance, he's compared to a god but Goku became one.

And once again, must I reiterate the kryptonite weakness? Goku could just buy a gun and use kryptonite bullets, or pick up a kryptonite rock and sling at Superman so fast that it would be a bullet. And that would be the end up Superman.

Lets face it, Superman has gotten his a$$ kicked a few times by guys that were strong. And Goku would mop the floor with him. Goku can use his Ki to shield himself from all of Superman's punches and kicks, Superman CANT do that, he would have to take Goku's strikes with no protection other than his own skin flesh and bones......Superman would crack under Goku's power!


Jan 13, 2013
Goku and other Z fighters can destroy the entire planet with an energy blast, im pretty sure superman's xray vision eye beams cant do that. Goku and the Z fighters also kill their opponents which is something Superman doesn't do. Goku can instant transmission to anywhere in the universe, something superman cant do, so if Goku was somehow losing (which he wouldn't be) he could simply instant transmission Superman to the realm of the Dead and leave him there, or anywhere else in the universe so far away that he could leave him to starve to death OR he could instant transmission him to a star system with a kryptonian star which would take away all of Superman's powers and beat him that way!

Lets also not forget that in this last movie Goku himself became a god! Therefore Superman would once again have no chance, he's compared to a god but Goku became one.

And once again, must I reiterate the kryptonite weakness? Goku could just buy a gun and use kryptonite bullets, or pick up a kryptonite rock and sling at Superman so fast that it would be a bullet. And that would be the end up Superman.

Lets face it, Superman has gotten his a$$ kicked a few times by guys that were strong. And Goku would mop the floor with him. Goku can use his Ki to shield himself from all of Superman's punches and kicks, Superman CANT do that, he would have to take Goku's strikes with no protection other than his own skin flesh and bones......Superman would crack under Goku's power!

You have to realize that for one Goku won't fight dishonorably by using a weakness like kryptonite, he always fights his opponents at their best. Please watch the death battle I linked, while it's not very accurate on Goku's strengths it is on Superman's.


Dec 5, 2008
Two of the many things i didnt like about the deathbattle was the whole thing about snake way. In my mind when you say some thing is a million miles or a amillion Km (depending on which source you use) it doesnt matter if its S shaped or in a straight line, its measurement from head to tail is 1,000,000 miles. the twists and turns just make it longer. if i wasnt clear, imagine that "I" is a million miles and so is "S", so I=S.

Also. the second rule of death battle is that personality restraints from killing the opponent are removed. To me that means Goku kills Superman once he saw the Kryptonite weakening him. That whole "i want to fight him at his best and i want a fair fight" are personality traits


Jan 13, 2013
Wasn't there some rule about the Dragon Fist that if properly executed could not be defended from? In the death battle Goku's fist is clearly going through supes chest... One other thing I noticed was that whole movie with the "elites" or whatever and superman getting his with the equivalent force of 15 supernovas. If it was really that much power it would have destroyed the damn solar system not just make a tiny crater on the moon that a hydrogen bomb could make...


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Superman's powers are all over rated and make no sense. How can he breathe in the atmosphere for example?

Also, goku's energy wave IS stronger then supermans! Superman would have disintegrated!!! There's no coming back from that!!!!! The sun cant bring him back because a single cell might still be alive, he isn't cell!!! Superman would have been dead!


Jan 13, 2013
Superman does not require air or even food/water to survive. The only thing he requires is solar and he can survive without that for a very long period of time before starving of that. He simply thinks he needs food, water, and air because of his human uprising but learns later on that he requires none of that. Superman does regenerate, perhaps not from a single cell but the sun does supercharge all of his abilities including regeneration. Personally I don't like the way ScrewAttack calculated Goku's maximum ki output. They took one scene where he used his ki to push himself back and assumed that he could only produce as much ki as he could withstand the recoil from which they calculated from yet another bad source which was the bomb Dr Gero created to destroy him. It was heavily unlikely that the bomb would have done shit to Goku as the bomb was designed for a much weaker version of Goku at the time. They seemed to leave out the fact that throughout the series Goku became immeasurably stronger. Also the figures for the power increase from the ssj forms seemed off. Cell was far stronger that normal ssj1, much stronger than just double, I think ssj2 he to be many times that of ssj1 to beat him.


Dec 5, 2008
On top of the Ki out put, i can recall a moment in the anime where Goku used the kamehameha plus Kaio-KenX20 to escape the gravitational pull of a star that he was about to fall into. Filler or not, Non-Canon or not. I really cant stand those "its not in the manga its not canon" people. They be the same folk that complain about DBZ Kai removing scenes. I absolutely can not deal with Non-canonites.

Dragon Fist - I believe that statement is true. Also couldnt SSJ 3 Goku's power be felt all the way on the planet of the Kais? Correct me if im wrong but Gohan was training with Supreme Kai and stopped and said "Whoa... is that... Dad?" . Now, THATs some power

AND. Goku cant really die can he.... since he keeps his body after he dies doesnt that make him... immortal?

If I was Goku I would have just teleported Superman to OtherWorld or fought him in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and destroyed the door.
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Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
There's another argument on the comic book board about this. Might as well enter both. [face_tongue]

First, I think it's important to separate Goku and Superman into different labels.

Because there are nearly an infinite amount of Superman out there, I think we should split him up into a few of the more important versions.

Pre-Crisis Superman
New 52 Prime Earth Superman
Post-Crisis Superman
Superman Prime (from DC One Million)

For Goku, we should split him up into:

GT Goku
Anime Goku (based off of Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai)
Movie 13 Goku who seems fine as SSJ3
Manga Goku (or "canon Goku").

I feel that Pre-Crisis Superman > all versions of Goku for reasons of a very uncreative set of minds making awesomely ridiculous stories of Superman closing black holes with his barehands and destroying an solar system with a sneeze.

Superman Prime (from DC One Million) > all versions of Goku for the fact that he is literally a god who created an entire universe with his mind because of obtaining a few fifth dimensional powers. He is also not vulnerable to green Kryptonite and a Red Sun would pretty much do nothing to him.

I can see GT Goku ≥ Post-Crisis Superman.

Anime Goku < Post-Crisis Superman due to the fact that SSJ3 may be too hard on him.

Movie 13 Goku ≤ Post-Crisis Superman only because I can see both equally but I have a hard time seeing Goku getting the upperhand. Though we don't know if he will tire out more easily as SSJ3. I want to assume he won't though because it seems to have an unnatural ease for him to be in that form.

Manga Goku < Almost all Superman except for New 52's Prime Earth Superman. Maybe, though I didn't include him here, he could also go against and probably beat TDKR's Superman.

New 52's Prime Earth Superman could probably only really go against Manga Goku. He has been significantly de-powered so that works.
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Dec 15, 2005
There's another argument on the comic book board about this. Might as well enter both. [face_tongue]

First, I think it's important to separate Goku and Superman into different labels.

Because there are nearly an infinite amount of Superman out there, I think we should split him up into a few of the more important versions.

Pre-Crisis Superman
New 52 Prime Earth Superman
Post-Crisis Superman
Superman Prime (from DC One Million)

For Goku, we should split him up into:

GT Goku
Anime Goku (based off of Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai)
Movie 13 Goku who seems fine as SSJ3
Manga Goku (or "canon Goku").

I feel that Pre-Crisis Superman > all versions of Goku for reasons of a very uncreative set of minds making awesomely ridiculous stories of Superman closing black holes with his barehands and destroying an solar system with a sneeze.

Superman Prime (from DC One Million) > all versions of Goku for the fact that he is literally a god who created an entire universe with his mind because of obtaining a few fifth dimensional powers. He is also not vulnerable to green Kryptonite and a Red Sun would pretty much do nothing to him.

I can see GT Goku ≥ Post-Crisis Superman.

Anime Goku < Post-Crisis Superman due to the fact that SSJ3 may be too hard on him.

Movie 13 Goku ≤ Post-Crisis Superman only because I can see both equally but I have a hard time seeing Goku getting the upperhand. Though we don't know if he will tire out more easily as SSJ3. I want to assume he won't though because it seems to have an unnatural ease for him to be in that form.

Manga Goku < Almost all Superman except for New 52's Prime Earth Superman. Maybe, though I didn't include him here, he could also go against and probably beat TDKR's Superman.

New 52's Prime Earth Superman could probably only really go against Manga Goku. He has been significantly de-powered so that works.
Goku's Sayian God mode is something you forgot.... you forgot about that


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Goku's Sayian God mode is something you forgot.... you forgot about that
I never even saw the movie. How powerful is that mode? SSJ4 powerful? More? Less? Is the movie even worth watching?


Jan 13, 2013
As the movie never showed any feats or really any real way of determining ssj god's power we can't say whether its stronger, as strong, or weaker than ssj4 (thought my bet is that ssj4 would still be stronger, something about taking the evil equivalent of the spirit bomb without a scratch kinda makes me think it's extremely badass). However this argument has been had. The versions of supes that you listed are indeed stronger than Goku, however the versions of Goku you listed are virtually identical and as such it's pointless to split them up. Many versions of supes can be demolished without Goku even using ssj1 whereas some versions would make Goku look like Hercule...

One thing I've always wondered is about the fusion between Goku and Shenron. It makes me wonder if at that point Goku basically became omnipotent as he would have gained all the abilities of the dragon and as such he would decimate all versions of supes, this is of course, pure speculation.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
I almost brought that up, about him leaving with Shenron at the end of GT and how he basically for sure was pretty much a god now, not even counting SSgod form. But I don't take GT as cannon, it's crap to me.


Dec 5, 2008
AHH NO!!!!!!! CHEROKEEBLOOD WHY MUST YOU BE A "CANONITE" ??? eh whatever. the new movie dismissed GT entirely

So now Super Saiyan God Vs Super Saiyan 4. hmm

I think God is more powerful than 4.
Super Saiyan 4 yeah. it was awesome. it made Goku the only person capable of fighting enemies (except super 17)

BUT Super Saiyan God can sense Godly ki, which none of the characters could sense. But they could sense SS4. Plus Goku was so overpowered by Bills as a SS3, that i doubt even SS4 could have done much to Bills. Maybe SS4 Gogeta could have put up a fight but for how long? 5 minutes before defusing?

Oh plus... GT no longer exists Super Saiyan God Wins.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
GT was ok, I didn't like how everyone seemed so weak in the show, it wasn't believable to me. Fighting the dragons at the end was cool and I may have been able to live with it IF Goku hadn't left with Shenron, that just didn't sit well with me at all. Goku has always been so good with his kids and his grandkids, and he's already left chi-chi so much......that him bailing on his entire family, friends, his whole life to go with the dragon just seemed like the biggest A-HOLE move anybody could ever make! It just didn't seem like something Goku would do to me. So for that reason I hate GT. I mean he has already missed so much of his family's lives being dead all the time, that not dying while saving the world, but then leaving anyway just seemed ridiculas!


Jan 13, 2013
AHH NO!!!!!!! CHEROKEEBLOOD WHY MUST YOU BE A "CANONITE" ??? eh whatever. the new movie dismissed GT entirely

So now Super Saiyan God Vs Super Saiyan 4. hmm

I think God is more powerful than 4.
Super Saiyan 4 yeah. it was awesome. it made Goku the only person capable of fighting enemies (except super 17)

BUT Super Saiyan God can sense Godly ki, which none of the characters could sense. But they could sense SS4. Plus Goku was so overpowered by Bills as a SS3, that i doubt even SS4 could have done much to Bills. Maybe SS4 Gogeta could have put up a fight but for how long? 5 minutes before defusing?

Oh plus... GT no longer exists Super Saiyan God Wins.

I dunno, Bebi Vegeta easily overpowered ssj3 as well, just as easily as Bills did IMO. When he became ssj4 though it was an absolute landslide victory, bebi couldn't do shit until he had Bulma hit him with the Blutz Wave. And the fact that that evil spirit bomb had actually killed Goku before but after transforming into an ssj4 he didn't even flinch to it. ssj4 Gogeta would demolish Bills incredibly easily. Fusion isn't just taking the 2 powers and combining them, its more like taking the 2 powers, combining them and then cubed³ them lol.


Dec 5, 2008
I feel what you are saying Auss5link but also remember Goku wasnt exactly the same SS3 as a kid that he was as an adult, his younger, smaller body couldnt handle the transformation as well as his grown up body. I will admit i am fuzzy on GT though. I still dont think SS4 Gogeta could fight and defeat Bills

Also Toriyama said that in order to get a better understanding of Bills power, SSG would be a 6 Bills would be a 10 and Whis would be a 15


Apr 27, 2014
ssj4 Gogeta would demolish Bills incredibly easily. Fusion isn't just taking the 2 powers and combining them, its more like taking the 2 powers, combining them and then cubed³ them lol.

bills is stronger than vegito is stronger than ssj4 gogeta


Apr 27, 2014
This thread is now about Jimmy Olsen vs Farmer with a Shotgun.




The Farmer shoots with a gun as Jimmy shoots him with a snapshot for next week's front cover.

Farmer with Shot Gun every time
shooting a gun is more deadly than shooting a picture
unless its that camera from Goosebumps Say Cheese and Die. pretty sure Jimmy Olsen doesnt have that camera.
The Farmer with the shotgun quickly called the police after he shot him. The cops came by and found Jimmy's last photographs of the angry Farmer. Of course Jimmy trespassed but he took such emotionally provocative shots that it inspired the entire nation to condemn the Farmer. Later the courts decided to let the Farmer go, as an innocent man, but the rest of the nation boycotted his trade. The Farmer lived his life in a constant battle with constant death threats and hostile voice messages. His wife divorced him and took the kids. He sold his farm and his shotgun to meet ends. The Farmer, or rather former farmer, died alone, sad, and pathetic. All because he decided to pull that trigger on one of the most prolific Pulitzer Prize winning journalists in the world.

But what the public didn't know, was that Jimmy Olsen ignored the many "Trespassers Will Be Shot" signs posted on Farmer With Shotgun's property. Not only that but due to the Saiyan Spaceship landing there earlier, Farmer With Shotgun had made quite a bit of money allowing scientists to study the space ship that was located on his property and also setting up a tourist attraction and charging tourist the opportunity to see where the "Alien Space Warrior" had crash landed and fought former World Martial Arts Champion Son Goku and runner-up Majunior. Also, Farmer With Shotgun was the head of the largest farming company in the world at the time so when he sold his farm he was able to retire a rich man as he had been working on his farm from Age 761-Age 778. He sold his shot gun yet he replaced it with a BFG9000. His reasoning was "Lets see one of those bullet catching aliens catch a slug from one of THESE bad boys". His reasoning for shooting Jimmy Olsen was because he thought he was another "Alien Space Warrior" and was forgiven by all who remembered the destruction done by two similarly dressed "Alien Space Warriors", except for Lois Lane and Clark Kent who were responsible for the hate mail, death threats and hostile voice messages. After a long investigation into this, arrests were made and Lois Lane and Clark Kent were each sentenced to 10 years in prison. They say that Farmer With Shotgun's family was relocated by the Witness Protection Agency and that the story about Farmer With Shotgun's wife taking custody of the kids and Farmer With Shotgun dying alone, sad, and pathetic was merely a cover-up story for what really happened. Years later, Superman committed suicide, blaming himself for Jimmy's death, which lead to an alcoholic Lois Lane jumping from the roof of the Daily Planet because of Clark Kent/Supermans passing
Some say Farmer With Shot Gun has a private island somewhere near Master Roshi's these days, but thats just mere speculation.



Jan 13, 2013
ssj4 Gogeta would demolish Bills incredibly easily. Fusion isn't just taking the 2 powers and combining them, its more like taking the 2 powers, combining them and then cubed³ them lol.

bills is stronger than vegito is stronger than ssj4 gogeta
How do you know? There hasn't been anything saying whether or not. If it's just your opinion that's fine but don't claim it like its fact lol.


Apr 27, 2014
ssj4 Gogeta would demolish Bills incredibly easily. Fusion isn't just taking the 2 powers and combining them, its more like taking the 2 powers, combining them and then cubed³ them lol.

bills is stronger than vegito is stronger than ssj4 gogeta
How do you know? There hasn't been anything saying whether or not. If it's just your opinion that's fine but don't claim it like its fact lol.

i hate retards


Apr 27, 2014
ALL depends on the the color of the closest star on the planet that they are fighting on

ok cooler said he could blow up the sun yamcha is stronger than cooler after the androids right so he blows up the sun blue sun red sun what ever


Jan 13, 2013
Cool story bro. Very compelling argument. "i hate retards" Yes, I realize the error of my thoughts on this subject. Now that that has been established why don't you go back to your coloring book while we talk about your amazing victory over me with only 3 words... and very bad grammar.


Apr 27, 2014
Cool story bro. Very compelling argument. "i hate retards" Yes, I realize the error of my thoughts on this subject. Now that that has been established why don't you go back to your coloring book while we talk about your amazing victory over me with only 3 words... and very bad grammar.

my bad i just had a hard day i feel better now there is a lot of nerd rage in like 3 froums your probley cool or something


Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Cool story bro. Very compelling argument. "i hate retards" Yes, I realize the error of my thoughts on this subject. Now that that has been established why don't you go back to your coloring book while we talk about your amazing victory over me with only 3 words... and very bad grammar.

It's his only method of writing. Don't let it get to you. I hard a hard enough time understanding his posts on another board.


Apr 27, 2014
Cool story bro. Very compelling argument. "i hate retards" Yes, I realize the error of my thoughts on this subject. Now that that has been established why don't you go back to your coloring book while we talk about your amazing victory over me with only 3 words... and very bad grammar.

It's his only method of writing. Don't let it get to you. I hard a hard enough time understanding his posts on another board.

dude i proved you wrong get over it

and i hate retards is party becouse of you in that post
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Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
dude i proved you wrong get over it

and i hate retards is party becouse of you in that post
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post.

Look back at your posts.

You went from claiming Goku could wipe the floor with Superman to now claiming that Goku can beat only certain versions of Superman. You also showed your lack of knowledge about Superman Prime and what the concept of a dimension is...

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.

At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.

Keep responding, which I will assume will be triple and double posts. Are you aware of the edit feature IGN offers?

But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.
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Apr 27, 2014
Chill we are all Z-Warriors no need to fight each other until the Tenkaichi Budokai.

yes but this guy just likes to derail post with stupid

dude i proved you wrong get over it

and i hate retards is party becouse of you in that post
You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post.

Look back at your posts.

You went from claiming Goku could wipe the floor with Superman to now claiming that Goku can beat only certain versions of Superman. You also showed your lack of knowledge about Superman Prime and what the concept of a dimension is...

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.

At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.

Keep responding, which I will assume will be triple and double posts. Are you aware of the edit feature IGN offers?

But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.


You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post.

Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai) has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy.

Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out

which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily

Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight?


right becouse Gogeta is goku good job

you replyed to you own post

frist you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)

you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?

you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?

you even said this

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job. :)

so even you said i corrected you

Look back at your posts.

lol i am useing you post you are probley confused agian

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya

goku can turn ss
goku can turn ss2
goku can turn ss3
goku can turn ss4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?

goku and also turn ss god

superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight
superman can not turn sliver age or all star these are differential stroys differential supermans not the same guy
i dont understand superman prime what about superman prime like superman prime is not superman do you understand that?

goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect

If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.

please do so i can make this list longer

At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.

please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please

But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

what have i misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand?

And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.

good job i think i will


he did the same thing in this post he just a troll
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Beware the Jabberwock, my son.
Apr 26, 2004
Aw, cute, you are trying to figure out how to use the post functions again.

Does everyone here understand what this user is trying to say?

If you want, I'll lay it out again.

I will attempt to clean it up and use a differently colored text so you can actually read this mess you tried to post.

You didn't prove me wrong. You pointed out a typo with a poorly worded post. <-- Re-read this. Note this as point #1.

Superman is divided up into many categories, I believe it's wise to label Goku as such. GT Goku, which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily. Anime Goku (as in Dragon Ball Z anime, not Kai) has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out. We should also incorporate Movie 13 Goku, as that version seems to fair pretty well as SSJ3 without much drain in energy.

Goku has less of a chance of dealing with Post-Crisis Superman only because SSJ3 takes too much energy and easily tired him out

which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily

Sure. I can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. Though are we now including other people into this fight?


right becouse Gogeta is goku good job

you replyed to you own post

frist you are like ok with (can see SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman. SSJ Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta going against Superman.)

you posted that and gogeta and gogeta could fight superman?

you even said which fusion, can match Post- Crisis Superman pretty easily ///ok so what is fusion? then you said then two fusions vs superman are you just retated?

you even said this <---- Please refer to point #1.

This is counterproductive when you are trying to correct me. The bold you used was effective the second time around. Good job. :)

so even you said i corrected you <--- Refer to point #1.

Look back at your posts.

lol i am useing you post you are probley confused agian <--- You obviously lack the ability to understand simple English. Which is not a bad thing and if you are not fluent in English, please let us know. Because it will explain why you struggle to even articulate the most simply of points... But if you do understand English, then your posts are a combination of ignorance and/or laziness. Please ACTUALLY re-read the previous points because every time you post, it's like you don't actually understand what you're posting.

You then post "proof" of Superman's strengths by providing a wrong picture that is unrelated to your post.

You then go on by not correctly describing Superman's abilities.

superman new 52 almost died from a nuke lol sorry if got his powers wrong must be the superman comics that i read like this one <---- Again, you're jumping all over the place when you're trying to describe Superman's abilities. The New 52 Superman from Prime Earth cannot take a nuke. Sure. The Dark Knight Returns Superman also can't take a nuke. Sure. But Post-Crisis Superman, Pre-Crisis Superman, and DC One Million's Superman Prime could easily take it. The Dark Knight Returns Superman was never considered canon by the way, which were the images you provided. Why not just post the video and avoid using those images? It's because you don't know the actual source and you like to mindlessly Google images of random pictures that you feel will superficially support your claim.

You also tried to claim that there is no difference between the manga for Dragon Ball and the anime adaptation... Which is evidence of your ignorance when it comes to Dragon Ball in general. Though you have seen the new crappy movie, which I just recently had the misfortune of watching... That was the only useful bit of information you actually shared in a post and it was with terrible advice, claiming that the movie is good.

battle of gods is a good movie you retard that right there is so wrong you should take some pink kyptonite with superman for a hour that will learn ya <---- So becoming homosexual will make me learn that the terribly paced and extremely silly nonsense that was the Battle of Gods movie is actually a good movie? We're in the 21st Century by the way, in case your backwards logic doesn't understand that homophobia doesn't make for a creative insult anymore, nor does calling someone a retard but it's all your got so keep trying. ;) This could be a side argument, since it's ultimately a subjective topic. What exactly about the movie was good? Was it the idiotic expansion of an already ridiculous SSJ system? Was it the stupidly juvenile attempt at explaining a cosmic role? Or was it the forced humor? What was good?

goku can turn ss
goku can turn ss2
goku can turn ss3
goku can turn ss4 (even death battle did so are you saying death battle is wrong?

goku and also turn ss god

superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight
superman can not turn sliver age or all star these are differential stroys differential supermans not the same guy
i dont understand superman prime what about superman prime like superman prime is not superman do you understand that? <--- When you claim Goku can beat Superman, there are so many Superman versions that we need to know which one you actually meant. You cannot use Superman as a general when talking about this or else you are further proving you don't know anything about Superman. Pre-Crisis Superman is simply considered Superman. No version of Goku can beat him. Pre-Crisis is a name given by the fans to help understand the differences between all these versions. So if I used Pre-Crisis Superman as a general title of just Superman and claimed that Superman can beat Goku, would that be right? No. Because I would have to define which Superman I meant. New 52 Superman of course cannot turn into his Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions, not unless the story dictates it, but it's obvious most things can beat the New 52 Superman. That's why the label to provide the distinction is necessary. You understand this, right? You understand that you cannot just simply use Superman as a general and then use the point that "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" when what you're really doing is using Superman as a general... It's like Superman = variable. Post-Crisis Superman = A. New 52 Superman = B. Etc. What you're saying with "superman can not turn Post-Crisis in a fight" is that "(variable) can not turn (A) in a fight"... A is a variable. You understand, right? Or do you need me to dumb it down a bit more for you?

goku sill beats superman prime he beats superman ect <--- See, this is proof you STILL don't understand what DC One Million's Superman Prime is.

If you want, I could go back and point out every single reason why you were wrong with your assertion.

please do so i can make this list longer <---- Will do! :)

At least you are learning how to post and respond to other people's post more appropriately.

please see the pink kyptonite part agian and spend time with superman please <--- Aw, how cute. You're still trying to use that insult and this time you didn't use the word "retard"! You're improving the way an old racist stops using sexist slurs but keeps the racism ripe.

But yeah, keep responding; it'll help me burn time and hopefully allow an opportunity for me and others to educate you in your very misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball.

what have i misinformed understanding of Superman and Dragon Ball. what that gogeta is not goku i might have got that wroung my bad see gogeta is a fusion of goku and vegita understand? <---- Look back at point #1. I don't think you understand anything I actually meant. Also, do you now understand the difference between the manga version of Goku and the anime version of Goku?

And remember, if you need visual clues to help you articulate, feel free to use more images as a response. Heaven knows you need the help considering your really poor ability to write.

good job i think i will


he did the same thing in this post he just a troll
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