
Nov 21, 2021
First off, I cannot confirm the validity of this information I've taken mostly from the TV Tropes trivia section (From the "What Could Have Been" trope) of Marvel 3. While I am able to identify believable sources to back this up, such as eventhubs and official tweets (I will link to all sources at the bottom) It's possible I've just compiled a list of rumors and false information, so take it with a grain of salt.

Each character is listed, including Capcom characters, along with the reason they were cut (If any). Bolded characters had significant development put into them (Conceptual or actual game assets) before the cut, while italicized characters were just considered, with no real thought behind them before the cut.


Nov 21, 2021
First off, I cannot confirm the validity of this information I've taken mostly from the TV Tropes trivia section (From the "What Could Have Been" trope) of Marvel 3. While I am able to identify believable sources to back this up, such as eventhubs and official tweets (I will link to all sources at the bottom) It's possible I've just compiled a list of rumors and false information , so take it with a grain of salt.

Each character is listed, including Capcom characters, along with the reason they were cut (If any). Bolded characters had significant development put into them (Conceptual or actual game assets) before the cut, while italicized characters were just considered, with no real thought behind them before the cut.
