Deleted member 484395

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I see the quote in their ads, and I don't get it. How in the world is this game at ALL like Skyrim?? Just because it's an open world first person game?
Jul 17, 2009
I noticed that quote also and thought it was an odd comparison. FC is an action FPS and Skyrim is an RPG. I guess they are referring to the fact both games have a large open world with various characters, animals and places to explore. But they are definitely 2 very different games.
Nov 6, 2012
Have you played it? Because that quote was written by someone that has.
Though I'm pretty sure Skyrim with guns is called Fallout.
Its the "echoes of Red Dead" quote that got me more excited.


All-time 808 drum machine melee champion
Aug 18, 2005
Yeah i laughed at the comparison. Its like saying Far Cry 2 "Is like Fallout3 but with Africans".

However, look at it like this fakeAltUser#444892 has put it^^^^
true enough, we have not played it, and maybe the epic scale, crafting, sense of discovery and
'u fall in the water you die after we patch it' will be somewhat close (said for lulz and effect haha).

Otherwise, maybe he's just doing it because its very good and he thinks the previous installment was overlooked
by too many folks.

Either way its preordered. So um...i guess i'll be killing some sharks. You know. For the king, for the thuum, etc. etc.


Dec 15, 2011
Have you played it? Because that quote was written by someone that has.
Though I'm pretty sure Skyrim with guns is called Fallout.
Its the "echoes of Red Dead" quote that got me more excited.

This. Skyrim with guns is most certainly Fallout 3 and New Vegas. However, the game does have an experience and leveling up mechanic, so perhaps in that way it is similar. The IGN review has me even more hyped as exploring sounds very fun (and is an aspect open-worlds sometimes struggle with). The fact that hunting animals and collecting herbs has a tangible effect on gameplay is outstanding.


No Longer a Noob
May 10, 2008
Exactly. They're not even comparable genres.
They really are if you understand anything about game design. It is a first person game with RPG mechanics with exploration and crafting, in the same way that Skyrim is a first person game with RPG mechanics exploration and crafting. The major difference is that there are machetes and guns instead of swords and magic.
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Aug 3, 2004
I believe it's the exploration that makes it similar. That whole "walk anywhere and find something worthwhile" kind of feel. That's all I can think of that would make sense.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2010
you level up by doing stuff more levels grant additional "perks",
you can take on situations in such a way its seems HIGHLY unlikely that any two people would play the same way,
Free roaming with optional incentives for exploration...
I could go on, I won't,but i could.
Jul 17, 2009
The trailer also said, "it's an echo of red dead redemption" - wtf? Why don't they just say, it's like far cry 2 but vastly improved from last year and that's it's corrected issues and complaints of fc2 instead? That would make way more sense
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2010
The trailer also said, "it's an echo of red dead redemption" - wtf? Why don't they just say, it's like far cry 2 but vastly improved from last year and that's it's corrected issues and complaints of fc2 instead? That would make way more sense
Because by saying its like a more popular game it gets your attention and makes you wanna talk about it(i.e like right now)
it's just advertising...
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Apr 6, 2011
I noticed that quote also and thought it was an odd comparison. FC is an action FPS and Skyrim is an RPG. I guess they are referring to the fact both games have a large open world with various characters, animals and places to explore. But they are definitely 2 very different games.
Ummmm, it is a RPG too.... Have you even watched the review, it shows that it has RPG element, many quests, large open world.... wait this sound familiar, oh that's right it sounds like skyrim.... with guns


Dec 1, 2012
I noticed that quote also and thought it was an odd comparison. FC is an action FPS and Skyrim is an RPG. I guess they are referring to the fact both games have a large open world with various characters, animals and places to explore. But they are definitely 2 very different games.
ya they are different but fc3 is going to be more like an RPG than the last two.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2010
I noticed that quote also and thought it was an odd comparison. FC is an action FPS and Skyrim is an RPG. I guess they are referring to the fact both games have a large open world with various characters, animals and places to explore. But they are definitely 2 very different games.
ya they are different but fc3 is going to be more like an RPG than the last two.

I get it...


Oct 31, 2012
I think what they meant by it is that its' kind of a new-age Skyrim, seeing as how there is an alchemy element in FC3, as well as open-world exploration, also I believe there is a sort of faction element with the local Islanders v.s. Vas's and Hoyt's thugs. Its' kind of a fight for the island theme, just like Skyrim was a fight for the land theme, with its' own factions. The "Skyrim with guns" thing is a ploy but there are some similarities, albeit small.


Dec 3, 2012
open world, expansively open game play, choose your quests and their order... skyrim...+guns
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Dec 5, 2012
Its the same genre just not very similar at all. People are just retarded, Farcry is sick though


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 5, 2007
It's a marketing thing. Marketing departments will say all sorts of things that aren't that accurate just to get people interested.
Dec 5, 2012
I guess because of all the crafting, loot, collectibles, side missions, quest and what not, it's sort of like skyrim with guns, but skyrim is more dense and honestly more boring THAN Far Cry 3 (not saying that Skyrim is boring)! This game is AMAZING!


Dec 23, 2011
why far cry 3 is similar to skyrim?? (in my mind)
1.perk and level up
2.open world
3.first person
4.mountain,sea,forset and more
5.animal hunting
6.side quest
and more


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
The FC3 map-maker lets you console players set up NPC battles (pirates vs. tigers -- just like baseball but not shitty) like the PC Skyrim modders do (dragons vs. Imperial Guardsmen).


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I can see how they could market it that way, but I would compare it more to Borderlands than Skyrim. But that wouldn't attract nearly the attention, so I get it.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ Dead Island's team could learn a bit from UbiMontreal

Then again, different design approaches. DI's team did do Call of Juarez (1 and 2, not #3).


All-time 808 drum machine melee champion
Aug 18, 2005
Its funny that they said "There are echoes of Red Dead Redemption"...because i didnt read that advert,
and yet when i played it, i thought the exact same thing.

Plus im writing it here, on the internet, so it's gotta be true.


Dec 11, 2012
the skyrim with guns thing is for borderlands 2...
No... No it's not.

So if I say Cherry Soda is like Orange Soda but with cherry, that's only liable to Cherry Soda? Wouldn't Grape soda be just as a good comparison also? Talking about the fact that they're all fruits, all these comparisons are legit, they're all games, they have have an 'open world' setting like Skyrim, they have many NPC's like Skryim, they have a variety of weapons like Skyrim, missions like Skyrim and are RPG, oh, but the chemicals, ie, elements in the game change, they're still similar!... In the end, Skyrim is a REALLY good game I'm sure most of us can agree on that, so if you imagine a game like skyrim, people think "OH you can go around freely just like Skyrim and do missions and craft, but with guns" and it will catch their attention as it caught mines. So why not just shut up and stop being so specific, "It doesn't have dragons so it's not like skyrim with guns and it's not an ancient looking game"... Really? You must be that kid they hated in class because you wanted to be the smart mouth and look for loopholes in the teacher's instructions, or are that kid.. Lol.. Chill out guys, it's called marketing, if it works for them, they use it, if it doesn't, they'll change it. Nuff said.
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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 22, 2001
It's nowhere near Skyrim. If anything it's more like a skeletal, stripped down version. A.k.a. simplified. Very.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
All I know is that Far Cry 3 looks very good from what I've played so far, that's all thet matters to me.


Jan 1, 2013
This game is epic, just started playing it today. It has stunning graphics to start off.. Its like Dead Island on steroids. How you have to reveal parts of the map by climbing radio towers is like in Guild Wars 2, where you have to find vantage points. <-- Awesome idea. Also, I like how it combines Red Dead Redemption in too! - The skinning the animals / Random Poker Games. All that topped off with extreme sports, guns, explosions, pot, and boobs. This game is Freaking Awesome :D
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Jan 1, 2013
How has no one said this; Far Cry 3 is almost exactly like Just Cause 2, albeit much more advanced graphically and story-wise, but sadly lacking a grappling hook. The cars, boats, and radio towers all very similar, not to mention the pirates all behave and show up just as they did in JC2. Also, Jason looks like a douche. But still a bangin' game!