
No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
Yes, it's that time of year again! Gotta bust out all those copies of Mortal Kombat and play through each of them as many times as possible in one day! I'll be online all night if anyone here actually sees this in time and wants to play me!

Here's an article I wrote for Mortal Monday. Figure if you want a nice, LONG read about the details of Mortal Monday, then this is your lucky day! [face_tongue] It's actually got a few "hidden" comments as tributes to the Mortal Kombat series for real fans! ;) Plus, a little bit of nostalgia on my part, which is pretty much always the case on my posts anyway! Anyway, I hope some of you read, and enjoy it!




No Longer a Noob
May 9, 2001
Cool article. I enjoyed the bonus there at the end. While the SNES version of MK may have had some editing, I couldn't get by the whole 3 button deal on the Genesis versus having 6 buttons on the SNES standard controller. So, IMO, SNES was better overall. It seemed to play smoother as well as have slightly better graphics and better/more accurate sound & music. This factored in as well when playing Street Fighter 2 (and it's variants). Snes more closely resembled the arcade controller and the move sets were, I think, identical which made them good practice material before throwing more quarters into the machines.

Also, back in the day the magazines at the time did a great job of publishing move lists for arcade fighting games as well as special issues that covered specific games. I was a subscriber to a number of these magazines as well as picked many up at the newstand (Video Games & Computer Entertainment, Electronic Gaming Monthy, GamePro, Tips & Tricks) and I remember how hyped I was when these specific issues showed up. So no real interenet to jump in and look everything up, but getting a magazine was common. I would take the magazine and sit down at the computer we had at the time and type up a move list cheat sheet, print out a couple copies and take it to the arcade with me. Ah the good ole days.

It is sad that the arcade world is dead. Online gaming certainly helps, but there's nothing that truly compares to having a friend to play games with or be able to meet up with other local folks to fight against and talk about gaming and share tips.

As for Nintendo possibly being behind the whole congressional hearings on videogame violence... I had never in my life heard that theory till I read this. Weather they were or not, I think the end results were good for the industry because we got ratings for game boxes. This may not have meant much back in the day as it was more about getting unedited arcade games at home... but as a parent it is much easier to tell my friends with 10 year old kids that the M rated games they let them play is the equivallent of letting them watch rated R movies. So, it serves as a much easier way to relate to other parents the content found in games that is just not appropriate for younger kids. Just think about GTA:SA for a moment and the whole "hot coffee" mod or even what the context of the game was even about during those segments without the mod. Little kids aren't ready for that kind of stuff in games.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
Thanks night! I'm glad you liked it!

I know we've gone back and forth on the SNES vs. Genesis versions of MK before, and I'll totally agree with you on the graphics/sound of the SNES version over the Genesis! The only issues I really had with the SNES version of the game was the lag in the controls and the bleach job they did. Had it not been censored, then I likely would have gotten over the control issue. Oh, and the Genesis version had 4 buttons since it used Start as block (which wasn't an issue at all since everyone was used to hitting Start to pause)... and you could also use a 6-button controller, which I did, but even without, it only mixed up the punch buttons which wasn't too big an issue either since ducking + either punch = uppercut, standing + either punch = rapid punches (high gave blood spurts though), and jumping + either punch resulted in a standard jump punch. Throws (forward + low punch) were changed to forward + low kick I believe (maybe high kick?), and that was a bit strange, but considering the fights that used to break out in arcades over cheap players who did nothing but throw was enough for me and my friends to avoid throws like driving through traffic! Still, I played the heck out of both the SNES and the Genesis versions of the game, and as I mentioned in the article, I do kind of like how the censoring worked out to give the SNES version of the game a fresh feel to it, but I would be interested to see how many people actually preferred the SNES version over the Genesis one. I know it sold 4 to 1 in favor of the Genesis, but sales don't always mean anything considering some people only bought it for the console they had and not the one that they would have preferred having.

As for the Nintendo being behind it all, it was actually news to me as well! I recently read about it in a book called, "The Ultimate History of Video Games," and some people who worked in the industry at the time made mention of it being because Nintendo was using it as a strike back against Sega for the 4 to 1 sales of Mortal Kombat on Genesis over the SNES version. I didn't want to use their quotes in the article, so I only briefly made mention of it, but I thought it was such an interesting perspective, and one that I am quite honestly, shocked never even dawned on me before reading that!

I do think that the end result was a good thing as well. The ratings system is not perfect, but it's allowed for much more content to be in games than what we likely would have seen had it never come around. Sega was the first on board with a ratings system, and they had their own system in place before the standardized one we have now, but I know it was all just reactionary to the whole worry about Mortal Kombat. Actually, Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis may have been the first game rated with an MA-13 rating under the "Sega Rating Scale."


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
YEA!!! My post from last year is still unlocked so I don't have to type it all out again! :D



No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000

Yes, I have already listened to the movie soundtrack and The Immortals Mortal Kombat album... And I JUST finished Mortal Kombat on the Sega Genesis! Ahhh, what a great day it was! Even if someone broke street date and released the original Mortal Kombat on Friday, September 10... but that's neither here nor there! [face_tongue] I WAS thankful to get my copy for the whole weekend, though! Next up, gonna watch Mortal Kombat the Movie, and then... PLAY MORE MORTAL KOMBAT!!! :D Definitely gonna get the Game Gear version in there and beat it with Johnny Cage... because that's pretty much the way I played it a billion times over since that's the version I pre-ordered. All my friends had the other systems covered, so between all of us, we could play every version of the game! I personally was holding out on consoles for the, what I PRESUMED would be the superior, Sega CD version! Unfortunately, that one was MASSIVELY delayed, but I had it pre-ordered, so I did get that one as soon as it did release... and was sad because the loading times on that one pretty much killed it! :( The intro was nice though! ;)

ANYWAY, enough about what happened in 1993, it's back to 2019, so I gotta go get some more Mortal Kombat on! ;)

Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
I remember playing Mortal Kombat at a Laser tag place, and this guy kept killing me. After that he said, 'It's the middle button, bro'

Oh the shame!
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
HA! Yeah, adjusting to the block button instead of just holding back like in Street Fighter II was a challenge at first for me too! I got used to it eventually though! I ended up playing through ALL of the versions of Mortal Kombat, watching the movie, listening to all the soundtracks, and for good measure... ordered a pizza! [face_tongue] It was a good day! :)
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Miss those days, good times at the arcade and pizza! Random side note, I made a pit 2 Fatality comparison video a few years back, to show the difference of the emulated 32x version version the real deal. People were beating it up, since the emulated version is buggy.

Just some Mortal Kombat news


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000

Happy Mortal Monday!!!

Gonna watch the new movie tonight (saved it for today) and of course, play Mortal Kombat on whatever I can!

"Get over here!"

Y'all have fun! ;)
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
There was a prototype for the Genesis version that was recently uncovered. Looks interesting!

Also, on that same channel (Master LinKuei) I saw that they are working on a homebrew version for the Genesis Mortal Kombat. It's looking pretty cool!

Master Linkuei - YouTube


Ed Boon released a video clip of them coming up with the GET OVER HERE move. It's on Twitter, but I also found it on YouTube!


I remade the 32x MKII Pit 2 Fatality comparison, for a more detailed comparison

Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Bruhaha introduced me to a YouTube channel called 'strafefox', which I really enjoy! They recently released a Making of Mortal Kombat (and covers the progression of digitized images in gaming) video and it's fantastic

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No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000
Happy Mortal Monday!

Well, since Fatal Friday was actually on a Friday this year, we watched the Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms movie this past weekend. I REALLY enjoyed it, though! Lots of connections to the games, and I guess my real complaint would be that I could tell exactly who was going to die by that kharacters popularity. Still, I liked this one better than Scorpion’s Revenge!

So tonight I’m planning to put on the original movie and of course, play some Mortal Kombat! Been blasting the soundtracks in my car the past couple of days….Well, the old ones at least. The new ones just aren’t nearly as good.

Shinobi, I noticed that your first post after my last one was on Mortal Friday! Yay MK3! Thought that was cool! Plus, everything you posted was AWESOME!!! Thanks!

Well, it’s 9:13 9/13, so I gotta run. Y’all have a great one this year!



No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2000

I finished up the Aftermath expansion for MK11 today, and played the Game Gear MK, watched both the new and old movie, and listened to all the soundtracks! It was a pretty good day! And, tomorrow I get MK1, so it’s like an expansion to Mortal Monday! SWEETNESSl!!! :D
