Jul 30, 2010
does it teach you to play? Huh whats that, no.. Well then until it does Rock Band will be better. Before i didnt care which music game i played. Now i do.


Nov 16, 2008
The game isn't ABOUT metal. Its more metal-heavy, but its not a Guitar Hero: Metal. Yes, Linkin Park sucks, but its not the first game to have it.

GH5's setlist was god awful compared to this one. So much more bad rock than here, plus genres that did not belong...please, no hip hop..pleeeaaaase.

I also agree, it seems like the Wii version should have at least a .5 increase if its supposed to stand about the HD versions.
Sep 30, 2010
couldnt disagree more, its one of the coolest ghs, the final battles are awesome, and i like the challenge, and average players have like 70 songs or more they can easily play. 6 is way too low, u just got bored of GH thts it.
Feb 23, 2009
does it teach you to play? Huh whats that, no.. Well then until it does Rock Band will be better. Before i didnt care which music game i played. Now i do.

No, it doesn't, but its a GAME played on plastic instruments. I play it because I don't really care about playing guitar for real, I play it to **** around.
Sep 12, 2010
fkinsd said:
I have had two days to play with GHWOR and this review sucks. The setlist is perfectly fine and all the new wacky power up features are actually very cool and bump the Lasting Appeal score to a 9+. Yes the Story mode is silly but you only do that once. And I don't see how 5 menu choices on the main menu is hard to navigate. The menus work virtually like the old games except for some minor tweaks when in QuickPlay. Bum review for sure! If you like GH, get this disc!

My thoughts exactly I have seen a bunch of people bashing this game but I think it's great lots of fun songs to play here and they are very difficult this review sucks for sure


Jul 15, 2010
so how is the wii version different from the other consoles? and i swear to god if you guys gave a lower score on this version than the others...


Oct 13, 2009
The narrator is awful though.

I laughed when I read cause its too, main reason I am not buying this game, they had Alice Cooper in the studio, why not have him instead, personally I think Alice would be way better doing his stage voice rather than Gene trying to sound elderly and wise.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 29, 2010
Awesome, all this guy did was copy & paste his review from other systems and tacked on the Wii/DS connectivity features. Basically nothing this game could do would make this reviewer stop being so biased towards it. Not all games need to cater to your grandma and 4-year old cousin either...

I'm still trying to figure out why the song choices for the game fail the quest mode? The entire theme of Quest mode is to bring together the different types of rock, and it does that very well.

Also, no going into detail at all about the new multiplayer modes at all? Why bother reviewing this?

How about IGN gets people who don't suck at the game to review it next time?


Apr 4, 2007
I waited for the wii review and noticed nothing new...roadie battle, wow great addition to this review..
in my opinion after rating that bad the 360/ps3 versions this game would deserve a better..it has way more better features
Nov 22, 2006
GH5 was such a step forward for the series, it's too bad they jumped back to III with this one. Who knows if we'll ever see a 7 with the way they're heading?


Feb 5, 2010
This is my first time posting a comment and the only reason I am is because of the constant disapproval in the article. I did not buy GH 5 or Van Halen because I did not like the set lists. My choice had nothing to do with features. The set list is the main reason I bought this version and I AM NOT disappointed. So what if the disc is not jam packed with nothing but hard, grinding metal? After a few of the more intense songs it's nice to sit back and play something like Aerosmith's "Crying" ;) I will admit that a small number of the song picks could have been avoided, but show me one music game that somebody, somewhere doesn't have a problem with. If you can do that I'll introduce you to Santa Claus.


Sep 30, 2010
ok hold on... the information is this review is completely biased! it's not at all a "criticism".. it's a straight out false bash... party play being buried under a sea of menus?!??! from the main menu press YELLOW! ta-da!! was that so hard?? having a diverse setlist is way better than sticking to one lame genre! that opens the doors for more fans! this game has way more songs i would play than GH3! my favorite GH was GH: Metallica and you can import the majority of the songs for free for a week! beef up the fun and difficult songs in the song list! how can you review a song list based on your own personal taste of music???? the songs you listed were boring extremely easy... those are the songs you play at the beginning of the quest... it gets harder as you continue playing... the songs get more and more difficult.. i honestly don't want to call this a "review" because i believe to call it a review would suggest that it holds at least some merit.. this does not. IGN BLOOOOWS


Jun 29, 2008
Basically this is what happened...this author gets appointed by his boss to review yet 'another' Guitar Hero game...He reluctantly downloads the demo, bullcraps around some of the songs on medium, spends 25 minutes actually playing and "reviewing" the game and the other 5 thinking about how bad his life sucks...so a 30 minute all inclusive review of Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock is born for all to read on ign...Oh man, too bad GH didnt come out with Pro mode and 7 brand new instruments that retail $1,623 US dollars!!! NOoooooooo... I GUARANTEE that Rockband 3 will get a 9.6 no matter if the game sucks hardballs or whatever because IGN has already poured every bit of their funds into covering the new RB game and even if it suxs they want people to buy it cuz they just do....imdone


Prime Member
Oct 27, 2007
i too somewhat disagree with the reviewer. he is right in that nothing has been advanced as far as game play. it's still the exact same as the first full band game. no new instrument or new actually gameplay. 5 and a bass on drums, same play for guitar/bass and singing. they added some bells and whistles. so in that regard it's the same game as it has been for 3 years now. so it should drop a bit in rating and the story mode is lame. you have to do the exact same track list twice to unlock everything. at least with 5 they incorporated your downloaded content.

to me the only new things to make this a buy is the set list and getting to add metallica. if they want to continue to compete without upgrading the instruments/gameplay they need to make the van halen downloadable and provide better and more downloadable content. guitar hero. 3 songs per week, rock band at the very least 8 songs per week but most weeks MUCH more. now they have 3 part singing, pro guitar and keyboards. so IF guitar hero doesn't upgrade the peripherals, they really need to blow us away with the music. full albums and greatest hits from bands that no one thinks they can get. get U2 to sing up, or springsteen, iconic groups, get the stones to give up their good stuff. bands like that with huge numbers of followers. get the misfits. wanna separate yourself from rock band? allow mature content and don't bleep songs. must be 18 to purchase.

rock band is crushing GH with innovation and shear volume of content. if guitar hero doesn't change up they will die.
Nov 4, 2009
I'm getting so god damn sick of Guitar Hero. It's so boring now. People say they will do the same to COD but COD actually has places it can go, options it can take. Guitar Hero is so simple and so boring. Activision is just milking whatever cash they can get.


Feb 25, 2010
i understand partially where this author is coming from but gh 5 had too much pop and too diversified so this one is automatically a step up. And before you bash my comment im not saying it was ALL pop. Just compared to its predecessors (all of which i enjoyed). Either way Im still on the GH bandwagon and i played the demo and I already love dethkloks song. I can't wait to play psychosocial!


Dec 15, 2009
Totally biased and crappy review. I know you cock-sucking fanboys are gonna give RB3 a 9.6 or higher, even though it's going to be no better than this game, and I play both, so don't call me a fanboy.

And after reading through some of the comments, people need to get their heads of their asses. Play the demo or rent it and form your opinion, don't be brainwashed by this shitty review.

Not to mention, several people mentioned already that Party Play is a simple YELLOW BUTTON away from the main screen. It really does sound like the reviewer didn't play the game.

All in all, I haven't actually played it, so I can't give it a rating, but I can tell from the comments here and the previews I've seen that a 6.0 is blasphemy.
Sep 28, 2009
IGN probably will rate RB3 higher. Here is some basic reasons why:

RB has always added something which GH then copies into its next game since they know it is better than what they came up with.

RB has a huge download. The fact that this will be transferable into the next game is a huge bonus to me!

I am not such a heavy metal/heavy rock player so the balanced setlist RB gives me is better to me and those who are more casual.

RB supports more instruments by allowing GH instruments to work on the game. This is more friendly than GH's approach where only GH peripherals may be used.

RB does not release as many spin-offs. Most RB's get people excited since we now expect each game to be bigger and better than the last game since they come less frequently. I once cared for the new GH game but now they come so often I now do not give a monkeys.

Quit arguing GH fanboys. RB has now simply taken its rightful crown as best music game around.


Dec 15, 2009
stephen_newman said:
Quit arguing GH fanboys. RB has now simply taken its rightful crown as best music game around.

This line of bigotry is astounding. Not only that, but you have got to be the world's biggest hypocrite. You tell GH "fanboys" to quit arguing and then turn around and adulate the hell out of Rock Band. Good job contradicting yourself.

But let me argue with a few of your other points:

"RB has always added something which GH then copies into its next game since they know it is better than what they came up with."
> Boohoo. The drums are better on GH with double bass anyway, and GH mics seem to have better sound reception (I own both, so I should know).

"RB has a huge download. The fact that this will be transferable into the next game is a huge bonus to me!"
> Big deal. If you call it a bonus that to get any good songs you have to spend extra money, then you're lost on me.

"RB supports more instruments by allowing GH instruments to work on the game. This is more friendly than GH's approach where only GH peripherals may be used."
> Rock Band drums and guitar work just fine for me on GH. Hmm....

"RB does not release as many spin-offs. Most RB's get people excited since we now expect each game to be bigger and better than the last game since they come less frequently. I once cared for the new GH game but now they come so often I now do not give a monkeys."
> Lego, Beatles, Green Day, all within a year. GH released: Metallica, Smash Hits, Van Halen in about the same amount of time. (main series games not included). 3 to 3, look at that. n_n

So really, all of your "points" are fanboyish and have no relevance.
Aug 23, 2010
this series hasn't been good or relevant for a long, long time. the novelty of plastic guitars and drums has passed, this and rock band do nothing but elicit a mighty yawn from me these days
Nov 16, 2008
Before I'm labled as a GH fanboy, let me say that I've played both GH and RB, and I love them both. They're both just fun games that involve plastic instruments. Some people say RB has better songs, some say GH has better songs. The truth is that both have their share of good songs and crap songs. Sure, GH may release more spin-offs than RB, but if they release something I don't like I have the option to just IGNORE it.

Anyways, like several others have pointed out, this is a crappy review. IGN complains about the setlist being 'underwhelming'. As far as setlists go that all comes down to personal taste. I personally think this setlist is just fine. Mind you, I agree about Nickelback, but theres plenty more good than bad here in my opinion. So you found a few songs that you don't like? Thats going to happen with every single music game you'll ever play. (except for The Beatles RB, of course) I thought GH5 was actulaally very disappointing. Yes, the mechanics worked for the better, but the setlist was a little too diverse and overall boring to play on guitar. Here on the other hand the songs are actually a lot of fun and put the 'Guitar' back in Guitar Hero. They also said that this game isn't great to play with friends. WELL DUH! If you want a social experience, you turn to RB or GH5 or maybe GHWT. But the rest of GH has always been for the hardcore expert players who would rather play alone than with friends.

I think this reviewer was simply looking at this game from the wrong perspective. The game's goal in the first place was to win back the hardcore players that it spent last year totally blowing off, and in those regards its a success. This review on the other hand is clearly from the perspective of someone who loved GH5 and was looking for a social experience.

If you don't mind IGN, review a game from the perspective of its TARGET AUDIENCE. I thought the point of these reviews was to inform gamers if the games that THEY'RE intrested in are worth the money or not.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 3, 2004
man, this game has about to get "killed" no wonder the head man at activision has "beef" on EA. no disrespect on activision and EA i like both companies, can we all get along,
May 31, 2004
Hmmm...while this isn't exactly what I'd call a great review, I will say this, it at least points out what they didn't like, and what they did like about this game. The guy actually went into detail too, explaining how the game is different from it's predecessors, but also the same. So again, I'm giving this the benefit of the doubt.

I'm not gonna say if I agree or disagree with this score, simply because I'm not interested in playing the game. But at least the guy created a solid review unlike the ranting lunatic who completely trashed Samurai Warriors 3 and didn't even bother explaining anything at all about said game.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 7, 2001
Ever since the year of GH3/RB1, I've only bought one music game at launch due to finances. I chose GH3 due to challenge, GH4 due to setlist, and the following year I bought GH5 along with RB2 a year late (since it was cheap and no longer had setlist problems).

This year I will be purchasing RB3 along with its unstoppable keyboard. I'm undecided about GH6's setlist, so I'll probably get it when it's cheap. Activision games do, after all, drop in price.
Aug 19, 2010
I don't care that Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock got a 6.0, I am still going to buy it because unlike the guy who wrote this review I think the setlist is awesome!


Oct 2, 2010
"the guy who wrote this review" apparently did not see the yellow button prompt on both the title screen AND the main menu screen, which leads to... PARTY PLAY! _JUST_ like GH5!

I think this should be corrected in the review, at least... ?

I have double bassdrum pedals and I love this GH.


May 27, 2006
sure this guitar hero has a pretty good setlist....but Rock Band 3 has keyboard...and pro mode so u can learn to play real instruments....nuff said...Rock band is better than guitar hero...the "exclusive" stuff this game has was most likely only because activision bribed the artists with a crap load of their Terrible "call of duty" money
Aug 27, 2009
I honestly dont care if GHWOR or RB3 is better. This review is biased regardless.

reason #1- look at the game's scores
IGN: 6
Press: 6.8
Readers: 7.8
almost a full point less then the press and over a point and a half less then readers, hmm... that's not suspicious at all...

reason #2- they bashed WOR's setlist for being both too difficult and boring to play. does that even make sense? Fans disliked WT and GH5 because they were too easy and had very few real rock/metal songs. In this review IGN practically PRAISES GH5. It makes absolutely no sense...
Jul 29, 2008
I dont comment often on reviews but the reviewer is far too critical of the set list which is obviously the crucial element to any GH game. As Darkside pointed out GH4 and GH5 have been very pop orientated but WOR is packed full of rock/metal and difficulty which makes this the best in the series since GH3. Dont let this review put you off buying the game


Dec 31, 2009
Im my opinion the best GH game was Guitar hero 3, its all downhill from there, but honestly I always thought of GH as more of a challenge, and rock band as the fun pick up and play party game. so seeing that this is one of the hardest in the series just make me think they are trying to zero in on their audience, which is a good thing


Jan 4, 2010
Arthur, you were too harsh on Warriors of rock, it does have a few bad songs, but so does every guitar hero. And the statement that's most harsh "
Party Play is practically buried under a sea of menus" i see what you mean it is hard to push yellow on the tittle screen/ select play then party play (if you couldn't tell i was being sarcastic) I agree the Quest mode was a little overhyped, but what's your problem with Gene?! he was great!


Sep 7, 2008
I think the review score is harsh.

The closing comments say the setlist is underwhelming... I suppose it comes down to musical tastes but i thought it was one of the best setlists (excluding the single band games) since GH3.
The review briefly mentions Holy Wars/The Punishment Due but completely missed 2112 and the rest of the demi-god set, but these were some of the best songs i've ever played in a GH game. The presentation of 2112 in particular was fantastic and well up there with the presentation on the Beatles RB game.
One thing that did annoy me (specifically in the quest) is the sets are organised by genre so it's likely a lot of players will dislike a majority of the songs in one particular set, personally i'm not looking forward to playing Pandora's set in the domination part of the quest. Also some of the menus could do with an update. Overall, the good far outweighs the bad and it really re-kindled my interest in the series. I even enjoyed the OTT narration by Gene Simmons, it was better than playing the Kiss song on the disc.
Dec 24, 2007
the review is kinda harsh its like taking down the game but idc GH 5 was a good game and im glad i bought it and ill stick with it but really in the mean time RB3 is hear and i play the real guitar and i cant wait


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 16, 2007
Wow i think i might be done with ign's reviews,The last three game reviews i checked on this site bug me:
Halo Reach 9.5 on lasting appeal? Sorry but how does halo 3 get a 10 and halo reach get a 9.5? Halo reach has forge world, firefight, campaign, matchmaking (now for campaign and firefight), theater, customization! Fuck that!
And the lasting appeal for this got a 7, that's what kirby epic yarn got! Kirby has a campaign of only 6 hours!!!! How the fuck does that equal 90 songs, with quest mode, challenge mode and online play?
Fuck ign and there crappy reviews for games!

This review is more than harsh, its overly exaggerated. I think this game should have gotten a 7.5 not a 6!


Nov 7, 2010
I'm a KISS fan. I don't know why Gene decided to put the re-recorded version of Love Gun instead of the original. It doesn't make KISS look like a classical rock band.There's nothin wrong with the original 1977 version. Total disrespect to Ace and Peter.
Nov 12, 2010
I will say that the GH2 and GH3 setlist days are probably over, but this game came the closest to getting back to those days. I enjoyed quest mode, and personally, I thought it was the coolest thing to be able to play 2112 with the full narration. I was also impressed with the classic songs on there although I know some were remastered versions. Money for Nothing, Aqualung (a personal favorite), Keep on Rockin in the Free World, and Fortunate Son. Then the heavier songs such as the three Megadeth songs, Children of the Grave, Wieldman Hall? not sure on the spelling, and Speeding. I do think they put Fury of the Storm in to get the people who went gaga over Through the Fire and Flames to buy the game. And yes there are some more poppish songs in there (although i was surprised at the Fall Out Boy song, i expected it to be horrible, pretty good actually). The edition of being able to add people without using a friend code is great even though you cant talk to them, just play. Overall, very good, but still hasnt gotten back to the days of One, Number of the Beast, Institutionalized, Shout to the Devil, and others.


Dec 5, 2010
It is a pretty good game but it could have done with a greater variety of bands e.g. Led Zepplin, Iron Maiden, ACDC etc. Other than that, the songs are excellent.
Jan 15, 2011
Guitar hero warriors of rock is a great game in my opinion, has great songs, play rockband drums on it( on wii), the new quest feature is pretty sick and how u complete a quest u unlock the warrior versions of the original characters in guitar hero
Aug 10, 2010
who is this butt plug, why am i reading this god-aweful review, and why the shit are there 99 guitar heroes? the game was only made 5 f***ing years ago!


Oct 1, 2010
I think the Wii version once again deserved a higher score for improved graphics (especially on the highway), keeping party play instantly available through the yellow button, quality audio, and of course, enhanced roadie battles.