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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Review[/link]
by Arthur Gies

From a confused setlist that doesn't jibe with the game's heavy metal aesthetic to wildly varying difficulty and accessiblilty that might make it the hardest Guitar Hero game in recent memory for casual players to get into, I was left with a final question that I was never able to answer - why Warriors of Rock is here.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 8, 2008
Wonderful journalism Arthur Gies. Crediting "Unskinny Bop" to Warrant as opposed to Poison is really great on your part.

Remember kids, you can't spell ignorant without IGN.


Sep 28, 2010
Is it me or has IGN been real bad on reviews latley. Ive been playing GH forever and this is the best one yet. Sure it has some lame songs, but they are overlooking the good. Little features like pausing the game then it rewinding the fretboard makes this the best GH. John 5 being on the setlist as well as the way the quest is setup should score this etleast an 8 imo.


May 14, 2009
Ha ha.

I remember playing the first three Guitar Heros, and they were pretty good. Aerosmith was really meh (Maybe it was just the music they were focused on) and then the Rock Bands were a piece of shit. Why did they have to get with more modern music? It made my ears bleed.


Aug 24, 2002
Remember when Tony Hawk was the greatest game? You'd think they would learn. Call of Duty is the next franchise to go this way.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Seriously, you people are trying to convince yourselves that this GH game is anything other than complete garbage. I played the demo for about 5 min before I realized that it brings nothing new, a most crap set list, terrible graphics, bad character models, a story that rips off Brutal Legend that is poorly voice acted and the same tired gameplay. I think IGN's score is just right or maybe even to high of a score.
Feb 11, 2010
Ouch that sucks, obviously cant rely heavily on IGN reviews.

Just want to say quickly, hate that the scores are increments of 5. Id like more in depth scores, but anyways I figured this would score low.
Nov 27, 2008
Do some of you even read the review itself? Because if you did you would actually understand why gies gave it a 6. And @Scutshakes, do you know that rock band is from a different company and actually has good set lists, good dlc support, and doesn't flood the market?


Apr 27, 2005
Well no wonder Its arthur. Nothing wrong with that. He is just alot harsher then every one else. He had fun with a off shoot of GH metallica and there is something wrong when a spin off gives you more fun then the real game. There have only been 5 rock bands and way more GH. Also they let rock band breath and each one was for a different market other then the strait up rock bands.


Feb 17, 2010
Don't know why he was surprised by Fascination Street, it's got a huge number of amazing, and, unlike the metal rubbish that's on here; tasteful riffs. Truly one of the best songs by The Cure there is. It's a shame you'd have to buy a whole game of awful music just to get a chance to play it.
Sep 8, 2010
This review seems a little harsh, not much, but just a little. I mean he critized the game for having an uneven setlist, but isn't having diverse songs good to have something for everyone.
Nov 27, 2008
IGN needs to get off Rock band's nuts and actually give a fair review. How long did this guy play the game for? 20 minutes? So much incorrect info in here...

IGN has just lost its credibility in my eyes. Sure, GH has changed since GH5. But it's still a helluva lot better than a 6...
Jun 1, 2010
6 out of 10 is probably harsh but I agree with everyone of his criticisms. How you Remind me by Nickelback? and Bleed it Out by Linkin Park? Pfft lame


Oct 20, 2007
Published by Activision... of course the game is shit. It doesn't deserve a 6... more like a 2.

And no... I'm not saying that because I hate Guitar Hero or love Rock Band... I'm saying that because I hate Activision and what they (Read: Bobby Kotick) are doing to the gaming industry.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I disagree with most of this. GH needed a return to its roots and for the most part it delivered. They brought back what made Guitar Hero such a great game>>>challange. That passed few iterations (WT and 5) were quite frankly too easy. Why did people like GH3 so much? It separated the casuals from the hardcore. Most people i know couldn't play it on expert and if they could it was only a select few songs. This gave people interest in trying to become better, to practice and finally reach expert. WT and GH5 had way to many genres thrown in the mix and made guitar to easy. Now with WOR they finally re-added the challange back into guitar hero and focused on why guitar hero is indeed called guitar hero...the guitar!


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2008
I have to imagine the people complaining about this score have this piece of trash pre-ordered. Complaining that you think IGN has a hard-on for Rock Band doesn't change the fact that Harmonix birthed both series, and actually knows what they are doing unlike Neversoft. RB3 is a massive step in the right direction with the feature of teaching a person how to truly play instruments. GH has been, and still is treading water.


Original poster
I knew the story mode was going to be stupid just by playing the demo. Oh well, Guitar Hero will do better when they release their next sequel with the new, totally-never-been-done-before keyboard peripheral the way they revolutionized music gaming with the inclusion of a drum kit. I'll still get this game when it drops to $20-$30.
Feb 6, 2008
@markMills00 Couldn't agree more. I switched to rock band because I was so tired of game after game of the same lame crap. At least rock band 3 is taking a huge step forward, and allowing you to keep and play the full 2000 song collection


I didn't think this through.
Jul 25, 2005
This review sucks, this is the best Guitar Hero game since Guitar Hero 2. It's actually Guitar Hero and not Guitar Hero: Rock Band, it's cheesy and really doesn't add anything new but that doesn't stop it from being damn fun and challenging. I think Neversoft did great with this, it's a shame they're being booted from the franchise. Next year's Guitar Hero is going to blow though, I shudder to think what Beenox is going to do with the series after seeing some of their charts for DLC. Eww.


Prime Member
Apr 14, 2006
I really have/had no interest in this game, especially not after reading the review; but I did check out the set list just a minute or two ago.

They have the whole of 2112?!

I won't lie, that is awesome. Still not enough to justify my purchase of it, but awesome.
Dec 14, 2009
Here is my question and don't flame like "The hell is wrong with you?" but I want an honest answer:

I have never done online gaming ever, don't have an Xbox Live account or PSN account and have never bought or played any Rock Band or Guitar Hero DLC. I also don't have enough money to buy new peripherals like Pro Drums/Guitar/Bass or Keyboards.

Which game would be better to buy for me? Guitar Hero: WOR or RB3 considering all of this?


Oct 16, 2008
@themovieencyclopedia Definitely, absolutely 100% RB3. It's superior to the GH series in every way. It brings new ideas to the table where GH is a super-old and stale formula with ugly characters. And if you ever decide to start getting DLC, there's no comparison.
Aug 4, 2010
I think the yearly release plan has finally caught up to this one. Ever since GH2, I felt the series had lost its luster. World Tour and GH5 benefited from the expansion to more instruments and features surrounding that premise, but it seems the well has run dry for GH6.

Here's hoping Someone takes the innovation bat to GH7.


Oct 16, 2008
And, like a previous poster said, you can easily import all of RB1 and RB2 songs (+ AC/DC, etc) and play them with RB3. You could buy a new copy of RB1 or RB2 on amazon super cheap and just import the songs to your hard drive for a few dollars. This makes the RB library huge, while (to my knowledge) GH doesn't offer this feature.


Sep 16, 2008
Good god. I played the original Guitar Hero when it first came out, and when Rock Band came onto the scene a couple of years later, I fervently defended the GH series. Admittedly, I probably stuck with GH simply because it was the original, not because I felt at the time that GH 3 was actually better than RB 1.

But here's a fun fact: in counting console games since the release of RB 1, excluding track packs, there have been four releases in the Rock Band series--over that same period, there have been eight (nine if you count Band Hero) in the Guitar Hero series.

That simple comparison is the reason that I can no longer defend Guitar Hero, and the reason that I stopped playing it a long time ago. I used to be a huge fan of the series, but Activision has driven it into the ground. It's not even like they were giving us too many QUALITY games...they were just releasing P.O.S. games, usually several each year, hoping us dumb consumers would buy into it.

This year, I finally step onto the Rock Band bandwagon. It is clearly the more skillfully crafted series, and Harmonix displays an incredible amount of care and innovation in each game. Hello, Rock Band. Goodbye, Guitar Hero...perhaps forever.


May 14, 2009
shealoreboss said:
Do some of you even read the review itself? Because if you did you would actually understand why gies gave it a 6. And @Scutshakes, do you know that rock band is from a different company and actually has good set lists, good dlc support, and doesn't flood the market?

3 out of those 4 things are irrelevant, and the remaining I disagree with.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 8, 2004
I Dont understand Warriors of Rock Makes World Tour and GH 5 look Like Crap which they were. WOR still doesnt beat GH III but its still an amazing addition to the series


Jul 21, 2007
I disagree with most of the review...I play a music because of the music and the flow of the guitar.GHWOR got a great setlist and since its GH the guitar flow is awesome as always. RB 3 setlist don't interests me at all and I have played RB 2 and the flow when playing was different than GH less fast on exp. so this is still a must buy fer me ^^


Apr 4, 2010
I find all music games boring and pointless. They just aren't creative. I can fully understand why people enjoy them but I don't. From what I've seen, warriors of rock looks awfully familiar...


Dec 10, 2008
Bye music games? I think not.. Harmonix (ORIGINAL CREATORS OF GUITAR HERO UNLESS YOU WERE UNAWARE OF THAT) got it right the first two times with Guitar Hero and they dropped it to make a BAND game. (Called Rock Band) and for some reason activision pretty much mad the worst game ever in guitar hero World Tour. the selling point is that you can play as a band, but the title just doesn't say that. Rock Band however actually sounds like you will play as the whole band. Rock Band 3 is coming out and Pro mode WILL change the game. And the music library will not stop expanding. The only music game that should be out is Rock Band. Plain and simple. Then people won't feel like music games are invading their lives because there are so many different ones out there. Rock Band got it right.. for once


Original poster
Well, this is a bit of a disappointment. I honestly expected GH5 with a better setlist and a revamped story, and the developers would call it a day at that. GH5 was, by GH's standards, glorious in terms of presentation and game modes, but the setlist is easily the weakest in the series. All they needed was a good setlist, and BAM! Best GH game ever made. It should've been an easy fix for them, but I guess not. That being said, confirmation of Fascination Street being fun makes me curious to play this.


Prime Member
Oct 12, 2002
This is going to fail miserably.
Adding this story to the game was asinine. I might be getting Rock Band 3 but I definitely won't be looking at this title.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
There is a reason that GH hasn't been good since GH2.

Harmonix leaving, oh and Activision milking the franchise to death.


Dec 15, 2009
shame i liked the setlist so i had interest. I thought that 5 was good and wasn't given as much credit as it deserved, but this seems that they blew it


Jul 30, 2010
I hope to see CoD's sales suffer just like the Hero franchise. Activision needs to learn they cant keep dumping out franchise games so often.

Im getting Rock Band 3, Harmonix knows how to do it


Prime Member
Jun 14, 2003
This is one of the worst reviews I've ever read. This guy obviously hardly played the game or paid any attention to it. Holy Wars and Children of the Grave are NOT locked. And Party Play is accessable right on the first screen.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 14, 2008
So it's bad because it's not accessible to new people? At this point, anyone who buys this game has surely owned a GH game before...