
Feb 25, 2007
E3 is a perfect time to change my icon to "shut up an take my money"

Games make the Mario board a bit more active. I miss when it was more active though. idea. Well when we learn what it is.


Feb 25, 2007
I thought we've had that in another season for some reason.[face_thinking]

Sounds interesting. Hopefully I make it to the end, I'd like to win. Once I win, I'm retiring from Survivor.


Feb 25, 2007
Ah. That's why I remember it. I'd probably have been in the first 3 had I known about em/had I not pretty much left IGN that year.

I've been in the most Paradises without winning/even being in the top 3.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 28, 2008
I might participate in survivor. ~o)

jk that would not last.

didn't even last when I did it in the olden golden days


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
dude i spent a total of 4 grand in a span of 4 months in my first semester at university.

gg life

I keep having to bum more money off my parents every term... feelsbadman


Feb 25, 2007
I've participated in the most Paradise's without winning.

You'd think with SS, this'd be active.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
@CrusherMania1592 @tropicguin @nhkawaguchi @ etc.

Talk to me, bros. I'm having a protest. For the next week, I will only post on this board. Only.

It's been an extremely long, I'm happy it's almost over. I love people, but...sometimes I think a vat of boiling acid would be a good tool to have, rather than good communication skills...


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
Nice job, Donnie...

I just presented a pretty fun final in my production class...made a 15 minute movie...pretty fun - I like the editing side (not so much the technical filming), but editing's enjoyable. Lotsa finals tomorrow.

I'm taking a summer class, too - whatcha got, nick?


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Last week, my psychology class talked about sex and that was what we had to study for the final. I'll let you figure that out

You know, it really sucks when you trust someone and come out to them because of how strong the bond is between you two and then all of a sudden, the person backstabs you saying you're living a lie. I get it because the person's very religious, but sometimes you lose touch of the real world and being culturally sensitive, which is ironic because one of the professors here teach Deaf Culture.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Hey Dim. Sadly Sticker Star has been the most disappointing game this entire generation. As someone who has placed it as #1 anticipated game ever since its initial reveal, and with the game now being out for I think over 6 months, I'm still on the 2nd world and don't think I'll be making any more progress anytime soon. Game is just a mess and it's cool that Nintendo experimented with the sticker stuff but the fact that you get zero reward for battles is quite bullshit and takes away nay feeling of accomplishment and just makes the entire game bland with no sense of satisfaction whatsoever. Everyone should just buy the Ace Attorney games because those are the shit


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
Puff certainly has a talent for bumping threads.

Yeah, it was...not up to the normal standard. Especially considering the hype. I mean, it wasn't terrible or anything - just...not what was expected.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
Certain parts of it were welcome additions. (I'm specifically thinking of the guitar playing Shy Guys in the desert, who would add acoustic guitar to the main track, and the music in the poisoned forest...)


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
Hey Dim. Sadly Sticker Star has been the most disappointing game this entire generation. As someone who has placed it as #1 anticipated game ever since its initial reveal, and with the game now being out for I think over 6 months, I'm still on the 2nd world and don't think I'll be making any more progress anytime soon. Game is just a mess and it's cool that Nintendo experimented with the sticker stuff but the fact that you get zero reward for battles is quite bullshit and takes away nay feeling of accomplishment and just makes the entire game bland with no sense of satisfaction whatsoever. Everyone should just buy the Ace Attorney games because those are the shit
Yeah I watched some reviews on it and stuff, didn't like what I was hearing. They bring back the turn based combat but remove everything that makes it matter? The over-emphasis on sticker collecting sounds unappealing to me as well. Pretty disheartening as it's been such a long wait. Ah well, maybe we'll get a true successor to Thousand Year Door when the next one comes out in 4-5 years...


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
It's ok, Mario & Luigi 4 will be epic enough to make us completely forget about Paper Mario 3DS


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
The only Mario & Luigi I've played was Superstar Saga, It was pretty good though. Are the others worth looking into?


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Yes yes yes. M&L3 is probably my favorite DS game ever besides Ace Attorney 3. Must have for sure.


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
I'm assuming that one is Bowser's Inside Story. Fuuuck, it's like $45 on amazon. Suppose I could get it used for $15 though... I don't know, there's just something about buying used games that's off-putting to me. Hmmm... I'll think it over.

Could just hold out for Dream Team, it's only around a month away and looks kinda interesting from what I've seen.

I guess I'll also have to look into these Ace Attorney games as you seem to be quite the fan of them lol.
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NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
lol yea they made a big impression on me. Definitely got me interested in the mystery and crime genre of literature and media.

Started watching Attack on Titan and it's the first anime since FMA Brotherhood that got me hooked from the first episode. Really well done.


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
Oh yeah, Titan is quite the talk of the town anime-wise so far this year. It's even catching the eyes of people who were never into anime from what I've noticed, which is pretty cool. It certainly is a fun watch that keeps you on the edge. What episode are you on btw?

Oh and is the Ace Attorney you're mentioning Phoenix Wright? I've searched through some things on Amazon and noticed Pheonix Wright, Apollo Justice, Miles Edgeworth and whatnot.
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NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Ep 13 I believe. This is actually the first anime I've ever watched while it's still airing lul. Every other anime I usually watch the whole thing with quick pace but I actually gotta wait for new episodes to come out with this one (~-.-)~

And yea, I mean Phoenix Wright. Order of release is Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) to Justice for All to Trials and Tribulations to Apollo Justice to Miles Edgeworth (AA Investigations). Dual Destinies is releasing for 3DS later this year and I can't wait for that. But in Japan, they don't have subtitles and just call everything Ace Attorney 1-5, so that's what I just call them. I think they just rereleased the original trilogy on iOS so if you have an iPod Touch or iPhone, you could get that (although I haven't seen reviews for them).


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Lol ok I finished Shana III after like three or four or five years after finishing Shana II.

wow that was frustrating to watch. I hate main characters who seem to have no common sense


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
Yeah, Shana 3 was a huge letdown for me. The character's logic/reasoning were asinine, it actually had me hating both parties. Wasn't even sure who the heroes or villains were at times, earlier/clearer explanations definitely would have helped. Not to mention that most of the "war" felt pointless since both sides ended up essentially wanting the same thing or whatever. Could actually rant on about it for a few more paragraphs but I'd rather not get tl;dr on you lol. I don't know, ultimately the whole season just didn't feel like "Shana" to me. It felt like a completely different show compared to the previous seasons and I can honestly say I didn't much care for it.

What did you think about it overall? Good, bad?

Thanks for clearing up the Ace Attorney stuff btw, all of the games are relatively cheap it looks like. Suppose I'll order PW by itself soon to see if it's something I can get into.
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NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
lol wtf was the point of the final battle. It's like the writers thought they needed to have the most perfect ending imaginable. What pisses me off is that Sakai just threw away his old life and left behind all his friends and family for an attempt to "save the world" by forming a pact with the god that was once banished by the Flame Haze WHO WERE HIS ALLIES FOR THE FIRST TWO SEASONS and then goes as far as to fighting the same people he once loved without telling them the stupid ass reason behind his actions until the last minute of the last episode. you dumb fuck sakai. And I actually really disliked Kazumi the first two seasons but that ending actually made me feel bad for her. That is how much I hate Sakai after that season.

Overall it was decent. I guess it's cool that they tried something different but I guess I wanted a more happy ending for everyone. I mean I guess it's technically a happy ending but... not really. All the people in Misaki that we've seen throughout all three seasons were thrown away and it makes me sad, especially with Ike and Sakai's parents. It was cool to see Khamsin back tho.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Yea it changed to March after the boards overhaul. Idk why


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
lol wtf was the point of the final battle. It's like the writers thought they needed to have the most perfect ending imaginable. What pisses me off is that Sakai just threw away his old life and left behind all his friends and family for an attempt to "save the world" by forming a pact with the god that was once banished by the Flame Haze WHO WERE HIS ALLIES FOR THE FIRST TWO SEASONS and then goes as far as to fighting the same people he once loved without telling them the stupid ass reason behind his actions until the last minute of the last episode. you dumb fuck sakai. And I actually really disliked Kazumi the first two seasons but that ending actually made me feel bad for her. That is how much I hate Sakai after that season.

Overall it was decent. I guess it's cool that they tried something different but I guess I wanted a more happy ending for everyone. I mean I guess it's technically a happy ending but... not really. All the people in Misaki that we've seen throughout all three seasons were thrown away and it makes me sad, especially with Ike and Sakai's parents. It was cool to see Khamsin back tho.
Yeah the whole Yuji joining the Denizens thing was the biggest problem I thought. It just came out of no where and really didn't seem like something he'd do. That combined with his ridiculous logic and actions in certain situations (let your minions attack the retreating flame hazes after you say you're creating a peaceful resolution and wish the fight to end... Yeah, okay...) completely contradicted his established character in the prior seasons. The Flame Hazes logic/actions got pretty irrational at times as well.

I'd say it was a bitter sweet ending. I don't generally have a problem with those, but it didn't seem to work here. At least how it transpired anyway. I'm still baffled as to why the hell any of the Flame Hazes went to the new world. It was meant for the Denizens so they can go live in peace amongst themselves or whatever. Yet most of the Hazes just went on through the portal for no apparent reason, even those obnoxious "god" characters... Ugh... I especially have no idea why Shana and Yuji decided to go through, but by that point I was well past questioning the shit that was going on. At least they finally fucking kiss though I guess...

For me, the season was mediocre at best. Wasn't the worst thing ever but it could have been so much more. Shame really...
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NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Yeah I really liked Shana up until that point. What an ass of an ending. Hurr, I'm Yuji, I'm gonna be a "good guy" so I'm gonna join the "bad guys" to accomplish a mission to "save everyone". Derp, we're the Flame Haze so we're gonna prevent that because you're the bad guys. And then in the end it doesnt even fucking matter lol

At least Zero no Tsukaima had a good one. Had a shitty season 3 but it ended perfectly for me (although the entire series seemed redundant as all hell)


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2007
Damn, The Familiar of Zero... I haven't watched that one in a while. I dropped the 3rd season after like 7 or 8 episodes back in 2008 when it was airing lol. I was so disappointed that they just resolved that whole Saito becoming a non-familiar arc in like 2 episodes and then the rest of the season (what I watched/remember of it) was pretty much fanservice/filler. I should go back and finish that then watch the Final season since I hear it ends nicely or whatever.

Was the whole series redundant though? It's been a long time so I vaguely remember it.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
S3 was indeed very shit. All 4 seasons are pretty much the same thing with Saito getting beat up by Louise with very very very slow relationship progress. Actual storyline was a bit strange because most of the episodes in a season are just "filler" and then the final 3 eps actually have the characters achieve a goal... like wtf. Ending of S2/beginning of S3 made absolutely no sense because the villains had like a 3000 man army and defeated Saito and the rest of the good guy army pretty easily. But at the end it's all fine and everyone's happy because they won the war... I'm guessing the rest of the army just dropped dead because that's the only explanation I can think of.

The last season was pretty decent and actually had a good villain. Satisfying ending after the tragedy than was Shana 3. Hated the opening theme though lol


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
Hey guys. Been a while...but we're still on page 8. Page 8...

I've been on the fence about trying the mario and luigi series. Never have before, since I'm not a big handheld guy. Worth it?


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
I just bought M&L4 and it is fantastic. Soooooooo excited to play this after Paper Mario disappointment. 3DS has fantastic titles and the library will only get better from here. I'd invest in an XL if you have the extra cash.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
I've always been iffy on handhelds. Never been crazy about em...actually this 3ds is my first since the Gameboy I had years ago. I just got luigi's mansion to mess around with, so there's that...