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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Wonder Woman needs to stay in the animated dvd releases. As sexist as it sounds, when has a woman super hero film ever done well? Action movies are for guys & no guy wants a woman stronger than him flying in to pick him up and save the day.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2008
HAHA thats jokes, can't blame her though for her reasons lol haha to all the disappointed people :)
May 25, 2009
I have to also agree with Fox here Wonder Woman would suck as a movie... although its funny she considers herself an actress and doesnt realize she is just eye candy. Truth hurts!!!
May 12, 2008
Rofl, That was the most honest response I've heard from an actor, no matter what people say about Mega Fox she speaks whats on her mind that for sure


Jul 16, 2002
She says it cause she couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Her role in Transformers is easy...say a few lines and look hot. Thanks for comin out.


Aug 15, 2008

The fact that i dont like her doesnt mean that im not into women .. that was a pretty stupid comment! She's not that hot IN MY OPINION, wich im allowed to have.
Posted by: J_Alb3rt on May 28, 2009 18:19 PDT
Ok fair enough,that being said I think I should rephrase myself then....I guess you just don't have any good taste in women then lol
Jul 15, 2008
guess shes not a glorified hog after all who just begs for attention and takes up roles just to let people gawp at her and treat her like some sort of sex godess...well that last part remains true speceilly with the worshiping part thanks IGN for doign nothing to change my thoughts on that matter, but as Feverdogg03 said, its pretty funny that she thinks shes and actress when as far as ive seen shes done no acting, she just just posses all the time and let the cameraman shot pics of her chest area


Original poster
I'm gonna be honest. Fox is hot and makes a good point about Wonder Woman.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 14, 2005
Megan Fox is a bit to skinny and trashy looking for WW. I have been hoping this would be a role for Jessica Biel. Can anyone think of a hotter, buffer star right now?
Jul 15, 2008
message to major_moragami:
hmm hotter star...well i can think of over 20 who fox cant even compare 2, like kate beckinsale
Oct 3, 2005
omg what a bitch! i dont want her as wonder woman to begin with.. shes too skinny... and cant act!! if they do the movie they should check out charisma carpenter..
Oct 3, 2005
I said it a looonnng time ago on one of these articles - This movie should NOT be made. I do understand that they are trying to give young females a superhero to look up to, just like young males already have in abundance but WW is not the character to make a movie out of.
As for Megan, she is beyond hot. I dunno how she would fair in ANY starring role but I do know that she is hot. That's about it.


Prime Member
Aug 2, 2008
it's ok miss fox. you enjoy being eye candy for the rest of your carreer.

I look forward to another three years of looking at you and wishing you could act.......when the giant robots come off less robotic than you;theres a problem


Aug 25, 2007
@ SCSAFan:
''Ok fair enough,that being said I think I should rephrase myself then....I guess you just don't have any good taste in women then lol''

Hot are: Monica Bellucci, Elisha Cuthbert, Christina Milian, Katharine McPhee, Kaley Cuoco, Amanda Byrnes, Jessica Biel, Salma Hayek, Kate Beckinsale, Eva Longoria, Beyonce Knowles, Hayden Panettiere, just to name a few actually hot girls and women to a guy without any taste women, like YOU...... Megan Fox is just a brainless big mouth wh0r3 with no talent in acting and another ''hot girl of the moment'' just like Paris Hilton was... again: THATS MY OPINION!... so please give me a break, if you like her, fine! But respect my opinion, would you moron? Thanks ''lol''.

$tup!d C*ck $u*k!ng A$$h0le Fan??


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 25, 2004
She has a point! I cant say Wonder women is my favourite DC characted and ive always had a hard time reading her lines in comics or getting into her character. I cant imagine it would be an easy role for a female acctress to pull off and still maintain an aspect of seriousness and realism.

I'm worried how well it will translate to the big screen, because an invisible plain and that outfit is going to look very stupid in a film.

I think Wonder women needs to be a bit updated for the 21t century, with a cooler outfit and maybe some nifty special effects to make her plain NOT look moronic.

Anyway... she was only offered the part because shes the new big thing, and shes attractive. It has nothing to do with talent. You need someone with real acting ability to pull it off and to detract from the outfit, the plain and the wip.


Mar 22, 2003
How exactly did this thread turn into WONDER WOMAN IS A LAME SUPER HERO thread? Damn, you people are unbelievable. If Wonder Woman is a lame (God I hate that freaking word) female superhero, then who exactly is a great female superhero? What other female superhero has her own comic book stories separate from other DC characters, had her own live action television series played by an iconic actress for women herself, has her own animated film, has been referenced in songs, and has a recognizable emblem all over the entire freaking planet? ... Anyone?... Hello?... (Crickets chirping)... That's what I thought. Too bad Megan Fox is just stupid. And whoever mentioned Monica Belluci, good call. I think she could be great as Wonder Woman!
Jun 18, 2008
I like megan fox as much as the next guy, but she should NOT be Wonder Woman. First, she doesn't have the maturity to realize that in the hands of any writer, ANY character can be made interesting and fun. The batman franchise is proof enough. The first two movies were for the most part pretty spot on in. The last two were campy and ridiculous. Just because wonder woman has an invisible jet, doesn't mean she has to use it. She can fly would be stupid for her to use a jet, let alone an invisible one. And just because she uses her lasso of truth, doesn't mean you have to announce it in a cheesy way. "Step aside officers, my lasso of truth will get to the bottom of this!". If someone asks, she could just say it was blessed by one of the gods with a charm that keeps people from lying. Simple.

Second, she's 23 but looks 18. There is a reason she was cast as a high school student...for no reason should she be cast to play someone who should be at the least in their late 20s. We will get the same result as Kate Bosworth playing Lois. Bosworth brought too much teen attitude to Lois and it didn't fit. I wouldn't mind Fox as Wonder Girl in a Teen Titans movie. As for wonder woman, give her 10 years.

I think Jennifer Connelly would make an excellent Wonder Woman. She has the maturity to play the character plus she is still gorgeous. I don't really get where being beautiful is the only prerequisite for playing a female superhero. Just becomes someone looks good, doesn't make them right for the part. You can insert your own example. The one I will use is Lois Lane from Superman the Movie. If you watch the auditions, there were far prettier women that auditioned but each one was missing something. Only Margot Kidder really got it.

We've seen Superman, Batman, Fantastic Four, Spider-man, Hulk, etc. at their worst whether it was tv, movies, or comics, now let's just see what happens when we give Wonder Woman a chance.


Dec 10, 2008
she's cute and all, but i don't think she's that great an actress. she the female version of vince vaughn and owen wilson. she the same overall in every role. no range whatsoever. i mean they can always rewrite the mythos of wonder woman to make her younger(wonder girl esque) and leave that damn invisible jet out! she comes from a damn mystical island w\no technology and she can already fly!!!


Dec 31, 2000
"she the female version of vince vaughn and owen wilson"

But she is hot and they aren't. And Owen Wilson can act fairly well.


Aug 15, 2008
Hot are: Monica Bellucci, Elisha Cuthbert, Christina Milian, Katharine McPhee, Kaley Cuoco, Amanda Byrnes, Jessica Biel, Salma Hayek, Kate Beckinsale, Eva Longoria, Beyonce Knowles, Hayden Panettiere, just to name a few actually hot girls and women to a guy without any taste women, like YOU...... Megan Fox is just a brainless big mouth wh0r3 with no talent in acting and another ''hot girl of the moment'' just like Paris Hilton was... again: THATS MY OPINION!... so please give me a break, if you like her, fine! But respect my opinion, would you moron? Thanks ''lol''.

$tup!d C*ck $u*k!ng A$$h0le Fan??

Posted by: J_Alb3rt on May 30, 2009 01:22 PDT
Funny how one little comment sends you off the deep end....someone really needs to learn to control their anger & not get all upset because of what someone says....but back on topic,just because you find Megan Fox to be a "brainless big mouth wh0r3 with no talent in acting" as you said....that doesn't mean that she isn't can be all those things & still be hot.....and I wasn't saying whose hot & whose not,cuz i agree with all the above mentioned names of them being hot,but that wasn't my point & you clearly missed it.I also never stated that I didn't respect your opinion,you obviously don't know the meaning of what a joke is....but stating that as you said "respect my opinion".....that statement is totally hypocritical,because even if that was my opinion about you,just saying everything that you said is showing that you yourself are a hypocrite,by not respecting my opinion.But again....obviously you missed it & thought it was an attack on you....take a deep breathe & learn to get jokes instead of letting them fly right over your head.......and still have no taste in women lol.....did that fly over your head again?I certainly hope not.

Many things must fly over your head,cuz SCSA clearly has done that.....look at the pic to your left & you'll see who SCSA is......idiot


Jan 4, 2009
Rosario Dawson would be my front runner for Wonder Woman. I think I could watch her do anything for an hour-and-a-half.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 5, 2004
"What a stupid ho-bag! This coming from a woman whose biggest contribution to cinema is shoving herself into a pair of daisy dukes and sticking her ass so far up in the air during her Transformers trailer that I can practically see the inside of her baby-maker?

Fox should stick to being the face candy she was hired for and keep her mouth shut!"Jess-IGN

Way To Go Jess Can I Quote this?? it'd make an awesome signature I love it! LMAO


Nov 4, 2004
Good Luck!!! Asheley Newbrough

Wonder Woman Lives!


Mar 19, 2005
I can't believe Fox said this. I like Fox. This takes her down a notch in my book.
And for the record, anyone who's been reading Wonder Woman lately knows how powerful that lasso really is.


Prime Member
May 16, 2007
I don't care how hot megan fox is...I don't want to see her in another film ever...she's a terrible actress and if she did play WW the movie would suck so bad, she would kill it before it had the chance to take off.
Mar 25, 2011
Holly shit someone (Tviper3) besides me actually has thought of Asheley Newbrough


for the part. She would be perfect... unknown, fresh face, height age, eyes. The girl is a great candidate. Yay!
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