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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Fable III Review[/link]
by Erik Brudvig

Fable III feels like the game that Fable II should have been. It has a lot in common with its predecessor, though now it exists in a much more streamlined, accessible, and enjoyable format. But simply calling it a more refined version of its predecessor would be a disservice, because Fable III offers several innovative improvements, some excellent and emotional moments, and whole lot of fun...even if it is a bit buggy and rather disjointed. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Dec 10, 2009
Haven't really ever found enjoyment out of the Fable series and there can't be too much "improvement" if the final score is the same as Fable II.


May 27, 2008
I would have to say "Curses" (because I avoid the other word like Ebola) to anyone who uses "Fail," regardless of placement against "First," which is equally as lame. I kid I kid! Good to see the game looks pretty solid... I look forward to it.
Feb 2, 2010
Why does every one need a game to be a 10 for it to be good. An 8.5 is it "great" As Ign has posted!. So stop saying how gay a game is because it scored under a 10 after all these are reviews of a persons belief so take it upon your self to be the judge!
Nov 20, 2005
Is this it? This is the Full Review? Seriously? Wow, IGN really has thrown in the towel with it's "new" editorial direction if this counts as a review. And that's sad. I can recall a time when IGN's reviews were both in depth and un-biased. But this?

Look, I get that Microsoft has gone out of it's way to get a lot of Big Gaming sites to hold off on the Fable III reviews until after the game drops, but, if this is IGN's attempt to get around that while still maintaining an air of Aloof-ness with thier real impression of the game, I would have happily waited a day or two after release.

Also, as others have pointed out, how can the author say the game is improved when the score given is the same that was given for Fable II? Even the Bugs, which could not "possibly" be worse then Fallout: New Vegas's glitches, do not warrent the same score.

Given how much I loved both Fables I know without a doubt that I will purchase the third Chapter; however, for those that may have missed out, or are ridding the fence, a far more proffessional and in depth review exceding more then two bloody pages would have been appreciated. A game as massive as this in story and scope can not be, nor should be, summed up so haphazardly.
Sep 20, 2008
@ Kevinsilhouettes

I'm sick of reading that every time a review is up lol

Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but IGN's editors' count a lot, urs don't really...Impracticality of libertarianism



Feb 24, 2006
The game is about making grand promises and not following through with keeping them all. Fable III is the Peter Molyneaux simulator we have been waiting for all these years.

Jokes aside. I enjoyed Fable I and II... This one looks even better. I intend to check it out.

I do agree with most people. This game isn't a traditional RPG anymore... if it ever could be considered that in the first place. It's an action-adventure game with RPG elements.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 2, 2009
Great job on the review Erik. Though I was a little discouraged when I heard the news that some of the series traditional RPG elements were being token out, it seems as if everything turned out alright. That said however I'm probably going have to hold off on buying this for a little while till the flood of game releases ends for a bit.
Aug 7, 2009
IGN is officially biased games like ghost of sparta get a 9.5 when it might have good gameplay, but no replay value, fable 3, from what I can tell, has 10x as much replay value and a lot better graphics. It's not the fact that this game got a 8.5 it's the fact that better games are scored lower and good games "with names" score higher i.e Modern Warfare v. Medal of Honor

Deleted member 484395

Original poster
This looks like a rental (albeit a solid one,) so I guess I'm buying Fallout: New Vegas instead... and after they patch the damn thing.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The first paragraph has me reeling. It's been streamlined even more? I mean, shit, the Fable series has always been "accessible". How could they possibly make this one any easier or more accessible?
May 20, 2008
Great review. I literally wasnt interested in this game until i read this review. Good job. Because after Fable 2 i kinda felt like i was done with the series. But your review sounds right and has even intrigued me to kinda take another look at it. Keep up the good work!


Mar 15, 2010
Loved Fable 1, hated Fable 2, will prob wait till this is cheapish.

When's there gonna be a goddamn new TRL?
Nov 8, 2009
maybe this 8.5 is an improvement over Fable II's 8.5 because Fable II's was essentially out of 100, whereas ign's new scoring method makes this is out of 20. the scores aren't necessarily identical in that regard. jus sayin.
Oct 8, 2010
I love Fable 1, played it to death on the comp and my xbox, multiple times, evil, good, everything. Then I heard about Fable 2, had fun with that for maybe 2 days, after that it was a terrible game that was a wasteful purchase. Really dont know if I can trust Fable 3. Ill just get it on PC when its cheap or something.
Jan 7, 2010
Eh, I played fable 2, it was a standard game, nothing amazing. What killed me was the constant load times, it got old after a while. Also the "coop" was a joke and there were serious game breaking bugs.

This game (even the engine) looks like a slight upgrade on the old engine and ideas. I'm not rewarding them with their b grade effort with $65. I'll buy it when its used in a few months for $23 or less.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 26, 2008

Fanboy. 8.5 is a great score, dumbass. I'd be happy with it if I were an Xbox only owner. However, since I own both consoles, I'm very happy. 8.5 is a very good score.

And how the fu*k can you say that Fable 3 is any better than Ghost of Sparta? First, you did not play it. Then, it's two diffenrent genres that are reviewed differently. God of War is meant to be intense and to have an awesome first playthrough that makes the replay value not necessary. Of course, real GoW fans will replay it. Same goes for any other great games in that genre.

You're just a dumb fanboy jealous of the GoW: Ghost of Sparta review who wants to justify his own opinion about previews of a game you have not even played yet. Wow. Good job.

The review was interesting, helpfull and very fair. I like it. Good job, Erik. Your review convinced me to buy Fable 3... probably in two weeks. I just hope Black Ops won't get all of my playtime! ;)


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
I liked Fable 2. Co-op was a huge disappointment in it though. Not sure I like the stripped down RPG elements. I'll probably wait until the PC version comes out.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 10, 2005
I thought the king portion of the game was supposed to be about half the game, yet Mr. Brudvig says it's only a small part. That's very disappointing.

Also, if there's no health bar and no leveling system, how do you know when you're about to die (can you die) and what's the point of getting into combat?


Dec 29, 2008
"even if it is a bit buggy and rather disjointed."

"Bugs pop up with frustrating regularity. Dialogue overlaps itself quite often. Wacky things happen that clearly shouldn't."

a good review or reviewer can't make statements like this without elaborating further. nice undetailed and bland review...


Mar 11, 2005
Can anyone tell me the relative length of the game? I had some fun with Fable 2, but it was way to short. Felt as if the game ended before it even started.

I hope that isn't the case here.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 2, 2008
if this was the game fable 2 was supposed to be how did it end up getting a lower score than fable 2. and fable 2 was alright. i expected a lot more since the first one was quite excellent. the end in fable to was awful. just had to hold down a button to kill him. awful. anyways i get this game tomorrow we'll see what happens.


Sep 7, 2008
@ Bolduk

"You're just a dumb fanboy jealous of the GoW: Ghost of Sparta review who wants to justify his own opinion about previews of a game you have not even played yet. Wow. Good job. "

That, or you just got trolled. [face_tongue]


Aug 14, 2008
"if this was the game fable 2 was supposed to be how did it end up getting a lower score than fable 2. and fable 2 was alright. i expected a lot more since the first one was quite excellent. the end in fable to was awful. just had to hold down a button to kill him. awful. anyways i get this game tomorrow we'll see what happens."

My first play-through on fable 2 I sat there for a moment to contemplate what I should do and I was also listening to the guy talk before I shot him. But, before I could even do anything Reaver or whatever his name was shot him for me, so I didn't even have to do anything, lol. What kind of ending boss fight is that to where you don't even have to do anything?! It was funny though, "Oh, were you going to shoot him?" Or whatever he said, lol.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 12, 2008
Fable starting sucking hard after the first game, once they took away the armor and put in retarded clothing outfits, shit was just stupid