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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]F1 2010 Review[/link]
by Martin Robinson

It wasn't that long ago when you couldn't move for racing games, from a time when every other console game seemed to have the official F1 licence haphazardly slapped on it. That deluge soon slowed to a trickle when Sony took hold of the licence and squeezed any life out of it; by the time that Formula 1 Championship Edition for the PlayStation 3 came out even the thrill of the then new generation couldn't hide the fact that the game managed to make one of the most spectacular sports in the world monumentally dull. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Oct 23, 2005
@Kazoku002 - oh really? I see you're a market analyst. Good that you said that otherwise it wouldn't be on the top list of preorders in many shops!


Jan 19, 2009
I'm def getting this. The review sounds good. Even if the "live the life features" aren't as deep as they might be. The fact that there are any features like this at all can only be an improvement in my book.


Sep 16, 2010
Ok i few minor flaws in the singleplayer career, but it sounds like they hit the driving experience spot on, which is of course the most important...Must buy for me, can't wait


Dec 29, 2009
M0rphe3us said:
@Kazoku002 - oh really? I see you're a market analyst. Good that you said that otherwise it wouldn't be on the top list of preorders in many shops!
Wow, calm yourself down sandman, I never claimed expertise. It may be that there are a few preorders in some shops somewhere but that doesn't mean it's going to be a bestseller. If you're a gamer and you're waiting on a racing game GT5 is probably the next thing on your horizon.

Nothing against this game, of course. I'll definitely rent it.


Jan 19, 2009
It says a lot about this game that this is the most negative review i have read about it. I'm not dissing the review, I've not played it yet, I'm just saying If an 8.5 with only a few negative comments is the worst it gets, then I can't wait!


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2008
The only comments that annoy me is the fact you have limited dialogue and that it begins to get repetitive.. codemasters you have made an amazing F1 game.. but couldn't you of perfected that easy problem? :L and that also there's no data in between sessions.. apart from that it look's perfect? looks like a 9/10 for me :) cannot wait!


Prime Member
Nov 25, 2007
I saw this had a quote on the front of a 360 mag. "Newest F1 game in year. Find out why was totally worth the wait." That is a pretty good recommendation in my mind


Oct 3, 2008
"But despite Codemasters' best intentions it falls flat; responses to the questions are limited and universally banal, while the questions themselves soon become repetitive" - So this is realistic then. Sports press conferences are so tedious it's untrue; same questions, same BS answers.


Sep 22, 2009
Dude, why do I have to have a trip tu Munich frum Oct. 3rd to Oct 10th?? Geez, I guess I'll have to train myself in patience to survive these 7 Days more waitng on the game. Buy it on Oct 2nd... thats what you get for it. Anyways, this is sounding like I'll quickly do a 7 year career after doing some races to get a feeling for the driving^^ Just wonder which teams'll be up for grabs at the start of the career. HRT, Lotus & Virgin (3 weakest) or the 3 with the highest numbers, which'd be Virgin, Sauber and HRT. But in any case I'll play it a loong time, and even longer^^ Great game for sure, though you should be a fan of the franchise, otherwise a game like GT5 should be the one you're waitin for^^


Apr 29, 2006
Kazoku002 said:
M0rphe3us said:
@Kazoku002 - oh really? I see you're a market analyst. Good that you said that otherwise it wouldn't be on the top list of preorders in many shops!
Wow, calm yourself down sandman, I never claimed expertise. It may be that there are a few preorders in some shops somewhere but that doesn't mean it's going to be a bestseller. If you're a gamer and you're waiting on a racing game GT5 is probably the next thing on your horizon.

Nothing against this game, of course. I'll definitely rent it.

GT5 ISN'T Formula 1 though. That's the thing. Me and many others have been waiting for 3 years now for a PROPER Formula 1 experience. As good as GT5 looks, it doesn't offer that full F1 experience.

I can see this game doing very well in stores, especially given the reputation Codemasters have made for themselves recently with DIRT and GRID both being very good games.


I'm funny damnit!
Sep 5, 2003
The GT series has never really been about the racing so much as it is about the driving. While I expect it will be a great game, I don't think the racing side of it will be any better than F1 - expect perhaps with the physics.

Then as mentioned it certainly won't capture the F1 environment but that is to be expected with a game that tried to be everything, where as F1 is obviously dedicated to a specific motorsport.

As far as their reputation with Grid and Dirt go, that is the reason I was hesitant with this game. Grid, although fun, lacked fundamentally in the physics. While the average racing gamer no doubt enjoyed the game, me as a sim fan was let down in that aspect, even though the game was fun for what it was.

If the reviewer is correct about F1 then I think am I going to be very happy with this game, I just wish that the Safety Car and mechanical failures were in there too. I'm looking forward to this game and I hope Codies can do a great job with the series. I'm not expecting a perfect game here, but I am looking for a solid foundation for the series going forward into 2011 and onwards.


Jul 27, 2001
"and while a handful of issues hold it back from challenging Forza and Gran Turismo just yet"

Sorry, so I must have missed GT5 being released... oh wait, it hasn't... so how is it being held back from challenging a game that isn't out? "IGN sucks PD off, in in-game advertising scandal", is obviously on the cards.

"It's indicative of a dynamic weather system that's the best in the genre – at least it is until Gran Turismo 5 launches later this year."

Ah yes, because we've all seen the great weather system in GT5... oh wait, another cock up by IGN. And what's that, "launches later this year"? I thought F1 2010 was "already challenging GT5".

This is why I don't visit this site anymore, run by brown nosed pricks.
Oct 9, 2009

He is referring to the fact that GT5 is a sure thing. Polyphony Digital has been the front runner of the racing genre since they started. The time, brainpower, and research they put into each game is mind-boggling. There is no brown-nosing to it. Hell, there are things I hate but can still acknowledge quality or talent. Take deathcore for example. I hate that shit but there is no question that there are some very talented musicians present.


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2008
tbh, pretty rubbish review i wanted to know about the commentary, the online, how pit stops work, a more detailed look at the career mode and just about how the racing works and how realistic it is.. pretty crap review now that i have read it twice.


Nov 18, 2009
I agree below this is a crap review doesn't really say anything. If you go to google and put in "F1 2010 reviews" in the search engine you'll see that it has reviews of 9/10, 5/5, 90%, 92% and 93% from other reviewers. This game will be the best racing experience of any racing game.


Nov 18, 2009
Also, another thing, I don't care about the press conference thing, sure it's novel and all that, but what I care about is the racing aspect of the game which it appears Codies have nailed and is the most critical part of a racing game. This will definately be a best seller. Cannot wait till next week!!!!


Mar 29, 2010
I've been waiting for this game since F1: Championship Edition. Even though I can't watch a race all the way through due to grogginess and bleeding ears, I can play F1 games for months, and years.


Apr 29, 2006
baylenshaw said:
do we get race commentary from the likes of martin brundle etc?

I'm sure I remember the devs saying on one of the videos that there is no commentary because they want to make it seem like you're the driver rather than watching the TV. I should imagine there'll be a lot of team radio and stuff.
Jun 11, 2005
they really shouldnt be trying to compare this game to forza or gran turismo. forza has ZERO F1 cars and gran turismo 4 had one? maybe compare the driving model to those from other simulations such as rFactor, liveforspeed, or GTR. all of those sims are driving based. no need for a career mode or some fancy menu screens. i just want to drive the cars!


Aug 12, 2010
I beleive this game will really shine when it comes to the MP and online modes. Really looking forward to this.
Aug 22, 2010
If you want to get fully immersed you might want to pick up a steering wheel for F1 2010 as well. You know, just to be sure.


Lord Hammerheart
Feb 1, 2001
Early today I was going to say that it's too bad that this is coming out so close to GT5, but i just preordered it from Amazon so nevermind that thought. I can't wait for this and GT5.
Jun 23, 2010
If Codemasters know one thing its how to bring the motorsport fan an experience like no other. I for one can't wait to tear the cellophane wrapper of my copy and dive into the world of high octane racing. If the previous games from Codemasters like GRiD Dirt2 are anything to go by then Formula1 2010 should be another hit.


Sep 14, 2010
the review wasnt that informative... infact from the dev diaries i already knew most of that.
annoying me that its been compared to forza and GT cos it quite clearly dosnt try to be either.
anyway all the other GT games have been yawns.
Dec 10, 2009
this game looks AMAZING!!! I've been waiting for two years for this. The weather effedts look brilliant. Can't wait until I get this, With this and Gt5, 2010 is the year of the serious racing game!


Prime Member
Jun 9, 2003
I wanted to see a video review too.. Will the US IGN make a video review or not?? Probably not. Do Americans really care about F1? Video review would have been nice.
May 19, 2010
n0ice. This is one my looked forward to games. I don't understand why you're trying to say under lasting appeal. Career mode has a noble crack? What does that mean. And multiplayer is "adequate if not exciting" I can't tell if that means it's good or not. Stop writing in broken UK English.


Original poster
"A noble crack" means they tried hard and valiantly to do something fresh and great with the franchise but it just didn't quite work as well as hoped. And "Adequate if not exciting" simply means it's servicable, enjoyable in most parts, especially if you like the sport, but isn't something amazing and new.


Sep 22, 2010
"(..) as a 180mph encounter with a concrete wall never amounts in anything more than a wheel shearing off and a lost nose cone."

Okay. While you're at your trailer, choose the race option and a menu will pop up before race, asking about amount of laps, difficulty and etc. Press A on difficulty and it will bring some options, like ABS, Traction Control and more. There's an option for Damage Simulation. Put on "realistic". Now try hit the wall at 180mph again.

Test more the game before review, please. That was very, very silly from you.


Aug 17, 2004
It's a codemasters game so I'll be buying it, there last few games have been amazing! I love F1 and this game is bringing all the right things into an F1 game. Shame the damage isn't as brutal as Grid or Dirt.

I'm a little disappointed in the review, would have thought the UK folks would have gone into this game much deeper! (Online, car setup, AI, full career, pitstops etc..)


Sep 22, 2010
Guys, The review sucked cause IGN people dont know bout F1 ...NASCAR sucks its all race long interrupted by freaking yellow flags, Bores me out. I wish the F1 carrer took you from lower division racing then to test driver all the way to 1st driver. And hope it had more TV presentation on all aspects THATS WHAT WE CUSTOMERS WANT dummies dont you get it? Its like madden, they have started doing it more Tv similar(like good old Nfl2k5) and it has been improving