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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Review[/link]
by Ryan Clements

The Dynasty Warriors: Gundam franchise is arguably the most polished of the KOEI properties. That might sound like high praise, but unfortunately it's not. A good number of the KOEI games I've played have been riddled with technical problems such as intolerable framerate stutters and embarrassing draw distances. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 manages to avoid a good number of those issues, but it's still a Dynasty Warriors game. You still jet through empty, hollow environments, hacking away at the same enemies in a mindless exercise of button mashing. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 23, 2004
I played the original one, it's not that bad... I just wish they put more into the 2-player co-op mode... as it sounds it's about the same. I'll prolly still pick it up anyways, I've always like the Gundam series..


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 2, 2003
Wow, the intro starts right off with "Koei isn't paying us enough money for me to suck their cock so I'm going to trash every game they've ever made". Nice.


Prime Member
Aug 2, 2006
"Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 seems like it barely takes a step forward past its predecessor. In some cases, it even takes a step back."

I don't think you should expect much more from a dynasty warriors game.


Prime Member
Jul 18, 2007
carbsmith --

I don't see that in my article! You're crazy.

Actually, we love the people over at KOEI (though they don't pay us money). We just have to review games as honestly as possible. If you like the other Dynasty Warriors games, fine by me. But that means you like bland button-mashers, right? :)


Jan 29, 2008
I have to admit, I have bought a few Dynasty Warriors games in the past because they were unique - they were telling the story of the Three Kingdoms my Grandparents had a book about, which made me want to try the game back in 2000. Now, they have repeated everything from DW2 to DW6 - basically 10 years of KOEI games have been the same Slash and Hack, Slash and Hack, Slash and Hack, Level etc type of games. It is not surprising that DW Gundam is an epic failure too. KOEI will soon have to face the fact that games like this are unlikely to sell in the future and the people who buy it now, buy it out of sympathy and sheer madness from the previous installment hoping it is an "upgrade".

Honestly, the 5 DW games I have had are : DW2, DW4, DW4 XL, DW5, DW5 XL - I know what you're thinking, I wasted £500, but luckily DW games are sold at a much lower price because of its lack of gameplay so I'd say about £8 a piece. If you compare DW2 to DW5, there are only graphical and minor changes, seeing how retarded the owners of Koei are they have 2 expansions for the Next Issue of DW which nobody buys unless they want an extra weapon or two... It's just that.. It takes Koei 2 issues to add something that changes the gameplay, even that it still sucks.


Jun 13, 2007
So this hack doesn't like these sorts of games and has clearly gone into this review with a biased agenda?

Just goes to show that the idiots in charge of IGN don't have a clue when it comes to picking the right man for the job.



Almost Not a Noob
Jun 2, 2003
I don't see Ubi reviews starting "Well, nearly every game I've played from Ubi is a repetitive rehash with engine glitches", "Epic's games always have crappy texture loading and weird bugs", or "EA repeatedly fails at reliably implemented online on new games". It's a pointless cheap shot that does nothing but say "This review is basically garbage, you should stop reading now." It's one thing to point it out when you get to say, how the game runs, but to open with "lol Koei sux" is awful.


The Franchise
Oct 18, 2002
clements-IGN said:
We just have to review games as honestly as possible.


Is that why every single Halo game gets praised as the next coming, when they're not? Or saying Devil May Cry 2 was "decent" when it's well known the game was crap?

It's a fact that IGN for whatever reason will not call the "big name" games crap when it's obvious. Yet they'll blast a lesser known game that isn't all that bad.

I'm not saying DW:G is any good. I own the first and while it was mildly entertaining, KOEI's refusal to improve the series has burned me to where I am completely done until I get an experience comparable to Ninety-Nine Nights in terms of graphics, draw distance, etc. But IGN constantly praises games that are crap and blasts ones that have potential.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 29, 2005
It's all a matter of gaming taste. Gundam Musou 2 sold really really well in Japan, and Famitsu rated it 36/40. This game is not aimed for the Western gamers that is all.


Jun 12, 2008
clements-IGN said:
carbsmith --

I don't see that in my article! You're crazy.

Actually, we love the people over at KOEI (though they don't pay us money). We just have to review games as honestly as possible. If you like the other Dynasty Warriors games, fine by me. But that means you like bland button-mashers, right? :)
Don't listen to them Clements, KOEI brought together two of the most volatile fanbases in history when they merged Dynasty Warriors style gameplay with the Gundam license. They would have been calling for your head with anything less than a glowing recommendation.

Keep up the good work, maybe if these games continue to recieve reviews like this someone at KOEI will take notice. The Dynasty Warriors series really does need something, anything, to spice up the gameplay. [face_peace]
Mar 24, 2009
Having poured many hours into DW2 and then DW4 about 5,6 years ago, I will agree that endlessly chopping at a sea of enemies with a very simplistic combat system gets old. After seeing no improvements in the series despite many new games, I'm staying away.

The series has great potential, a more involved combat sytstem, and an enviroment with more life would give these games a whole new spin. But has of now the series has gone stale, and i agree with the reviewers stance on this shovelware.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 2, 2003
icelund said:
clements-IGN said:
carbsmith --

I don't see that in my article! You're crazy.

Actually, we love the people over at KOEI (though they don't pay us money). We just have to review games as honestly as possible. If you like the other Dynasty Warriors games, fine by me. But that means you like bland button-mashers, right? :)
Don't listen to them Clements, KOEI brought together two of the most volatile fanbases in history when they merged Dynasty Warriors style gameplay with the Gundam license. They would have been calling for your head with anything less than a glowing recommendation.

Keep up the good work, maybe if these games continue to recieve reviews like this someone at KOEI will take notice. The Dynasty Warriors series really does need something, anything, to spice up the gameplay. [face_peace]
Well, you deserve each other anyways, both being from the grand old school of assuming that because someone points out your review is a terrible piece of journalism, it means they can only be angry they didn't 10 your game for whatever it's title is.

A 4 review is actually vaguely exciting compared to most being in the 3s, but to not even require me to click on the link to see the review is a half assed pile of regurgitated crap is pretty pitiful. There's this interesting thing where the market for DW:G hasn't necessarily played 50 Dynasty Warriors game like the average video game editor, by the way, so to just review it as "haha Dynasty Warriors" is something of a disservice. For that matter, sports, racing, fighting and wrestling games aren't terribly innovative either, but their fanbases are given (probably in some cases excessive) respect so as to treat the tweaks and upgrades with some sort of regard as to the value they'll hold to them, while I'd be pretty much lead to believe every Dynasty Warriors game is literally 100% identical to DW2, being the reviews just read "lol moar Dynasty Warriors lololol" and never even really address whether they're a good game in and of themselves other than hitting the graphics/sound bullet points.

For the record, I've only played Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors Gundam in the series, and both are reasonably mediocre, but compelling enough to be appealing to very appealing to someone interested in the subject matter (while a non-fan looks at the story of any of the modes in DW:G as "WTF", the Original mode held ridiculous amounts of fanwank. If this were a Star Wars game, that would probably automatically get it a point or two on the US review just because everyone who plays video games is enough of a Star Wars fan to get it in America.)
Jun 3, 2008
OK, is the reviewer blind? There is a LOT that is new in this game. The combos have all be increased in length, there's over 60 Mobile Suits, God knows how many Pilots, a much deeper Official Mode, a Mission Mode that lets you make you own story and do as you see fit, and an admittedly fun online VS Mode. There's even Mobile Armor battles which are fun as hell!

In other words, these reviews are simply biased. They always are. Critics play the game for 5 minutes, turn it off, then slap a review like this on it. I guess Koei isn't paying you anything, but Bungie must be shoving money down your pockets. Halo 3 wasn't that good, and neither were the two before it, and it's just as repetitive as Dynasty Warriors. Run, shoot, run, shoot, run, shoot.....same old, same old.

So regardless, I've stopped reading reviews for DW games. I just look at the score, apply a palm to my face, then pop it in and have fun. Isn't that what games are for? Mindless button mashing is fun, IMO. Sure, its not for everyone, but to have every North American critic tear every DW game up seems more than a coincidence to me. It all comes down to money. For shame, IGN. For shame


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
Yeah I agree! What I want at least for a PS3 dynasty warriors is a thousand enemies of the kind of the bosses in Devil May Cry on Dante must die difficulty for ennemies and I want final boss that takes mind blowing thinking and as much times as it takes to do Sphere 211 in Star Ocean 3. I want characters that evolve like the characters in Oblivion and weapons that evolve like a Persona of Persona 3 or 4. I want an ever evolving story of the kind of star wars trilogy and of course hours and hours of video content. I would like also to play with 500 of my friends online using a dial-up connection! And don't forget that if possible I'd like to pay only 19.99 for that game because i'm broke and can't even figure out how my start menu fonction in my windows environnement because I'm a mac user (Yep I chose the easier dumber way as always) ( hey I play dynasty warrior gundam 2)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
Lasting Appeal
There's actually quite a lot to do in this game, including plenty of pilots to play as and missions to beat, but the raw gameplay always stays the same.

Don't make me laugh there is for more than 100hours worth of playing in this game! Trophies and more what?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
The game runs fairly well and the interface is clean, but the story is all over the place. You need to be a Gundam Grand Scholar to follow the intricacies of what's happening here.

You know what? I decided after buying my copy of Dynasty warriors:Gundam to initiate myself to that universe and I discovered Anime Series of high quality in Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Mobile Suit Gundam SeeD, Mobile Suit Gundam SeeD Destiny, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and the movie Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counter Attack.

I'm still not a high scholar of the Gundam Universe but even without watching these series I was able to fully enjoy the games
Jul 5, 2006
Played the demo for the first one.... possibly the most boring game I've ever seen. This doesn't look much better.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 just doesn't push the hardware. At all.

Did you ever tried to program advanced graphic applications? How do you rate the hardware bottleneck? The PS3 or the Xbox360 are not supercomputers. Did you ever tried to make an application that could render over 100 real time high quality models in the same screen while still keeping your framerate as high as possible?

Well, neither do I but I'm sure that they did the best they could with what they had to make this game look decent even with graphics of the Jedi Knight 2 era


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
"I was especially disappointed by a few specific elements in this game. First, you can't switch to a Japanese language track -- you're forced to listen to the less-than-ideal English cast (though they certainly do a better job than most of the other Dynasty Warriors games). This is disappointing because the original Dynasty Warriors: Gundam featured the Japanese track. Why take that option away from the sequel?"

You are so right!!! game developers nowadays neglect the fact that people do in fact really like the japanese voiceovers

And yes they cut off all the japanese version musics. That was a bad move too. We are always hearing the same songs again and again and it just get us off the narative.


Nov 21, 2007
Didn't Famitsu give this an insanely good score, 36/40?

I agree 100% about the Japanese language tracks. Especially for games that are multi-platform, there should be no reason why the Japanese language track couldn't be on the Blu-Ray disk for the PS3 version.

fingwe: We get it, you feel hurt that your new favourite game got a low review... [face_tongue]
Mar 11, 2002
I would give everyone at IGN 1 million dollars if a reviewer here would give Madden 10 a 5.6. There is nothing different with this year and the last three years for Madden. Stupid people that would pay $60 for a roster update.

Now I'm not saying that this game should get a 9.0 or even a 8.0, but saying that it's Mediocre because you don't like the game in the first place is bull. Ryan, I'm embarrassed for you for writing this. And I hope that Namco Bandai and KOEI pull any advertisement until they get someone here who can review honestly.

Lets see this review in it's pieces:
Presentation-5.5 Poor Ryan didn't like the story. He even admits that the story is like the first one and doesn't tell him everything in a short time. Halo could be accused of that. It's had three games and still no ending.

Graphics-5.5 You give us one sentance to why you don't like the graphics. You say "intolerable framerate stutters", does it stutter when too many enemies are on the screen or when simply walking. Or does it stutter when your mother yells at you to clean your room. I guess we have to pick one. "Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 just doesn't push the hardware. At all.", is this because it's ported from the PS2 or you didn't play it on a HD TV.

Sound-6.0 Madden 09 got a 8.0. Really!!!! Ryan, you are not even making an effort. I can see 7.5 for not including the Japanese soundtrack.

Gameplay 5.5 So.....did the buttons only work alittle more than half the time? Other than that, I don't see what your problem is.

Lasting Appeal-6.0 "There's actually quite a lot to do in this game, including plenty of pilots to play as and missions to beat" Holy crap, I hate doing that too. I like games that I can play once and be done. That's true lasting appeal.


Feb 8, 2008
The problem with this game or rather these types of games is the price.... it's just not worth 60 bucks who in the right mind would pay that much for something that's nothing more than a simple mod put on top of its predecessor engine...

People are wondering why the video game industry is losing loads of money yet the answer is right in their face.... There's just no quality standard, anyone can f around and cash in on a half assed attempt.... And I personally think people are sick and tired of it and that's why piracy is so popular....
Feb 1, 2008
mr shady you made a valid point. i agree with you 100 percent. this game is just way to expensive. ill buy it when its 25 or 30 bucks. hell i didnt know the first one was out until the price was so low. besides i think its is at least a step in another direction for the dynasty warriors games its not terrible but its not gonna win any awards.
Apr 24, 2009
One Word for the devs of this game: NO ONE LIKES THIS SERIES AT ALL so PLZ stop so we dont have to see it putting space on the shelves


This update is the equivilant to ****. YES!
Oct 9, 2004
clements-IGN said:
carbsmith --

I don't see that in my article! You're crazy.

Actually, we love the people over at KOEI (though they don't pay us money). We just have to review games as honestly as possible. If you like the other Dynasty Warriors games, fine by me. But that means you like bland button-mashers, right? :)

So you get paid, day by day, to do reviews as biased as you can. Because you clearly miss the point. But that's what to expect with you and the others that reviewed this. But, yeah a bland button masher, this coming from someone who's apart of a group that gave GTA 4 a 10. Wait, wait I know, it's GTA right, slurp slurp. Play DW 6 and then this, there's an immense difference. But what does it matter? You get paid, you laugh at us, you don't care, you live life, you be an ass. It's understanding. Elitist as you can be,you will remain to be that way. I am not calling this game a master piece, I am calling you biased because you clearly didn't try to enjoy the game.

Jun 16, 2005
The reason they keep making these games is because they sell rather well in Japan, so they think they can squeeze a couple more dollars from American and European gamers by releasing the game world-wide. If they don't want to lose money but sill make the game available to us, then they should release the as a download only on Xbox Live and PSN. That would lower the cost to us while still allowing them to turn a profit.


Mar 22, 2003
"One Word for the devs of this game: NO ONE LIKES THIS SERIES AT ALL so PLZ stop so we dont have to see it putting space on the shelves"

You're joking right? This is a top selling series in JP. They will continue to make them. And you will continue to have a sore buttocks with every release. Have fun.


Jan 22, 2007
If anyone seriously thinks Dynasty Warriors is a good game, then you have your head so far up your own ass you could check yourself for polyps. Which is kind of good, since colon cancer is a silent killer.

But seriously, just because you think a game is fun doesn't mean it's good.
Oct 8, 2008
I love this last comment.. Just because people have fun doesn't mean it is a good game.. Hahahah idiot that does make it a good game.. We play them to HAVE FUN.. if you do not have fun DO NOT PLAY. Just because it comes out does not mean you have to play it. So by trying to insult people for what they have fun at shows how little you understand life.

2nd point if the game didn't sell they would not make.. It sells so it mean people like it which means people are having FUN.

3rd point. If you want to say what you like and dislike about stuff that is valid. Just beable to defend what you say. Saying a game sucks tell me only that you can't think your way out of a paper bag. Now saying I dislike a game because the action lacks enough difference tells me something. If you think you have very vaild points and can convince people, then write a review. Otherwise save us from your useless thoughts and STFU.


Aug 21, 2001
Wow! a shoddy gundam review from IGN big surprise /sarcasm...the games good even to non-gundam fans so don't listen to this's all a big japanese anti-anime mecha it's not a western game or halo, or gears of war


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 2, 2003
MrShady002 said:
The problem with this game or rather these types of games is the price.... it's just not worth 60 bucks who in the right mind would pay that much for something that's nothing more than a simple mod put on top of its predecessor engine...

People are wondering why the video game industry is losing loads of money yet the answer is right in their face.... There's just no quality standard, anyone can f around and cash in on a half assed attempt.... And I personally think people are sick and tired of it and that's why piracy is so popular....
This quite literally makes no sense. Especially considering Gears 1.5 and CoD2.3 (gotta love that still identifiable idTech 3 engine core) were the best selling and most profitable Xbox games of the last year.
Feb 5, 2006
flemw1234 said:
Wow! a shoddy gundam review from IGN big surprise /sarcasm...the games good even to non-gundam fans so don't listen to this's all a big japanese anti-anime mecha it's not a western game or halo, or gears of war
Ryan Clemments is an anime fan, so there's no bias there.


Dec 18, 2008
If a reviewer is tired of playing Dynasty Warriors games, why review them? Meanwhile, ARCADE games that have not been changed for YEARS get praised reviews. I'M CONFUSED. If it's about price,then that should be included in the rating system with graphics,gameplay,etc...
Apr 6, 2009
If anyone seriously thinks Dynasty Warriors is a good game, then you have your head so far up your own ass you could check yourself for polyps. Which is kind of good, since colon cancer is a silent killer.

If anybody can get away with calling Halo,Gears Of War,Madden,Mercenaries 2,Saint's Row 2,Fallout 3,Too Human,Psychonauts,Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time,Beyond Good & Evil,Duke Nukem 3D,WWF Smackdown 2,WWF No Mercy,Crackdown good games.

I don't see why no one can't call DW good. It's called an opinion learn to acknowledge them.


Feb 4, 2009
one thing for the dude 2 slots below me. its his job to review the games. No matter how bad they start off. Its good to. It saves people the time and money of buying games that are not worth sixty dollars. Ever since the up from fifty to sixty i only buys games i feel are worth it. In my opinion this is not worth sixty dollars. Im sorry. To me its not. its just my opinion. To much repitition it would make my head explode.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 22, 2009
Ok, so since this guy reviewed all of the games in this series. How relevant is this review to someone who hasn't played ANY dynasty warrior games, and likes every type of game genre (like me). should i be interested in purchasing this title? because from this dudes review, most of his complaints in general are that this game is too much like all the other ones and he simply sounds tired of playing the same game AGAIN, so the review does not seem to justify the game or tell me if the game is good for what it is on its own...


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 12, 2008
I might get this game. I'm gona watch a few gundam spirite episodes since it's supposed to be the best one (there are like 10 different gundams!!), if I enjoy them I'll get the game after a price cut. Me and my cousin need a new multiplayer game badley, we've beaten the fuck out of RE5 and LBP. I've always enjoyed the DW series, and DW 6 Empires is just too far away, plus I skipped DW: Gundam be4 so I might try this one. I just hope the graphics aren't a turn off, I have an HD so I'm hoping there is a slight boost in the graphics compared to what I'm seeing in the videos.
Mar 7, 2006
IGN has always hated the Dynasty Warriors games. These games are not meant for American gamers to really like. It's a fun multiplayer game, and I see that Koei has added the online capabilities I thought were missing from the first game (except of course downloading more suits/pilots). I'd better get back to the hacking and slashing. I've found out just how challenging these games can be. They do require strategy, and they do challenge.



Jun 10, 2007
Wow i don't think I've ever seen this amount of laziness out of IGN. Giving the same review for a game on two different generations of console.
Oct 9, 2004
That's because its a shit game that is shut an upscale of the PS2 version not an actual 360 game with nothing really to differentiate it from ps2 other than 1080p supre sharp PS2 level jaggies, frame rates, draw distances, idiotic AI, last-gen play mechanics, invisible walls, the list of crap goes on and on ... strictly a game for the Gundam/Dynasty Warriors fans. e

everyone else stay away and save yourself 50-70$ .... if you are really intrested go rent it or give it a few months and pick it up used for 20$ ...


Jul 22, 2004
One of the things that really kills me is people complaining about not being able to hear the original japanese voices. I can't understand japanese, so why would I give a f--- if the game leaves them out? if it's a crappy game then that's fine, but why the hell would such a feature be so important to people who can't understand the language anyway? Would you buy a movie in Japanese without subtitles and pretend to understand the plot just to show how "cool" you are? and "it barely takes a step forward"- how? from your review, it sucked. Tell us how it takes a step forward, don't just expect us to guess. Seriously, I took quite a few jounalism classes in college and I at least picked that up. I liked the original game. Each character's story was too short, it was a bit sluggish compared to the dynasty warriors games, but I still enjoyed it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
I found this

Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 4
PlayStation 2 Game by KOEI IGN Score: 8.6

Well, if dynasty warriors: gundam 2 is the exact same thing of all dynasty warriors but with upgraded graphics and is adapted to another universe and still keeps all the good of the series.

I think that you should review your final not to be as good as Dynasty Warriors 4 since it got a 8.6 and that DWG2 is as u said the exact same thing it should at least get a 8.6.

You just can't rate a game by comparing it to others itterations. It must be judged for it's own goodness and not compared to what others were and how it compares to them.

What you do is biased.


Sep 20, 2008

Probably because they were reviewed by two different people? And I don't know about you... but *updated graphics* is BS. This game looks terrible.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 12, 2008
Don't waste your money people. Koei needs to get it's head out of it's ass and make quality games. This whole copy and paste is shite work. I love the Dynasty/Samurai franchise and even owned the first Gundam, but come the **** on. If they don't start getting their act together, they're going to lose a lot of money and in turn might go bankrupt due to the world economy.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

Usually English voice acting is absolutely terrible, and the Japanese voice acting sounds a lot better. With subtitles enabled, you can still know whats going on and not have to put up with the annoying English voice acting.