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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Dynasty Warriors 7 Review[/link]
by Colin Moriarty

How many times can you possibly hit the square button in a single game? Dynasty Warriors 7 dares you to find out. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Claremont's #1 Fan
Aug 22, 2000
So Ryan's gotten too high-and-mighty to review these games. Colin gets the hand-me-down reviews now.

Poor Colin. :(
Dec 2, 2010
So when will reviewers start giving low scores to CoD/Halo/Gears games for being the same year after year?

Or sports titles? Or Racing?

Dont do reviews based solely on whether a sequel has really changed or not because you wont find many NEW games that dont copy or reuse features and even fewer sequels that dont suck because they decided to do something different rather than sticking to a formula that works.
Nov 21, 2010
colin moriarty youre a bitch and definitely one of the worst reviewers on this site. it disappoints me to see that the superior editor above you, ryan, is no longer reviewing this franchise. F U IGN!


The Masked Man
Dec 19, 2001
They should start calling it by the year. Like "Dynasty Warriors 2011." It's just like Madden; the same damn game every year with some very minor changes.


Its 4:20!
Feb 16, 2002
Colin, they should have you write all reviews. Call a spade a spade and recognize that some games just arent worth playing.


Original poster
Its probably the sales of the game that prevent the series from taking a hard look at itself and change. This is what happens when the mediocre meet expectations.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 28, 2007
so true Zylowolfbane, Halo Reach is worse then Halo 1 so just how bad is Dynasty Warriors 7 compared to dynasty warriors 2? Nothing's more kickass then fighting mass mobs of enemies. If only Dynasty Warriors 7 would take from FPS like COD and implement a true multipler game. A Hack N slash with team death match would be amazing. Let's say 8/8, generals commanding 10,000 maned armies? Sound pretty badass. Reviews like this make me wonder if IGN has completely forgotten about hardcore gaming. This and not putting Demons Souls on PS3 top 25 list. IGN I've played pretty much everything there is and I would take mediocre Dynasty Warriors 6 over the biggest peice of crap, Gears of War. A lot of high rated games are copying and pasting shit again and again. Biowares my favorite developers and they even do it. Whatever though, critics don't matter. The players who play the games do.



Aug 25, 2009
It's okay to play a Dynasty Warriors game once. But once you play your first Dynasty Warriors game there is no reason to play another. For me it was fun that one time.
Dec 3, 2008
It might be a little harsh to give a game a 5 when you said that "fans are going to find a whole lot to like" but then again I haven't played a Dynasty Warrior game and had no intention of starting now. I would have thought that a game that is solid for fans but alienates everyone else deserved a 6 or 6.5 but that’s just my opinion. Regardless I defer to you and it was certainly a good read.
BTW HavocMayhemChaos if you feel the need to be a dick in a public forum, at least have the decency to spell check “youre” is not a word.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 26, 2003
They sincerely should have stopped at DW4! It was the deepest of any entry in the series solely because of the experience system! Everything else has been going downhill after that!


Prime Member
Jan 30, 2009
A great review by Colin Moriarty, covering the gameplay well - particularly the repetitiveness. However, I wonder what has changed graphically. It is apparently dated, but what is new? What is different? And what is the same?

I've always liked the series because I haven't played every single one. I buy one every few games, when I know it's fundamentally the same but (minor) improvements have been implemented and are more evident. What is different from 6, its first leap into this generation, as that was an obvious improvement?
Dec 28, 2009
Everyone needs to own at least own of these games. I vote Gundam, because I like giant robots having sex. I mean fighting. Ya, fighting.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 26, 2009
The game is purposely made to be repetitive. It's like punishing a First person game for shooting. IGN ain't the place for a detailed Dynasty Warriors review.
Jul 17, 2003
I feel bad for Omega Force. You'd think that, being the developer of a popular (enough) annualized franchise that's single-handedly kept the publisher afloat for years, they'd have had the opportunity to make a new IP or two. And sure, there was Winback, and more recently Trinity. But neither are too memorable (although I liked both well enough).



Jun 7, 2005
I think IGN should stop reviewing these gam...ehem...abominations..and maybe look at the funny side of it. Make a collection of articles titled the 'The joke that is Dynasty Warriors', then add each new game to the list. People wouldnt be so annoyed that KOEI keeps shit..ehem..i mean flushing out these crap games. Its the same damn thing everytime. -_-


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2002
What a surprise, people who aren't fans complaining about the game. This is a niche game, and plenty of loyal fans keep the game alive. Can't say I'm surprised about this review though, nor the CoD fanboy comments I'm seeing. Seeya, going to go enjoy this game immensely some more.


Original poster
long time fan, dont give a flying shit what ign says on the games
Feb 4, 2002
I don't get why the Dynasty Warrior series are so hated around here. Most beat'em up are build with you using just 3-4 main combos and the rest are just fillers for variation when you get tired. Sports game are also the same games year after year, after year and stil lreceive pretty good scores. FPS have de-evolved as their popularity went up on consoles and yet every CoD or MoH is the next holy grail every release, every year.

Simply put, Dynasty Warrior 7 is the best entry in the serie. If you thought DW6 was lackluster(only the objectives in each missions were mildly exciting to do), and DW5 was a bit too much similar to the first ones then you should love DW7.
-1 HUGE storyline for each 4 kingdoms (they added Jin this year), meaning when someone ahould die early on, they die and they stay dead. (I'm looking at you Sun family)
-every character can equip 2 weapons of your choosing (with 38 weapons type, thats a lot of choosing)
-Calling your horse is bound to L2 (i hope this feature never goes away)
-Full voice acting and extensive cutscene before, during and after missions makes for a very cinematic experience compared to the earlier DW. Sadly you cant have japanese dialogues with english subs, so we have to endure some weird pronounciation of names.

Simply put, if you like the playstyle of the older DW, you should like this one quite a bit. But if you don't like it's playstyle to begin with, and just can't understand the HUGE story of the Three Kingdoms do as with every other version and pass it.


Dec 21, 2010
i kinda wish it was the same as back in the playstation 2 days, they say it never changed but it got more stupid i think with 5 or 6 whenever they implemented the mini battles that took like 10-30 mins as opposed to spending 2-3 hours on one level playing co op with a friend into endless hours of the night, i wish they would go back to the glory days


Prime Member
Mar 25, 2004
So bad... SO SO BAD...

Not the game... the review...

I was impressed with it overall... brought back the gameplay that made me fall in love with the series... and updated it still... brought horse calling in from Samurai Warriors... changed the weapons by making them unique... Musou attacks look BALLER... Story was indepth and made me appriciate the detail of the characters... took me 8 hours to do one play through on normal with everything being done properly... and the new mode is pretty fun!!! Havent unlocked or played the new Jin Kingdom... added another whole story that has NEVER been in the game... And its so vital... cause it is the actual kingdom to unify China!

My question is... to Mister reviewer... how isnt anyother game repetitive??? COD? Halo? Pokemon? Mario? oh wait... it all is... EVERY BUTTON MASHER IS!!! You seemed biased and groaned at the sight of doing the review and therefore reflected in your writing. As much as I HATED (returned and didnt buy, for each respectively)6 and StrikeForce... I was still optimistic about this and went into with open mind... and I was not disappointed... What I was disappointed in was the negativity of the game when you probably in "five to ten minute bursts", lost bad (you mad bro), and decided to "launch your controller through a nearby window". You need to find another line of work or get your money back for that University of Phoenix piece of paper you call a degree... cause you fail...
May 31, 2004
**LOL** Now this is priceless, and yet people don't point out that other series of games (Call of Doodie, Madden NFL) have practically the same gameplay year after year with hardly any changes whatsoever, and yet this series gets crapped on. Go figure right?

I'm definitely getting it sometime down the line myself, and actually look forward to doing so. I'm not surprised to see people dissing the Warriors' series. Though at least these games are, you know, fun? I can't say the same about Call of Doodie or Madden NFLame, I am so done with those series of games. I know full well I'll get at least 50 - 100 hours of enjoyment out of DW7 once I get it, that's more than either of those two series put together.

So IGN, how much does EA or Activi$ion pay you to give good scores to Madden or Call of Doodie? Just curious. You don't call those games out for being the repetitive pieces of trash they are, do you? Oh heaven forbid these games do the same thing that the Warriors' series does, right? Seriously, quit being hypocrites, do your job, and call these games out for being crap!
Jul 20, 2006
Honestly, I love this game.It's a bit shallow with the light strategy elements and all but it's fun.It may not be Uncharted but hey, I go back from workplace I don't wanna play game that heavy.DW7 is just fine to me.Just my 2 cents :)


Original poster
Awesome description on the front page. Immediately I said to myself well played, and decided to find out who wrote it. I thought maybe it would be somebody I had been hard on in the past for their reviews but was delightfully suprised to find out it was none other than the best employee IGN has. Mr Moriarty, you are the bees knees. Well played sir and good review. Very thorough, informative and well written. I had no interest in this game but I still appreciate the fact that somebody at IGN still takes their time to pump out a good review.


Apr 8, 2005
I've been playing since 10am, who wait what am I about to pick up after I'm done typing this? My controller! Haven't sent it flying out of the window yet! *Inside though* "matter of fact I've never threw a game controller out a window to damn expensive. I have thrown out eggs, firecrackers, and every boy band CD my sister has well...had out the window and I'm insanely off topic"

Yes the game is still repetitive, but it's still hack n' slash button mashing fun. Renbu system is GONE and the skill tree is scaled down but still in the game. Any long time DW fan will pick this up and love it. The only thing I really hate is that you can't evade anymore, no "special" grapple attacks when you hold block and press an attack button like in DW6, and most of all NO F'ING FREE MODE!"

But of course all in the end everyone has their own opinion. IGN it's okay I still heart you.
Nov 25, 2005

I kid, I kid. Nice review, but I like crappy games so i may pick this up soon. Keep up the good work homie!


Apr 1, 2009
I logged in to say that this review sucks.
Can we get Sam Bishop who at least appreciates the DW series to give DW:Strikeforce an 8 to review DW7? Seriously.


Original poster
If I could choose one genre of game to kill off for good, it'd be this one. These "thousand enemies onscreen" hack-and-slash button mashers haven't been decent in years. It pains me to see unique developers closing their doors when KOEI and Omega Force continue to find profits with this junk. I guess there must still be people enjoying it, though, because the series continues to sell. Either that, or there's 10,000 moms who buy them for their kids because they're budget priced and rated T.
May 25, 2007
IGN needs to realize that DW fans just dont care for their reviews anymore. Seriously, I think Colin wasted his time playing and typing this. The 7th game isnt going to change the mind of the haters and its going to be bought by the fans no matter what. I keep on saying this that IGN really needs to stop reviewing games they dont care about, its seriously pointless.
Jun 10, 2006
You know, I haven't bought one since DW2, so I may have to consider 7 when it hits the bargain bin. Seriously though, this game should start off costing 20 bucks.
Aug 22, 2010
Who ever reviewed this has something up their Anus. Are you f*cking Kidding me? This game deserves a fair review, Not some biased crap. If Overall Improvements isn't enough to impress you, then you might as well say the same shit for every shooter its essentially the same game with different scenarios. So if what you are saying is, any hack and slash is Mediocre then any shooter should be as well. Biased Retard. Review the game fairly and with an unbiased opinion. I can admit 6 was horrendous, but 7 is certainly not mediocre.

Biased review is biased. Stupid Shooter boys.


Mar 30, 2011
Personally, I really like the game. However, I wanted to add that I really liked this reviewer's review. He pointed out that it's how it felt to him. Just like for me, I can't play any sports or FPS games due to the repetition that I feel when I play it. I don't feel the repetition when I play the warriors series even though I know it's there.

Now I know people will disagree with me, but I feel no difference between playing Wolfenstien, Call of duty, and Medal of Honor. To me, they're all the same game and I can't play it for longer than 30 minutes without getting a serious headache.
May 31, 2004
Bonzoso, first off, I find it hilarious that you seem to only point the finger at Koei/Tecmo, and fail to point it at EA and Activi$ion as well. Though fortunately the Guitar Hero series is dead, but Madden and Call of Doodie are the two I'd kill off if given the chance, without hesitation. Those two giants are far more guilty of killing off competition than Koei/Tecmo. Seriously, if you're gonna call a company out, call them ALL out. Now go get schooled, do your research, and then come talk to me.
Mar 3, 2011
This guy didn't even describe one thing about the game. Horrible review. This is almost as bad as the Daemon Castlevania Lords of Shadow review. If you are going to give a game a terrible score. At least justify with an informed argument. That being said, I think the game is pretty good. Worth the money IMO.
Nov 21, 2010
See moriarty, I'm one of many who thinks you're a terrible, mediocre writer. You had some of the most ridiculous opinions in this article, and yeah the gameplay is repetitive... just like all shooters, all racing games, all sports games, etc. ALL HACK N SLASH IS THE SAME AS THE NEXT IDIOT, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GENRE I MENTIONED. lol you obviously didnt think through before writing this and rushed to get a crappy review done... Welp good luck with this guy ign


May 19, 2009
Well after this review I would have to say I can't always go with what the reviews say. I bought the game yesterday when it came out and I would say the graphics are pretty darn amazing. IGN gave it a 5.0 for graphic. Now its not like killzone or crysis but its pretty good imo. If you are a fan or not a fan but enjoyed and dont mind the repetitive gameplay, then I'd say 7 is the one to buy. The story mode is REALLY long. Yesterday and today about 5-6 hours gameplay with wei story and still not finished. Story is surprisingly well put together. Now I am not going to go into details but yea this game is worth the money. Again if you enjoy previous titles and love these types of game, this one is a MUST buy. Also if you are unsure, search for other reviews. Ive seen scores around 8 out of 10 and 4/5 stars. IGN is the only site who game it a horrible score.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
IGN b*tches about the graphics when they aren't bad at all?
WTF. They seem to form a biast the second they don't like the game. If it has good music, graphics, or etc, but it isn't good overall... Well then as IGN does it "To hell with music and graphics! I don't like the game, so they SUCK!"


Nov 29, 2010
Destructiod is the only gaming site that gives Dynasty Warriors a fair shot. Go to their site if you want to read some actual unbiased, honest game journalism. For biased, IGNortant fanboys, read IGN. This article is a good example.