
Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This dumbass barely even played the game.

"There are offensive and lazy racial stereotypes galore (the head mobster's name is Don Goombah)"

Crypto called the Don "Don Goombah" because he's a smartass. If you'd actually payed any frikkin attention, you'd know that the the Don's real name is Don Straniero. Dumbass.


Oct 30, 2006
POTF made me angry. After savoring both Destroy All Humans games on Xbox, playing through POTF was a chore. The clever writing and banter has been replaced with cheap jokes, the graphical glitches are painful on a 46-inch HDTV, and destroying things is anything but inspiring. I think there's still some life in the series, but THQ needs to find a studio with a sharp sense of humor and a love of cheesy sci-fi. I'd love to see what Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts) could do with a DAH title.


Jul 7, 2008
If you want a good game let EA take a crack at it, I don't think I've played a bad game from them thus far and I've bought quite a few in the past.

Honestly after reading about the graphics I'm glad this is cancelled for PS3, I'd rather spend the 60 bukcs on something interesting like Dead Space and not something that maeks me wince when I see it on my 40 inch


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
1. It's $40, not $60

2. The graphics are good for a DAH! game

3. It's only cancelled for PS3 in America, and can be imported from Europe.

4. This review fails. All they do is complain about graphics and "racial stereotypes". Honestly, there are several games out there with worse stereotypes than this game. IGN sucks at reviewing games.

5. The game is worth the $40 IMO. It's fun, and it's WAY more entertaining than GTA IV.
Oct 27, 2008
1. It's too expensive for the game that it is regardless of the price.

2. Saying the graphics are good for a DAH game does not actually make them qualify for a next-gen console such as the xbox 360.

3. It should have been cancelled everywhere. Then re-released under EA or some other company who may have actually made this a decent game.

4. If you think that IGN sucks at reviewing games, why on earth are you still visiting it? IGN would be better without whiny little sh!t bugs like you.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
1. It's still better than all the other overpriced $60 games.

2. Who cares? You play a game for fun dipshit. If you can tell what everything is, graphics are fine.

3. It IS a decent game. You never realized it because you only played it for five minutes and called it shit just because it didn't look like Gears 2.

4. I still enjoy chatting on the forums. The reviews suck ass, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the other features. Also, I agree, IGN would better better if it didn't have kiss-ass fanboys who think their word is law, like you. Get over yourself.
Sep 26, 2008
Lol? When a bad game gets a low mark ign screwed up? How about the developers screwed up?

Wait, actually the development team of the original abandoned ship long time ago and the team behind this installment doesn't exist anymore.

Looks like they just threw out something on the streets hoping people will buy it anyway since the liked the first parts, ignoring all the reviews grading the game between 2 and 5 out of 10.
Feb 20, 2009
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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
Are you guys retarded,POTF sucked!The first two DAH games were awesome but it all went down hill from there.POTF and BWU were the worst games I've ever played besides that shitty Aquaman game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Dude, PotF didn't suck. BWU did. But PotF didn't. Any idiot that says PotF sucks is an idiot. It's fans like me who can look past the glitches and graphics and have fun with a game, which I did with PotF. BWU however ruined the series with the awful voices, lame weapons, childish and immature gentital humor, and extremely stupid plot. PotF was way better, and it has better gameplay than the originals. PotF is easily a 7, and it's alot better that that overrated gritty realistic bullcrap the have out there trying to pass as "THE BEST GAEMZ EVAR"


No Longer a Noob
Feb 26, 2006
This review is half-right. Sure, you can't avoid the graphical glitches and racial insensitivity (which frankly i don't give a shit about), and the graphics might be outdated, and the series may be stretched right about now, but it's still fun! The new weapons are awesome, the old ones are refined, the plot is as good and absurd as the other games, and trust me, it gets better as you advance more into the game. I particularly love PKing people nowadays, and the Dislocator never gets old! I miss snatching a police officer and faking an all-clear call, though. :(


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
joshsmith16 said:
Dude, PotF didn't suck. BWU did. But PotF didn't. Any idiot that says PotF sucks is an idiot. It's fans like me who can look past the glitches and graphics and have fun with a game, which I did with PotF. BWU however ruined the series with the awful voices, lame weapons, childish and immature gentital humor, and extremely stupid plot. PotF was way better, and it has better gameplay than the originals. PotF is easily a 7, and it's alot better that that overrated gritty realistic bullcrap the have out there trying to pass as "THE BEST GAEMZ EVAR"

You are the idiot if you think POTF was good. It still had dumb weapons and immature humor. Temporal fist was cool but they messed up the other PK abilities. I’m not usually that big on graphics but since it was on 360 and PS3 and the designers said it was going to be so cool, it really pissed me off when they turned out to be crappy.And what’s up with all the dumb bosses like the giant squid.Pluss it was racist against Chinese people. I have to admit the story line was cool but that and temporal fist where the only cool things in the game. I’d give it a 2.5 out of 10


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
Dude, PotF didn't suck. BWU did. But PotF didn't. Any idiot that says PotF sucks is an idiot. It's fans like me who can look past the glitches and graphics and have fun with a game, which I did with PotF. BWU however ruined the series with the awful voices, lame weapons, childish and immature gentital humor, and extremely stupid plot. PotF was way better, and it has better gameplay than the originals. PotF is easily a 7, and it's alot better that that overrated gritty realistic bullcrap the have out there trying to pass as "THE BEST GAEMZ EVAR"

You are the idiot if you think POTF was good. It still had dumb weapons and immature humor. Temporal fist was cool but they messed up the other PK abilities. I’m not usually that big on graphics but since it was on 360 and PS3 and the designers said it was going to be so cool, it really pissed me off when they turned out to be crappy.And what’s up with all the dumb bosses like the giant squid.Pluss it was racist against Chinese people. I have to admit the story line was cool but that and temporal fist where the only cool things in the game. I’d give it a 2.5 out of 10
You're a complete retard.

1. The graphics are BETTER than the first two games. They ARE NOT PS2 graphics.

2. The PK abilities were perfectly fine. There was nothing wrong with them.

3. The bosses weren't dumb. They were challenging, and epic.

4. It is not freaking racist. It's no different than DAH!2's portrayal of the Japanese and British. It WOULD be racist if it didn't feature anyone of a different race. Plus, some of the people who did the voices SAID it wasn't racist. It's only racist because every white person thinks that just because it has chinese people in it with stereotypical accents. It's called SATIRE. The kung fu movies in the 70's portrayed the chinese in the exact same way. The game was satirizing those movies.

PotF was anything but bad. True it wasn't as good as the others, but not worse, nor bad. It's a 7. Anyone who gives it a lower score is a dumbass who only played it for five minutes or just copied someone else's crap review.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
joshsmith16 said:
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
Dude, PotF didn't suck. BWU did. But PotF didn't. Any idiot that says PotF sucks is an idiot. It's fans like me who can look past the glitches and graphics and have fun with a game, which I did with PotF. BWU however ruined the series with the awful voices, lame weapons, childish and immature gentital humor, and extremely stupid plot. PotF was way better, and it has better gameplay than the originals. PotF is easily a 7, and it's alot better that that overrated gritty realistic bullcrap the have out there trying to pass as "THE BEST GAEMZ EVAR"

You are the idiot if you think POTF was good. It still had dumb weapons and immature humor. Temporal fist was cool but they messed up the other PK abilities. I’m not usually that big on graphics but since it was on 360 and PS3 and the designers said it was going to be so cool, it really pissed me off when they turned out to be crappy.And what’s up with all the dumb bosses like the giant squid.Pluss it was racist against Chinese people. I have to admit the story line was cool but that and temporal fist where the only cool things in the game. I’d give it a 2.5 out of 10
You're a complete retard.

1. The graphics are BETTER than the first two games. They ARE NOT PS2 graphics.

2. The PK abilities were perfectly fine. There was nothing wrong with them.

3. The bosses weren't dumb. They were challenging, and epic.

4. It is not freaking racist. It's no different than DAH!2's portrayal of the Japanese and British. It WOULD be racist if it didn't feature anyone of a different race. Plus, some of the people who did the voices SAID it wasn't racist. It's only racist because every white person thinks that just because it has chinese people in it with stereotypical accents. It's called SATIRE. The kung fu movies in the 70's portrayed the chinese in the exact same way. The game was satirizing those movies.

PotF was anything but bad. True it wasn't as good as the others, but not worse, nor bad. It's a 7. Anyone who gives it a lower score is a dumbass who only played it for five minutes or just copied someone else's crap review.

I beat the whole fucking game and some parts where OK.A few of the ships weapons were cool and it was kind of funny in some parts.

1. The bosses were easy like the nexo walker in Sunnywood.All I had to do was shoot him once in the balls with the Ion Detonator. And the giant squid boss was GAY!

2. They messed up the PK by not letting you PK things forward or back. And when you temporal fist and then PK a car they don't go far.

3. The graphics would be good if it was an Xbox game made in 2004

4. And just because the racist stereotypes were ok in the 70's it doesn't mean that it's ok now. If you haven't noticed it's not the 70's anymore and if you make fun of people like that now you would get punched.

It was anything but good. Anyone who gives it more than a 4 is a total dumb ass and needs to play real games not peaces of shit.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
joshsmith16 said:
1. It's still better than all the other overpriced $60 games.

2. Who cares? You play a game for fun dipshit. If you can tell what everything is, graphics are fine.

3. It IS a decent game. You never realized it because you only played it for five minutes and called it shit just because it didn't look like Gears 2.

4. I still enjoy chatting on the forums. The reviews suck ass, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the other features. Also, I agree, IGN would better better if it didn't have kiss-ass fanboys who think their word is law, like you. Get over yourself.
Why are you such a fucking hypocrite? You say that IGN would better be if it didn't have kiss-ass fan boys who think their word is law but you’re the kiss-ass fan boy. Just because someone didn’t like DAH POTF you say they played it for five minutes and call them a dumb ass or a dip shit. And in one of the comments you said that it wasn’t as good as the original then in a different comment you say POTF is the best in the series. I played the whole game and it SUCKED!! There is no way in hell that it was better than the originals. That’s my opinion and I have the right to say it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
Dude, PotF didn't suck. BWU did. But PotF didn't. Any idiot that says PotF sucks is an idiot. It's fans like me who can look past the glitches and graphics and have fun with a game, which I did with PotF. BWU however ruined the series with the awful voices, lame weapons, childish and immature gentital humor, and extremely stupid plot. PotF was way better, and it has better gameplay than the originals. PotF is easily a 7, and it's alot better that that overrated gritty realistic bullcrap the have out there trying to pass as "THE BEST GAEMZ EVAR"

You are the idiot if you think POTF was good. It still had dumb weapons and immature humor. Temporal fist was cool but they messed up the other PK abilities. I’m not usually that big on graphics but since it was on 360 and PS3 and the designers said it was going to be so cool, it really pissed me off when they turned out to be crappy.And what’s up with all the dumb bosses like the giant squid.Pluss it was racist against Chinese people. I have to admit the story line was cool but that and temporal fist where the only cool things in the game. I’d give it a 2.5 out of 10
You're a complete retard.

1. The graphics are BETTER than the first two games. They ARE NOT PS2 graphics.

2. The PK abilities were perfectly fine. There was nothing wrong with them.

3. The bosses weren't dumb. They were challenging, and epic.

4. It is not freaking racist. It's no different than DAH!2's portrayal of the Japanese and British. It WOULD be racist if it didn't feature anyone of a different race. Plus, some of the people who did the voices SAID it wasn't racist. It's only racist because every white person thinks that just because it has chinese people in it with stereotypical accents. It's called SATIRE. The kung fu movies in the 70's portrayed the chinese in the exact same way. The game was satirizing those movies.

PotF was anything but bad. True it wasn't as good as the others, but not worse, nor bad. It's a 7. Anyone who gives it a lower score is a dumbass who only played it for five minutes or just copied someone else's crap review.

I beat the whole fucking game and some parts where OK.A few of the ships weapons were cool and it was kind of funny in some parts.

1. The bosses were easy like the nexo walker in Sunnywood.All I had to do was shoot him once in the balls with the Ion Detonator. And the giant squid boss was GAY!

2. They messed up the PK by not letting you PK things forward or back. And when you temporal fist and then PK a car they don't go far.

3. The graphics would be good if it was an Xbox game made in 2004

4. And just because the racist stereotypes were ok in the 70's it doesn't mean that it's ok now. If you haven't noticed it's not the 70's anymore and if you make fun of people like that now you would get punched.

It was anything but good. Anyone who gives it more than a 4 is a total dumb ass and needs to play real games not peaces of shit.
1. Aww. The little noob couldn't beat the big bad squid?

2. Oh wah wah, I couldn't move things forward or backward! As if it frikkin matters.

3. Graphics don't make a game, gameplay does. The graphics are good, and only a stupid tightwad would even pay attention to the graphics.

4. I just said that the sterotypes weren't racist, dumbass. IT IS CALLED SATIRE.

This IS a good game retard. Why don't you actually play a game for fun, instead of going by reviews. You're the biggest damn retard on the internet.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
1. It's still better than all the other overpriced $60 games.

2. Who cares? You play a game for fun dipshit. If you can tell what everything is, graphics are fine.

3. It IS a decent game. You never realized it because you only played it for five minutes and called it shit just because it didn't look like Gears 2.

4. I still enjoy chatting on the forums. The reviews suck ass, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the other features. Also, I agree, IGN would better better if it didn't have kiss-ass fanboys who think their word is law, like you. Get over yourself.
Why are you such a fucking hypocrite? You say that IGN would better be if it didn't have kiss-ass fan boys who think their word is law but you’re the kiss-ass fan boy. Just because someone didn’t like DAH POTF you say they played it for five minutes and call them a dumb ass or a dip shit. And in one of the comments you said that it wasn’t as good as the original then in a different comment you say POTF is the best in the series. I played the whole game and it SUCKED!! There is no way in hell that it was better than the originals. That’s my opinion and I have the right to say it.
Why are you such a gay little retard **** noob?

1. I am not a kissass fanboy. I happen to know a good game when I play one. Sly Cooper, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, Lego Star Wars, those were all good games. DAH! PotF is no different.

2. No, I SCOLD people who only play it for 5 minutes. And I call people like you dumbasses because they believe every review they see and copy what they say just to look like a real gamer.

3. Only some parts aren't as good as the originals, but thatnks to the Temporal Fist, Streamlined Controls, and creative and original weapons, it is better.

4. The only things that sucked to you apparently was not bing able to pull in and push out with Pk, and the bosses. $100 says that you didn't even play it and you just watched the game's youtube walkthrough. If you can't have fun with a game because of stupid bullcrap like that, you aren't a real gamer, you're a noob.

THAT is my opinion, and I have the right to bloody say it.


Apr 6, 2009
This game rules! What the hell is he thinking? This game is so freaking fun! This reviewer needs to be fired! Ryan Geddes, huh? Well, I guess this guy has mental retardation by the looks of it. The graphics are not horrible. It doesn't matter if it's only local, not all X360 games are on XboxLive! How is the game boring and insulting?! It's freaking fun! The maps are big, so shut the **** up about "bad presentaton"! All DAH! rules except for BWU of course.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
joshsmith16 said:
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
1. It's still better than all the other overpriced $60 games.

2. Who cares? You play a game for fun dipshit. If you can tell what everything is, graphics are fine.

3. It IS a decent game. You never realized it because you only played it for five minutes and called it shit just because it didn't look like Gears 2.

4. I still enjoy chatting on the forums. The reviews suck ass, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the other features. Also, I agree, IGN would better better if it didn't have kiss-ass fanboys who think their word is law, like you. Get over yourself.
Why are you such a fucking hypocrite? You say that IGN would better be if it didn't have kiss-ass fan boys who think their word is law but you’re the kiss-ass fan boy. Just because someone didn’t like DAH POTF you say they played it for five minutes and call them a dumb ass or a dip shit. And in one of the comments you said that it wasn’t as good as the original then in a different comment you say POTF is the best in the series. I played the whole game and it SUCKED!! There is no way in hell that it was better than the originals. That’s my opinion and I have the right to say it.
Why are you such a gay little retard **** noob?

1. I am not a kissass fanboy. I happen to know a good game when I play one. Sly Cooper, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, Lego Star Wars, those were all good games. DAH! PotF is no different.

2. No, I SCOLD people who only play it for 5 minutes. And I call people like you dumbasses because they believe every review they see and copy what they say just to look like a real gamer.

3. Only some parts aren't as good as the originals, but thatnks to the Temporal Fist, Streamlined Controls, and creative and original weapons, it is better.

4. The only things that sucked to you apparently was not bing able to pull in and push out with Pk, and the bosses. $100 says that you didn't even play it and you just watched the game's youtube walkthrough. If you can't have fun with a game because of stupid bullcrap like that, you aren't a real gamer, you're a noob.
THAT is my opinion, and I have the right to bloody say it.

Then you need to give me $100 because I beat the whole game and I'm fuking sick of your bullshit.You are a mother fucking dumb ass **** bitch that sucks cock and fucks male donkies!!If you think POTF was fun then you have no brain.Sly Cooper, GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City are all ok games but POTF was the worst game I've ever played.I'm not a noob,I've played alot of games and I know a good game when I play one and that was not a good game.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
You guys are gay retarded ****.You need to see X-plays review.They are professionals and even they said it sucked and I agree with them.They gave it 2 out of 5.And joshsmith16,don't even reply unless you've watched the review you fucking noob.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
1. It's still better than all the other overpriced $60 games.

2. Who cares? You play a game for fun dipshit. If you can tell what everything is, graphics are fine.

3. It IS a decent game. You never realized it because you only played it for five minutes and called it shit just because it didn't look like Gears 2.

4. I still enjoy chatting on the forums. The reviews suck ass, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the other features. Also, I agree, IGN would better better if it didn't have kiss-ass fanboys who think their word is law, like you. Get over yourself.
Why are you such a fucking hypocrite? You say that IGN would better be if it didn't have kiss-ass fan boys who think their word is law but you’re the kiss-ass fan boy. Just because someone didn’t like DAH POTF you say they played it for five minutes and call them a dumb ass or a dip shit. And in one of the comments you said that it wasn’t as good as the original then in a different comment you say POTF is the best in the series. I played the whole game and it SUCKED!! There is no way in hell that it was better than the originals. That’s my opinion and I have the right to say it.
Why are you such a gay little retard **** noob?

1. I am not a kissass fanboy. I happen to know a good game when I play one. Sly Cooper, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, Lego Star Wars, those were all good games. DAH! PotF is no different.

2. No, I SCOLD people who only play it for 5 minutes. And I call people like you dumbasses because they believe every review they see and copy what they say just to look like a real gamer.

3. Only some parts aren't as good as the originals, but thatnks to the Temporal Fist, Streamlined Controls, and creative and original weapons, it is better.

4. The only things that sucked to you apparently was not bing able to pull in and push out with Pk, and the bosses. $100 says that you didn't even play it and you just watched the game's youtube walkthrough. If you can't have fun with a game because of stupid bullcrap like that, you aren't a real gamer, you're a noob.
THAT is my opinion, and I have the right to bloody say it.

Crypto_666 said:
Then you need to give me $100 because I beat the whole game and I'm fuking sick of your bullshit.You are a mother fucking dumb ass **** bitch that sucks cock and fucks male donkies!!If you think POTF was fun then you have no brain.Sly Cooper, GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City are all ok games but POTF was the worst game I've ever played.I'm not a noob,I've played alot of games and I know a good game when I play one and that was not a good game.
I had fun with PotF. And the last time I checked, I have a brain. Oh, and I know how to look past a game's flaws and have fun with it. Do you? No? Noob. I play games for fun. PotF was fun. It is still fun. And you fail.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
You guys are gay retarded ****.You need to see X-plays review.They are professionals and even they said it sucked and I agree with them.They gave it 2 out of 5.And joshsmith16,don't even reply unless you've watched the review you fucking noob.
"And I call people like you dumbasses because they believe every review they see and copy what they say just to look like a real gamer."

I have seen it, the first time it came out as a matter of fact. Morgan Webb is the one who did the review, and she said the game was unfinished and "Just think what could have been accomplished if they actually FINISHED THE GAME." She also did the reviews for the first two DAH games, and gave them both 4s. But they are anything but professional. They get paid to read a prewritten review, written by the network in order to influence noobs like you who will believe anything they say. X-play is the same as every other News Show. They get paid to read off a paper. I know what is good, and I don't need X-Play or IGN or any of the other critics to tell me how good a game is.
Oct 5, 2006
Wow this article hit the nail on the head, this game suckz, I've been playin it for about an hour and my god its terrible, there is no fun in blowing anything up because the graphics are horrible and the framerate is worse, the missions are boring, the jokes are simply not funny, i mean they are bad jokes that are meant to be so bad they make you laugh but they just dont, this game is an insult to the series and every copy should be burned in a massive pile outside sandblasts studios, every reference to it removed and never spoken of again. I'm not kidding it was so bad I'm angry I actually coughed up the money for it and worse still its still on the shelves.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
michaellghrn said:
Wow this article hit the nail on the head, this game suckz, I've been playin it for about an hour and my god its terrible, there is no fun in blowing anything up because the graphics are horrible and the framerate is worse, the missions are boring, the jokes are simply not funny, i mean they are bad jokes that are meant to be so bad they make you laugh but they just dont, this game is an insult to the series and every copy should be burned in a massive pile outside sandblasts studios, every reference to it removed and never spoken of again. I'm not kidding it was so bad I'm angry I actually coughed up the money for it and worse still its still on the shelves.

*sigh* I give up. There are too many dumbass noobs on the internet. That's the 500th time someone has mentioned graphics as a reason for it being unplayable, and they've also only played it for an hour, and never gave it a chance. I don't give a damn anymore. You people can be stupid. I wash my hands of this mess, and I will continue to play this awesome game while you play your gray, unfun, linear-style trash. I have NEVER had a framerate problem, I HAD FUN with the missions, and I LAUGHED at the jokes. You people call yourselves gamers. Ha! Fakers is more like it.


May 8, 2009
joshsmith16 said:
michaellghrn said:
Wow this article hit the nail on the head, this game suckz, I've been playin it for about an hour and my god its terrible, there is no fun in blowing anything up because the graphics are horrible and the framerate is worse, the missions are boring, the jokes are simply not funny, i mean they are bad jokes that are meant to be so bad they make you laugh but they just dont, this game is an insult to the series and every copy should be burned in a massive pile outside sandblasts studios, every reference to it removed and never spoken of again. I'm not kidding it was so bad I'm angry I actually coughed up the money for it and worse still its still on the shelves.

*sigh* I give up. There are too many dumbass noobs on the internet. That's the 500th time someone has mentioned graphics as a reason for it being unplayable, and they've also only played it for an hour, and never gave it a chance. I don't give a damn anymore. You people can be stupid. I wash my hands of this mess, and I will continue to play this awesome game while you play your gray, unfun, linear-style trash. I have NEVER had a framerate problem, I HAD FUN with the missions, and I LAUGHED at the jokes. You people call yourselves gamers. Ha! Fakers is more like it.

DAHM ALL YOU DAH! HATERS!!! I mean come on, the graphics can be annoying but if you fucking hated the game, then why did you buy it? You should have thought about the gameplay. I'm still playing it because of the DESTRUCTION, even after I killed the final boss. Shame to all the guys/girls who loved DAH! in the first place and ended hating this game. FUCK YOU!!
Nov 28, 2009
This is my opinion, but I loved this game it was awesome. Really funny, awesome destruction. In my opinion it was great and awesome in every way


Sep 21, 2010
     You know, I really don't care about the graphics or anything like that. The point of a game is: Fun, and enjoyment. I haven't even played this game yet (heck, I don't even own a 360 yet), however, I know this game will make my time enjoyable.
     It's sad to see how much of the population listens to one site's review. You know what? Screw them. It's THEIR opinion. Listen to what your heart says. Don't listen to some crappy trolls over the internet that probably haven't even played the game.

(PS: Cussing just shows the lack of intelligence. Grow up, you sack of babies.)
Jan 13, 2010
Everyone will look back at this review and wonder why joshsmith is such a worthless bitch tool for defending this steaming pile of garbage. It's kids like you that keep allowing horrible games like dynasty warriors to get made. Casual gamer noob
May 3, 2011
awful ? !!! what the hell is this for a stupid review a played this game and it was great it definetly deserves more than 8 out of 10 , this review really pissed me off
Dec 10, 2010
it seems like IGN expects everygame to be perfect rather then enjoyment like this game. i havent played it yet but i played the others and i enjoyed them very much and even kept playing even after the main story finished.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Everyone will eventually develop common sense, look back at this review, realise it is poorly written, and that TimJacklepappy is a brown-nosing parrot that squacks and repeats the opinions of a gaming critic despite never having played the game himself. It's sad when you can't make your own opinions and have to parrot others.

This review is nothing more than the poorly written, uncreative, contrived, typo-filled babbling of an idiot who never played the game and just wrote a review on it, or has no sense of taste what-so-ever. Nothing in this review makes sense, they barely elaborate on why the game is so horrible, they merely bash the game mercilessly, never give any valid reasoning as to why, never mention any of the new weaponry, such as the Black Hole Gun or the Tornadotron, and never mention how in-depth or deep the story is.

This review is nothing but an idiot spouting biased imbecillic drivel that in no way accurately represents the final product that is Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon. And it is narcisstic agist "pro gaming" morons like TimJacklepappy who will keep allowing trite reviews like this festuring detritus to keep controlling their opinions and shamefully bashing underrated games like this.

You people disgust me. I don't want to live on this planet of stupid apes anymore.