Jun 25, 2011
I don't think we had this thread. I remember making it for Wiggins vs. Jabari and we're in a similarly polarizing situation this year. So get it on the record so we can ridicule who is wrong 3 years from now

I'm Team Simmons btw
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Prime Member
Oct 20, 2002
Simmons and Ingram will both be stars and both will be two way good at both ends.

Last time with Wiggins vs Parker I thought it was clear that Wiggins was the better bet because he would be a quality defender and a go to scorer whereas Parker is the wrong kind of tweener defensively stuck without a real position and not likely to be worth it unless he becomes a transcendent scorer.

This time its a really tough choice because Ingram is a surefire bet to be a hell of a two way player but Simmons is going to be a transcendent passer. It really depends on how Simmons develops as a shooter and scorer because if he doesn't develop that part of his game his athletic ability and court vision will still allow him to score in the 18-20 PPG range but if he adds three point range he will be in that LeBron James class of 25+ PPG, 7+ APG to go with whatever rebounds he averages.


Hold on, fellas.
Jul 29, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
I'm really surprised at the fact Ingram has more votes

I guess it would be because of the quantity of Lakers fans compared to Philly fans though. The Wiggins vs Parker poll was a lot better due to the fact neither team really has any fans on here, I guess Minny has a couple and Milwaukee has like 1 but still.


Super Star
Apr 7, 2005
I think Ingram will be really good but I don't see him as a #1. Russell is more likely to be the centerpiece there.

Simmons is special with the ball, and he's also pretty close to elite physically. I can't see him not being great, it's just about how easily his weaknesses can be exploited, because at times it looks like he's 50/50 in terms of which hand he wants to use (which is great for dribbling, passing and finishing)...but if you still have that problem when you're wide open from 15+, that's a terrible sign.

So I guess Simmons, but I want to see Ingram grow with D'Lo.


Hold on, fellas.
Jul 29, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
Can I just say that I don't think the ink has dried on Jabari vs Andrew yet.
Yes it has

Jabari's a shitstain defender without a 3pt shot.

So basically, he's either going to be an offensive liability as a 3 or a defensive liability as a 4. Honestly he's a defensive liability as both really.

Wiggins is way better, and it's not even close and it will never be close


No Longer a Noob
Apr 1, 2016
Simmons vision is great and he is very chiseled but that man is afraid to shoot the ball. He is a tall Rajon Rondo.

I will go with Ingram who had the game winning assist tonight


I rip the tags off mattresses
Aug 29, 2009
Posting from a party
Simmons projects to be a PF who can neither defend the rim nor space the floor. Obviously he has a very special and unique skillset for a 4 to compensate but as said before, his weaknesses are very exploitable (especially in a Playoff environment when the game slows down although he still has a couple years to go before considering Playoff performance.)

Plus Ingram is what, 18 months younger than Simmons and the discussion is already this close? I can only imagine how this discussion would be if you gave Ingram an additional year of physical development to catch up to Simmons.


oh hey!
Jun 10, 2008
Some are you are talking like they're finished products. We can tell what their plus skills are, but we don't know how they'll develop their weaknesses, but from what I've observed so far Simmons is the bigger game changer. Both look extremely talented and should be fun to watch this season.


I Can't Think Of Anything Cool...
Mar 21, 2004
Been team Ingram before the draft lottery. Give me the kid who looks like he will develop into the new KD with better defense. I keep hearing people talking about Ben being the new Lebron, but even with his broken shot Bron would put it on the floor and dunk anybody(and shoot airballs) Hopefully they both turn out to be great players and are able to have long healthy careers though.
Jun 25, 2011
Been team Ingram before the draft lottery. Give me the kid who looks like he will develop into the new KD with better defense. I keep hearing people talking about Ben being the new Lebron, but even with his broken shot Bron would put it on the floor and dunk anybody(and shoot airballs) Hopefully they both turn out to be great players and are able to have long healthy careers though.
Simmons' ability to put it on the floor and penetrate is one of the best facets of his game
Jun 25, 2011
In an ideal world they both develop into elite players on elite teams and Philly vs. Lakers is a rivalry for years to come


Super Star
Nov 19, 2006
I'm not bashing Simmons at all, but I think Ingram's defensive ability is under rated. It is likely he becomes an elite 2 way player much faster than Simmons.

I think Ingram can be a #1 scoring option for sure, to add.

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No Longer a Noob
Dec 8, 2008
In an ideal world they both develop into elite players on elite teams and Philly vs. Lakers is a rivalry for years to come

Get the Celtics in the mix and it would be the 80s all over again... Hopefully with the Sixers winning the most out of the 3 this time around in Ben's tenure


Based for Life
Apr 19, 2009
Simmons is going to be better easily but I don't really care about either of them.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 1, 2004
Simmons disrespeckted Tyler point gawd Ulis in college so team Ingram all day

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