
Nov 28, 2000
Hey, hope everyone has been having a great holiday season!

I've been around here the past few days (as some have already stated), so I figured I'd stop in here for a bit.

College is pretty busy. As a music major, I have all the regular classes plus practice time built into my schedule. I can't really handle a job right now, because practicing, in effect, IS my job, but that's okay. Once junior and senior year roll around (I'm a sophomore now) the classload and GenEd BS will be done for, so less classes will result in a job, hopefully.

Got a wonderful girlfriend, so that's always good.

This past summer I was a member of the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps, the most successful drum corps of this decade, with world championships in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, and this past year, 2006. The years that they did not win championships (2003 and 2005), we came in 2nd. It was tons of fun, and if you want to check it out, you can: This wasn't our entire performance, but it's enough of it for you to get an idea.

As far as gaming goes, I don't really ever get much time to do so. In the summer, from mid-May to mid-August, I'm with the drum corps, and the other times in the summer I'm either packing to go back home or packing to go back to college. The only time I really get to play around is during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Recently I decided to whip out my SNES and beat all of the games that I never did when I was a kid. Just today I beat Zelda: A Link to the Past for the first time, and just last week I found all the secrets in Super Mario World (though I had beaten it before). I've also been buying some SNES games off of EBay, like Pilotwings (I loved it when I was a kid) and Illusion of Gaia (which I just started today). I'm waiting for my shipment of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, and hopefully I'll win the auction of Final Fantasy III, which, though I have it for PSX in Final Fantasy Anthology, I still want the SNES version ;)

So that's my life. Busy, poor, and still a nerdy tuba player. I've heard that Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is disliked by some due to it's short length and ease. I'm hoping that it will fit perfectly with my busy schedule, to give a good game to play in little time. I guess we'll see how that works out.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well, and enjoy the rest of your holiday break!
Jun 23, 2001
Hey everyone. Since Biv did a life update, and, well, I'm paying for insider, so I may as well post and get some of my money's worth, I'll go ahead and do an update too.

For those of you who didn't know, I graduated from college in May with a B.A. in mathematics with minors in web development and vocal music performance. The real world was a rough place at first, I couldn't find a job for anything, but in October I finally found a job and have been working there ever since. I'm a programmer for a marketing research firm, so basically I take questionnaires and do all the coding to make them accessible on the web. It's pretty neat to know that thousands of people have already seen things I've created in just the almost 3 months I've been working there. Everyone I work with is really nice and since it's a small company it has a good sense of "family" as well.

My girlfriend and I have been going out for almost 2 years and 4 months now and things couldn't be better. I'm living on my own in an apartment only a couple minutes away from where I went to college, which means I'm only a couple minutes away from her during the semester, and I have about a 10-15 minute commute to work.

So, apparently the real world isn't so rough after all, you just have to find the right balance of things that will keep you happy.

Biv, I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. Congrats on playing with the Cavaliers, I know that was something you've wanted to do for a long time. Also, congrats on the girlfriend, I hope all goes well with that too. Everyone else, I hope life is going great for you, and let us know how you have been doing too.

That's all for now. I might start hanging around here more again though if things start picking up, so look out for more of Biggie's very rare posts. [face_tongue]

Edit: PS - Does anyone else besides me find it funny that in my last post I scolded you all for not posting in 2 months and then I just disappeared from July (when I made the post) up until now? Probably not, I just found it really ironic...


No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2002
Nice to hear ya'll are both doing well. Best wishes to you and your girlfriend Biggie. As for my life update, I decided to switch majors and go study in pharmacy. I wanted to be an architect, but finding a job after college will be too competitive. I've only wasted 2 of my classes anyway, since my other ones are also required for a pharmacy major. Anyway, the big straw to changing majors was when my professors said architects don't even make all that much. I want to make some money dammit. [face_tongue]


Nov 28, 2000
Yeah, making lots of money is something that I will definitely NOT be doing ;)

In other news, I just won FFIII, I'm about to beat Illusion of Gaia (what I'm currently playing), and I just got Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest in the mail today. I probably won't play them until next Christmas [face_plain]


No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2002
The only Final Fantasies I've played are VII and X. Haven't beaten either of them. [face_tongue] I was close to beating X until I got stuck at a boss fight.


Aug 4, 2006
The only Final Fantasies I've played are VII and X. Haven't beaten either of them. [face_tongue] I was close to beating X until I got stuck at a boss fight.

dam yes, i got that game, its also hard to keep ability orbs stocked if ur lik me on the skill grid (where u dont backtrak for nothin). Keeping the mage stuffed is difficult.[face_worried]

I was stuck on that seyron or somethin, in the castle... see i cant even remember these ppls names #-o

now i just fought the steel governer dude, and im in some cave past that [face_dancing]

i have no motivation to play, im not even stuck

@Sbiv - i beat DC yay [face_peace] . thx for the help. now i have no motivation to beat the demon shaft lol. but yea the Dark Genie, his look suprised me. but yea Ice Queen was the hardest boss, i beat the genie easy, first try, while i wasted 5 revivals not knowing how to hurt him.


Nov 28, 2000
Congratulations on beating the game!

If you want to beat the Demon Shaft and get the Chronicle 2 but the task seems too daunting, then you can do two things.

First, you could just forget about it and not waste your time.

Or, you could do just a few levels a day, like I did. It took about two months, but only doing two-three levels a day kept the game fresh (well, as fresh as possible) without me getting too sick of it.

Just an idea ;) Again, congrats!


Aug 4, 2006
Congratulations on beating the game!

If you want to beat the Demon Shaft and get the Chronicle 2 but the task seems too daunting, then you can do two things.

First, you could just forget about it and not waste your time.

Or, you could do just a few levels a day, like I did. It took about two months, but only doing two-three levels a day kept the game fresh (well, as fresh as possible) without me getting too sick of it.

Just an idea ;) Again, congrats!

heh thx, but ive given up on DC for awhile, im gonna start up my Final Fantasy games again, and i just got naruto: Clash of Ninja 2, and wil be getting Inuyasha: Feudal Combat [face_dancing]


Nov 28, 2000
Nice, those'll be fun.

Speaking of which, I think I'm finally going to devote this semester to Dark Cloud 2. Last semester I took my old SNES and had a lot of fun beating games that I'd never beaten as a kid, so I've decided I'm gonna take my PS2 along this semester.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
SBiv87 said:
Nice, those'll be fun.

Speaking of which, I think I'm finally going to devote this semester to Dark Cloud 2. Last semester I took my old SNES and had a lot of fun beating games that I'd never beaten as a kid, so I've decided I'm gonna take my PS2 along this semester.

what games do you have on PS2 ?


Nov 28, 2000
Not too many.

The Bouncer
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2
Final Fantasy X
Grand Theft Auto III
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland
Madden 2004
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

I'm gonna devote the majority of my time to Dark Cloud 2. If I beat that this semester with time to spare, I may restart FFX, since I've never beaten that, either.


Nov 28, 2000
Oh, and I'm also gonna throw in some old-school PSX games in there, too. Some Tomb Raider, some Jet Moto, some Crash, and some Spyro. You know.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
SBiv87 said:
Oh, and I'm also gonna throw in some old-school PSX games in there, too. Some Tomb Raider, some Jet Moto, some Crash, and some Spyro. You know.

sounds good whats The Bouncer like ? i haerd it was crap ?


Nov 28, 2000
It was a good launch title for the PS2, but compared to what the console can really do, yes, it's crap.

It's only takes about 45 minutes to play it through (though fully beating it takes a few "going throughs"), and it's mostly CG cutscenes instead of actual gameplay. Really it's just a kick and punch button masher with some movies thrown in. The ending boss is ridiculously hard, too.

When I first got a PS2, a friend offered his copy of The Bouncer (brand new, only been played three or four times) for 5 bucks. Me being the idiot that I am refused and bought it from the store for $50. Bad idea ;) See, I used to hate used games. Now, used is the only way I go.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
SBiv87 said:
It was a good launch title for the PS2, but compared to what the console can really do, yes, it's crap.

It's only takes about 45 minutes to play it through (though fully beating it takes a few "going throughs"), and it's mostly CG cutscenes instead of actual gameplay. Really it's just a kick and punch button masher with some movies thrown in. The ending boss is ridiculously hard, too.

When I first got a PS2, a friend offered his copy of The Bouncer (brand new, only been played three or four times) for 5 bucks. Me being the idiot that I am refused and bought it from the store for $50. Bad idea ;) See, I used to hate used games. Now, used is the only way I go.

im aczacly the same i used to hate geting them used sometimes they woodint have a book that when i used to tern it down i dont do that so much any more if i see something thats say $40 and i can get it used with out the book id go with that . but lol 5 bucks id buy any game if its that cheep .


Nov 28, 2000
Then if you ever come across a copy of The Bouncer for 5 bucks, get it. It's worth the five bucks, I guess.

Oh, and when I buy games, I NEED the book. The only game I've ever bought without the book was Zelda: OoT for N64. I bought it for $2.49 at Blockbuster ;)


Dec 21, 2002
Hello everyone! Been a while since I posted. Happy New Year to everyone! Things going well here and I hope they're great with yall. Peace


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
SBiv87 said:
Then if you ever come across a copy of The Bouncer for 5 bucks, get it. It's worth the five bucks, I guess.

Oh, and when I buy games, I NEED the book. The only game I've ever bought without the book was Zelda: OoT for N64. I bought it for $2.49 at Blockbuster ;)

well yea i allways try to get it with the book but with games lik zone enders found it for 20 bucks no book then a frinad of maine found it with the book at EB for 90 bucks .


Nov 28, 2000
I've become particularly fond of buying games from EBay. This past Christmas Break I bought 4 old games for SNES I always wanted but never had. They all came with books, maps, and everything, and worked great! If I ever beat FFX and decide to go after FFX-2, I probably already know where I'm buying it from. Unless it becomes a Greatest Hit or whatever for just like 15 bucks, then I'll buy it new.

Hey, rad! Good to hear things are going well. Here's hoping they stay that way! ;)


No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2002
I think I might start playing DC2 again as well. I never actually got to beat that game. :( The later dungeons just got incredibly tedious and I needed a break.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Vspectra06 said:
I think I might start playing DC2 again as well. I never actually got to beat that game. :( The later dungeons just got incredibly tedious and I needed a break.

i no just how you feel .


No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2002
Football man. Don't worry, I'm not a big sports guy either. [face_tongue] In fact, I had to google up Indianapolis Colts. [face_whistling]
Jun 23, 2001
You mean the Baltimore Colts? Yeah, I heard of them. They were a great team until someone snuck them out of town in the middle of the night...


Anyways, I've finally decided to take the step into MMORPG games (I don't know if this is a good or bad decision with work, only time will tell). Being the cheap guy I am, I decided to start with Guild Wars because there's no subscription fee (if you want me to pay $15 a month to play a game you better give me the game for free to begin with). Anyone else here play Guild Wars?


Nov 28, 2000
I'm trying to keep myself away from games as much as I can.

I'm playing DC2, but that's all. And I really only play it on weekends, if that.
Feb 4, 2007
Yeah, I haven't even made it through DC1 yet. I have this bad habit of getting most of the way through a game, and then starting over once I know what I am doing, to make my game experience know, the first time you play, you sell stuff you shouldn't have, break your dagger when it's +4, don't guess locks on treasure chests, (blah blah blah, ramble ramble ramble)
Then DC2, then we'll talk about it...I put like 80 hours into these games, and I only have about 14 a week to spare...
Feb 8, 2007
never heard of the colts come on. Well, I watch football when its on, of course i'll watch mostly any sports game thats on when i'm bored and have nothing better to do.


Nov 28, 2000
Thank God Butler lost to Florida last night.

I'm SOOO sick of everybody here thinking that our stupid little university is gonna win the NCAA tournament [face_plain]
Jun 27, 2007
Hello everyone ^-^. I'm new here, so be nice please. ;) Well....I'm a fan of Dark Cloud 1, I beat it twice. It was awesome!~ [face_tongue] Dark Cloud 2...not so much. I mean, it's okay, but it's just missing something...^^'' So yeah...I hope I can get along well here.~


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
HarunoHeart said:
Hello everyone ^-^. I'm new here, so be nice please. ;) Well....I'm a fan of Dark Cloud 1, I beat it twice. It was awesome!~ [face_tongue] Dark Cloud 2...not so much. I mean, it's okay, but it's just missing something...^^'' So yeah...I hope I can get along well here.~

hi and welcome :)