
Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Launches November 19, and it looks like there won't be any more delays.

Are you excited for it?

Will you get it at launch?

What system will you play it on?

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out?

Where are you buying it?


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Are you excited for it?
Yes! Not as much as initially but I’m still looking forward to it.

Will you get it at launch?
Already bought it.

What system will you play it on?
Xbox Series X 🤞

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out?
Maybe a year later.

Where are you buying it?
Microsoft store.


Radioactive Lizard
May 17, 2012
Monster Island
Are you excited for it? Yes

Will you get it at launch? Probably shortly after launch so I can see how it would perform on my PC vs my PS4 Pro.

What system will you play it on? PS4 Pro or PC, still not decided.

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out? I'd guess not in 2021 if we're talking about a true next-gen version, not just a PS5/XBSX patch that just cranks up a few basic settings.

Where are you buying it? Either the PSN or Steam or wherever else I get the best deal on PC.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 4, 2018
Are you excited for it? - Yes

Will you get it at launch? - Yes

What system will you play it on? - XBO and XSX

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out? - I assume sometime next year

Where are you buying it? - Microsoft Store


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I'll probably get to it some day. I can't recall the last time excited described my feelings on media.

I don't know if it's a buy it at launch kind of game. It's right around Thanksgiving break so maybe. Depends on a lot.
Platform, possibly Xbox one, possibly PS5 we'll see.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I am definitely getting it. I won't get it at launch, though. I almost never do.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I'll probably get to it some day. I can't recall the last time excited described my feelings on media.

I don't know if it's a buy it at launch kind of game. It's right around Thanksgiving break so maybe. Depends on a lot.
Platform, possibly Xbox one, possibly PS5 we'll see.
Yeah, despite all the hype and wanting it, it’s not very exciting.

I’m confident it will be good but the game was announced a long time ago.

I’m also not excited for this generation even though I think it will be really good.

The companies and their hype bullshit annoyed me these last 5 months.

They’re so full of shit.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Are you excited for it?
Yeah. Not like SUPER excited, but definitely looking forward to it.

Will you get it at launch?

What system will you play it on?
It was going to be my PC, but I'll play it on my Series S instead.

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out?
Hopefully they announce it soon. If they say the next-gen upgrade is only 3-4 months away, I might wait to play it.

Where are you buying it?
I pre-ordered the PC version from Amazon for $10 off, but since I'm getting it on the Series S instead I'll just buy it digitally through Microsoft.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
Are you excited for it?
Sure, but actually I'm more looking forward to Baldur's Gate 3 or something like Subnautica Below Zero.

Will you get it at launch?

What system will you play it on?

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out?

Where are you buying it?
Steam most likely.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Are you excited for it?
Yes, to the extent that I can be excited for games at this point, which is a lot less than it used to be.

Will you get it at launch?

What system will you play it on?

When do you think the next gen upgrade will come out?
I think it's going to be soon enough. Maybe early next year or so. The next-gen consoles seem compatible enough. Though I have to say I don't really know the technical side of this.

Where are you buying it?, it is owned by CDPR so that's the deciding factor here. I can support them directly.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Sadly, next month will sink or swim based off nothing to do with gaming. Well, November.

It’s not a good fall for me and game fanfare.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 4, 2018
I'll play though all styles but will probably be Nomad first. Looking very forward to creating my character already. Will use the default male as a template but make him big like his friend Jackie and give him some short hair


Radioactive Lizard
May 17, 2012
Monster Island
I was thinking someone already posted this in the general gaming thread, but I went back quite a few pages and didn't see it.

Tom's Hardware has posted what they consider much more realistic PC system requirements for Cyberpunk 2077 after seeing the very modest minimum and recommended specs CD Projekt Red posted:



Nov 10, 2013
Bummer as I was hoping this would be one of my first Xbox Series X purchases. Now what???


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Yes, this reeks of technical issues. At this stage, CDPR calculating that a three week delay will resolve those issues seems like a guess, one that might be re-estimated towards the new release date. So that's not good news at all.

The new consoles releasing might be both a blessing and a curse for a game that has this level of ambition.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 4, 2018
I wonder if it's going to be a buggy mess like The Witcher and we'll have to wait until Cyberpunk 2079 (2097?) before we get a decent game.

Witcher III isn't a buggy mess for me but I got it like a year after release, so it probably patches during that time. This probably does have some issues after so many delays but wouldn't it make it better as it likely gets a lot of polish than released as planned? Plus, there will probably be patches and updates over time post launch.

It could still be released and considered a decent or even good game despite possibly having some issues left


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Witcher III isn't a buggy mess for me but I got it like a year after release, so it probably patches during that time. This probably does have some issues after so many delays but wouldn't it make it better as it likely gets a lot of polish than released as planned? Plus, there will probably be patches and updates over time post launch.

It could still be released and considered a decent or even good game despite possibly having some issues left
I mean the first Witcher. I think it’s PC only. I could never get that game to run properly despite having a decent rig at the time.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 4, 2018
Well I guess at least I can keep building up my microsoft rewards points. I already have $37 and so if I can get $60 by december(most likely)then I'll have the game for free when it finally decides to release


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
With every delay and negative news story the stakes get higher. I’m even more curious. Looks like I might not beat it before the new year.

I want to cap of the year with a big one.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
In a conference call yesterday they said the game runs great and is ready to go for PC and next gen consoles.

The hold up is because they have more optimization work to do for current gen consoles.


Nov 10, 2013
In a conference call yesterday they said the game runs great and is ready to go for PC and next gen consoles.

The hold up is because they have more optimization work to do for current gen consoles.

Reading between the lines, I wonder if they are worried that next-gen consoles are going to be hard to come by for a few months and they don't want to hurt their sales.

In any case, I will have a Xbox Series X when this game drops and will almost certainly buy it on that platform, just as a showcase of what the Series X can do.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Reading between the lines, I wonder if they are worried that next-gen consoles are going to be hard to come by for a few months and they don't want to hurt their sales.

In any case, I will have a Xbox Series X when this game drops and will almost certainly buy it on that platform, just as a showcase of what the Series X can do.
I doubt that. They aren’t banking on Next Gen sales or they’d never have bothered to make current gen versions.

There are overn 100 million PS4’s out there. Releasing games with just next gen in mind isn’t a good business decision for years to come.

Even HZD and the new Spider-man game are on PS4.

It’ll be at least two years before they start moving away from current gen consoles.

Making this a next gen launch title wasn’t a priority. If it was, that was their first mistake.


Nov 10, 2013
I think we are kind of saying the same thing. They know many people will be playing this game on a current-gen console at this point, and if it doesn't run well on those consoles, that is a problem for them.

Witcher 3 had some initial performance issues on PS4 as I recall. It looked pretty but ran poorly, so they issued a patch that basically downgraded the eye candy in favor of better frame rates. I remember noticing the difference.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
In a conference call yesterday they said the game runs great and is ready to go for PC and next gen consoles.

The hold up is because they have more optimization work to do for current gen consoles.
Really, next gen is ready? They've been saying for a while that next gen optimization would have to wait for a while after launch.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
DL and Iggloo - yeah I agree you're saying the same thing. CDPR needs the game to do well on current gen consoles. That's where a bulk of their sales will be.

Really, next gen is ready? They've been saying for a while that next gen optimization would have to wait for a while after launch.
My interpretation of what they said is that the current game runs well on next-gen systems, but the next-gen enhancement patch you're referring to is probably still in development.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I think this is what it is, and that’s the reality that this game is not fucking ready.

No mercy for these tools. They fuck it up and I’ll never buy into their hype train again.

I think they’re displaying incompetence.

They talked too much.
Last edited:


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I agree with the "incompetence" thing, it's a situation they should have handled (and communicated) much better.

In any case, I believe that I am overthinking the situation. The problem is certainly of the first-world type and while there is a time and a place to discuss such things (this topic is such a place) I feel that in the condition of the whole world right now it seems really, really tiny and insignificant and than nobody should feel upset about something like that. I got 99 problems but Cyberpunk ain't one.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I’m still on board and think it will be a great game.

I’m just not going to game next year like I did this year and if it doesn’t arrive soon, it’ll be passed the point I’ll think about it at all.

I have the time this year. I’ll play it one day if it’s late, but not at full price.

I am a little worried I will find most stories in it distasteful, but that’s it. Not bad, just not my thing.

It’s going to pander some but that’s not a deal breaker.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
**And it was supposed to arrive in Spring, originally? Followed but at least one more delay but maybe two?