
No Longer a Noob
Dec 10, 2001
Im going on a press tour soon: london, paris, hamburg, milan. I feel fortunate. Also I thought I had been friendzoned by someone, then last week we went on a date and had a lot of fun. Now I don't know what to do. She has told me, unsolicited, that shes afraid of dating in general. She nuts?


The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001

So first question. I don't normally like, "listen" to music in the sense that I do what @siQness suggested I do the other day and "take an hour and a good pair of phones and give the album a listen" (possible misquote, but point remains) But I was curious how people here generally ingest music or in particular albums that they've been waiting for. Do you find a moment of peace and just listen to the music while doing nothing else? Do you put it on in the car when you have a long drive? Crank it up when you have work to do? I guess I've never really thought about how I listen to music. I really enjoy lots of things, but I suppose at this time in my life I find it hard to sit down and just listen to something and soak it in. I'll usually turn an album on while doing something else, and before I know it, it's finished and I don't really remember what happened, (that's if I "like" it, if I don't like it, I'll simply turn it off or switch to something I enjoy) But this also means I'm not really paying attention to what I'm listening to aside from whether or not it's sonically pleasing to my ears.

Of course I also really enjoy music and it's more to me (sometimes) than simply a soundtrack that I live life to, so if anyone has any advice on perhaps how to take my appreciation of music to the "next level" I would appreciate the input.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
Im going on a press tour soon: london, paris, hamburg, milan. I feel fortunate. Also I thought I had been friendzoned by someone, then last week we went on a date and had a lot of fun. Now I don't know what to do. She has told me, unsolicited, that shes afraid of dating in general. She nuts?

probably a bit cuckoo. i like the crazy ones though so im not the guy to ask


The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
I sincerely have no recollection of siq saying that, but I imagine him calling headphones "cans"

This is definitely not a "background music" album. Take an hour and listen to the album on a good pair of phones. Bens my friend is kinda of the happy ending to the record that's mostly filled with sadness and diapair


Anyways that's what got me thinking.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007

So first question. I don't normally like, "listen" to music in the sense that I do what [URL='']@siQness[/URL] suggested I do the other day and "take an hour and a good pair of phones and give the album a listen" (possible misquote, but point remains) But I was curious how people here generally ingest music or in particular albums that they've been waiting for. Do you find a moment of peace and just listen to the music while doing nothing else? Do you put it on in the car when you have a long drive? Crank it up when you have work to do? I guess I've never really thought about how I listen to music. I really enjoy lots of things, but I suppose at this time in my life I find it hard to sit down and just listen to something and soak it in. I'll usually turn an album on while doing something else, and before I know it, it's finished and I don't really remember what happened, (that's if I "like" it, if I don't like it, I'll simply turn it off or switch to something I enjoy) But this also means I'm not really paying attention to what I'm listening to aside from whether or not it's sonically pleasing to my ears.

Of course I also really enjoy music and it's more to me (sometimes) than simply a soundtrack that I live life to, so if anyone has any advice on perhaps how to take my appreciation of music to the "next level" I would appreciate the input.

sometimes i'll just surf the internet while i listen to something.
If i'm really excited for an album then I'll devote my whole attention to it otherwise i usually just take it in in parts over a few listens while im doing whatever.
Also i love listening to new music I like in the car loudly. That's like the final litmus test for me. Does it kick my ass while im driving to work?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 25, 2009
^^Do what you want, enjoy it naturally and don't feel guilty if you feel like you didn't truly grasp it. There's so many albums that I love for reasons beyond "understanding" it. Make it natural dude, there's no formula for listening to stuff. There's nothing wrong with turning an album on and just enjoying it in the background. Yea every now and then an album demands your full attention, but that's not what will make it good or bad or in between. The one's you really love will hit you hard enough to make you sit down and think about it and find comfort in.

I am very much music first, lyrics second. I play music while I read, while I am at work, when I go for walks (don't have a car anymore), blasting it on my headphones when I come home and have a nice buzz, at pretty much any moment of the day that I can when it's convenient. The fact that you are even posting on this board and have a account means you are appreciating music on your own terms and your tastes will grow and expand in directions you didn't think they ever would.

And by the way, I had sun kil moon on in the background while I was cleaning this past saturday and it was just as effective as when I listen to it alone in my room on headphones. It's devastating lyrically, but it's also quite moving musically


The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
For sure for sure, well thanks for the input so far. I like it here, I really don't have anyone to talk about music with it seems, I'm not like able to be super articulate and stuff (sometimes I read music reviews and I'm like where the hell did they get that?) about why I like something, usually it's just how it sounds. There are some albums that really get me though. Everyone calls me a hipster as if it's a bad thing and I feel like I get musically judged a lot because of it. lol, silly I suppose. Of course, I can be pretty opinionated about lots of stuff too, depending on my mood and other factors.

I was afraid when I started randomly adding people from here on people would scoff at my rather... eccentric/varied tastes lol. But anyways, for me, I guess I'm a lot like that, music first, lyrics second. There's a lot of music out there with stupid lyrics (probably) that I really enjoy because it all just sounds so right to me.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I've always been a lyrics first kind of person.
I think it has a lot to do with my brother showing me the misfits in third grade. That was just about all i listened to until middle school. their music is pretty crap and uninteresting so i learned every word to every song and though most of it went over my head at the time, and in hindsight it's kind of hilarious that i would sing lines like "my cum be your life source/ and the only way to get it/ is to suck, or fuck...etc" but anyway that kind of shaped how i listened to music.
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The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
You know that's kinda interesting, made me think of my brother and myself. I grew up learning and playing a lot of classical instruments, and I've always had a gift for composition and stuff (I can do near full orchestral stuff, ect), and I guess I've always been music first... but my brother really didn't have patience for that sorta thing and made my parents let him quit all that at a young age... however he totally obsessed over songs and their lyrics. I could listen to a song 20 times and not be able to recall the majority of the lyrics, he could listen to Op Ivy's "Energy" like twice and be spouting the entire lyrics to the songs all day. Later on he actually dedicated himself to the guitar and bass, and is actually a decent hobby musician, but I know that to this day, he's totally lyrics first, where as I'm totally music first, so we argue sometimes... lol. We've always joked about starting a band (family bands yay!) Lately I've been on a folk kick and he's learning the banjo, so I was thinking about picking up the mandolin... Ah who knows. Anyways enough reminiscing for me today I suppose.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 10, 2001
Expect to have nightmares about missing class and tests and finals for the rest of your life, which, by the way, will probably be a waking nightmare.

I'm kidding, it's not that bad. (It's pretty bad. Party your ass off before you leave. You are an adult in a child's world right now. Enjoy it)
Jun 21, 2005
Expect to have nightmares about missing class and tests and finals for the rest of your life, which, by the way, will probably be a waking nightmare.

I'm kidding, it's not that bad. (It's pretty bad. Party your ass off before you leave. You are an adult in a child's world right now. Enjoy it)
I already do that almost every weekend :). These 4 years sure went by fast though.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 10, 2001
Just weekends? Take stock of your situation, man. There are 7 days in a week, or if you're the Beatles, occasionally 8.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 10, 2001
I once fake-rushed for 11 days freshman year (they buy you drinks). I awoke from the binge on the wooden floor of delta tau delta covered head to toe with a bath towel, covered in vomit that smelled like subway. With no shoes. I ran home in jeans, shirtless, shoeless. I was later told that one of the bros took me and my friend to a 24-hour subway at 4 AM. All three of us ordered footlong meatballs (make a joke, I dare you). When my friend got up to stumble into the bathroom, I ate my entire footlong. Then his. When he came back he said, "wait, did I eat mine? I'm still hungry...". I said, "yeah, you loved it. Let's go".


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I once fake-rushed for 11 days freshman year (they buy you drinks). I awoke from the binge on the wooden floor of delta tau delta covered head to toe with a bath towel, covered in vomit that smelled like subway. With no shoes. I ran home in jeans, shirtless, shoeless. I was later told that one of the bros took me and my friend to a 24-hour subway at 4 AM. All three of us ordered footlong meatballs (make a joke, I dare you). When my friend got up to stumble into the bathroom, I ate my entire footlong. Then his. When he came back he said, "wait, did I eat mine? I'm still hungry...". I said, "yeah, you loved it. Let's go".

that was a great story


I lived on hazel st
Jun 11, 2001
Expect to have nightmares about missing class and tests and finals for the rest of your life, which, by the way, will probably be a waking nightmare.

I'm kidding, it's not that bad. (It's pretty bad. Party your ass off before you leave. You are an adult in a child's world right now. Enjoy it)

wow, i get one of those nightmares every few months where i get told i didn't really graduate law school because i'm missing some credits. then i'm like noooooooooooo.........

there are slight variations of that. sometimes it's college and i have to redo law school. i wake up in a cold sweat so f'ing pissed. really thought i was the only one...
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I lived on hazel st
Jun 11, 2001
insurance litigation in ny - mainly fraud stuff. you went to law school? if so, what bar are you taking?

feel free to pm me if you want.
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The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
I don't generally rate things I guess, I suppose I'm pretty simple, either a song/album is pleasing to my musical palate or it's not. Generally all it takes is a single listen of the entire album to decide if it's something I like as a whole, or if there are just a few songs that I enjoy. I'd say it's more rare for me personally to find an album that I can continually listen to front to back or that doesn't "get old" for me. I've grown very much into a consumer of individual songs of recent and not albums as a whole. That's not to say I don't listen to albums, whenever a band I enjoy drops something new, I give the entire thing a listen. It's just that, and perhaps it's because I rely more and more on Spotify for my music consumption, I tend to listen to playlists I make up of songs that I find noteworthy/catchy/whatever. For the past few years, I've kept large playlists of music released during the year that I listen to pretty consistently. 2013 was a good year for me, so it's a playlist I returned, to often during the year, and still today, because there were many songs that I enjoyed.

For albums, I think last year I really enjoyed Vampire Weekend's Modern Vampires of the City as a complete album very much, and also Daft Punk's Random Access Memories. CHVRCHES had a lot of songs that I really enjoyed, but I suppose I wasn't feeling the album very much, if that makes any sense. Same with HAIM, another album that I was looking forward to because of the great songs I was hearing. I gave the album a few spins, but it just didn't click with me as a whole work. This year I enjoyed Sun Kil Moon's Benji for the most part, but the album as a whole is a bit heavy for me, and I think I'll just stick to a few songs that stuck out to me for repeated listening, Beck's latest was just really nice to listen to in it's entirety, and I can see myself listening to the whole thing more in the year to come.

That being said, there have been albums that have "grown" on me over repeated listentings, and often times I'll see a live show that really opens up the music for me. I remember back in the early 2000s picking up Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (my first Flaming Lips album, actually). I had heard some good things about it, and some friends were talking about it. I'm pretty sure I went to Sam Goody and picked it up, excited to give it a listen. I liked the album, but it just didn't click with me, it wasn't what I was expecting based off of what I had been hearing, and I wondered if I was just missing something. I got into more of their stuff and I saw them at a block party show in Chicago later that year, all the stuff they played from Yoshimi live gave me a totally different appreciation of the music, and the album became one of my favourites. Same thing happened with me when I saw Tuneyards live as well.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 4, 2013
if anyone has any advice on perhaps how to take my appreciation of music to the "next level" I would appreciate the input.

One of the biggest parts of music for me (i know a good amount of ppl who do this) is that I associate songs with events, several albums with a month, sometimes a band with a couple months or a season if I get really into a new band.

For instance Spring/Summer 2010 is of Montreal. Fall 2010 is Talking Heads. Summer 2011 is The Antlers and Animal Collective. Summer 2012 is Deerhunter, Spiritualized, Ariel Pink and being stoned everyday. Fall 2012 is Starfucker/Broken Bells. Winter 2012 is Mac DeMarco, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Tame Impala.

In a way I almost use music as an abstract diary. It helps me remember how I felt and who I was at times in my life and I guess makes everything more meaningful. But if I take it all too seriously or try and force something or make "rules" then it kinda can ruin it. So I avoid doing those things.


Jul 13, 2005
Why was there never a community thread here to begin with?
One of the biggest parts of music for me (i know a good amount of ppl who do this) is that I associate songs with events, several albums with a month, sometimes a band with a couple months or a season if I get really into a new band.

In a way I almost use music as an abstract diary. It helps me remember how I felt and who I was at times in my life and I guess makes everything more meaningful. But if I take it all too seriously or try and force something or make "rules" then it kinda can ruin it. So I avoid doing those things.

that's one thing i love and hate. On the one hand it brings a kind of nostalgia to parts of your life you like to remember, but also brings you to back to shitty parts. I can't really listen to Youth Lagoon anymore without thinking of a bad breakup I had.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
Why was there never a community thread here to begin with?
One of the biggest parts of music for me (i know a good amount of ppl who do this) is that I associate songs with events, several albums with a month, sometimes a band with a couple months or a season if I get really into a new band.

In a way I almost use music as an abstract diary. It helps me remember how I felt and who I was at times in my life and I guess makes everything more meaningful. But if I take it all too seriously or try and force something or make "rules" then it kinda can ruin it. So I avoid doing those things.

that's one thing i love and hate. On the one hand it brings a kind of nostalgia to parts of your life you like to remember, but also brings you to back to shitty parts. I can't really listen to Youth Lagoon anymore without thinking of a bad breakup I had.

Surprisingly to me there's only ever been one song that i liked and had a shit experience with and now i don't ever wanna listen to it again. I've had shit experiences involved with other music but somehow i still like it.
But it's Penny Dreadfuls by Animal Collective. Not a great song anyways but one that i enjoyed. I was listening to it on a bad acid trip and it came on at basically the low point and now i just feel really anxious whenever i hear it.
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The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
Why was there never a community thread here to begin with?
One of the biggest parts of music for me (i know a good amount of ppl who do this) is that I associate songs with events, several albums with a month, sometimes a band with a couple months or a season if I get really into a new band.

In a way I almost use music as an abstract diary. It helps me remember how I felt and who I was at times in my life and I guess makes everything more meaningful. But if I take it all too seriously or try and force something or make "rules" then it kinda can ruin it. So I avoid doing those things.

that's one thing i love and hate. On the one hand it brings a kind of nostalgia to parts of your life you like to remember, but also brings you to back to shitty parts. I can't really listen to Youth Lagoon anymore without thinking of a bad breakup I had.

Surprisingly to me there's only ever been one song that i liked and had a shit experience with and now i don't ever wanna listen to it again. I've had shit experiences involved with other music but somehow i still like it.
But it's Penny Dreadfuls by Animal Collective. Not a great song anyways but one that i enjoyed. I was listening to it on a bad acid trip and it came on at basically the low point and now i just feel really anxious whenever i hear it.

That sounds terrible.

Buggin' by the Flaming Lips is the only song that I totally loved, then went through a shitty live moment and suddenly didn't like the song. But I've grown out of it and can handle it / enjoy it again. There was a good many years though where the sound of it made me nearly sick to my stomach.

Other than that, Summer time is Ska time for me. I'm not so active into Ska and Punk like I was back when I was much younger, but I always put on my favourites soon as I'm able to roll down the window when I'm driving around. Especially if it's in the mid afternoon and maybe the sun is just beginning to set, and it's nice and warm out... That's some Ska time for me.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
Pavement = Summer

But on the subject of driving with music, I think i think of more songs as "great driving music" than anything else. Road trips will do that to ya


The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
I always have something playing when I'm driving. Sadly I have an Jeep that was just on the cusp of the whole smart phone integration thing, so all I got is measly Sirius XM and a 6 disc CD changer. (first world problems eh?)

I will admit though, I enjoy it more when a song I love comes on the radio randomly. Plus it's the main way I find out about newish indie stuff.

Also I do agree I think Pavement is a fine band in the summer. Range Life in particular, makes me want to roll down the windows and enjoy a warm breeze.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
and these albums all just sound like High School to me
Of Montreal - Sunlandic Twins and Hissing Fauna
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Modest Mouse - Moon & Antarctica
Interpol - TOTBL and Antics
and some select Animal Collective songs i had downloaded on Limewire lol. that's how i got started on them


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I always have something playing when I'm driving. Sadly I have an Jeep that was just on the cusp of the whole smart phone integration thing, so all I got is measly Sirius XM and a 6 disc CD changer. (first world problems eh?)

I will admit though, I enjoy it more when a song I love comes on the radio randomly. Plus it's the main way I find out about newish indie stuff.

Also I do agree I think Pavement is a fine band in the summer. Range Life in particular, makes me want to roll down the windows and enjoy a warm breeze.

Same here. I've got one of those cassete tapes with the aux cord. Works fine for me though i'm probably sacrificing some sound quality.

I haven't willingly listened to the radio in like 6 years.

CR, CR is a perfect summer album in general.


The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
I saw Animal Collective at some weird ass really small art studio show in some upper floor of an apartment building near the United Center back in 2003 or abouts there. When my friends and I showed up someone asked us if we were the band (which is weird because they've never had female members) And we were just like, "uh no" and went in. I had never heard of them, my boyfriend at the time had discovered them and brought me and another friend out there to see them. I didn't really enjoy it at all, it was interesting music but just not a good place for a concert, especially something like Animal Collective. I didn't start to really appreciate them until Sung Tongs came out the next year I think. That's an album I loved turning on my iPod and just laying down and bed and closing my eyes and listening too. Good stuff.

Same here. I've got one of those cassete tapes with the aux cord. Works fine for me though i'm probably sacrificing some sound quality.

I haven't willingly listened to the radio in like 6 years.

CR, CR is a perfect summer album in general.

Yeah, I had an old Volvo station wagon and I loved that it had a tape deck because when I started College, I got a Mac laptop and it came with a decent sized iPod. I loved that thing.
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Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I saw Animal Collective at some weird ass really small art studio show in some upper floor of an apartment building near the United Center back in 2003 or abouts there. When my friends and I showed up someone asked us if we were the band (which is weird because they've never had female members) And we were just like, "uh no" and went in. I had never heard of them, my boyfriend at the time had discovered them and brought me and another friend out there to see them. I didn't really enjoy it at all, it was interesting music but just not a good place for a concert, especially something like Animal Collective. I didn't start to really appreciate them until Sung Tongs came out the next year I think. That's an album I loved turning on my iPod and just laying down and bed and closing my eyes and listening too. Good stuff.

I'm fucking so jealous of you right now.
First time i saw them was in 2009

I always say if i could use a time machine, the only thing i'd do is go and see shows from the past that i missed out on or was too young/not alive for.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
I saw Animal Collective at some weird ass really small art studio show in some upper floor of an apartment building near the United Center back in 2003 or abouts there. When my friends and I showed up someone asked us if we were the band (which is weird because they've never had female members) And we were just like, "uh no" and went in. I had never heard of them, my boyfriend at the time had discovered them and brought me and another friend out there to see them. I didn't really enjoy it at all, it was interesting music but just not a good place for a concert, especially something like Animal Collective. I didn't start to really appreciate them until Sung Tongs came out the next year I think. That's an album I loved turning on my iPod and just laying down and bed and closing my eyes and listening too. Good stuff.

Same here. I've got one of those cassete tapes with the aux cord. Works fine for me though i'm probably sacrificing some sound quality.

I haven't willingly listened to the radio in like 6 years.

CR, CR is a perfect summer album in general.

Yeah, I had an old Volvo station wagon and I loved that it had a tape deck because when I started College, I got a Mac laptop and it came with a decent sized iPod. I loved that thing.

those shows were special and they will never create that kind of atmosphere again, sadly. seeing them on their mpp tour was one of the saddest things and i felt like grumpy hipster just bitching about how much better their shows were before they blew up lol.
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The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
I'm fucking so jealous of you right now.
First time i saw them was in 2009

I always say if i could use a time machine, the only thing i'd do is go and see shows from the past that i missed out on or was too young/not alive for.

Haha I don't know, I don't think any of us had any idea that they would blow up like they did, honestly, after the opening acts (and they were all weird noise stuff, like early AC but more weird and not as good) I just wanted to go, I stuck it out because well, I wasn't driving lol. But I would have to say, I'd rather have seen them post Sung Tongs for sure rather than pre Sung Tongs. I actually moved to Europe shortly after that for a little more than five years, and totally fell out of the "scene" I was pretty floored when I found out they had blown up into something huge, and rightfully so, Strawberry Jam and Merriweather are some damn great albums, never would have seen that coming though if you had seen them as early as I did though, lol. Honestly I didn't enjoy it that much, but it's like my one cool concert moment that I had in my life I guess. I would really like to see them again.

Of Montreal was another early indie experience for me. Needless to say, I love all their old stuff, their new stuff, well I respect that Kevin Barnes is certainly a man of many talents, but I remember him saying once that he never wanted to go back to the old stuff, and part of me was really sad, because I never got to see that live.

Ah forgot... I would really love to go see The Clash live, if I had a time machine. There's a lot of bands that would be nice to see. But if I could pick just one, it's be The Clash.
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Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
but i saw them again this year and it was the best show of theirs i'd been to since sung tongs era so idk. im trying to think of high school albums. sung tongs and wonderful rainbow and michigan and up in flames and lemon of pink and crooked rain.


The Eccentric Meganekko
Feb 16, 2001
My highschool was a lot of Elephant 6 stuff. OTC, Elf Power, Circulatory System, of Montreal... then other stuff like Godspeed's "Lift Your Skinny Fists"... there's a band I've always wanted to see but never seem to be able to. But we basically "graduated" from skapunk to Elephant 6 (not sure how the hell that happened) and from there I've always just really enjoyed whatever the indie scene seems to be doing.

Saw OTC back then too, now that was a great and super fun show and RIP Bill Doss, damnit... Too damn young.

Forgot NMH, silly me. Would like to catch them one of these days.
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Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I saw Animal Collective at some weird ass really small art studio show in some upper floor of an apartment building near the United Center back in 2003 or abouts there. When my friends and I showed up someone asked us if we were the band (which is weird because they've never had female members) And we were just like, "uh no" and went in. I had never heard of them, my boyfriend at the time had discovered them and brought me and another friend out there to see them. I didn't really enjoy it at all, it was interesting music but just not a good place for a concert, especially something like Animal Collective. I didn't start to really appreciate them until Sung Tongs came out the next year I think. That's an album I loved turning on my iPod and just laying down and bed and closing my eyes and listening too. Good stuff.

Same here. I've got one of those cassete tapes with the aux cord. Works fine for me though i'm probably sacrificing some sound quality.

I haven't willingly listened to the radio in like 6 years.

CR, CR is a perfect summer album in general.

Yeah, I had an old Volvo station wagon and I loved that it had a tape deck because when I started College, I got a Mac laptop and it came with a decent sized iPod. I loved that thing.

those shows were special and they will never create that kind of atmosphere again, sadly. seeing them on their mpp tour was one of the saddest things and i felt like grumpy hipster just bitching about how much better their shows were before they blew up lol.

this makes me sad


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I've been digging into Roxy Music lately. They are so massively underrated it's not even funny. Their first 5 albums are all phenomenal. Especially For Your Pleasure.
even Manifesto and Flesh & Blood, by far their two worst albums, are still ahead of their time in respect to the 80's. I mean how many people in the 80's do you think were just trying to sing like Bryan Ferry?
Jun 21, 2005
I've been digging into Roxy Music lately. They are so massively underrated it's not even funny. Their first 5 albums are all phenomenal. Especially For Your Pleasure.
even Manifesto and Flesh & Blood, by far their two worst albums, are still ahead of their time in respect to the 80's. I mean how many people in the 80's do you think were just trying to sing like Bryan Ferry?
Honestly not a huge fan. I do like for your pleasure quite a bit though. Maybe I should give them another shot.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I've been digging into Roxy Music lately. They are so massively underrated it's not even funny. Their first 5 albums are all phenomenal. Especially For Your Pleasure.
even Manifesto and Flesh & Blood, by far their two worst albums, are still ahead of their time in respect to the 80's. I mean how many people in the 80's do you think were just trying to sing like Bryan Ferry?
Honestly not a huge fan. I do like for your pleasure quite a bit though. Maybe I should give them another shot.

They had some great musicians in the band through their first 5 albums
and I never knew Brian Eno was in the band for the first 2 or 3 albums til recently either.