Mar 23, 2006
You know what I find funny, RD_21? Over a thousand different gamers posted their collective dissent from IGN's review of this game, yet the defenders of IGN scripture like yourself can't seem to make out the larger picture. There isn't this much feedback about games that nobody gives a damn about. SpySnake is absolutely right. The proof is in the pudding. CLoS is an achievement, and this whole debate is just further testimony that sometimes it takes good 'ol word-of-mouth to give credit where credit is due rather than put our faith in these elitist "professional reviews" (that goes for Gamestop and the whole damn bunch). It seems the least IGN could have done is given us Another Take considering how much backlash this review has received. This site exists because of US. It's our community that made it popular, and we're the reason News Corporation acquired it several years back.
Aug 5, 2008
Wow looks like I wasn't he only one that disagreed with the review.

Oh and LMAO at thoes people saying gamespot gave it a 7.5 as well. Everyone knows the idiots at gamespot just copy and paste 90% of IGN scores on there own site.



Oct 21, 2010

I really appreciate your comments about the review, and it really helps me realize this is a good choice, but I think you got carried a away and let slip an important spoiler. This is my first post and I don't know if it's possible to erase previous comments, but if you can please do it so that the experience remains intact for other people.



Almost Not a Noob
Sep 7, 2008

You really think that in this thread there is over a 1000 different people? I posted probably 10 times in this one. Plus there's probably a million person who saw the review.

You said it people care about this game and want it to be good. If they gave Halo a 7.5 (and it deserve it) people would complain because it's an Halo game and deserve better.

But then when most reviewer come out and say the same thing how do you justify the fact that IGN is still wrong? You think that every reviewers decided to give it a 7.5 - 8 score to support IGN against the readers?

Everyone is wrong and fans are right all the time... You may like it a lot and think it deserve a 9 but based on other game it probably don't. Like I said I am early in the game and enjoy it but can't say it's better than other big AAA title.

If most reviewer agree than all the reviewer will be wrong and they all missed the target? Maybe it doesn't appeal to everybody, and the reviewers have an opinion.

I can tell you, and I am still in chapter 1, that the invisible wall are HORRIBLE you always think you can go somewhere just to realise that you can't. I mean you will see opening in the stage after The Dead Bog and think you can go and you have to try it to realise that it's not a good way, if there was at least a map.

And the fixed camera is lame also, sometime I want a better view to look if I can go there or if I am missing something and it's annoying. Sure God of War had a fixe camera but for the most part it was handling it better (not talking about others aspects of the game being better, just the fixed camera).

So that's two negatives that in the long run can drag the score down as it always irritates.

Edit: Sorry my break was done and I wasn't able to finish my train of thoughts.

Daemon also said he feel like they were picking things from a lot of games and it may have been a negative for him. Just like some people bashed Darksiders for mashing Zelda and God of War together. For me it was a positive but for some it wasn't.

Then you have the voice acting. I will point you toward FFXIII. Some people hated it and Ryan Clements defended it saying that some expression or way to act when different in Japan and it's part of the charm of the Japanese culture and I couldn't agree more with him. When I play a Final Game I am expecting those small voice and embarassing moment like they are still in high school and the long loud sight "hennnnn, heeeehhhh" things like that it's part of the game and I like it and expect it like I was saying, but some people hated it. Daemon in this game didn't seem to like the narration and the voice acting if I remember correctly. I have no problem with it and I kind of expect "cheesy" (for lack of better term) narration when I am playing fantastic/medieval games, but Daemon did.

That's the part that depend on opinion and that is there for all the game. It's not one big bug or small it's something that follow you for all the game

From the tone of the written review you see that he found it good but not great and in the weak good from what I can tell not a strong good. But he even say that if you like the genre or the game you will have a long and enjoyable experience.

In teh end it's all a matter of opinion and your can be different from his without making his or yours void.

When I saw this review I had a VERY limited knowledge about the game, limited like I had heard that Kojima was working on a Castlevania game. I had play once or twice older Castlevania and the serie was not doing a lot for me since I didn't had any attachment or investment in it. After watching the video review and what daemon had to say about the game I decided to pick it up. Maybe if I was a rabid fan of the serie and was expecting a 9.5 I would have be mad and would have not buy the game.

But as a casual Castlevania fan this review made me decide to buy the game and that's one thing that a lot of fan are bringing up, saying that this review will impact the sale figure in a bad way, but for me it didn't.

Sure a 7.5 can be seen as bad because we've been trained to snob what his under 9, but when I see 7.5 and I read Good, when I read the review and watch the video review it made me interested in a game I had no interest before, that's why I defend Daemon.

That and because I know it's getting pathetic around here, everybody always bitch for nothing. This game scored too hig, this one too low, how can this game score more than this one, I demand this reviewers head on a silver plate. Everybody want to try to sound like they know better than everybody and most of the time they even forget to look at the reviewer name before comparing 2 review (See Mario Galaxy and an xbox game).

Those guys are doing their job and giving THEIR opinion about a game and in the end they are real person and shouldn't have to face uncivilised ungratful readers all the time.

I wrote a blog on that subject that no one read asking if they should give a game to a reviewer who is a fan of a serie or a genre. Let's say Halo reviewed by an Halo fan it would score 9.5. By a non fan a 6. Who's right and who's wrong. One is overrated the other is underrated. There's no winner but I think a review by a fan of the genre is better than a review from a fan of the serie. sure God of War III scored a 9.3 from Chris Roper who was a fan of the serie and if you ask me the third installement of this serie would have get an 8-8.5 from me because I found the serie lacking. And if you asked Daemon about God of War I am sure he would give it a 6. He doesn't seem like a fan of this genre, maybe he was a fan of Castlevania and it was a deception for him in the end.

I think we should just try to understand the reviewer before bashing him.


May 22, 2010
HEY people,hope u all are fine.Well, i just finished Castlevania Lords of shadow.Well,the grpahics are nice but not great.The voice act is nice but not great.The cutscenes are impressive.There is lackness in the Gameplay, however the gameplay of few chapters(e.g like chapter 11 etc) is comparatively better than the gameplay of rest of chapters.Some boss battles are nice.The music becomes very nice in the last six chapters of the game when fighting the bosses.The entrance of hero in the very beginning of the game is impressive.The Story is interesting but not great.The characters in the game are not very attractive,however Pan and Gabriel are most attractive.The ending is really nice,and i am truly very impressed by the last cutscene which involves conversation between Gabriel and zobek in their new forms in the church.What i guessed from this last cutscene is that the sequel Would be much better than this CAstlevania lords of shadow .I totally agree with the score IGN has given this game Wise rating IGN.However, i give this game a 7.8...
Jun 30, 2009
Finally finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. EPIC! OK so its not really a Castlevania game. But it is a great dark fantasy adventure. It does draw many comparisons to God of War. I actually liked the combos and control scheme better in C:LoS. I also liked the story better. I really enjoyed the finale and then I was hit over the head with the epilogue. I can't even imagine how they are going to re-imagine the story for what they did to it. It really could be something imaginative and incredible. I really can't wait and hope it is as good as Lords of Shadow if not better.
Jun 10, 2010
Man dont listen to this review. If you like dark fantasy & absolutely amazing art direction then go out & buy this now. Totally worth the price of admission, huge singleplayer quest (I fully intend to replay completing all challenges on master difficulty)

Beats the shit out of Bayonetta.


Oct 22, 2010
Well........ after beating C.LoS in hard mode, i think this game deserves a 8.2 (my own opinion).
This is a Great game, i find it hard to agree with the reviewer, i guess he never really finished the game.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
the reviewer certainly not finished the game because he said it's greatest asset was the scenery but in the later part of the game it all become very ugly and rushed. The gameplay is heavily repetitive. Even the boss are just other skins of the same thing... ( yeah I know some boss fly but you can't barely touch them while they do and on the ground they are all clones) so 40 types of enemies in the game but only 4 category of them and they all do very similar attacts that are countered all the same way. Combos are not useful and upgrades not needed. The game is very easy even on paladin and the only positive thing in the game is the pace wich is quite acceptable


Oct 22, 2010
err... if we were given a job to review a game, would that be ok if we just play through 1 chapter or 2, then write the report/review without even finishing the game? i mean i would expect reviewer to do their job properly, and by finishing the games at least once would be more appropiate, don't u think so?

I agree with the last part tho... "It could be better".... i'm looking forward for the Sequel to come, let's hope Mercurysteam will do better on it.

For me this is a great game, i'm still working on the Trial.


Oct 17, 2010
I really feel this game deserves at least a 9.0, at the very least for the setting alone. The environment is incredible and is unlike any Castlevania before it. It's more gothic fantasy than anything. The combat is very fun, and the variety of creatures keeps you on your toes and using different strategies.

Also, the story is pretty decent as well. The scrolls you find flesh out things a bit, and there's a ton of secrets to keep you searching through the nook and cranny of every level.


Original poster
Outta every ign review, this is the one that they really did mess up on. Game is definately a 9.0!!! Gameplay and levels are just as good as GOW3, graphics are amazing as well. Not as intense as GOW3, but damn good! I disagree fully with the review here. Please, do not take notice of it. Get this game, you will love it! Starts to really pick up around chapter 3. Just gets better the more you play!
May 9, 2010
SoTN strayed father away from previous Castlevania games than this did. Nearly every character in this game is from previous games. There were more new characters introduced in any one of IGAs games than this game. There are 3 songs from previous games, enviornments outsife and inside the Castle like previous games etc.. This guy has no idea what a Castlevania game is and is claiming to know what one is by saying he has only played IGAs games. 7 Metroidvanias, 10 or more Classicvania games and then there is the spinoffs. He clearly hasnt played most Castlevania games and by saying there is only werewolves, vampires and skeleltons it elimnates the possibilty of him play more than 2 Metroidvania games as there are characters in this game that were only in Metroidvania games.

IDK, maybe the characters werent named in the review copy just like the framerate wasnt fixed in the review copy but my bet is that this reviewer hasnt played more than 2 hours of any Castlevania game before and is just trying to sound smart. Usually when people do that they look like a fool, just like this guy.
Sep 5, 2008
I was hesitant on buying this one cause of the review, even though I am a huge Castlevania fan. However, it seems like EVERYONE commenting here is against this review and really thinks it should have got an 8.5 or higher (and so it was given such by the UK reviewer). Cause of the comments, I think I'll pick up a copy. As we all know, sometimes the reviews on IGN are way off the money (although the one about Fable 3 was generous, that game sucks).


Oct 30, 2010
I had been looking forward to this game since the first trailer was released, and as such, was disappointed when I saw the poor review from IGN. However, against my better judgement, I decided to purchase the game anyways because I have enjoyed many of the previous Castlevania games. I'm very happy that I made the decision to make the purchase.

The criticisms in the written review are exaggerated. I own the PS3 version and there is no slow down in or out of combat.

The combat system is actually quite complex and accommodates a high skill ceiling. Adept players will make use of the timed block system to keep their focus gauge full so that they can near permanently use their light and dark magic abilities and regenerate health. You can get through the game by button mashing, but exploring the different combos has very tangible benefits, especially if you learn the weaknesses of different enemies and when they're vulnerable to particular combos. For the record, with only a single weapon type, I found the combat to be more engaging than god of war III.

If you play the game on anything more difficult than squire, some boss fights are mercilessly difficult. Expect to make multiple attempts on some bosses unless you're a seasoned action game veteran. If you play on knight or paladin difficulty, well, good luck and I hope you're really good at timed blocks.

Saying that the style and story of this game deviate from Castlevania standards is borderline laughable. If anything, this game emulates the style of the original Castlevania games. The stages are linear, but there are plenty of hidden nooks and crannies in which you can find life, weapon and magic upgrades. The story is also very Bram Stoker-esque and sets up the classic characters for sequels.

The game is beautiful as well and the score is masterful. The game is also incredibly long. I did go back and play previous stages to collect weapon upgrades and missed gems, but with that in mind it took me about 30 hours playing at a relaxed pace.

The game isn't flawless however. The camera can be obstructive in combat at times. But these are few and far between. The problem is also remedied by simply repositioning your character to get a better view, but ultimately it should never be necessary in an action game to maneuver to compensate for a camera angle. The music is also almost too epic (I never thought I'd say this). It was so epic that simple achievements were often overemphasized taking away the thunder from real key game moments. Another gripe is the narration between levels, which is definitely over the top and oozing with melodrama.

As a whole, however, this game is a fine piece of work and I'm very happy I picked it up. If anything, I feel this addition is more true to the series than some of the more recent releases, which have made an already crowded canon and time line even more complex and convoluted.

This deserves a 9/10 in my opinion.

Oct 3, 2010
I'd like to add one more comment having played the game extensively now and beaten it on knight difficulty (about halfway through paladin difficulty and getting close to 110% completion... yes, 110%, not 100%) if anyone reading these comments is interested in the soundtrack for the game, as many castlevania fans like myself usually are, then I will give my own opinion as to where LoS's soundtrack ranks with other Castlevania games.

The soundtrack is incredible, just so you know. It is very orchestrally driven, which is actually a great thing in this game's case(sometimes its not), and I would say it's closest in sound to the soundtrack from Super Castlevania IV. It is better than the music from such games as the original Castlevania or any of the NES castlevania games, any of the 3d games like Lament of Innocence, and better than the DS games that I've played (granted i've only played like 2 of them, not a fan of the DS games.) I also think that Lords of Shadow's soundtrack is better than SOTN's soundtrack. There are a couple of songs on SOTN that are just awesome (Dance of Pales), but the rest of the music in SOTN, in my humble opinion, doesn't stand alone as well. LoS's soundtrack does. I would say it ties with the soundtrack from Rondo of Blood, and the only Castlevania game I can think of that has a better soundtrack than Lords of Shadow is Super Castlevania IV.

Hope that helps any who are curious. It's a different style of music for Castlevania that we haven't heard in awhile, but I really like that LoS is borrowing heavy influence from the old games before SOTN, and the soundtrack even shows that influence.

Awesome game... it is officially my game of the year (it just beats out Red Dead Redemption). Please get this game everyone, its worth it


Oct 21, 2008
Having already sunk several hours into this game, I believe IGN underrated it.
The slowdown mentioned in the review has been non-existent in my experience with the 360 version, which I installed to my HDD.
The game's derivative, but what game isn't? You can clearly see elements of Uncharted, God of War and Lord of the Rings in the game, but by no means does that make it any less worth playing.
As for being unrelated to the Castlevania franchise, I have to disagree there too.
I take it as a re-imagining of the original Castlevania games. Symphony of the Night was great and all, but I'm glad to see the franchise return to its roots.
So, on one hand, Hatfield knocks it for being derivative for including some of the best aspects from other games. On the other hand, he takes issue with the fact that the game is not derivative enough by not including an androgynous protagonist, more re-hashed (but awesome) music from the original games and a side-scrolling 2-D Metroidvania set-up.
The game's definitely not perfect, the voice acting and dialogue is a little weak at times and there are a few frustrating camera angles especially during boss fights. Otherwise, the graphics and sound are top-knotch.
The game's challenging and gives you a lot of content for your $60.
So, for anyone interested prior to reading Hatfield's review, give it a try. Castlevania: LOS is a great game worth at least an 8.5.
Oct 11, 2010
Considering I played the demo and not the full game, I believe this is one of the best Castlvania Games I've played since Symphony Of The Night. What I really like about the Castlevania games, they all have outstanding Soundtracks!, but if you want to listen to a soundtrack that not only doesn't disappoint,but awesome and inspiring at the same time,the Soundtrack to Castlevania Lords Of Shadow is absolutely awesome,inspiring, and most of all it's full orchestra of great music! It's a must have!

If you want the soundtrack go into GOOGLE, type in Castlevania Lords Of Shadow OST mediafire. It will direct you to mediafire,(a zip file is the best), You are ready to download the full ost for your leisure and enjoyment!


Sep 25, 2009
If anything, Daemon overrated it. After my experience with this game i dont think i am even able to finish it. Just horrible


Jul 20, 2010
This review sucks, all it did is piss me off. This is a great game, I've never been motivated to play god of war, but all i know that this kind of 3-D Castlevania awesomeness is just mind blowing, I loved this mother f@#!ing game!!! I actually feel like i didn't my money, i.e. new vegas and black ops which were just more of the same.


Nov 12, 2010
You know, comments like how making it linear make it a departure from Castlevania just make me sad. Go back and play the classic Castlevania games. They're all linear (except Simon's Quest, of course). I'd say this is a reboot of CLASSIC Castlevania (even though the story is completely new and doesn't tie in to the rest of Castlevania).

I primarily say that because Castlevania as I came to know and love owed itself to action gameplay, platforming, and atmosphere. This has all of that and more. In fact, I'd say the atmosphere of this game captures the Castlevania atmosphere that defined the series much more than SotN and the games that followed. I praise that. No more effeminate anime-style Castlevania, I prefer horror-like European style Castlevania.

The story was pretty enthralling. I'm psyched about the sequel because of the epilogue at the end of LoS.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I think this game deserves more than the "US 7.5" score. It was certainly a good game.

However, I have to add that the last Castlevania I played was "IV" on the SNES, so I can't really say much about the mentioned departure from the series.
Jan 4, 2010
mindless button mashing game?? are you kidding me? GoW3 deserves better that title.

Castlevania's magic combat system and puzzles are much better done than GoW3.

It's interesting to see how every time IGN's score deviate miles from the average press score.
Jun 8, 2010
This is a very good game. It has some control issues, but a ton of effort went into capturing and presenting the essence of a Castlevania game here. I think a 7.5 is a bit low for a game of this size and quality. This style of game won't be for everyone, but it is a deserving effort. Check out my review:
Nov 19, 2010
This game rocks! I'm glad it doesn't take place in the castle the entire game. I think the game is perfect for the time-a much needed upgrade, and very impressive. I'm at the final battle but I went back and find my jewels and upgrades I missed or had no access to. This is how Castlevania should be-I think it's how it was meant to be, considering back in the day the tech wasn't there to put it in motion. Sure it's similar to Gow3 but it's still Castlevania. At least they did it right. Can't wait for the sequel....


Sep 29, 2005
It's a decent game, but there are many others like it. It's true though that it doesn't bear much resemblance to the Castlevania series. So I say make it a new franchise instead of using the Castlevania name...

Gimme a true sequel to Symphony of the Night any day, not all these handheld versions. Think Bionic Commando Rearmed, but Castlevania instead!


Apr 19, 2008
Shove this up your ass Daemon Hatfield:

Castlevania lords of Shadow ships 1 million units
Oct 3, 2010
I can understand that... i really liked the game but was surprised at the amount of puzzles involved in it. It did remind me of cv 64 in some places but I didn't expect the whole game to be like that... the only downside for people expecting a classic castlevania game was that at the end of every level you kind of thought "okay now the action is going to pick up and it's going to be really fast paced with lots of platforming..." but we were always left waiting for that to happen... the platforming was there and I really liked the game but bit's of it did seem too sombre/ mazelike to really be a super cviv reboot of sorts. Still a great game in its own rite though.


Nov 27, 2010
Okay, first of all: CV N64's Legacy of Darkness will alway be one of my favorite video games (I even missed a few small detail's that were simply included in the original - which I know otherwise needed the remake).

I like where these guys are going with this; let's just see what happens next in this installment of the series.


Nov 27, 2010
...One more thing; I can actually imagine how everthing in the previous castlevania titles quite possibly could have followed in-line with this title givin that Carmilla's and Cornell's other halves had already been spirited to heaven before he even battles their soulless bodies. Also, there's Olrox and the other guy in "premature" vampiric form to consider...


Aug 1, 2010
After finishing it this last weekend I must say I do not agree with the review. This game deserve a higher score. It's a incredible game, and as a huge GoW fan I must say that it feels way different that GoW.


Dec 11, 2010
OPINIONS, people!
We are all entitled to them.
I liked the game lots.
Some of you didn't as much.
It's ok....really.
Some of you need a hug and a bit of morphine.
Nov 13, 2010
Hey guys, IGN gives you technical reviews, not basic ones some sellers in a store can give you to sell the game for you, I play this game and I agree with IGN concerning the score the game received, it doesn't change my fascination with the game, an awesome adventure, lots of amazing graphics, enchanting, but...

Forget everything you know about Castlevania.

For more details check the Best of 2010, Coolest Atmosphere (Award Categories)
Dec 28, 2010

For years I've trusted IGN reviews and waited a while before buying this game with the assumption its a 7.5 ok game. How could Daemon get it so wrong... This game is AWESOME.

I would rate this game as such.

It IS a classic Castlevania (Symphony of the Night was NOT CLASSIC CASTLEVANIA). It is a stage based adventure like Castlevnia number one. For Castlevania fans, this game ism a reboot and extraordinary in storyline and scope. Here is how Id rate my favorite castlevanias

Symphony of the Night and Lament of Innocence had better music

Lords of Shadow had the BEST storyline and the BEST combat system. By far the storyline is the selling point of the game. This deserved at least 8.5.


Dec 4, 2009
Wow, this review does no justice to the game...IGN reviews are awful...good thing I only use IGN to see product reviews and videos of things I am interested in...I'll never use one of their reviews as a basis for whether I purchase/rent a game or not. For everyone on the fence about whether you should try this game or not, do yourself a favor and grab a copy. I thoroughly enjoyed this game, couldn't be happier with my purchase. I won't give a bullet by bullet review, as many on here have. Graphics are wonderful, story is top notch, and the fighting and sheer large scale of the game (both playable surface and background) are wonderful.


Oct 23, 2008
I'm confused about the whole "derivative of God of War" talk. Isn't God of War arguably a complete derivative of Devil May Cry?


Nov 15, 2008
I have to agree that this is a better game then most reviews have given credit. Its seems very cookie-cutter at first, but after you progress a bit and unlock some abilites it starts to reveal it's depth. It's clearly done for the purposes of pacing as it is a lengthy (nowadays) game. Buying this one. As much as I enjoyed God of War, I prefer Castlevania because I enjoy battling vamps and werewolves over minotaurs and cyclopes. But that's just me.
Oct 3, 2010
m4077 said:
I'm confused about the whole "derivative of God of War" talk. Isn't God of War arguably a complete derivative of Devil May Cry?

Yeah but don't worry, even though DMC1 and Castlevania LOI (which this game borrows heavily from) came out before GOW, any 3d platformer is a copy of GOW....

By IGN's/GOW fanboys' logic one could say Metroid: Other M is a copy of GOW.... *rolls eyes to back of skull*
Oct 3, 2010
Just want to say that this review is the crappiest review IGN has EVER done for a game, and anybody who thinks this review is fair for Castlevania:LoS is a retard. Deuschebag Daemon Hatfield is blatantly prejudiced against this game. It's already sold a million copies, try it, it's WAY better than a 7.5.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 5, 2004
This game is a 7.5
It really is. And it doesn't feel like Castlevania. I'd call it:

God of Castlevaia's Creed

It's not crap. It doesn't fail. But this isn't Castlevania.If you took the CV name off the box we probably all would have forgot this game even existed by now.
Oct 3, 2010
BadAssBurtReynolds said:
This game is a 7.5
It really is. And it doesn't feel like Castlevania. I'd call it:

God of Castlevaia's Creed

It's not crap. It doesn't fail. But this isn't Castlevania.If you took the CV name off the box we probably all would have forgot this game even existed by now.

This plays alot like Castlevania LOI which game out before GOW. Do your research or better yet, go play it. By your logic we should be putting Castlevania's name on GOW because it came out first.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 5, 2004
Well then by your logic we should all be calling LOI a Rygar rip-off.
Got something to say about that?

I'd also be willing to bet these games were in development at the same time. It's not like GOW would have been an FPS if LOI hadn't come out.

Seriosuly, you're going to tell me GOW owes anything to LOI? Come on. Really?

Go play LOS and tell me who's style they're borrowing from. It's not their own, it's so flagrant that I can't believe people are using this "who came out first" argument. Seriously: who's REALLY being inspired by who here. Come on.

One word invalidates all this goofyness:

Now you do some research. ;)
Oct 3, 2010
BadAssBurtReynolds said:
Well then by your logic we should all be calling LOI a Rygar rip-off.
Got something to say about that?

I'd also be willing to bet these games were in development at the same time. It's not like GOW would have been an FPS if LOI hadn't come out.

Seriosuly, you're going to tell me GOW owes anything to LOI? Come on. Really?

Go play LOS and tell me who's style they're borrowing from. It's not their own, it's so flagrant that I can't believe people are using this "who came out first" argument. Seriously: who's REALLY being inspired by who here. Come on.

One word invalidates all this goofyness:

Now you do some research. ;)

I don't care, what you're willing to bet and never said GOW would be FPS, you must be thinking of GOW - Gears Of War...

I never said GOW ripped off LOI, my argument was that by your logic we could say that. Read the lines before you fail to read in between them. And I don't have anything to say about Rygar (and it's not my logic, it's yours that I was using) because I never said GOW ripped LOI my exact wording was -

"This plays alot like Castlevania LOI which came out before GOW. Do your research or better yet, go play it. By your logic we should be putting Castlevania's name on GOW because it came out first."

Theres a difference between me saying something with my opinion and saying it using the phrase "by your logic". This phrase implies your responsibility for a hypothesis, one to which you obviously have no rebuttal so you're attempting (and failing) to throw that very responsibility back onto me by answering a question with a question. Seriously if you can't read and interpret information in the form of text, then you shouldn't be arguing or at the very least trying to force words into others' mouths.

Don't tell me to play LOS, I've played LOS extensively and GOW. My argument was about the controls/combat system; the character's movements/attacks and thus how the game plays as a result of that i.e. you have straight attacks and area attacks from LOI, you have parrying from LOI and subweapons from LOI/ COD (which were altered from the traditional ones). Let's add the light/shadow magic system which is original to the series and adds depth to the combat and the structure of the game. Finally the game is structured in stages like the 2d castlevanias and Castlevania 64 (arguably also LOI)... So what has this proved? That Castlevania borrowed from itself including the 2d incarnations. That is how the game plays and how it is structured. Now run along & write that down so you don't forget it...

Games in general borrow elements from one another, one out of every few games that comes out now is a 3rd person action platformer, so what do you expect. Legacy Of Kain, Prince Of Persia, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta and GOW all at the very least have some similar elements.

As for the rest of LOS platforming has been borrowed somewhat from Castlevania 64 and Prince of Persia (hanging, manouvering etc) somewhat from Super Castlevania (whip swinging). The game's pacing is not nearly as fast as GOW, yes there are puzzles in both but in GOW theres endless fighting, then puzzles and platforming here and there, but the combat is the main aspect of GOW. LOS has tonnes of quiet spots where you'd either be mainly platforming or solving puzzles and moving around the stages (rather than through them) while not fighting and enemies would only be spawned in particular spots like Castlevania 64. The game's pacing is much more sombre than GOW by a mile. Plus alot of the stages are much shorter than GOW even though the game is probably longer all up.

The two elements I see borrowed from GOW/Dante's are
1. the Beast riding (which usually has to do with making it from platform A to B) &
2. The button prompting (which is different anyways & Dante's straight ripped GOW, LOS did not - at least they made it slightly different).

Don't even put close combat/ground throws in this category, as almost all combat based 3rd person platformers these days tend have them; DMC has throws, even Metroid now has close combat grabs. (Air throwing with the whip however, was originally seen in DMC using Nero's arm to grapple enemies before LOS.)

I never said GOW owed anything to LOI, because it doesn't imo. I said that I deduced that statement using your logic.(italicised so you don't forget)David Jaffe stated that GOW borrowed elements from DMC and other platformers.. So what it's okay for GOW to borrow things but not Castlevania?? So ask yourself in your own words: "Seriously: who's REALLY being inspired by who here. Come on."

The "Who came out first" argument was brought up because as I've stated, LOS borrowed more from LOI and previous Castlevanias than it did from GOW. Using lowbrow conjecture such as Come on, Seriously, who's REALLY being inspired by who here and REALLY to try and discredit other peoples' opinions and glorify your own, actually discredits your own opinion moreso than using a valid (or any) argument to prove a point which has not yet been made clear by you - the one arguing that very point. You haven't argued or debated anything, you haven't proved anything. Congratulations....

Once again I could use your afforementioned logic to state "GOW copied the 2d castlevanias because they play in a stage-by-stage structure." Sounds stupid doesn't it? Well that's your logic being applied, not mine so don't tell me to do research and don't wink at me I find your lowbrow logic as ignorant as it is anti-contextual. it doesn't form any basis for any kind of coherent discussion let alone debate, so just let it die like whatever crawled into your mind and made you comment in the first place.


Feb 8, 2008
i really think its a very good game it should take 8.5 at least
i mean the presentation 7.5 just becouse its not like old castlevania "i hate old castlevania and i love this"
gameplay 7.5 just becouse its repetitive will god of war gameplay is repetitive but great and this is like that
so IGN and other gaming sites just hate this game cuz it really good or its like GOD OF WAR clone but even better
right ??!!