
No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Guess its true, after 15k posts, threads autolock on this new board system. Funny thing is though, when I clicked reply on the old version, it sent me to an IGN prime sign up page. So what, Prime users can reply in the thread or something? I doubt it, not sure why I got sent to that page but whatever.

All off topic discussions are encouraged in this thread as long as they fall under IGN boards' Terms of Service

Here's to another 3 years of CoD? (eww I felt dirty saying that...)


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
I did say it, bruh
I said:
I don't know if this still holds true for the boards in general but I heard this new system can't support threads larger than 15k posts in it. That's why several large CTs from the old boards system were autolocked when the transition was made a couple years ago, including one that had over half a million replies. So if that's still the case, we may be on the last page for this particular thread (@ 50 ppp)

I call dibs on next CT thread if so [face_tongue]


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
I did say it, bruh
I said:
I don't know if this still holds true for the boards in general but I heard this new system can't support threads larger than 15k posts in it. That's why several large CTs from the old boards system were autolocked when the transition was made a couple years ago, including one that had over half a million replies. So if that's still the case, we may be on the last page for this particular thread (@ 50 ppp)

I call dibs on next CT thread if so [face_tongue]

I stand corrected. I guess I didn't notice, probably didn't realize it wasn't part of your sig.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Speaking of trailers. You see the leaked Batman v Superman one? Checked it out last night. It's pretty awesome

Just watched it, aside from the very end it was kinda "meh" imo. Funny enough that was my reaction to the Man of Steel trailer too. Superman isn't interesting to me in the least, add in Batman all you want still ain't gonna make me want to rush out and see a Superman film.
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Gamer, YouTuber, Blogger
Aug 23, 2010
Lodi, CA
I'm about to blow your minds...... I have never seen Star Wars. Never seen any of them.
They're pretty overrated IMO. Sci Fi B Movies with a shit ton of story and a little action at the beginning and end of the movies. Most of the actors are terrible in the prequel ones that came out most recently.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
I'm about to blow your minds...... I have never seen Star Wars. Never seen any of them.
They're pretty overrated IMO. Sci Fi B Movies with a shit ton of story and a little action at the beginning and end of the movies. Most of the actors are terrible in the prequel ones that came out most recently.

Sorry Hector but that is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say about Star Wars. Dislike them all you want but calling the most iconic sci-fi film franchise a "B movie" is laughable.

I can agree the acting in the prequels is bad but Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Chistopher Lee and Sam Jackson are far from "terrible" actors.


Retired IGN Mod
Jun 17, 2004
I'm about to blow your minds...... I have never seen Star Wars. Never seen any of them.
I'm not a fan, either. I have you beat by one; my aunt wanted to see Episode II or III I forget which and was babysitting my brother and I at the time and took us to the theater when it came out. I kinda got bored and drifted off.


Gamer, YouTuber, Blogger
Aug 23, 2010
Lodi, CA
I'm about to blow your minds...... I have never seen Star Wars. Never seen any of them.
They're pretty overrated IMO. Sci Fi B Movies with a shit ton of story and a little action at the beginning and end of the movies. Most of the actors are terrible in the prequel ones that came out most recently.

Sorry Hector but that is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say about Star Wars. Dislike them all you want but calling the most iconic sci-fi film franchise a "B movie" is laughable.

I can agree the acting in the prequels is bad but Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Chistopher Lee and Sam Jackson are far from "terrible" actors.
They were B movies back in the day and that was the style they kept. Many critics have stated this.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
They're pretty overrated IMO. Sci Fi B Movies with a shit ton of story and a little action at the beginning and end of the movies. Most of the actors are terrible in the prequel ones that came out most recently.

Sorry Hector but that is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say about Star Wars. Dislike them all you want but calling the most iconic sci-fi film franchise a "B movie" is laughable.

I can agree the acting in the prequels is bad but Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Chistopher Lee and Sam Jackson are far from "terrible" actors.
They were B movies back in the day and that was the style they kept. Many critics have stated this.

LOL. They were never B movies. The special effects in those movies were ground breaking for their time and a lot of it held up very well for decades.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Hey I may not be a smart man but I know if you bash Star Wars on the internet you're gonna have a bad time. Even I know better than that.

Next time you sit down for a HOT session of NASCAR do this instead
-turn off NASCAR
-get in your car
-drive to nearest store
-buy the original trilogy on blu ray
-stop and pickup beer
-stop and pickup pizza
-drive home
-fire up Xbox One
-insert disc
-best night ever

You're welcome. Oh I'm not even sure what to say about Hector & Kane. But Hector loves anime so hahahahahaha whatever.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Hey I may not be a smart man but I know if you bash Star Wars on the internet you're gonna have a bad time. Even I know better than that.

Next time you sit down for a HOT session of NASCAR do this instead
-turn off NASCAR
-get in your car
-drive to nearest store
-buy the original trilogy on blu ray
-stop and pickup beer
-stop and pickup pizza
-drive home
-fire up Xbox One
-insert disc
-best night ever

You're welcome. Oh I'm not even sure what to say about Hector & Kane. But Hector loves anime so hahahahahaha whatever.

In Kane's defense Episode 2 is pretty bad, Episode 3 is only alright.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Does no one else agree with me on the fact that they shouldn't have even made a 7th one in the first place? And that doing so is a complete and utter travesty to the franchise? You got 6 already and the 6th one wrapped things up nicely IMO, and there you go making another one. Its retarded IMO and I thought for sure there would be one person here who would mention that there shouldn't have been a 7th one at all.


Retired IGN Mod
Jun 17, 2004
Does no one else agree with me on the fact that they shouldn't have even made a 7th one in the first place? And that doing so is a complete and utter travesty to the franchise? You got 6 already and the 6th one wrapped things up nicely IMO, and there you go making another one. Its retarded IMO and I thought for sure there would be one person here who would mention that there shouldn't have been a 7th one at all.
If the series is so popular then why wouldn't fans want more?


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Because its stupid that Lucas went on record to say that there wasn't going to be a sequel trilogy and he wasn't going to let anyone else make them, even after his death.

Plus there is no point to doing so since it really ends at episode 6 and the sequels would have literally no story to build on. So that basically means they're making up a brand new story that will likely have nothing to do with episode 4-6, might as well be a stand alone trilogy instead of an actual sequel. Of course Lucas sold out, went back on his word, and now with Disney making the films, I don't have high hopes for them to be quite honest. I trust Disney to make magical fairy tale kids movies, not sci fi high action sequences. If any of their typical Disney stuff rubs off on star wars (which I bet you it will) then its going to suck IMO.

Lucas should have stuck to his guns and not allowed any more movies, period.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Because its stupid that Lucas went on record to say that there wasn't going to be a sequel trilogy and he wasn't going to let anyone else make them, even after his death.

Plus there is no point to doing so since it really ends at episode 6 and the sequels would have literally no story to build on. So that basically means they're making up a brand new story that will likely have nothing to do with episode 4-6, might as well be a stand alone trilogy instead of an actual sequel. Of course Lucas sold out, went back on his word, and now with Disney making the films, I don't have high hopes for them to be quite honest. I trust Disney to make magical fairy tale kids movies, not sci fi high action sequences. If any of their typical Disney stuff rubs off on star wars (which I bet you it will) then its going to suck IMO.

Lucas should have stuck to his guns and not allowed any more movies, period.

Lucas made a terrible prequel trilogy, god awful changes to his classics, an awful sequel to Indiana Jones and then sold Star Wars, the guys judgement is questionable at best, so who cares what he has to say anymore.

You haven't followed any of this have you? Episode 7 clearly builds off the original trilogy. Not to mention the "Expanded Universe" books and comics carried on the post-Episode 6 story for decades so there clearly is plenty of stuff to build off.

It also seems you have a shallow understanding of Disney. They make plenty of stuff that isn't remotely "kid friendly" or "magical". They own everything from ESPN to The History channel. This company is successful because they know how to handle the franchises and companies that they own.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Episode 1 & 2 had some cool scenes but overall the movies were meh. These two are the only ones that had boring parts though. Episode 1 was too political with all that senate crap, easily 20 minutes of bore. Episode 2 had the love story and with Anakin being a horrible actor made for some boring parts.

Episode 3 was by far the best of the prequels but still couldn't come close to 4-6, not even close. But 3 didn't really have boring parts

If you think the original trilogy was boring I think I'll just say your opinions on Sci Fi movies are the worst ever. You don't have to love them, but to call them boring is simply stupid.

W1se I can't tell you how happy I was to hear Lucas selling to Disney. I want more Star Wars but I don't want Lucas making them. He made masterpieces with the originals but the prequel's were very meh. Too much CGI, non memorable characters, he was too old. So while you say Lucas is a sellout, I'm glad he sold out. If the prequel's were on the same level as the originals I might think differently about him selling off his baby to let someone else make more. But they weren't even close. It would almost be a cock block. Like ghee thanks George, you made the prequel's pretty shitty and now that's it for Star Wars cause you're too stubborn to sell. If all 6 movies as a whole were fantastic it would be different, but no way JJ butchers episode 7 worse than George did with 1 & 2.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
You haven't followed any of this have you? Episode 7 clearly builds off the original trilogy. Not to mention the "Expanded Universe" books and comics carried on the post-Episode 6 story for decades so there clearly is plenty of stuff to build off.

It also seems you have a shallow understanding of Disney. They make plenty of stuff that isn't remotely "kid friendly" or "magical". They own everything from ESPN to The History channel. This company is successful because they know how to handle the franchises and companies that they own.
Admittedly I have not been following the 7th movie much, as soon as I heard they were making another, I thought it was the dumbest idea I'd ever heard and put it in the back of my mind. I MAY end up watching it, but know that I would be going in not expecting very much.

As far as Disney goes, name a movie by them that wasn't animated, wasn't about fairy tales or loosely based on a one, or set in some magical fantasy land complete with some generic happy ending. I honestly can't think of any, and if you find one that I agree doesn't fit those categories and was actually somewhat decent, then I concede. But as far as I'm concerned Disney has no place in the Star Wars Universe. Not trying to hate on Disney either, just genuinely wondering what movies they have made that come close to a Star Wars-esque genre.

Also for the record, I am not hating on Star Wars at all. I enjoyed them and own all 6 movies. While I agree that 1-3 weren't as good as 4-6 (3 was pretty good IMO tho), I firmly think they should have left it at the conclusion of 6. Whats better than a story about a kid who battles hardships and comes to redeem his father? What more can you possibly do with the ending of 6 to "build" on it that would make sense? Like I said they wrapped it up very nicely and it seems like they would have to reach quite a bit to find something to build a believable story for 7-9 which weren't supposed to exist originally...
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
You haven't followed any of this have you? Episode 7 clearly builds off the original trilogy. Not to mention the "Expanded Universe" books and comics carried on the post-Episode 6 story for decades so there clearly is plenty of stuff to build off.

It also seems you have a shallow understanding of Disney. They make plenty of stuff that isn't remotely "kid friendly" or "magical". They own everything from ESPN to The History channel. This company is successful because they know how to handle the franchises and companies that they own.
Admittedly I have not been following the 7th movie much, as soon as I heard they were making another, I thought it was the dumbest idea I'd ever heard and put it in the back of my mind. I MAY end up watching it, but know that I would be going in not expecting very much.

As far as Disney goes, name a movie by them that wasn't animated, wasn't about fairy tales or loosely based on a one, or set in some magical fantasy land complete with some generic happy ending. I honestly can't think of any, and if you find one that I agree doesn't fit those categories and was actually somewhat decent, then I concede. But as far as I'm concerned Disney has no place in the Star Wars Universe. Not trying to hate on Disney either, just genuinely wondering what movies they have made that come close to a Star Wars-esque genre.

Also for the record, I am not hating on Star Wars at all. I enjoyed them and own all 6 movies. While I agree that 1-3 weren't as good as 4-6 (3 was pretty good IMO tho), I firmly think they should have left it at the conclusion of 6. Whats better than a story about a kid who battles hardships and comes to redeem his father? What more can you possibly do with the ending of 6 to "build" on it that would make sense? Like I said they wrapped it up very nicely and it seems like they would have to reach quite a bit to find something to build a believable story for 7-9 which weren't supposed to exist originally...

Can't tell if troll or.......???????


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Tron. Miracle. Just to name two. The list of Disney movies is huge, most are animated but not all. Not to mention anything Marvel. Have you seen Daredevil? That show is so not kid friendly. Disney definitely seems to let their companies/properties remain true to what they're known for.

Watch the trailers for Episode 7 and read some of the speculation and you'll see the story potential is there, and awesome. I haven't heard a single Star Wars fan that has see those trailers and not been hyped for that movie.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2009
JJ Abrams is gonna fucking kill it on Episode 7. He did really well with the Star Trek movies and now that he has the grandiose world of Star Wars it's gonna be great. He co-wrote the movie with Kasdan who helped write Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (wheras Lucas was basically in total control of the prequels).

So you have a proven sci-fi writer/director along with the writer of arguably the best movies in the Star Wars series, Lucas is still listed as a "creative consultant" so he'll still have some say, casting looks great so far: a mix of getting the band back together with some known names (Lupita Nyong'o) and some fresh faces..... I can't wait. It's gonna be a great film plus I've never been to a Star Wars midnight premiere.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
JJ Abrams is gonna fucking kill it on Episode 7. He did really well with the Star Trek movies and now that he has the grandiose world of Star Wars it's gonna be great. He co-wrote the movie with Kasdan who helped write Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (wheras Lucas was basically in total control of the prequels).

So you have a proven sci-fi writer/director along with the writer of arguably the best movies in the Star Wars series, Lucas is still listed as a "creative consultant" so he'll still have some say, casting looks great so far: a mix of getting the band back together with some known names (Lupita Nyong'o) and some fresh faces..... I can't wait. It's gonna be a great film plus I've never been to a Star Wars midnight premiere.

Malamute on point with this post. Whatever it takes for the midnight showing. Gonna be a lot of people trying to get those midnight stubs doe.

Non Star Wars related. Huge game moments away with Chelsea v Manchester United. I assume you'll be watching


Gamer, YouTuber, Blogger
Aug 23, 2010
Lodi, CA
I'm trying to beat American McGee's Alice this weekend. I have two levels left, but this game is so old school that it's tough to beat enemies at times.

I also played a little Bravely Default again. This game is so long! Still haven't completed episode 3 (of 8) yet. My characters are level 45, and I have like 50 hours of gameplay on there.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2009
Malamute on point with this post. Whatever it takes for the midnight showing. Gonna be a lot of people trying to get those midnight stubs doe.

Non Star Wars related. Huge game moments away with Chelsea v Manchester United. I assume you'll be watching
Typical Chelsea/Mourinho performance. We'll be seeing a lot more of those until they win the title


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Malamute on point with this post. Whatever it takes for the midnight showing. Gonna be a lot of people trying to get those midnight stubs doe.

Non Star Wars related. Huge game moments away with Chelsea v Manchester United. I assume you'll be watching
Typical Chelsea/Mourinho performance. We'll be seeing a lot more of those until they win the title

Dang for real. Fuckin Chelsea, they're so high and tight. Dat Manchester City/Manchester United game last weekend was pure entertainment. Up and down action, 6 goals scored and could of easily been more. Some teams are just too good, like watching the Champions League match last week Real Madrid/Atletico Madrid. That game was played so tight like you were in a box. Great game with 2 power houses but 0-0 leaves you all............wasssss-happened? Dat second matchup this week with Real/Atletico gonna be da sexy time doe. I'll be working so I'm gonna DVR that bitch and watch as soon as I get home. Rocking dat Sports Bubble like a fuckin Jedi!


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2009
The Blackhawks actually looked good today. I hope they can keep that going . How's everybody else's team doing?
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