
Dec 5, 2010
here is my bully 2 ideas:wedgies:the maga wedgie the texas wedgie and the wedgie bonce and the hook wedgie atomic wedgie the bowling pin the 360 spin head lock the double wedgie the front wedgie.
swirlies[face_tongue]icking the his/hers beside their legs and the foot swirly the double jocks swirly and the firecraker swirly.
humdulatings:the noggies and pick them up by their shrits and pantsing them pick them up beside their legs to see what his/hers has in its pockets and turning around he they won't know where you are and give them a wedgie what the jocks did in the first game the mission called the candidate.
shoving people in lockers: upside down and the gym lockers and side ways.
bathrooms: picking the victem up while they are peeing and closing the doors and giving the victem a diffrent type of swirlies.


May 29, 2010
[hl=limegreen][/hl] Good idea but I don't think Rockstar would make us create the character because looking at all of their games you can't create the person you are.
Dec 29, 2010
I think they should be able to drive cars. And different moves and different move combinations. Different people. But some of the same people. Different teachers. Even the classes should be different. It just to look the same but with better graphics. Maybe some know places here and there, but really the same just different storyline. Maybe different abilities. Maybe some new weapons to. And Jimmy Hopkins can look bigger. And Petey might look different too. Or maybe he could get transferred to another school. Or Gary comes back.
Jan 1, 2011
Clique Leader: Davis White
Other members:Tom Gurney - Ethan Robinson - Wade Martin - Trent Northwick - Troy Miller

Clique Leader: Bif Taylor
2nd In Command: Tad Spencer
Other members: Bryce Montrose - Chad Morris - Gord Vendome - Pinky Gauthier - Justin Vandervelde - Parker Oglivie

Clique Leader: Norton Williams
Lieutenants: Peanut Romano - Ricky Pucino
Other members: Hal Esposito - Lefty Mancini - Lola Lombardi - Lucky de Luca - Vance Mecidi

Clique Leader: Melvin O' Connor
Other Members: Algernon Papadopoulos - Cornelius Johnson - Fatty Johnson - Beatrice Trudeau - Bucky Pasteur - Donald Anderson - Thad Carlson

Clique Leader: Damon West
2nd In Command: Casey Harris
Other members: Kirby Olsen - Mandy Wiles - Bo Jackson - Luis Luna - Dan Wilson - Juri Karamazov

Clique Leader: Omar Romero
2nd In Command: Otto Tyler
Other members: Jerry - Gurney - Leon - Duncan - Clint Henry/Henry Clint
Jan 1, 2011
Runners(New Clique)
Clique Leader: Jimmy Hopkins
2nd In Command: Russell Northrop
Other members: Derby Harrington - Johnny Vincent - Edgar Munsen(Now attends Bullworth) - Earnest Jones - Ted Thompson - Zoe Taylor(No Longer a Townie) - Pete Kowalski(Giving orders)

Music: Miss Peters
Math: Mrs Long(after Hattrick gets fired)
Gym/Phys Ed: Mr Jackson(after Burton is fired)
Art/Photography: Mrs Philips(now Mrs after marrying Galloway)
English: Mr Galloway/Dr Bambillo(guys dog you find now a teacher)
History: Mr Wiggins jr(after Mr Wiggins retires)
Home Economics: Mrs Peabody/Dr Andrew
Geography: Mr Matthews(Now in free roam)
Chemistry: Dr Watts
Biology: Dr Slawter
Shop: Neil

Class Levels 1-10
Day 1 Morning: Mathematic/History
Afternoon: Art/Photography

Day 2 Morning: English
Afternoon: Gym

Day 3 Morning: Biology

Day 4 Morning: Home Economics
Afternoon: Shop

Day 5 Morning: Chemistry
Afternoon: Math

Two free days avaliable
No attending classes during holidays

Jan 9, 2011
Oh and how about this idea for gym class you can learn new moves. Grappling: DDT, Pile Drive, Stunner. Oh ad you know when like your on top of someone striking you know how like one of tho's jock guys reverses it and goe's on top. Yeah maybe we could add that move for jimmy hopkins aswell. Because there are alot of good moves that could be added for bully. so that was an idea. Striking: Superman punch, Back Kick, Flying Knee, Elbow to face causing a bit of blood. oh and new comebo Jab, Punch, Knee, Roundhouse kick. Superman Punch, Leg Sweep and Overhead punch and how about a new humiliating move like you spit on the guys face then punch him in gut then trip him over.
Jan 15, 2011
what rockstar should do is set bully 2 in bullworth college. "it starts off after the ending of bully about a year after the events when jimmy beats garry" this what should happen right is that jimmy is doing hes grads in the cutscene and after he does hes grads hes mum comes to collect him but because hes bin at the school abit he does not want to go back with hes mum he wants to go to the new built bullworth college where there will be new people and pete will be there and in some parts of the game you can go to bullworth school and be a gym helper and get paid buy the new gym teacher and when you start out as jimmy hopekings in the new college you can choose what weight you want him to be if you want him fat or skinny or big or tall and when the days go buy i think he should grow a beard and look a little older because when the years go buy in college and have birthday partys in your room where you can drink loads of alcohol and get a phone and call people like pete and ask can he do this for you or you want him to pop up and see you and other cool stuff...

or my second idea is that jimmy is history after the events at the ending of bullworth school about 12years later jimmy has a brother and hes mum sends him there as well and you can make him look what you look like but what will happen is that he will start there young and then it will go though the years and during the time there you will get beaten up in year 7 or 7th grad but each year you are going to being in you start to get more manly during some years later you should get the chance to have a tattoo what you want and learn kickboxing or what you would like your player to do and when you are in year 10 or 10 grad i think you should get lesson options like if u like mathes from the begging of the start of the game and then when your in the 10th year you can choose maths and when you hit after year 11 or 11 grad then if your well respected you can graduat or stay in after 11 grad and let the years go past and so on

Apr 2, 2010
You gotta go with the college idea. It's perfect and would atleast avoid alot of criticism with sexual and violent content. I honestly think they should go full out and make it a GTA in school. Guns, sex and violence. I think the perfect inspiration for the game should be High School High. You've got the gangs, sex, hot teachers, lazy teachers, drugs ect. If not, then maybe use Lean on Me as an inspiration for a darker setting except no Mr Clark. I'd love the idea of joining a fraternity or sorority (maybe create you're own character)and play pranks on the opposing house.


Jan 12, 2011
leader Jimmy Hopkins
members Russell Northrop derby Harrington johnny Vincent earnest Jones Ted Thompson Edgar.
they will where bullworth shirts blue or black jeans cheap dress shoes

leader Ethan Robinson
members Davis whitehead wade tom gurney Trent troy
they will where white polo's black jeans skate shoes

leader juri karamatov
members bo Jackson Casey Harris Damon west Kirby Olsen Luis lopes mandy wiles
they will letterman jackets blue jeans black low tops

leader bif Taylor
members Bryce Montrose Chad morris gord vendome Parker ogilvie Justin vendervelde pinky tad
they will where auquberry vest smart black trousers and smart white shoes

leader Norton Williams
members Ricky pucino Hal Esposito lefty mancini Lola lumbardi peanut Romero Vance Medici
they will where leather jackets jeans tuf boots

leader algernon papadopouals
members Cornelius Johnson Melvin O'Connor Thad fatty Johnson Donald ganderson bucky pasteur beartice truendeu they will where green tops short jeans tan boots

leader Gary smith
members Pete Kowalski Omar Clint Leon Otto jerry Omar Zoe
they will where black hooded jackets blue jeans puma's

leader Josh long
members Shane shaddy liam lofto Freddy Lang Trudy young hally hillman
they will where rap clothes jeans rockers



Jan 12, 2011
leader Jimmy Hopkins
2nd in command edger Munsen
members Russel Northrop,derby Harrington,Ted Thompson,Johnny Vincent,Earnest Jones
they will where bullworth clothes blue jeans cheap shoes
hangout the hole/outside dorms

leader Davis White
2nd in command Ethan Robinson
members Troy,Wade,Tom Gurney,Trent,Zoe Taylor
they will where white polo's black jeans urban walkers
hangout car park

leader Bif Taylor
2nd in command Tad Spencer
members Chad Morris,Parker Oglivle,Gord Vendome,Bryce Montrose,Justin Vendervelde,Pinky Gauthier
they will where auquberry tops smart black trousers Italian shoes
hangout old bullworth vale/Spencer shipping warehouse

leader Norton Williams
2nd in command Ricky Pucino
members Hal Esposito,Lucy de Luca,Vance Medici,Lola Lumbardi,Lefty Mancini,Peanut Romero
they will where leather jackets school trousers skate shoes
hangout auto shop/new Coventry

leader Melvin O'Connor
2nd in command Algernon papadopoulas
members Thad Carlton,Fatty Johnson,Donald Ganderson,Cornelius Johnson,Beartice Truedeu,Bucky Pasteur
they will where astronnamy shirts slacks hordi shoes
hangout library/inside school

leader Damon West
2nd in command Louis Lopes
members Bo Jackson,Casey Harris,Kirby Olsen,Juri Karamatov,Mandy Wiles
they will where bullworth letterman jackets black trackers brown loafers
hangout football field/gym

leader Jerry
2nd in command Omar
members Clint Henry, Otto,gurney,Duncan,Leon
they will where baggy tank tops raggy jeans puma's
hangout blue skies/happy volts school

little kids
new little kids

non clique
non clique(new)

Edward Seymour 2
new prefects
Smith (Gary's dad)


Dr Crabbllesnitch (headmaster)
Mrs Carvin
Miss Danvers (secutry)
Edna (dinner lady)
Mr Luntz
Mrs Mcrae
Mrs peabody (dorm supervisor
Mr Wiggins (janitor)

new teachers
Mr dean (gym) Burton gets fired
Miss peters (music)
Ms Flynn (maths) Hattrick gets sacked
Mr Liam (English) Galloway locked up
Ms cartor(art) Phillips paternity leave
Mr Zen (geography) Matthews on holiday
Mr snitch (photography)same as Mrs Phillips



Mar 25, 2011
free runners
leader jimmy Hopkins (head boy)
2nd in command edger munsen
members Russel northworp,johnny Vincent, Ted Thompson, Pete Kowalski (giving orders), derby Harrington
they will where bullworth related clothes jeans cheap dress trainers
hangout school gates,the hole

leader Tom gurney
2nd in command Troy Miller
members Davis Whitehead ,wade, Trent, Ethan Robinson, Zoe Taylor
they will where white bullworth polo's black cargo trousers black belters
hangout parking lot,in school

leader Tad Spencer
2nd in command Chad Morris
members Bryce Montrose,Gord vendome,bif Taylor,Parker Taylor ,parker Ogilvie,Justin Vendervelde,Pinky Gauthier
they will where aquberry shirts smart black trousers white baseball shoes
hangout Harrington house,Old bullworth vale,carnival

leader Norton Williams
2nd in command Ricky Pucino
members Hal Esposito,Lucky De Luca,Vance Medici,Lefty Mancini,Peanut Romero,Lola lumbardi
they will where black hooded jackets baggy jeans bikers
hangout auto shop ,new Coventry,bike shed

leader Melvin O'Connor
2nd in command aligie pappodopulass
members Bucky Pasteur,Fatty Johnson,Donald Ganderson,Thad Carlson, Beatrice Trudeau, Cornelius Johnson
they will where astronammy tops slacks tan boots
hangout library,inside school

leader Damon West
2nd in command Casey Harris
members Bo Jackson,Juri Karamatov,Kirby Olsen,Luis Luna,Mandy Wiles
they will where letterman school slacks gym shoes
hangout football field, gymnasium

leader Omar
2nd in command Clint
members Leon,Otto,Gurney,Jerry,Duncan
they will where baggy tank-tops skimpy jeans rockers

non clique
Angie ng

little kids

Edward Seymour 2

DR Crabblesnitch (principal)
Miss Danvers (head misstress)
Mrs Carvin
Edna (lunch lady)
Mrs Mcrae (school nurse)
Mrs Peabody (dorm monitor)
Mr Wiggins (janitor) Mr Luntz on holiday
Neil (shop)
Mr Galloway (English) (marries Miss Phillips) basic apologizes better taunts
Miss Peters (music) related clothes and instruments
Miss Phillips (art/photography) marries Mr Galloway art bounes on girls photography storage
Dr Wats (chemistry) new weapons like paint ball gun
Dr Slawter (biology) related clothes
Mr Matthews (geography) new areas of town

Mr dean (gym) Mr Burton FIRED unlocking football playing
Mrs Cartor (math) Mr hattrick SACKED related clothes

HOGWORTH ACADEMY (bullworth has access)

red necks
leader Ricky Jones
2nd in command James Kenny
members Johnny Cunningham,Craig Cartor,Dan Bendy,Greg Spencer, Scorpio
they will where red firewall shirts riped jeans red rockers
hangout outside HOGWORTH,skate parks

popular boys
leader Jack Wade
2nd in command Gary Smith
members Davis green,Harry Slawter,Adel davrit,Sean greenwood,Dean rahdi
they will where rough and white shirts smart black ravers tan boots
hangout HOGWORTH station,bike shed

leader Luis dench
2nd in command Francis O'Donnell
members Gerry kilmotov,Barry Donald,Paul Waygood,Benny chandler,Freddy Long
they will where biker shirts track pants biker boots
hangout lake district,factory

bull whackers
leader Shane Long
2nd in command Shoddy Young
members skimpy Grayson,Norton gondon,Zane West,James Todd,Brian King
they will where HOGWORTH leather's jeans shiny blue trainers
hangout in between bullworth and HOGWORTH

leader Paul Bell
2nd in command Phil Jones
members Billy Wood,Jamie Cotton,Nick Gordon,Pedro Di lo roly,David Branning
they will where HOGWORTH letterman's school slacks tan boots
hangout rugby/football field,gymnasium

new non clique

little kids


Mr Jenkins (headmaster)Jean marries him
Mrs Jean (headmistress)
Mr Gary (dorm monitor)
Miss sharp (school nurse)
Mr sheen (wrestling instucter) it has new moves like running spear etc
Rose (lunch lady)
Ms chaplain (floristry)unlocking giving flowers to girls
Mr lance (language) able to speek French, German, sapinsh

new chapters

no one likes red like hell chapter 7
popular does not earn enough chapter 8
grease monkeys are slickers but no one does it chapter 9
don't grab the horns by bulls chapter 10
not scared of any dark stuff chapter 11
prefects scum and money does not buy class chapter 12
head are all bad and teachers are pets chapter 13



Jan 12, 2011
my ideas for the game
new reformed Jimmy
new characters,school based in London
new classes shop,English,Maths,gym,geography,home econometrics,art
in shop you unlock bikes skateboards
in English you unlock better pranks improved taunting
in maths you unlock homework
in gym you unlock new moves diving in deep water (when you push someone in water their look wet and when they come out of water hair changes look wet)
bigger school and town


Jan 12, 2011
head boys
leader Jimmy Hopkins ( Lucy Jones his new girl)
2nd in command Edger Munson (new boy)
Russel Northworp,Johnny Vincent,Ted Thompson,Derby Harrington, Pete Kowalski ( giving orders)
they will where smart black school shirts jeans black trainers
hangout school gates/London high college

leader Tom Gurney
2nd Davis whitehead
Ethan Robinson,Troy Miller,Wade Martin,Trent Northwick,Zoe Taylor
they will where white bullworth polo's blue jeans pumas
hangout parking lot/inside school

leader Chad Morris
2nd in command Bif Taylor
Justin Vendervelde,Bryce Montrose,Gord vendome,Tad Spencer,Pinky Gauthier
they will where auquberry school tops smart black trousers basketball shoes
hangout old bullworth vale/carnival/Spencer shipping

leader Ricky Pucino
2nd in command Norton Williams
Lucky Da Luca,Peanut Romero,Vance Medici,Hal Esposito,Lefty Mancini,Lola Lumbardi
they will where leather jackets denim jeans steel toe caps
hangout new Coventry/auto shop/bike shed

leader Melvin O'Connor
2nd in command Fatty Johnson
Aligie Pappadouplass, Cornelius Johnson,Thad Carlson,Donald Anderson,Bucky Pasteur, Beatrice Truedeu
they will where astronammy shirts school slacks cheap dress shoes

leader Damon west
2nd in command Casey Harris
Juri Karamazov,Bo Jackson,Luis Luna,Kirby Olsen,Dan Wilson,Mandy wiles
they will where letterman jackets blue jeans steletoes
hangout rugby field/all football clubs

leader Gary Smith
2nd in command Omar Romero
Clint henry,Otto henry,Leon,Jerry,Gurney, Duncan
they will where ragged tank tops blue jeans black belts

non clique
Angie ng
Christy Martin
Constanios Blake's
Eunice Pound
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Ray Hughes
Trevor Moore

little kids
Pedro De La Hoya
Sheldon Thompson
Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams

Edward Seymour 2
Seth Kolbe
Karl Banting
Max Mctavish

Dr Crabbllesnitch(headmaster)
Miss Danvers (headmistress)
Mrs Carvin (Dorm monitor)
Mrs Peabody (head dorm monitor)
Mr Luntz (Janitor)
Mrs Mcrae (nurse) Retires
Edna (Cook)
Mr Burton (gym) FIRED
Mr Hattrick (math) SACKED
Ms Phillips (art/photography) marries Galloway
Mr Galloway (English)
Mr Matthews (geography)
Neil (shop)
Miss Peters (music)
Dr Slawter (biology)
Mr Wiggins (history)
Dr Watts (chemistry) marries Edna

new teachers
Mr dean (gym)
Mrs Holly (math)

Jul 17, 2011
They can't really do too much to it, otherwise it'll basically be GTA. so a college/university could be a good new setting.
Jul 14, 2011
These ideas r really great. i liked the idea of him going to collage. they should have Gary Smith returning to do revenge on jimmy. since he would be older, the game designers should let the player drive cars and get a license. but other than that, the game would be good.


Jan 12, 2011
Jimmy's mum comes back from their honeymoon from the past year they show up in car park Jimmy's mum goes marching in on Dr Crabblesnitch's office and discuss about Jimmy that he could go home crabblesnitch say'a Jimmy is part of the team here and I don't want him to leave because he is the new head boy but if he does want to go home I'll be happy to see him at home and still come to the academy and there is more things he can do like football his behaviour is becoming really good mum says I'll be happy to let come back we don't want him to split up with his mates here (how can he come to the academy) crabblesnitch says (you could drop him off here) ok she says
Oct 21, 2011
Ok so heres my idea: It's still Jimmy Hopkins, still at Bullworth. People start pressuring Jimmy to join a clique, and so you have to choose. It's all the same cliques plus skaters and goths. Each clique has a different story mode in which your goal is to lead that clique to glory, to rule the school.Also there should be a rival school,maybe Gary could go there?Or Jimmy could do something really bad and go to juvy,maybe the story could be based there.
Nov 20, 2011
Hey are you guys thinking. I think you should have the same main groups plus some new ones I think their should be be the skateboarders they hang out in skate parks all over the town. Their is also
the av geeks they hangout in the av shed. The
dealers are all over the dealers they sale stuff
they hangout in the factory in the middle of the city.
There are also the air softers they play airsoft in
the many fields in town they hang out in their fort
they built

There are many shops in town:
Their are grocery stores
Bike shops
Skateboard shops
Airsoft shops
car dealerships
Hobby shops
Book stores
Game stors
Cloths stores
and electronic shops

You should be 18
in collage
Do whatever a 18 year old can
Creat your own chearecter
Chose your group
Bigger town
Should be abel to own a house
and buy stuff for it and pay bills
You should be able to work
Classes be longer
Better choices for lunch
Be able to enter all buildings
More girls
Classes are classes
You are like a real person
You can do whatever
You don't have to complet classes to unlock new stuff
6 main classes math, science, world history, ela,gym, 3 electives


Home economics
Any other you can think of

Dec 18, 2011
So, i like your ideas but.bulwarth getto no. i think judging by rockstars past, it shouldnt be jimmy. it should be another dude. Perhaps i should be a geek, wait no. It should be a troubled guy. You know what? It should be a choice. Different stories for boy and girl. High customization options. Also a cellphone. And... the protaginest should be like a guy or girl who had some trouble, but now is basicly a scaredy cat. so now u have to work your way up to being trouble again.


Jan 28, 2012
I think the game should still be in Bullworth Academy, although there should be some changes. The fist game was awesome and I don't think the school should change a lot, and certainly not be in another school !
It should still be Jimmy Hopkins as the main character and some other characters from the fist one should be in Bully 2 (Petey, the principal, etc).
We do not want to turn Bully into a GTA game so driving cars is not a good idea to me, we should keep with the skateboard and bikes.
Classes were good in the first one and I think those are enough.
The city should probably be a bit bigger and there should be bars and pubs.
We should believe that Rockstar will make a Bully as cool as GTA V (as if...) (;
May 30, 2012
The way i want the game to be it should be a 18 + (M)

And I want you to be a senior.


- Jocks/Cheerleaders
- Gangtaz: They wear doo rags, have one pants leg folded, baggy pants, big hoodies, chains, fitted caps, hoodies, brass knuckles, bats.
They are hardcore and have big mouths, they often sell drugs to the rich kids. They hang at the basketball court and are not thy shy away from a confrontation.
- Nerds
- Rich Kids: Wearing lacoste(ish) clothes, Scarfs, Expensive watches. They bribe teachers or some parts of the faculty to get what they want. They are "untouchable"
- Hipsters: They wear skinnyjeans, hipster glasses, cardigens. They are middle class and not fighters.
- Stoners: They sloppy, slow and just "chill"
- Rockers: They wear leather jackets and skinny jens. Mostly long hair and usually some metal accessories. They sometimes perform locally. and they life the "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll" -lifestyle.
- Rebels: The consider themselves rebels. They are more like soon to be criminals. They're a bunch of mis-fits. They are poor. Often fight and steal. They wear cheap clothes. Cargo pants and tank tops and have tatoos. They want to fight the "system."

-The rich Kids and the Jocks are the schools elite. They are the most populars. Cliques doesnt JUST hang with each other, but mostly they do.
- There also are alot of people who are "cliqueless" ofc.

Imporvable skills/Skill set: Fighting (different styles to learn as well), Stamina, Muscles, Mojo/charm, sex appeal, popularity, drinking, smoking, intelligense

New features:
- Parties: At parties people mix, but at the "cool" parties there are mostly jocks and rich kids. The Cliques (some) often has parties. And almost never see a nerd at a party, and if he is probably being bullied. Fights breaks out more easily at parties, you can possibly hit on not so single girls or make out with them and get into trouble. possible mini games at parties like; beer pong, shot competition, beer bong, weed bong. depending on what kind of party it is.
- customization: A lot of hair styles, clothing and you can also customization the your dorm room. Or even they the dorm it self.
- Poplarity Scale: Shows how popular you are; depends mostly on what the rich kids and jocks/cheerleaders think about you.
- Clique scale: Shows how popular you are within the different cliques. (Must fit storyline, so popularity within the clique must be high/low enough to do mission)
- Sex appeal: Like in GTA SA, shows who good you look.
- Girls: being able to strike up conversations with girls. And try start dating them. Depending on charm, sex appeal or popularity. Easier to hook up with at parties. Since this version would be 18+ (m) "hot coffe" is then available both at parties and dates.
- New fighting: Blood is invovled, borken noses, fingers as well. Brass knuckles, bat are also introduced. And muscles and stamina plays a factor. and can learn new fighting styles/moves.
- physical shape: eating will make you gain weight, working with weights make you gain muscles and running improves stamina.
- Shouldbe able to take tatoos.
- Even tough this is 18+ i think cars should not be available. Transportation: Buss (passanger), Bicycle, skateboard and maybe moped. And Snowmobile in the in the winter, but ofc that area would be restricted.
- People where coats, gloves and scarfes in winter. So you reeealy notice the season change.
- Able to join sports team. Football for example maybe to get in with the jocks in the storyline (?)

new items:
- Brass knuckles
- Computer (internet)
- Baseball bat of wood
- Baseball bat of steele
- Nun-Chuks
- Sock full of hard objects.
- Pellet gun (most serious offense)
- Paintball gun (different once)

- Bigger map. With more stores and entrable buidings. A college should also be located somewhere. Frat houses where there pretty much always are parties. Som wilderness as well, where people fish, camp and go tripping and in the winter people ski and drive snowmobiles there.
- When the game starts you get to customize the character

Loose story idea:

You arrive a rugged NY kid who transfers for his senior year. about 6ft tall and kind of robust body shape a little chubby (to start with) but strong. A "bully"

Day 1: You wake up in your dorm an dress for school. You take youre bicycle to class. you do some classes, and in gym the jocks are totally gunning for you, where it ends whit you tackling him, and a few punched being traded before you both go to the head for a strict warning. And the head says that he'll be keeping and eye on you.
at lunch you me two other guys (Dave and Vinnie) who thinks what you did was cool. Pretty average guys. You agree to join them at a party later that day. And you give them youre cellphone number.
Then you go to chemisty and you are assinged the hottest partner, and suprisingly you hit it off. School days is over. mission over.

(Cellhpone rings)
Vinnie calls and asks you to come over to his dorm room.
Icon appears
Dave ask what you gonna where and you have no idea, and then icon appears at local clothing store, you buy clothes. And get directions to party. Mission over

(Icon appears)
you meet Dave and Vinnie at party and are introduced to beer pong (mini game) afterwards who are really drunk. You met the girl from chemistry and you dance with her. Then you make your move. But before she responds the guy you fought with earlier trhows you out and people gathers for a fight. You then fight him, ending with him knocking you out no matter what. Some sprinklers waters you down, Then you wake up at the lawn bloody, hungover and with a black eye and ripped shirt. Looking like hell.


Aug 31, 2012
college wouldn't really work in the bully saga, they kind of things in college (like drugs and sex) wouldn't work on T for Teen and also Rockstar isn't the kind of video game company that makes you create your own character in there single player campaign, they do that for multi-player. I'd like to see something new in the next bully, new protagonist, new characters, new everything.
P.S:I like the emos,skater and rival schools idea but if you want a bullworth ghetto its called New Coventry its not really ghetto but it does the ghetto job well.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 20, 2010
I like the Idea of an NYC kid but lets make him From Liberty City because after all Bully Exists in the GTA Universe
Keep it in Bullworth Academy make it bigger
Make the Protagonist around 16-17
Drivers Ed
a Bus System
I like the idea of playing on the Team
Customizing our Dorm
Cell Phones
Rackets (Selling Gum kinda like drug dealing except with Gum and Selling Test answers,Protection,Stealing and selling things from lockers,Gambling)
I want to Have my own Crew fight for turf have an HQ and form alliances with the Other Crews like the Jocks,Preppies Etc...


Apr 30, 2013
My ideas are:
2nd year at Bullworth
Jimmy is still main playable character
Room mate is Petey
Gary returns as rival or Johnny Vincent does because he believes Jimmy was trying to take his power to rule and be the king of Bullworth away from him
Petey learns some moves from Jimmy so he fights better and is more helpful when with you
Russel is still your friend
Some of the characters like Zoe are still in the game
Zoe is still our main girlfriend
More accurate weapons like (maybe) B B Guns
Slingshot is still the Super Slingshot but the Nerds add some upgrades for you
Mr. Hattrick returns secretly even though he is fired and sells illegal test grades again or something like that and there's a mission similar to the one in the original game
At one point Petey defeats a powerful bully in the game proving that he isn't weak and gets more respect from the cliquesJ
Jimmy and Petey remain best friends
Dorm Room Trophies can be collected in the new game too
New Bedroom for Jimmy and Petey with bunk beds, Jimmy saves some of his room trophies from the original game
Arcade Games that are around have better graphics and are a little better
Classes are pretty simple but give a challenge
Chemistry Set moved to Jimmy's and Petey's new room and is upgraded
Same weapons and new weapons given from Chemistry Class and other classes
Chemistry Class gives you a set of options with different formulas to make different prank weapons and weapons
English class improves taunts and nice things to say
Really cool easter eggs hidden throughout the game
Happy Volts Asylum is still there
Skateboard is still around but you can do some tricks you learn from the Townies at the Skate/Bike park
Bullworth logo is the same
Uniform is the same but you can change it any way as long it is Bullworth Academy clothing
Ability to hack into school network and change schedule and lunch on each day
Computer class which gives you the ability to know how to hack (taught by Ms. Philips or someone else)
Music Class eventually gets you to play the piano
Respect can be gained by the Prefects and teachers and townsfolk as well for helping them by preventing town destruction (probably planned by Gary)
If Gary becomes rival again, you find out he was secretly hiding at the top of the bell tower at the school planning for taking over the entire Bullworth City
New Cliques in school and in town such as: Geeks (computer nerds), etc.
The "Geeks" teach you cool hacking moves in computer class
The Girls become a clique
Petey gets a girl-friend
Map Updated
Dr. Crabblesnitch is still head master
Petey is still head boy and he makes Jimmy and Russel his assistants
And Jimmy learns to make Bikes and Motorbikes in Shop Class

Yup, those are a few of my ideas.
Dec 7, 2013
Here's my plot idea
I think Jimmy, Gary and Petey should still be there with the same groups/gangs in the 1st game.
I think there should be 3 schools Bullworth academy and 2 more.
Have 25 chapters and go from 16 to 21 years old. 5 chapters represents 1 year.
Able to have sex, alcohol and able to smoke cigarettes not anything else.
Have all the parts of the map from the 1st game and scholarship edition accessible.
Able to buy your own house and to buy stuff for your dorm room and to design your dorm room.
Have all the weapons from the 1st one and maybe a water pistol.
Able to go on holiday and able to drive cars and motorbikes. With the go kart and scooter still there.