
No Longer a Noob
Feb 25, 2015
and I don't mean just the usual blind hate by Flatlanders: many purist VR folks like to shit on ports of old flat games like this. But you know what? Fuck missing physical interactions, this game has tons of content, characters, humor, huge virtual spaces in epic scale to explore and the gameplay is all about shooting and punching your way and that feels totally awesome in VR, specially as they also added an extra power in the form of a BAMF gauge: shooting in slow motion is always nice in VR.

mind, I never played BL, having a blast. I enjoy it as a Mad Max-like game, but also surprised it actually has some very good level design, enemy encounters semi-scripted allowing for the player to get some control over the mayhem by luring enemies towards others, etc. It's more than the pure mindless or cringe fun than some try to picture it.

As an old timer, I think it holds on its own against the likes of Contra, it feels that way...

never too late to play good games


No Longer a Noob
Nov 1, 2017
It was one of my first full length VR games and I really enjoyed it. Had more fun with in VR than without. The scale of that world is really showed off in VR.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 25, 2015
got to that warzone with robots and bloodshots fighting it out - it was mind-blowing. Almost rescued Roland.

the side quest with the pyromaniacs cult to the Firehawk was much fun too. It also happened in one of the best maps so far - I'm really loving the care they put to environments. The game is a shooter, but feels much like a classic dungeon crawler in a post-apocalyptic setting.

really hoping BL 3 gets VR on PS5. however, it didn't seem to catch on with fans...


No Longer a Noob
Feb 25, 2015
finding out how to get there and then taking down choppers was much fun:

I'm a late comer to Borderlands, but it's a seriously great game.