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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Bayonetta: Rediscovering the Beauty of Combat[/link]
by Ryan Clements

It's hard to say exactly when I fell in love with Bayonetta (both the character and the game). It was somewhere between watching her breakdance mid-combat while firing off blasts from the shotguns mounted on her stiletto heels, and laughing as she heals herself with a delicious lollipop. There is more style in Bayonetta than most other modern action titles combined, and that blistering sense of style is complemented by some of the most rewarding, fluid combat I've ever experienced. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Apr 19, 2005
I beat Ninja Gaiden 2 on MN a while back and have been waiting for a new and fresh challenge.

I think in Jan my wait will be over! YAY!!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 7, 2008
Am I the only one who thinks she looks like a girl in the TGS FFXIII demo?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 6, 2008
As a MAJOR Ninja Gaiden fan, I can't wait for this. I'm also a fan of the DMC series, so this has been on the radar for a long time. I could care less about the sexual appeal. It's a nice bonus, but I just want to see how much arse she can kick and how she goes about kicking said arses. Hooray for difficulty!!


Jul 26, 2006
yay another stupid japanese button mashing flashy stupid pointless game. and she's a nerd. yay how awesome. oh she uses two guns and has a sword and fights demons. gee where have i seen this before??!?
Jul 1, 2008
The only reason I won't play this is because of the stupid character design. sub in Dante and ill pick it up. No one cares about sex appeal this much in video games.
Mar 3, 2003
I have very discriminating tastes when it comes to my action beat em up games. So far, only the ninja gaiden games satisfy my brutal & difficult requirements for games. I think bayonetta will have to be added to my list tho, the japanese demo was impressive, this game feels that right kind of difficult and your character is that right kind of badass, where it takes skill to live. I hate GoW because kratos is stupidly powerful and has a ridiculous reach. Here, your a lot more vulnerable and need to pay attention
Mar 21, 2008
I highly encourage everyone to BUY THIS GAME! This is true japanese gaming at it's pinnacle: a magnum opus. The art, style, cinematics, story, gameplay = a masterpiece. Platinum Games was created to bring real Japanese gaming back, so we all need to support this.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
I guess I'll have to buy this. Idk about day 1 though, I'm not getting my XBox360 till Christmas so I got alot of games to beat first.
Jul 17, 2003
Sounds like the otakus are coming out in force to support this thing. I think that's crap - that means there are a lot of people who will overrate this thing. Granted, I'm sure it's good, but I doubt it's worthy of all the hype (and nothing Ryan Clements says will change my mind).

Now, I love japanese game design way more than western, but this is no Devil May Cry or even Madworld. It looks like Devil May Cry, but with a freak for a main character. If you think that someone 80% skinny ass legs is attractive, you're a fool. This music too is bizarre, and it's all because of that weird style this game is going for. Some of what it's doing is definitely cool - I'm a fan of the gun shoes, and the summoning attacks (it's stupid that it's hair though) and stuff, but overall, there's a lot of weird stuff going on here.

I'd like to hear what someone thinks of this who ISN'T a pocky eating sucker for all things Japan (guess I won't be paying much attention to PLAY Magazine's review of this then). They're awesome over there in the land of the rising sun and all, but they don't get a free pass just because they make a game that uniquely odd. This thing better be good - it's going up against God of War III, Darksiders, and Dante's Inferno; all of which look way better in my opinion.
Jul 12, 2008

I have to disagree with you on a lot of points...I can understand all of them..and i'm though i'm a huge fan of Japanese games..mostly of the RPG style...The reason i have to disagree with you is because this guy is the one who did the original DMC...Which is still hailed as the best DMC in the series. Great story, great action, great everything...This is his first venture into the action world since then..having never worked on any of the other DMC games...So while i can understand your dislike of the way the character is..and other issues with the game..its not so much of a problem for me...The conventions are the same..the story sounds unique...and the action will be over-the top joyous fun...To me, thats what matters...The fact that they have a lot of cool Japanese stuff is interesting for me..

Honestly, outside of JRPG's and the like...There are only a handful of things i like..for instance a couple of manga's that were quite interesting..but i only read them because a good friend of mine sent it over to me and thought i'd like was a deep philosophical piece.and i enjoy that stuff. The other stuff...a couple of anime's that i enjoy..not many, but a few. Mostly dealing with the occult and, interesting..or funny..

I enjoy the things from Japan, but i wouldn't say that i'm an Otakus...Like i mentioned, i'm mostly a JRPG guy..but a game like this..from a famed creator of DMC...the original no less...Well, count me in.

The rest doesn't bother me...and i think she's kind of hot in a sick perverse, this is a video game chick, kind of way...


Jun 6, 2008
iv played this game already its way better than ninja gaiden 2 n 1 n also DMC way better this game is really really damn good im getting this 1st day


Oct 2, 2008
Just to clarify, i saw another article that said you will only be able to equip pistols to your feet, no shotguns or anything.

At first i thought this game would be pretty bad, but all the footage and stuff is changing my mind. Still probably wont get it unless i win some kind of large cash prize soon, but looks very fun.
Jul 20, 2006
Bought this game..the Jpn version with english contents. SUPERB!!!Loving it...can't stop playing it. Bayonetta [hl=black]aka Cereza[/hl] and Jeanne are so cool...

Edited to hide spoilers.


Mods are people too.
Jan 8, 2001
guiltywingv18 said:
Now, I love japanese game design way more than western, but this is no Devil May Cry or even Madworld.
You're right, it's no Devil May Cry. As a massive DMC fan, I can honestly say I'm enjoying Bayonetta more than anything in the DMC series. It's what DMC should have been by this point. Kamiya was the one who created the whole concept, after all - Bayonetta proves he still knows what he's doing with it.

I'm a straight female, have zero interest in the fanservice, and absolutely agree that the characters/dialogue/story are ridiculous. Seriously, I have no idea what the **** Bayonetta's going on about half the time; most of her dialogue is just blatant sexual references that seem to have nothing to do with what anyone is doing or saying around her. And the storyline is uninspired and predictable with a run-of-the-mill mythology based on typical Light vs Dark rubbish.

But who the **** cares? I sure as hell didn't buy this game for the story or dialogue. The character design isn't weird enough to bother me any more than Dante's babyface did in DMC3. It plays wonderfully, and you don't have to watch the cutscenes if you don't want to.
JimDanD said:
Just to clarify, i saw another article that said you will only be able to equip pistols to your feet, no shotguns or anything.
You can equip shotguns, and other weapons ([hl=black]fire/lightning claws, ice skates[/hl]) to your feet.
Sep 10, 2008
I really like some Japanese games (FF, Tekken, MGS)... but this is just WAY too Japanese for me. It's like they're TRYING to alienate the Western audience with this game.
Nov 3, 2009
Like most games, movies and the like that have the misfortune of being Japanese or Japanese inspired, this game, drum roll please ...

is going to suck. Really suck.

I so hate how these frantic, nonsensical, chosen-one style stories are adored over and over again, ad nauseam (feel free to look this phrase up). Just think of the giant suck fest that is the god forsaken Devil May Cry series. Characters with white hair that are supposed to be cool and bad-ass, but look like sissies, destroying massive beasts, demons and robots and ...

I'm so bored of it. Zombie_Donkey, out.
Oct 1, 2009
Im seeing soo much disguised racism here, so your saying because its japanese its going to suck? please!
Next ppl will start saying that god of war is better then this, if you actually appreciated more then whats on your own world you would see that the Japanese offer most the "good" stories out from anime to movies, so how can you say its gonna suck before its even out? you guys and your limited heads fail.
But oh well, no need point arguing ill buy it and you will miss it.


Jun 12, 2004
Alright, alright. PlayStation 3 gamers will tip their hats to Xbox 360 gamers this round as clearly the PS3 version of this game has some issues.

I think that its in SEGA's best interest, to suck up their pride AND NOT RELEASE THE GAME WITH WHAT RESPONSIBILTY WILL HEAVY LIE ON THEIR SHOULDERS. This is not the type of attention that SEGA wants to Sammy needs. They're already on thin ice with gamers thus far.

SEGA needs to go ahead and release Bayonetta for the Xbox 360 as planned in January. Majority of the US gamers are Xbox 360 gamers and it'll sell and SEGA will make a profit. But to release the PlayStation 3 version as it is, is not wise and will suffer greatly. SEGA needs to suck it up and delay the PS3 launch of the game. Platinum Games needs to swallow their pride and accept responsibility for handing the project off. After all, Platinum Games had someone there to oversee SEGA's work. They should've been watching more closely.

Its in SEGA's best interest to save their reputation by delaying the PS3 version and working out the bugs and release the game as it needs to be. Not just slop it out there. Don't you get it SEGA, you can't afford this kind of publicity. Sammy has taken over and taken the SEGA name downhill since its revival from previous mistakes with the SEGA CD and 32X and finally got back on track with the Dreamcast, you can't do this Sammy, its not in your best interest! Someone tell SEGA they need to drop this, release the Xbox 360 version anyway, and delay the PS3 version. We're more than happy to wait a little bit longer for a masterpiece rather than a master pile of crap. The PlayStation 3 has the Cell. That's what gives it its edge (hardwarewise) over the 360. The PS3 is capable of better textures and lighting. USE THAT! Don't waste it.

For the last time, SEGA, delay the PS3 version. You'll make a lot more money.
Sep 25, 2008
Ok, I'm really not getting the comparison of a game like this to Metal Gear Solid 4. Yes I understand that Metal Gear is really over the top in it's own way, but not like this. I suppose it could be a comparison to great characters and great narrative but outlandish style, at least to this extent, was never Metal Gear Solid.


May 18, 2008
i wonder if these fools would love this game so much if you played a christian priest killing witches? hmmm...., probably not. this is without a doubt the most idiotic game since, well, since the ballad of gay tony.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ugh I hate it when developers gets lazy and throw excuses about how hard it is to make a game for the PS3. Really? PS3 is moving on to the next gen and everyone else is still working with old and outdated engine. Grow up SEGA and that goes to all the developers who make crappy quality games just because they don't want to spend the time and effort. DX11 is already out now and our current consoles are starting to look outdated but the PS3 can put out more capabilities like uncharted 2, MGS4, and Killzone 2. It's sad for us PS3 owners when we can't even use the full potential of our system.


Original poster
Kerndaddy: "i wonder if these fools would love this game so much if you played a christian priest killing witches? hmmm...., probably not."

- Huh? WTF dude? It's just a videogame, keep your evangelical views to yourself. IGN is not a forum for religious debate!


Prime Member
Jan 27, 2006


There is nothing and I mean NOTHING worse than a self righteous, self important loudmouth evangelical teen, who basically is repeating the crap his parents have been feeding him his entire life.

All hypocrites and it DOES NOT belong on a gaming forum.


May 21, 2009
Just another overhyped, underdeveloped stupid button-masher. Why is this game getting so much coverage by IGN anyway?

And Kerndaddy is right, if the story were flipped people would be freaking out. That's just the way things are and it's not an religious view, it's a simple social issue. If someone says God is stupid, people accept it, but if they say He's awesome it's suddenly people are offended and it's a topic of debate.


I need a job
Oct 14, 2001
I'm tired of overpraised action games like Ninja Gaiden and NG2. I downloaded the JP demo for this game and I was pleasantly surprised at it. I expected to be let down. This is gonna be one hell of a fun game. Can't wait to get it in my 360.


Jun 8, 2005
The fact that the guy writing the article says DMC3 is the best action game of all time makes me extremely excited when he says this trounces it, that game was AMAZING!!!!
Feb 22, 2009
its funny when ppl say that this game is "not even close to DMC" when its not even out yet. make a judgement AFTER you've played it for a good amount of time.

i played the demo and its great. it'll hold me over til god of war 3.
Aug 29, 2006
I find it ofensive that this game has a "perfect" score when its not nothing out of the ordinary, its not a masterpiece, it doesnt starts a new threshold on gaming and its just chicks with boobs and guns going at it, hey i love my boobs chicks as the next guy but not even Mass Effect 2 and MW2 are getting perfect 10 which in my opinion they deserve why is this one getting it? it kinda gets on my conspicacy theory rib working. Truelly the gaming community reporters need to get their priorities straight...


May 3, 2008
I find it nearly impossible for an action game to beat DMC3, but I'll take Mr. Clements's word on it.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 4, 2008
@darknessknight- If I had the choice between giving MW2, Mass Effect2 and this game a ten, I'd follow in Famitsu's footsteps. Mass Effect looks cool, Modern Warfare looks to be quintessentially typical. This game would get the 10 for taking original ideas and making them work. Mass Effect is a repeat of awesomeness with better graphics. Modern Warfare is for people who want they're 30th fps war game with hype in tow.
There's nothing original and/or interesting to me in MW because all you need to do is turn on the news ...there's your reference material. If you want to develop animations? Go to a training camp and put spandex plus green balls on recruits. If you want cutscene material? Watch an action movie. It's all so stinking lame it drives me crazy.
Modern Warfare will sell more than anything because it lets dum-dums in army suits shoot other dum-dums in army suits. "Wow, that's amazing! I've only done and seen that same thing a million times before, but I like it; 10 out of 10!"


Mods are people too.
Jan 8, 2001
kerndaddy said:
i wonder if these fools would love this game so much if you played a christian priest killing witches? hmmm...., probably not.
Excepting certain bosses, the 'angels' in this game are portrayed as pretty mindless beasts, much like the 'demons' in Devil May Cry. The 'Witches' are human beings. So no, I wouldn't love to play a game where you go around murdering women.
Nov 20, 2008
@finalmattasy - You're not too bright are you? I can understand that you don't like FPS genre shooters. There are genres of games I don't care for either. But I highly doubt you are any kind of authority to determine what deserves a 10 or not. Those who have played those "dum dum" shooters know that CoDMW2 is probably the best released on console since Halo 3. And considering that it is currently on par to break Halo 3's record, by your logic that means there are a whole lot of "dums dums" out there. I'm sorry that some of us prefer the more realistic to the fantasy. Good games aren't limited to their settings. Gameplay, creativity with subject matter and many other things qualify a game for its 10. Your opinion is yours and I respect that, but don't insult another entire genre of games just because you have a level 10 mage's wand stuck in your a**.
Jul 19, 2005
"Kerndaddy: "i wonder if these fools would love this game so much if you played a christian priest killing witches? hmmm...., probably not."

english43- Huh? WTF dude? It's just a videogame, keep your evangelical views to yourself. IGN is not a forum for religious debate!


DynomiteMasta: AMEN BROTHER!!!!!

There is nothing and I mean NOTHING worse than a self righteous, self important loudmouth evangelical teen, who basically is repeating the crap his parents have been feeding him his entire life.

All hypocrites and it DOES NOT belong on a gaming forum."

DynomiteMasta, before bashing Evangelicals or Catholics, take a course on religion itself. Everyone is a hypocrite, regardless of religion. Every religion has extremists who have twisted minds and go killing people who they think are inferior. They disregard the teachings of their belief and go do w/e they want for own selfishness, and justify their twisted actions by using their religion as an excuse. In other words, it's the people who are corrupted, not the religion.

Back on topic, this game has nice graphics. But I've played DMC before, and it just too repetitive after days of playing.


May 18, 2008
by all of you saying that what i said doesn't belong in a gaming forum, you foolishly help destroy the very freedom of speech that made america great. my feelings about this game are absolutely justified, and where else would i express my feelings about a video game but on a forum devoted to that game? don't be so quick to hop on the "not the place for this topic" bandwagon that sweeps the internet. every single american should defend every other americans right to free speech no matter how much they disagree with it. in fact the more you disagree with it, the more you should defend it.


Jun 29, 2007
this may seem odd but no matter what read about this game which as been universally positive all i can say is meh maybe a rental


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2008
I hate to go "off-topic" and actually discuss this game, and not all this ridiculous values and beliefs BS. I mean God forbid we talk about games on a GAME WEBSITE! While the combat looks interesting, I really hope they tune down the ridiculous voice overs, and dialogue. Not because I find it "offensive" but because they seemed to find the most annoying sounding voice actors in the business.


Mods are people too.
Jan 8, 2001
kerndaddy said:
by all of you saying that what i said doesn't belong in a gaming forum, you foolishly help destroy the very freedom of speech that made america great. my feelings about this game are absolutely justified, and where else would i express my feelings about a video game but on a forum devoted to that game? don't be so quick to hop on the "not the place for this topic" bandwagon that sweeps the internet. every single american should defend every other americans right to free speech no matter how much they disagree with it. in fact the more you disagree with it, the more you should defend it.
The fact that freedom of speech does not apply to a privately-owned forum notwithstanding, I'd be more than willing to discuss double standards in video game depictions of religion, but I doubt you'll find anyone who cares much in the comment thread for an action game. Maybe try the [link=]SRF[/link] board?