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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Bayonetta Exposed![/link]
by Cam Shea

Hideki Kamiya is a legend in the Japanese development scene. This is the man, after all, that was a producer on the original Resident Evil and directed the second one, and then went on to direct such landmark titles as Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe and Okami. He's an inspiring designer, and we were fortunate enough to sit down with him at Tokyo Game Show 2009, along with Bayonetta's producer, Yusuke Hashimoto, another industry vet, who has had a hand in the development of everything from the original Resident Evil and Devil May Cry, to RE4 and God Hand.

We were there, naturally, to talk Bayonetta, the upcoming action title from Platinum Games. While it may not necessarily break the mould in gameplay structure, delivering an evolution of Devil May Cry's tried and tested third person combat model – albeit on a whole new scale, there's no denying it executes this with such style and panache that jaws invariably fall to the floor in this game's presence. The gameplay is lightning fast, and the wildly inventive visual design really makes it a treat to watch - and raises all sorts of questions. How did hair came to be so tightly integrated into the design and gameplay? Why are you a witch blowing the halos off angels? These questions and more, answered below... [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2008
This game looks awesome, and the director has very solid background of games. I didn't know that the director of RE 2 and DMC was making this; its going to be brilliant


Jul 26, 2006
LMAO brilliant? XD funniest thing I've heard all week. It's just going to be a big flashy bunch of nonsense where you just mash x or whatever over and over and your character screams "HYAAAAAAAAAAH HOOOOOO HUUUUUUUUUUYIIIIOOOOOOO" at the top of her lungs constantly.


Aug 26, 2009
If God is the boss and this game really has Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Strong Language, and Suggestive Themes, Fox News is gonna have a field day with this one.
Jun 19, 2008
Ok so let me get this straight. At the end of the game bayonetta gets naked and rams a cross through jesus's eye. and they are not looking for negative press reactions?


Sep 10, 2002
Wow, this would be really sexist if he didn't mention that he wanted Bayonetta to contrast between gruff action heroes.

No, wait. still sexist.

Still buying it. =D


Oct 2, 2008
If you think this is gonna get bad press you should take a look at some of the Dantes Inferno clips, nasty.
Jan 16, 2009
I was skeptical about this game after I saw the first trailers, but I'm starting to warm up to it...the action does look incredibly intense, and while playing as a demon raging against the heavens isn't exactly original, the execution feels somewhat fresh.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
So... a mediocre game uses "sex appeal" and controversial themes to compensate for it's mediocrity?

Dec 15, 2008
In this game you play as a demon witch sex symbol from hell... we definitely won't be hearing from feminists about this one. BRACE YOURSELF LADS!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
found this in another article

"they also introduced a special game-mode which will be playable with only one hand since the player needs to press only one button"

So the developers want you to be able to play the game and jerk off at the same time, huh?

What a great game...
Jun 27, 2002
Kinda sad how one of the most popular uses nowadays of "freedom of expression" is to make light of the Christian faith.

Not saying that it shouldn't be done, since again -- it's their choice to do so. It's just frustrating when people try to ridicule someone's religion and then wave the constitution in their face when said person gets upset.

I think I'll exercise my own rights to freedom of expression by choosing not to play this one, and trying to convince others to do the same when given the chance. Not that it'll make a difference to the company (I'm sure it'll sell well enough on its own to the intended audience), but at least I'll feel better by doing so.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Actually, I've got a more interesting idea...

Let's make a game where you fight against the forces of Islam and the end bosses can be Muhammad and Allah.


May 19, 2009
Not Islams fault Christianity is being drug into games etc, and Allah is GOD you moron, the same god you worship not a different one.

So end game boss is God?

nice to see just how many retarts are on this site.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"nice to see how many retarts are on this site"

"Retart"? Really dude? REALLY?

I think you meant "retard", and yes, yes you are.
Jul 17, 2003
I know it's from Mr. Devil May Cry, but it just doesn't look as cool. Plus, with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 out now, and Dante's Inferno, Darksiders, AND God of War III all coming up early next year (or is Dante squeaking by before the end of 09?), Bayonetta has got some serious, SERIOUS competition.

SEGA shouldn't have pushed it. Modern Warfare 2 has no bearing on a cinematic action game like this. Now, they've thrown it up against some incredibly stiff competition. And Bayonetta doesn't look like it does anything better than some of these other games - the music's kinda cool though, depending on the video.


Mar 10, 2009
i'm sorry to say this but in the interest of being realistic and the devils advocate i'll do so anyways: this game is going to bomb worst than atom in the US.

this game is just TOO japanese for the american audience as a whole. this is the type of game anime kids will eat up like hot pockets in their mom's basement but, like mad world before it, is just too obscure a title for it to find mainstream success. now, in the fanboy perfect world, there is no mainstream success as a gem like this would be treasured and revered as the one of a kind masterpiece fan service it was intended to be...but in our madden/gears of war obsessed society this game is just way too 'wacky' for consumers in general.

now, i'm sure people on the forum are going to say 'yeah halo sucks, madden sucks, gears sucks and you're retarded' but hear me out; i'm neither arguing that these games are better or worst than Bayonetta...i'm simply saying i honestly don't see how it will do well in the states compared to said titles. the casual gamer is now influencing the hardcore aesthetic, like it or not.

personally i'll probably love the game - but i could do without all the 'fan service' lauded about in the article. i'm sorry, i appreciate a good game regardless, but you wont catch me down at comic-con with a beanie on with cat ears sewn to the top. i'm sorry, it's just goofy. i'm not from japan so why pretend to be. to each their own. but a 'kiss' shaped recticle? c'mon at least make it optional...please?


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 5, 2004
I think the game as a whole is stupid ever since I saw the frist trailer.

Dante inferno

are better action games
May 19, 2008
"i'm sorry to say this but in the interest of being realistic and the devils advocate i'll do so anyways: this game is going to bomb worst than atom in the US. "

This is kinda what use to sell in the US before X-Box brought the hardcore PC gamers into the console market.

What you're saying is Americans prefer uncreative trash. Which is largely true.
Plus some people just out grow this stuff once they start drinking and killing there brain cells.
Oct 7, 2006
Love how people say "(blank) game is better" when I doubt they haven't played Either and I like the fan service so I might get this over a dude who runs around in a loincloth and a guy who fights a woman that enemies come out of her nipples.


Mar 10, 2009

i can definitely see where you are coming from, but i don't think those games are "trash" per se, maybe just not your cup of tea (nor mine in some cases). however, personally i know quite a few kids that will buy games that are obviously trash just for the Japanese aesthetic or for the sake of being different/against the grain i.e. bullet witch, bikini samurai, red ninja, etc. and i think that's just as biased as some label the American mainstays. i think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. if Bayonetta is a great game, of which i have no doubt it will be, it should sell well; however the first rule of business is 'know your audience' and since N. America is by far the largest video game region for sales i think Platinum games would have been better off watering down the 'quirky' factor just a tad for the US audiences if they planned to release the game stateside. that's all.


Mar 10, 2009

i can definitely see where you are coming from, but i don't think those games are "trash" per se, maybe just not your cup of tea (nor mine in some cases). however, personally i know quite a few kids that will buy games that are obviously trash just for the Japanese aesthetic or for the sake of being different/against the grain i.e. bullet witch, bikini samurai, red ninja, etc. and i think that's just as biased as some label the American mainstays. i think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. if Bayonetta is a great game, of which i have no doubt it will be, it should sell well; however the first rule of business is 'know your audience' and since N. America is by far the largest video game region for sales i think Platinum games would have been better off watering down the 'quirky' factor just a tad for the US audiences if they planned to release the game stateside. that's all.


Mar 10, 2009

i can definitely see where you are coming from, but i don't think those games are "trash" per se, maybe just not your cup of tea (nor mine in some cases). however, personally i know quite a few kids that will buy games that are obviously trash just for the Japanese aesthetic or for the sake of being different/against the grain i.e. bullet witch, bikini samurai, red ninja, etc. and i think that's just as biased as some label the American mainstays. i think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. if Bayonetta is a great game, of which i have no doubt it will be, it should sell well; however the first rule of business is 'know your audience' and since N. America is by far the largest video game region for sales i think Platinum games would have been better off watering down the 'quirky' factor just a tad for the US audiences if they planned to release the game stateside. that's all.


Original poster
I have a feeling there's going to be a little more than "Partial Nudity" on the M rating for this game.

The only thing missing to bring Bayonetta over into the AO spectrum would be "Strong Sexual Content". This game looks like it's totally pushing the M rating.

... I'm so buying this.


Jul 10, 2006
"Bear it all"? more like "bare it all."

More to the point, this game looks incredible and I can't wait for it to hit store shelves early next year.
Oct 4, 2007
Although I agree with Hashimoto that teasing and leaving something for the imagination is the core of sexiness, I also appreciate a woman of the "right" proportions. the visual cue for physical stimulation in men are curves. no amount of sexy attitude will do if the charcter is a stick figure, she's not but all im saying is that a little more size in the right places would go a long way. now chunli in sf4 thats sexy. well to each his own I guess.


Sep 30, 2001
I am severally dissappointed with nudity in games. This industry was one of the few that wasn't tainted with nudity and sexual images. I know there has been nudity in games in the past but not to the point it is today and by the looks of it, not only is it going to exceed what we have today but increase exponentially. If you are THAT desperate and horny that virtual characters turn you on then you have MAJOR issues. Go watch watch porn or atleast make an attempt to get a girlfriend/wife.


Mar 5, 2004
If we already have a girlfriend is it okay with you if we watch porn and play bayonetta with her at the same time? …Damn zealot.


Sep 30, 2001
Xeno: LOL What you do in the privacy of your own home, I tip my hat off to you, is your business. If your loose morals and ethics dictate such a notion so be it. Ignorant fool!


Mar 5, 2004
Dude, lust coats EVERYTHING. Throughout all of human history, it's almost the main reason art was created! And you also have to take into consideration that most games are made in Japan, where this type of stuff is just a way of life. Hentai manga is read in crowded subways!! America is so much more uptight than Japan. So if you're so "disapointed" only play American games and cover your eyes and ears, live in a cave so the sting of shallow sexiness won't bother you.


Sep 30, 2001
Dude, I never said the world is not coated with lust nor am I saying that we can stop it. However, it doesn't mean that we should it accept it. Would you want your wife, your sister, your daughter or your mother nude on playboy mags (or worse) or would you rather sit in a cave?!


Prime Member
Dec 24, 2007
The religious nuts need to just STFU and go away. So the F what if you are a witch killing angels? Its a f'ing game. Get over it and go read your bible like good little sheep or something.


Sep 30, 2001
You don't need religion to have morals. One can continue to exhibit high moral values and standards via self respect.


Sep 30, 2001
You don't need religion to have morals. One can continue to exhibit high moral values and standards via self respect.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 6, 2008
@ batman115

This is an adult-oriented game. You obviously don't agree with some of the facets of it, and that's understandable, but this type of game is not made for people like you. This is a game for people who are into this kind of lore. Just as the rest of the world allows religion-cheerleaders to bible-thump there way to the top, allow the rest of us to just enjoy a good story with questionable gameplay elements.


Sep 30, 2001
My issue is NOT the game, its story or its gameplay, its the mere fact that there is too MUCH NUDITY in games nowadays which is completely unnecessary! *sigh*

Its like I am talking to a brick wall.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 6, 2008
When did nudity become unnecessary? You can turn on any channel in Italy and see breasts in a water commercial. It's like that in most countries in Europe. The result? Nudity is not such a big deal. Over here, you've got teens doing all they can to get ahold of some filthy internet porn, while in Sicily, they aren't too concerned with finding it because it's just not a big deal to them. They've been exposed to the female form all their lives! Nudity in games should be treated no differently than a gun in a game. There will be no deterioration of society from seeing what a tit looks like.
Jun 18, 2009
don't care about all this nudity or else, i am only interested in gameplay, combo, story, and how beautiful the game will be.
if it has all of these, then it will a very good game.


Jun 28, 2005
I really agree with Saint. Violence in games deteriorates our society a lot more then nudity in games does. Plus all it does is show her body not her private parts. I'm looking forward to this game. The game play looks outstanding.