
Jul 26, 2010
If there's a new downloadable content on Bayonetta, it should be the a Sarah Palin alternate costume


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 23, 2003
@stryker-1121. Thanks for the pillow article. It is indeed disturbing. James Franco should be ashamed of himself :)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 23, 2003
@stryker-1121. Thanks for the pillow article. It is indeed disturbing. James Franco should be ashamed of himself :)


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
hollywood141 said:
I unfortunately was duped into spending my hard earned money on this ridiculous game. I will not fall for the same tricks twice.

DMC fans: be fore-warned. Bayonetta blows. It's a button mashing freak show that will take away about 6-8 hours of your life you will never get back. I don't know which is worse, how short of a time it took me to beat it or that it was over short enough that it didn't consume any more of my short life.

I would imagine that most of the true DMC fans will have already played Bayonetta. And loved it.
Jan 11, 2010

If you play the game on Very Easy or Easy, you get an accessory that lets you play by just mashing buttons. Normal or above you get penalized for using it, and pulling off actual combos is harder. Not to mention the enemies are very aggressive and hit hard. The game's a challenge, it looks beautiful, plays beautiful, and has a lot of depth.

It doesn't take long to beat it but you obviously didn't do everything that there is to do in the game. Notice the 9.5 score on the sidebar there? Clearly you're a troll trying to incite people or your taste in games is simply horrid.


Mods are people too.
Jan 8, 2001
SephirothDZX said:
@QuietstormRB I'm quite aware that the man behind DMC1 made Bayonetta... it was the reason I even got the game. But that doesn't excuse the game for being a rather sour ripoff of the DMC games.
You say ripoff, I say spiritual sequel. Bayonetta was everything DMC4 should have been, and everything the Devil May Cry series should have evolved into by now. (Gameplay-wise, I mean. I can take or leave the sparkles and J-pop.)
SephirothDZX said:
Ripoff and overrated game. Honestly, Bayonetta almost made me feel like the DMC1 peeps were jealous for someone else taking DMC and making it better than what they did.
From what I remember, Kamiya was annoyed that Capcom took DMC from him and didn't make it anywhere near as good as it could have been.
Dante86dmc said:
I would imagine that most of the true DMC fans will have already played Bayonetta. And loved it.
Jan 14, 2010
please oh please let it be a sequel. this game is way to good to not have one. My GOTY so far right next to Mass Effect 2. DLC is good to but I want a sequel instead. As for the haters, i know the game was to hard for ya so dont beat yaself up by trolling


Original poster
Yes!Yes!please let it be a sequel i could not believe how awesome this game was, i regret putting this game aside for months.
Sep 9, 2005
Bayonetta had some really badass gameplay! So much fun. Story couldve been better, but I would LOVE a sequel. Or at least some dlc. Either way, im excited for the upcoming mystery announcement ^___^


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
TheMatlock2341 said:

If you play the game on Very Easy or Easy, you get an accessory that lets you play by just mashing buttons. Normal or above you get penalized for using it, and pulling off actual combos is harder. Not to mention the enemies are very aggressive and hit hard. The game's a challenge, it looks beautiful, plays beautiful, and has a lot of depth.

It doesn't take long to beat it but you obviously didn't do everything that there is to do in the game. Notice the 9.5 score on the sidebar there? Clearly you're a troll trying to incite people or your taste in games is simply horrid.

I think you've mixed up who your response was to. I defended the game and also called for a sequel. Go to the Bayonetta board and you'll see that I've been one of the most active users since day one and that I created the community board. [face_peace]

Anyway, I completely agree with everything you said regarding Bayonetta- it just wasn't me that said otherwise.[face_tongue]


May 23, 2008
devs, please enough of these announcements of announcements!
im really starting to get sick of this, devs make announcements of announcements i get excited than it turns out to be nothing.
like the PSM3 mag promised a ps3 reveal and it turned out to be new dead space 2 news, or the PS US blog announced a announcement before E3 which turned out to be KZ3.
or the "industry changing" news geoff announced from GT TV just before E3, than it turned out to be devils third.
how is devils third "industry changing?"
please guys enough of these announcements of announcements, because i hear them than get excited expecting something really big than end up getting disappointed when its nothing big.
if you have an announcement to make, sweet ANNOUNCE IT!
but dont say o im going to announce something in x amount of days because 99% of the time im bound to be disappointed!
why cant we go back to the good old days where devs would give us some info and even if it was meh, we would be excited for the news!
now, we would be disappointed because we were expecting more!
the surprise has gone, because were constantly told to expect something and 99.99999999999999999999999% of the time its something small, something meh!


Prime Member
Mar 2, 2006
Bayonetta was amazing. I still play it often, and still love every second of it. Sure I wish the story made sense, but every single moment of combat in that game is pure fun. Can't say that about most games.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2005
Meh... I ****ing loved Bayonetta, but I don't know if more of it is what I would want to see these guys do....
Apr 11, 2010
Maybe it will be a ****ty sequel to a grossly ooverrated game.... hopefully it will get an uninflated score, something like a 5.5, like the 1st one should have got


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2008
^I need to get a Michael pic saying that [face_tongue].

And I hope Rodin gets more attention to the new one!.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
:^O You should definitely do that MD. [face_tongue] 

I think that Rodin probably will get more attention in the sequel (if there ever is one.)
May 14, 2010
I really hope it is either and expansion on the original or a announcement of a sequel. :D

I dont get why ppl who don't like the game feel the need to comment the threads, you bash Asian culture and ideas [you dont understand], call the game over-hyped when it got very limited commercial appearances and STILL sold well, PLUS call it too over the top [when if thats the case why did you still play it all the way through??]

This game really showed what an action game is all about. The music was spot on [and supposed to sound more feminine, ahem SINCE the main character is a woman [for all of you ho had a problem with it, it has probably THE simplest and elaborate combat controls, weapons, graphics, worlds, plus an amazing sense of scale. SH!t it even went old school with two mini-chapters with old school Sega style games and could bear it's claws when it comes to comparing with GOW3 and standing out amongst all the RPG shooters nowadays

I hope whatever news released is AMAZING