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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Bayonetta Director Teases New Announcement[/link]
by Anoop Gantayat

Bayonetta director Yusuke Hashimoto got gamers buzzing earlier today with a mysterious Tweet hinting at a Bayonetta-related announcement for some time this week. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 2, 2009
Its a movie staring Emily blunt as Bayonetta.( SORRY ONLY HOT BRUNNET I COULD THINK OF.)


Jul 26, 2006
If they make a sequel, hopefully it'll at least make sense this time around and not be just a bunch of ridiculousness. Even tho it was fun.
Jun 21, 2010
If it is Bayonetta 2 please drop the japanese pop crap in the english version. It's the only thing that almost makes me not want to play it. Nevermind the weird story and imagery. For being so post modern, japan is in fact the most whacked culture around.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
If its Bayonetta 2 maybe they can stop making a game that blatantly tries to convince you its better than Devil May Cry, and instead work on a game that is actually better (hell, I'd take as good) as Devil May Cry.

(Seriously, when you look at all of the stuff they blatantly lifted from the DMC universe you'd be wondering why Capcom didn't give these guys a call to tell them to knock that crap off)
Jun 17, 2009
@ RAVsUperCoven so stop playing games from Japan then.Stick to your boring vanilla run of the mill shooters and sports games.You think your culture is not weird to them?Wow i love how people feel there way of thinking is the only way.Hope you never become a person of power.


Jun 2, 2001
If it is an announcement of a human-sized bayonetta pillow, expect James Franco to preorder it.
Apr 9, 2010
@RAVsUperCoven If you don't like J-Pop that's cool but I don't really see the use in complaining about it when you have 2 options at your disposal custom soundtrack and a mute button. I personally didn't have an issue with the music it fit with the character. The more Bayoneta the better. I personally would like a sequel rather than a spinoff even though Jeanne is a great character.


Aug 2, 2010
I'm hoping for an announcement about a sequel rather than DLC can't really picture any type of DLC instead of more portal challenges.
Apr 9, 2010
@ SephirothDZX It's obvious that before you posted your comment you didn't know that Hideki Kamiya; the creator of DMC was the director on Bayonetta.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 23, 2003
@milenia James Franco? Is it a random joke or is there a story behind that? Just curious.


Original poster
More sparkles and J-pop? No thanks. I'm sure a bunch of 14 year olds and older guys who can't get laid will be pumped though.


Feb 1, 2010
Sorry but one of the most over-rated games ive played in a while!!!... I LOVE devil may cry...esp the latest edition...Sorry but Bayonetta is a shadow of that game...3 quarters of the way through it gets so repetative its a joke...same enemie's and bosses you have already beaten thrown in for good measure... Also if the team cant do a decent PS3 port , then dont was terrible on the PS3... I find it shocking that it came out in that state... takes the piss out of PS3 owners...more so as its been proven that the PS3 can out do and equal the 360 with its best games... No excuse for a shoddy port....
Jul 5, 2010
I unfortunately was duped into spending my hard earned money on this ridiculous game. I will not fall for the same tricks twice.

DMC fans: be fore-warned. Bayonetta blows. It's a button mashing freak show that will take away about 6-8 hours of your life you will never get back. I don't know which is worse, how short of a time it took me to beat it or that it was over short enough that it didn't consume any more of my short life.


Nov 18, 2009
Bayonetta is a fantastic game, some of the best combat you;ll ever play in a game. yes, the cut scenes are irritating and the music grates after a while but these are minor issues compared to the gameplay. Also it's longer than 6-8 hours.
Apr 19, 2005
Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3,Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Bayonetta on Marvel vs Capcom 3, Please Please Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2009
sweet, they made 20 dmc's so naturally we haven't heard the last of bayonetta. I couldn't be happier, as long as it's on xbox bayonetta is one of the best games ever made.

I dont see how you could play the game well and not realize it had wonderful combat. but yeah that's an invalid opinion. also the cutscenes are half badass action, half fully comprehensible story, with the more detailed bayonetta character art. theyre funny and they dont overstay their welcome. I really dont see what problem anyone has with it, maybe they can patch it to star your boyfriend from dmc?


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2003
I'm quite aware that the man behind DMC1 made Bayonetta... it was the reason I even got the game. But that doesn't excuse the game for being a rather sour ripoff of the DMC games. (Also, he only made DMC1, DMCs2-4 were made by a different team and with all do respect 3 and 4 were much better games than 1)

I mean c'mon, the Enzo character is DIRECTLY PULLED from the Devil May Cry prequel novel, the Gates Of Hell bar is loosely linked to the bar Dante frequents (a bar were strange people and devil hunters frequent), and Tony Redgrave is even referenced in the game (dante's traveling name). And the first non-flashback battle with Jeanne is visually far too similar to the first battle with Dante and Vergil in DMC3. And all of the ridiculous over the top flair that Bayonetta has is far too reminiscent of DMC3 (and note, DMC3 was the game that truly introduced the over the topness of DMC... DMC1 had bits of it but was still far more serious presentation wise). Heck one of Bayonettas weapons basically gives her Dantes move set even. Kamiya even said he played about half of DMC4 for "research".

Ripoff and overrated game. Honestly, Bayonetta almost made me feel like the DMC1 peeps were jealous for someone else taking DMC and making it better than what they did.


Aug 1, 2009
If they're going to do a Bayonetta sequel, I hope they do the PS3 version in-house. SEGA's port of the awesomest game ever was...beyond horrible. After the patch, it was just horrible. So yeah, I hope it gets the same treatment as Vanquish, where they develop the PS3 version first, and then port it to the Xbox. Aka, most likely they will both be of equal quality. :]


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2001
I hope it's either Bayonetta 2, more levels, a Dante's Inferno style Lost Chapter maker, or Lost Chapter 2 but this time the setting changes up so it doesn't feel like a grind so quickly.


Aug 14, 2008
Ya know what i'd like to see.. i've actually been thinking about it for a couple weeks now, but i'd like to see a movie adaptation of bayonetta. Now.. i know the plot and the enemies and all that stuff in the game was a little silly/goofy/whatever, so a movie version would be a little strange, but i just love the bayonetta character so much that it would be awesome to see her up on the big screen with her sexy hair/leather outfit, lol.
Apr 16, 2010
if theymake another bayontetta game i wonder if they will have a cameo charater like dante or veiwtiful joe since its made by other game makers


Original poster
Regarding the human-sized body pillow: This story from the NYT made me cringe. For such a buttoned-down society, at least from an outsider's perspective, Japanese culture has some very unusal aesthetics. CHeck it out...