
A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I felt the same on act 1 with the companions, but you get more “good” companions late in act 2 and early act 3. By the end I was really happy with the party. Also some of the act 1 companions can have a change of heart, or be respecced into other classes depending how you want to play them

This is very true. Having seen the whole game now (at least a version of its events unfolding) I think I can say that origin characters are not really good or bad in a traditional sense but can become different versions of their original self along the way. It's obviously intentional so that they can be played as main characters themselves.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
So... the Dark Urge seems like a candidate of finishing the game without any of the main companions:

Three dead in cutscenes, two dead in encounters (one unprovoked), one left the party. Only Astarion remains and I intend to keep him till the end (maybe betray him then?) because he always seems like a salty a-hole and I plan to out-a-hole him.

The party consists of me (a bard), Astarion (assassin so far) and two hirelings, the paladin and the monk.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I killed my way out of the Underdark last night, the last boss I whipped without even needing to use the mechanics I just had Karlach and my paladin beat on it using blunt weapons and Gale cast haste on both of them. I got an achievement for it and was like oh, that’s not how it’s supposed to go.

Also respecting Karlach into ranger being able to handle my sleight of hand needs has definitely been a huge improvement to how much I like my party. She’s not exactly nature girl but showing up with a bear and a flail and short sword and killing shit isn’t bad. She would have fit okay as a barbarian if I went with my original plan for a bard.

I feel like the way they implemented stealth was really quite annoying, and seemingly extra much on a controller and it effects how much I liked the party feeling somewhat forced to take Astarion to have a skill monkey.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I know Heidi Shannon isn’t doing work, I’m not sure if she’s dead or just for real retired but Jaheira is my favorite original trilogy character and this voice didn’t make a great first impression. Perhaps it will grow on me.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I really liked the portrayal of both Jaheira and Minsc in this game, I think they did them justice overall. Their characters are consistent with what we experienced in BG1/2 without too much nostalgia thrown in.

On my current playthrough, I finished with Underdark and Grymforge (lots of chaos and death there), but I exited through the mountain pass in the end. I like the area and there is plenty to experience, with the Creche being the central attraction of course. The party is now well on its way to level 7 and ready to enter Act 2 properly. Will see how this develops as I ended up killing lots of folks from Act 1.

I must say I'm impressed with the monk, works really well. The bard is, well, the jack of all trades. I got the extra attack at level 6, but it never feels like my main role is damage dealing - it's a little bit of everything in fact. Astarion is the rogue/ranger and it works fine, but I can't say I like the guy. He seems absorbed in his own world very much.

On a different note, I should be receiving the Collector's Edition this week according to tracking. Will post pictures.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
The leap of faith trial of Shar can die in a fire. What in the save scumming nonsense is this.


Original poster
The leap of faith trial of Shar can die in a fire. What in the save scumming nonsense is this.

Lol. You know I had graphical settings at high except for shadows at low, and filtering. Whatever settings I had made it so you could just See the floor that I presume you’re not supposed to be able to see. The puzzle seems to be memorizing the maze right? Well with those settings you can just hop and skip your way to the end without fail.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Lol. You know I had graphical settings at high except for shadows at low, and filtering. Whatever settings I had made it so you could just See the floor that I presume you’re not supposed to be able to see. The puzzle seems to be memorizing the maze right? Well with those settings you can just hop and skip your way to the end without fail.
I can’t see shit on Steamdeck and you’re supposed to use the map at the beginning but in practice it was just save take 1-3 steps where it should be save if not dead.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Just made it through to get Nightsong and the boss fight was a bit annoying. I eventually got it working with just skipping the conversation and getting all my melee up on the guy and gang rushing him then his minions were pretty feckless. The mini boss before him where I talked him into killing his friends was amazing.

I nudged Shadowheart to save the Aasimar, it was a cool scene and I rolled a nat 20 on my persuasion check which was great but I’m not sure it felt like they had given her quite enough conflict with Shar or living Sharrans beforehand. It had hinted at it but it feels a bit out of left field even in a romance with her.


Original poster
Just made it through to get Nightsong and the boss fight was a bit annoying. I eventually got it working with just skipping the conversation and getting all my melee up on the guy and gang rushing him then his minions were pretty feckless. The mini boss before him where I talked him into killing his friends was amazing.

I nudged Shadowheart to save the Aasimar, it was a cool scene and I rolled a nat 20 on my persuasion check which was great but I’m not sure it felt like they had given her quite enough conflict with Shar or living Sharrans beforehand. It had hinted at it but it feels a bit out of left field even in a romance with her.

Yeah, I dealt with that boss the same way. Just jumping combat and skipping the dialogue with him. He was evil/annoying enough that I didn’t care to try and make a deal with him. The fight was a lot tougher initiating from dialogue. And I had a bug where I would counterspell his summon undead spell, but they would still spawn somehow anyway. So we just bum rushed him and then ran up top with the weaker spell casting undead. Aoe on the rest below. Also same deal on the boss before, high charisma sorc was able to solo the fight through dialogue lol


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
. Also same deal on the boss before, high charisma sorc was able to solo the fight through dialogue lol

I failed one of the 3 rolls on my paladin. But In a 1v1 I just hasted my paladin and dumped smites into both the bosses which gets to some pretty wildly high damage against devils and undead.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Playing Act 2, slowly. I'm enjoying it as the portrayal of the corruption feels very well done. The interesting thing in this playthrough is that I'm viewing from a different perspective: as an evil character my "base of operations" is Moonrise Towers, not the Last Light Inn. In fact I haven't even visited the inn so far. It's obvious that both approaches converge on the Nightsong mission but I don't know how I will deal with it, when the time comes.

The party feels nice. The hireling paladin seems more solid now, while the monk is wearing just clothing but gets armor class boosts in other ways. Astarion is developing nicely, while I turned my (main) Bard to Sorcerer on reaching the 7th level - I didn't see much point in getting more Bard levels and I could use some more spells. In any case, as a bard you do get tons of dialogue options in certain situations and feels more versatile this way than the druid of my first playthrough.

BTW, I did receive the Collector's Edition yesterday. Massive (and heavy) box, I'm really pleased with the quality of the stuff in there. I could look at the artbook for hours. Hopefully I will take pictures a little bit later today.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
I've had a little break, came out a new (reprised) raid in Destiny 2, but I've been playing my necromancer a bit, which thematically should be quite fun. Also considered spore druid for this, but I'll see.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
One little detail I really like about this game: the depiction of cats. Adorable but at the same time selfish and in need of service or admiration from others.

"HISS! I say HISS!"
(in this particular instance I hissed back and bullied the cat - my character is not a good person)

Spoilers about Dark Urge on my run:
I entered the Last Light Inn and I convinced Jaheira to accept me there, to see how things evolve after I started with Moonrise Towers. After checking with the one vendor remaining in this place, since I got everyone else killed in Act 1, I decided to take a long rest. There, the Dark Urge butler appeared and told me my mission: Kill Isobel. I could of course refuse, but this playthrough is all about giving in to those dark urges, so I did what he told me to. After finishing with Isobel, the protection she offered to the Inn disappeared and Harpers turned to shadow-cursed creatures, except Jaheira. She reluctantly helped my party take care of them and after that, I finished her too because she hated what I did.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I feel like I like the game a lot but I don't feel like nearly the level of power that I usually fear 3/4 of the way through the player progression and I'm not sure if I'm just not great at picking spells and shit or just the game gives a considerable haircut to player power compared with the previous games.


Original poster
I feel like I like the game a lot but I don't feel like nearly the level of power that I usually fear 3/4 of the way through the player progression and I'm not sure if I'm just not great at picking spells and shit or just the game gives a considerable haircut to player power compared with the previous games.

Level 10 is a big power jump, not sure if you’re there yet


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I feel like I like the game a lot but I don't feel like nearly the level of power that I usually fear 3/4 of the way through the player progression and I'm not sure if I'm just not great at picking spells and shit or just the game gives a considerable haircut to player power compared with the previous games.

Partially this is due to the game not having random encounters with generic enemy groups where you could really see how powerful your party becomes. The game is setup in such a way that it challenges you in most of the fights, as it throws against you something you might not be prepared (or optimized) for. Honestly, I think the middle difficulty is fair - it forces me to think in many situations, while it allows me to be comfortable in many fights without going "all in" with my best spells/scrolls/potions etc.

In any case, I also think it's hard to compare 5th edition rules of BG3 with 2nd edition rules from the previous games.

Current playthrough: I'm moving towards the ending stages of Act 2 with my Dark Urge & Co. party. Characters just reached level 9. My main is now level 6 Bard + level 3 sorcerer (wild magic) and with the addition of something he can do as Dark Urge (which I won't spoil) or with the Illithid/brain skills he's truly all over the place skill-wise. This is not a negative, it's just sometimes he's fully support, sometimes fully spellcasting, sometimes a ranged fighter and sometimes... the spoiler thing. Astarion is Assassin + Gloom Stalker, suits him well, while the other two are Paladin (Oathbreaker) and Monk (Shadows).

I started a new playthrough a few days ago which is going slowly for obvious reasons. Blue Dragonborn ranger (hunter), planning to play him as a fully ranged damage dealer. Wyll is going to be fully utilized this time, playing as a "Sorlock" (warlock + sorcerer). This is going to be a "good" playthrough.


Original poster
I might be coming back to this game soon. Spent some time not gaming, and looking for other games. Etrian odyssey has been alright but nothing is comparing to bg3 at the moment. I’ll probably pick my 2nd run back up instead of starting a 3rd, because i skipped so much of act 2 I will try to see more of it this time.


Original poster
Curious where did everyone encounter Raphael the first time? Run 1 he showed up I was in the rafters of goblin town. Run 2 he showed up I was at the Harper’s overlook near the ship. Reading online that people don’t know what triggers meeting him. My theory is it’s just time based. Maybe after something like 6 hours, 66 minutes he shows up wherever you are


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Curious where did everyone encounter Raphael the first time? Run 1 he showed up I was in the rafters of goblin town. Run 2 he showed up I was at the Harper’s overlook near the ship. Reading online that people don’t know what triggers meeting him. My theory is it’s just time based. Maybe after something like 6 hours, 66 minutes he shows up wherever you are

On both my playthroughs, Harper's Overlook. On the third, I haven't reached that point.

Latest animated video:


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I've dealt with that cheating circus Djinn on this playthrough. I got a video recommendation just a few days ago and since I hadn't figured out what to do to win "the wheel of fortune" I clicked on it. Naturally there was a very easy solution

pickpocket him and get his ring, which was very easy with Astarion on my party

Then I tried the wheel again, with my main character (he wouldn't talk to Astarion who accused him on the first attempt) and while the wheel was spinning, a [BARD][PERFORMANCE] option allowed me to, what else, break wind and annoy him. Yes, bards have some of the best dialogue options.

After winning
the djinn transported the main character alone in a weird jungle area where various dinosaur creatures roamed, just like the ones you can transform to as a high level druid. I managed to sneak-avoid them and before exiting the area through a portal, I unlocked a chest with a wonderful legendary trident - which is now the main weapon of my paladin

One small detail in the game, things like that are what make it great.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Next major patch on September 21st, along with the full release on Mac.

I can't say I've had any technical trouble on playthrough #2. I have reached Wyrm's Crossing before the city and the game runs smoothly. They have definitely improved it with patches. Let's hope for some cool new things with the next patch.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
So much for freedom of press... The chief editor says he's going to publish a damning piece for me and my party and naturally I murder everyone in that building and proceed to change the main story to something about cats.

I'm alternating between the evil party of my second playthrough (in Baldur's Gate lower city right now, halfway between levels 11 and 12) and the good party of my third (Act I, level 4). There are things I'm discovering for the first time in the city - Jaheira has some really neat items in her secret basement for example. I intentionally left the Cazador palace out of my first playthrough so I can do it while I have Astarion as a main member of my party.


Original poster
So much for freedom of press... The chief editor says he's going to publish a damning piece for me and my party and naturally I murder everyone in that building and proceed to change the main story to something about cats.

I'm alternating between the evil party of my second playthrough (in Baldur's Gate lower city right now, halfway between levels 11 and 12) and the good party of my third (Act I, level 4). There are things I'm discovering for the first time in the city - Jaheira has some really neat items in her secret basement for example. I intentionally left the Cazador palace out of my first playthrough so I can do it while I have Astarion as a main member of my party.

For all I skipped, I did do those two places! Jaheira’s basement and Cazador’s palace. Both are fairly memorable. I meant to go back and explore more of the basement under where Cazador is but never did.

Also used the cat story lol. But I didn’t kill anyone in the building. I found out that you can fly/jump up to the roof, bust through the weak ceiling over the elevator and simply ride the elevator down to the basement. Then I said screw the basement robots and used an invisibility potion and stealth to get by them.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
For all I skipped, I did do those two places! Jaheira’s basement and Cazador’s palace. Both are fairly memorable. I meant to go back and explore more of the basement under where Cazador is but never did.

Also used the cat story lol. But I didn’t kill anyone in the building. I found out that you can fly/jump up to the roof, bust through the weak ceiling over the elevator and simply ride the elevator down to the basement. Then I said screw the basement robots and used an invisibility potion and stealth to get by them.

That's the correct way of doing things, but this character I'm playing is indeed chaotic. Given how weak some of the people of the newspaper were, it was just murder of unarmed civilians. I'm planning to murder more people around town - remember that story about solving the case of the assassinated Father and so on? Well, I'm catching up with some of the murderers and finish both them and the victims.

In the meantime, I promised both main villains to kill the other one for their sake. I can always backstab them as needed.


Original poster
I know they’re just fictional NPCs but I could never do that. I only do good/neutral runs. Well I can do selfish runs with pickpocketing and killing anything that turns hostile on its own, but not murder hobo runs, it just feels bad to me. I think i only ever even pickpocketed 1 time in this game and that was to see if they had an item I needed for a quest or steal something back that was stolen from me


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I know they’re just fictional NPCs but I could never do that. I only do good/neutral runs. Well I can do selfish runs with pickpocketing and killing anything that turns hostile on its own, but not murder hobo runs, it just feels bad to me. I think i only ever even pickpocketed 1 time in this game and that was to see if they had an item I needed for a quest or steal something back that was stolen from me

I know what you mean. There have been plenty of situations in this playthrough that I've been thinking "Oh what am I doing? Why? Why?" The motivation is that I do want to test some of the limit this game provides.

The circus djinn absolutely deserved to be pickpocketed though.


Original poster
I can see that for pushing the limits of the game. And for the newspaper place, I guess you can justify it because they do turn hostile on their own, if you select certain dialogues, or if you try to open the lock to the basement. And then it’s just defending yourself from them


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
My initial idea for this playthrough was to play a chaotic character, doing whatever comes on his mind first. Often evil, but not always necessarily so. But there was this one thing that happened in Act 1 because of his Dark Urge background, and it was easily for me the most brutal thing in this game to stomach... and I decided to ride along. For me, if you really do this thing, there is no going back morally. You are 100% evil. I won't spoil it of course, but I will say that I considered realoading a few times before moving forward.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Did a "side" quest yesterday, one that I missed on my first playthrough. I put that in quotation marks because of the high level of quality of that content, the length of the quest and actual important lore included. Things like that make BG3 a great game. In any case this was about a certain dragon

one you can meet below the prison in Wyrm's Way. There is a set of puzzles you have to do before, and a couple of fights too before you can meet him. The fight is pretty hard, but well worth it in rewards. The most important thing though is the lore revealed here which I won't even put in spoilers

Speaking of spoilers, I also found a book (which I also missed before) on one of the mausoleums/tombs in Baldur's Gate cemetery. This book clears up

that Withers is most certainly Jergal. I didn't have any doubts because of the very interesting post-credit scene after finishing the game, but the book basically spells it out to the player. There are other hints scattered around the game or in dialogue of course. I did have my doubts during early access when I thought that Withers is either Jergal or someone who works for him, especially because he mentions something like "as he predicted", but now I think he just refers to the overgod Ao, so someone of "higher rank" than him


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
It’s rather annoying they got a new voice actor for Minsc. Like the guy they got is fine but the changing voices has a real disappointing feel.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Can't say I have a problem with any of the voices, Minsc included. I think it's really well done all things considered - and by that I mean the BG3 Minsc talks much more than his BG1/2 iterations because such is the nature of the game. In the old games, you had to imagine how some of the dialogue plays out as it's not voiced.

Current playthrough: did the Astarion quest with Cazador, his vampire master. Very well done overall and the character gets a few plus points in my book. I'm not very fond of Astarion in general because he always seems self-absorbed, but when you realize how or why he became what he is, there is certainly a significant excuse for him.

I'm thinking of going for the main questline now. Will probably face Orin first (I have my reasons) and then Gortash. I will not try to deal with the Minsc situation, simply because I don't want to. Some things are sacred, even on a deeply evil playthrough. For the same reason, I didn't go anywhere near Scratch or the Owlbear this time. I just let them be like they don't exist in this universe.

On the 3rd playthrough, I reached the Underdark. The party is level 5 now and that means extra attacks for everyone. Right now I have Karlach and Lae'zel as 2-handed weapon melee attackers, my main as a hunter ranger and Wyll as a "Sorlock" - he has really started to take shape as such. Two attacks with Eldritch Blast and with quickened spell another 2 as a bonus action.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
The one thing that bothers me (sort of) with the Orin fight is that it seems pretty easy. Perhaps I was lucky or something on both my two playthroughs that have reached her, but I don't think there were special things or tactics I used on her. Dealing with other bosses felt much more difficult. The outcome played very differently this time, though. The evil-aligned Dark Urge has some special scenes and there was a gruesome one there.

I'm approaching Gortash in a completely different manner as well. Not with a direct fight this time, I will see where it leads me.

BTW, the array of skills/options I have with my main Bard/Sorcerer is vast. Sometimes I simply use those dual hand crossbows I have on him because they are simply effective. He gets extra attack, quickened spells, bardic inspiration to name just the basic options. I do have several Illithid skills as well, one of which allows him to transform to a Displacer beast which is very cool to use. Then there is one other (major) skill associated with him embracing his Dark Urge.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Can't say I have a problem with any of the voices, Minsc included. I think it's really well done all things considered - and by that I mean the BG3 Minsc talks much more than his BG1/2 iterations because such is the nature of the game. In the old games, you had to imagine how some of the dialogue plays out as it's not voiced.

I like begrudgingly understand it in the case of Jaheira. With Minsc it feels kind of a shit sandwich to know Jim Cummings is working and they just chose to recast him seemingly for no reason. I don't think he gave a 'bad' performance but it's the Walmart brand Oreos of Misnc's voice.

I just discovered
Viconia and Sarevok
this weekend and this isn't just about superficial differences it almost makes me want to foreswear the whole great game.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I just finished it for the first time and I feel pretty okay about how it all wrapped. I really ultimately wish this just wasn’t a Baldur’s gate game and instead was just titled the sword coast or something new. Personally I found the character reappearances to be a real pile of meh. I loved the new characters, Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion were a great trio for most of the game’s key moments in a pally-cleric-assaasin and mage team.

I want to do a party with Lazel and try the mountain pass thing and make different choices later in the game.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I wrapped up my second playthrough. I did get a very dark ending indeed.

Only Astarion was in my party from the origin/named characters, all else left the party or were killed by me (directly or indirectly), The other two party members were hirelings, the Githyanki Monk and the Half-Orc Paladin. Nice party overall, I got to experience the Dark Urge from an evil perspective, because there are certainly ways to resist "the urge" and be a nice person.

The high charisma Bard/Sorcerer was a joy to play because he could do so much in and out of battle. Although I certainly feel that a bard is better suited to play a good character.

I'll get on with the 3rd playthrough which is already underway, but I will certainly alternate between BG3 and other games more from now on. There is a ton more to experience in this game


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
The high charisma Bard/Sorcerer was a joy to play because he could do so much in and out of battle. Although I certainly feel that a bard is better suited to play a good character.
Maybe I will try that. I’ve been mad at this game because there are so few options to make a drow/wizard character look the way I wanted. Perhaps I should just give up that dream and play a different class instead.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
My second play through is underway. I made a githyanki monk and after I got withers I respecced Lazel into a Cleric of Vlakith using light domain to achieve really high ac and give attackers disadvantage.

Then I’m rolling with Wyl As a lock and Astarion as a bard dual wielding hand crossbows.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
On my 3rd playthrough, I have reached the Grymforge, and only the actual forge is still to be done. I'm planning to craft a couple of items there. Hopefully I can do this tonight and then exit to Act II. I will certainly go back to the mountain pass from the Act II entrance and do the stuff there. It's really worthwhile and I like the area.

Party is level 6, my main is a simple hunter ranger. Good damage potential, and not much in the way of spell distractions and such.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I kind of realized I sort of accidentally was doing the same things again so I’m going to try the Dark urge and be an evil ass.

I did keep with a monk because they seemed great. Let’s get with the murdering. I went with a half drow so I can use some fun monk weapons.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Monk is nice. If there is one thing that kind of limits my attraction to this class is the tendency to use light armor or clothing. I can't get enough of those fine medium and heavy armors, they look so good.

My party is in Act II, at the Last Light Inn. I will do a couple of minor things around the map, then move to the mountain pass and do the githyanki-related stuff. Lae'zel will be with me the whole time. I definitely plan to approach some of the things in Act II in a different way because I locked myself out of some options on my first playthrough, and I was evil on the second.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 2, 2011
I’m confronting Thorm right now. Prison was hell to me on Moonrise Tower but I did some tidbits here and there with multiclass and bang, fight was a breeze.
This game is really special.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I was thinking of using Halsin in my party. I haven't recruited him yet as a playable character, so it will be a while till that's an option, but I have a few ideas on how to build him. I used him very little on my first playthrough and none at all on my second (which was expected since I was evil.)


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Monk is nice. If there is one thing that kind of limits my attraction to this class is the tendency to use light armor or clothing. I can't get enough of those fine medium and heavy armors, they look so good.

My party is in Act II, at the Last Light Inn. I will do a couple of minor things around the map, then move to the mountain pass and do the githyanki-related stuff. Lae'zel will be with me the whole time. I definitely plan to approach some of the things in Act II in a different way because I locked myself out of some options on my first playthrough, and I was evil on the second.
I’ve seen online that you can do a lot of monk things in heavy armor and prioritize strength over dex. Some good fighter-monk multis for it. I havent tried it because I like the traditional style of monk a lot. I think it offers a really unique gameplay style.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I have found literally 3 dungeons or longish quests on my dark urge playthrough In act 1 alone that I didn’t find in my first playthrough. I’m not sure if I want to pick up a don’t miss these things guide or just discover things organically as I do replays.

Ao far Ive killed one party member. I’m rolling around with a
  1. Half drow monk open fist monk, he’s my main damage dealer.
  2. Astarion as a college of swords bard specced for ranged damage. He’s a pretty good Jack of all trades and even without any boosts to attacks per turn gets a few crossbow bolts each turn.
  3. Shadowheart specced for light. This tanking build is really insanely strong.
  4. Gale specced into dragon sorcery. If you’re used to 3rd edition or pathfinder the way they differentiate wizards and sorcerers in 5e feels totally different but the damage potential here is really high.
Either Gale or Shadowheart will be replaced by the drow NPC if I get her.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
On both my playthroughs, Harper's Overlook. On the third, I haven't reached that point.

Latest animated video:
That’s weird Ive done 3 trips through act one and had him only show up at exactly the same spot. Between the windmill and the bridge to the risen road. Like literally the exact same place as though it’s scripted to come there.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
The game is mindblowing sometimes. It's guaranteed you will miss stuff, like I did with the mountain pass/monastery on my two previous playthroughs. This time I was more careful looking for ... certain things... and there was this situation hapenning that took me by surprise. All a side quest within an optional area. There is so much detail involved, and I love how it pays off with rewards big and small.

I won't spoil anything.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Ok the way Wizard multiclassing works is goofy. Almost every bard and sorceror will benefit from 1 level in wizard.
If you drop a level in wizard you can learn spells of any level from scrolls and it shares spell slots with main caster class. Also because you can get an item in act 1 that gives 17 int you can dump intelligence and still have a huge spell book if you want.
This unlocks the original bardadin I wanted which was a valor or swords bard with things like shield blur and mirror image.