
Why so serious
Aug 22, 2008
speedy_43 said:
***Let's keep this bumped so we don't have +50million threads***

***Check links before inquiring if the roster is complete. Completed rosters will be marked as "Complete" upon confirmation.***

Here is a list of popular gamertags and PSN Id's to use to download rosters. If anyone has other ID's, please feel free to post those as well(either copy the below list and add to it or just reply with ID and which console). [face_peace]

[link=]gamingtailgate[/link] COMPLETED

Xbox 360
[link=]FAIRDALE KINGS[/link]
Petey Kirch [/link]
[link=]xTha 2nd Cominx - Coaches only[/link]

I have them too, SteelJay7 XBOX 360


Mood Muzik 4! Are You In That Mood Yet?
Apr 23, 2006
what are the best PS3 rosters available? Ones that are more than just names, like they have Wilson on Wisconsin, Pryor off, and all the transfers right.


Jul 23, 2009
Has or can anyone upload a file online. I only have access to a computer in work. don't have Live...... i'm about halfway done loading the names in myself like i usally do... figured i'd save some time.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
Here's a link to my copy of the Operation Sports Community 360 Rosters offline download


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
Luvtotha9s roster is now available with updates being made throughout the season.


May 8, 2006
When I played the PS3 I always used Luvtotha9's roster, but now I'm on 360. Which roster would you guys recommend for offline dynasties?


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
From what I have read, I think that the [link=]Operation Sports Community Rosters[/link] are probably the best ones to download for 360. GT: CcAaRrSsOoNn3

[ul][li]All players are named[/li][li]All jersey numbers are corrected as accurately as possible (CANNOT DO DUPLICATES)[/li][li]All transfers are in the game[/li][li]All players who are no longer on the team have been removed (Pryor, Jenkins, King)[/li][li]Equipment overhaul on over 75% of teams (Alabama, Notre Dame,
Oklahoma, Virginia Tech to name a few should be 100% spot on.) No 1970's
elbow pads. Iowa fans, BYU fans will be happy with the correct socks[/li][li]All coaches are named[/li][li]Minor re-rates on certain players[/li][/ul]For more info, follow the link above.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
After patch #2, roster files that were uploaded pre-patch will still have the tendency bug. The following 360 GT's have rosters that have been updated post patch and should be fixed.

Aug 2, 2007
What's the tendency bug?? Sorry I just bought it an hour ago from a Black Friday sale?? This tendency bug,does that mean I shouldn't download CcAaRrSsOoNn3's roster and I should download one of the 2 other rosters from the GTs listed on that other post? I just want the most accurate roster and stats.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
The tendency bug primarily affected the QB's being scramblers or pocket passers. Sometimes they would have ratings for a scrambler but be listed as a pocket passer or visa versa. This issue would cause slow, pocket passers to want to run a lot and scramblers staying in the pocket all the time. If you see this happen and want to change it, just go in and change a piece of equipment on the player and it will revert his tendency to what it truly should be.

As for the rosters, I would suggest Mustangs84 for xbox 360. It is current as of today at 11:30 EST. He has continued the updates on about a weekly baseis for the Operation Sports Forum community. If you want more info on it, [link=]here is the link[/link].


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
PS3 Rosters:

[link=]Schoene503[/link] - Weekly updates on depth chart changes/injuries if you are into that
luvtotha9s - Free version has season start rosters

Deleted member 4122473

Original poster
Best Xbox roster? I need one that actually has Texas updated with Malcolm Brown and Bergeron being good.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
[link=]Mustangs84[/link] is probably the best one out there and was last updated Dec 6th. As for Brown and Bergeron's ratings, I don't know what they look like.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
ozzie24Dagger said:
Who has the best rosters for ps3? Up to date player edits and not having to pay for the rosters either.
speedy_43 said:
PS3 Rosters:

[link=]Schoene503[/link] - Weekly updates on depth chart changes/injuries if you are into that
luvtotha9s - Free version has season start rosters


Aug 21, 2006
Can we get this thread updated again with new rosters for 2012? Thanks.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
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Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
Other Rosters that are updated (list taken from OS as well):

  • xxIzGoneRainxx - First rosters put out. Has roughly 100 named teams and roughly 20 generically named teams. Coaches are in. Lack of incoming freshman. Rosters are an adequate start but not the most accurate on this list.
  • pastapadre - Have not personally used these rosters. Fully named. Need confirmation on coaches, plus incoming freshman. Some players that have left team are still on rosters.
  • Rebelfan1611 - Have not personally used these rosters. Fully named. Have added some incoming freshman. Need confirmation on coaches, plus other info. Have found very positive reviews on these particular rosters.
  • Authentic973 - All teams are accurately named. Have added a good amount of incoming freshman, but not all of them. All coaches are in.
  • KWNatureBoy - Have not personally used these rosters. Need more information
  • gamingtailgate - Player names and coaches
  • mtemple93 - Player names, coaches and some edits to player accessories as well as height & weight
  • EALEGEND35 - Need more information.
  • Authentic973 - Fully named. Teams checked have incoming freshman but some seem to still be missing. Need information on coaches.
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Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
The guys over at Operation Sports are back at it again making their Official Community Rosters for PS3 and 360. I'll keep this thread updated along their process. The templates are done and they should be getting a jump on the actual creation with the Season Ticket release today.

Don't expect any good rosters to come out for another week or so.
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Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
MrSerendipity over at Operation Sports has put together a PS3 roster for just Head Coach changes. More info below:

So I spent around 6-7 hours compiling information for every Head Coach for every team in the NCAA. I just finished up with the final conference and have uploaded it to the share for everyone to download. Considering I want to play the game some today, I didn't include some of the more detailed stats like "vs. Top 25", "All-Americans" and etc. That info will I'm sure be made available when the OS Complete Roster is released. This is simply to tide people over until the Official OS Roster is released. This is the information you'll find in my roster file:

Coach Name
Skin Tone (As Accurate as possible for now)
Body Size (As Accurate as possible for now)
Head (As Accurate as possible for now)
Alma Mater (If their school wasn't in the game, I simply used the school closest to that school or their home. Or, I'd use a school they coached at a lot.)
Specialty (I didn't start doing this until about 1/5th of the way in, so some could be inaccurate)
Years Coached
Winning Seasons
Bowl Wins/Losses
Years At Current Team
Team Wins/Losses
COTY Awards

All of the other information can be added by you if you have it and would like to include it but I think this will give everyone something to work with until the Official OS Rosters are complete. Note: I'm not doing Coordinators for now as I haven't really had much time to actually play the game. So while I may do those later, they won't be in this roster download. I hope some of you will get some use out of this so I didn't spend hours doing this for my sole use.

System: PS3
Username: mrkodak89
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Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
A coach roster for 360 has also been created by OS user freeballnit. Below are the details

I went through and named all the coaches for 360. Download it from my gamertag.

I, like many of you, are waiting for the community rosters, but I like to jump into dynasty with at least the coaches. My roster is pretty basic & nothing compared to the community rosters. Again, COACHES ONLY, no player edits.

My roster has:
-Named all Head Coaches, OC's and DC's.
-I did NOT adjust records, tendencies, etc. Just names, a few looks, & most alma maters for head coaches & a few assistant coaches.
-I DID adjust a few looks for the coaches I know, but for the most part, did not touch how they look.
-I DID enter most head coaches alma maters. Did not get them all, but most. Also got some of the assistant coaches as well.
-In the case where a coach did not have an available alma mater, I made them an "honorary" grad at the place they are currently coaching.
-In the case where their were multiple OC or DCs, I picked one.
-In the case where the head coach was also the OC or DC, I used one of the extra OC/DCs from teams with multiple ones. I figure, better than duplicate head coaches or random generated name. I figure these guys are co-OC/DCs, they deserve a spot in the game. Doesn't mean they all made it, but a good number of them did. My philosophy is that there are always coaching changes, better to have a real coach than a fake.
-If you want to build on this with your coaches, or know the alma mater/look, let me know. I'll try and update & release another version. Especially with the OC/DCs.

Otherwise, enjoy until community rosters done. For those who at least want the coaches for dynasty, this is a good starter. I'll let you know if I update anymore.

gamertag: Freeballnit


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2008
Good stuff speedy.

OS Community PS3 Rosters have 90 teams done so those should be out probably the end of this weekend maybe


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
Operation Sports PS3 Community Rosters are complete. These are probably the best PS3 rosters available every year.

PSN: pudgee691

Edits include:
- All schools named.
- All players have the correct skin color
- All correct heights and weights
- All correct home states.
- All coaches/coordinators named, including stats corrected.
- Proper equipment adjusted on some players for most players in initial release. We hope to eventually have all players
- Dreads on players with long dreads.
- Some minor ratings adjustments
-Transfers added/removed

pudgee691 said:
We also recommend using slow progression for coaches in dynasty with these rosters.


Albino.Apache Circumventing
Jul 3, 2008
The Vesti
OS community 360 rosters hit a few snags and won't be out for a while.

Here are some other decent ones to check out. Click the GTs to see what the edits entail.

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