
Resident Unicorn
Aug 20, 2002
Checked our boards every so often, and it seems they're now gone :(

I just re-activated my account for the fun of it. Any hibs still playing?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2002
I remember Killerdan. This is Lavetz/Kujah from Kay. I randomly check the boards from time to time.


Nov 13, 2002
Kaarissa from Hib/Kay here. Every once in a while I check back, but it's like a ghost town sadly :( It's not much fun without all the people I grew to love/hate and fight with!

I've tried every MMO since Dark Age seeking that Perfect Storm and nothing compares.

Here's hoping Guild Wars 2 comes close :)

And Hey KD! Is it any good where you're playing?
Aug 1, 2012

Been watching GW2 WvWvW videos and thought, "Wow...this looks alot like ol DAoC, I wonder of some ol Hib/Kay might still be lurking..." and I find this thread.

Best part is I remember all of you so far in this thread! We all need to pick a Hib/Kay server for guild wars 2 release. I have some friends that are probably gonna play Maguuma, but not 100% sure yet.

AKA Vampyre
Champion of Hib/Kay
Teyrnas Dinistrydd (didn't think I'd remember how to spell that....)


Nov 13, 2002

Been watching GW2 WvWvW videos and thought, "Wow...this looks alot like ol DAoC, I wonder of some ol Hib/Kay might still be lurking..." and I find this thread.

Best part is I remember all of you so far in this thread! We all need to pick a Hib/Kay server for guild wars 2 release. I have some friends that are probably gonna play Maguuma, but not 100% sure yet.

AKA Vampyre
Champion of Hib/Kay
Teyrnas Dinistrydd (didn't think I'd remember how to spell that....)
Vamp!! Jerald and I are putzing around on Ywain9 and having a blast. There is like 500 people logged on and lots of RvR action. LOVING it!! Jerald and Tofu have been reactivated. Also, hit us up, we are heading to GW2 with a lot of the old TD crew.


May 2, 2002
Kay knows drama [face_plain]

Lucidiqe mins from alb kay.

I remember Killerdan, Lavetz/Kujah and Kaarissa.

Such fun times, I've stayed with the game on and off, coming around to my on time lol.

Nothing out there comes even close to DAoC rvr even in its current form.


Nov 10, 2011
Kaarissa from Hib/Kay here. Every once in a while I check back, but it's like a ghost town sadly :( It's not much fun without all the people I grew to love/hate and fight with!

I've tried every MMO since Dark Age seeking that Perfect Storm and nothing compares.

Here's hoping Guild Wars 2 comes close :)

And Hey KD! Is it any good where you're playing?

Kaar! ^^


Apr 26, 2004

Been watching GW2 WvWvW videos and thought, "Wow...this looks alot like ol DAoC, I wonder of some ol Hib/Kay might still be lurking..." and I find this thread.

Best part is I remember all of you so far in this thread! We all need to pick a Hib/Kay server for guild wars 2 release. I have some friends that are probably gonna play Maguuma, but not 100% sure yet.

AKA Vampyre
Champion of Hib/Kay
Teyrnas Dinistrydd (didn't think I'd remember how to spell that....)

Whatup vamp! Good job on the TD spelling, I would have no idea :) I think I remember every name in this thread. Crazy... Is the CSM still in business?

Last year Ailaen, Hightop, Rau and me messed around on Mid/Uthgard for a bit. Hard to have those long rvr sessions these days but we did enjoy the battlegrounds.


Aug 15, 2012
Kaarissa from Hib/Kay here. Every once in a while I check back, but it's like a ghost town sadly :( It's not much fun without all the people I grew to love/hate and fight with!

I've tried every MMO since Dark Age seeking that Perfect Storm and nothing compares.

Here's hoping Guild Wars 2 comes close :)

And Hey KD! Is it any good where you're playing?

Wow Kaarissa, LTNS...

Every now and then I reminisce about the good times we had on Hib/Kay ... but then I really don't miss the 6-8 hour raid sessions in Atlantis either ;)

I don't think I'll ever play another MMO as hardcore as I did Camelot ... though these days I'm into League of Legends.


Arbiter Elegantiarum
Mar 13, 2002
you can probably find more people on than here.

Oh and hi, welcome to the wake.


Aug 18, 2012
Have not checked these boards in literally years! Still toy with the idea of reactivating and seeing how things have evolved.
Kenrey DaRanger , Hayzoos Dahero here I miss the hell out of how this game was.


Apr 28, 2002
Found this thread by accident, awesome seeing old names here brings back some really fun gaming memories, including KD in darkness falls. /salute to all the oldschool Kay players hope life is treating you all well.


Jul 7, 2003
Another kay/TD member here. Will never forget Bob on the ram when we killed the dragon for the first time.

Saw that I had a 14 day "free trial" so I reactivated the accounts to check it out. Wondering if anyone else is around, I havnt been on daoc in at least 4 years and all of this new stuff is kinda disheartening.

-Nereigh/Luarraoem/Eraemos/Koae (TD/ID/PGC)


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 24, 2004
Wow lots of old names popped up here.

<- Twink the nightshade, Elderyn (Eldritch), and a few more ;)


No Longer a Noob
Dec 14, 2003
Woot!!! TD was the best people might remember me as my Nightshade Yohualltecuhtli miss all my friends from TD and all the Albs and Mids that provided such worthy competition. Haven't played an MMO since DAOC but every time I see the 14 day trial pop up in my email I reactivate just to say hi but it looks like they did away with Kay. :-(


Oct 24, 2012
Hey, Wirend here, also from hib/kay/TD.

You can find me, and my partially rebuilt army of badgers, on ywainn4.

Apparently wardens have gotten really nice <3


Oct 24, 2012
Woot!!! TD was the best people might remember me as my Nightshade Yohualltecuhtli miss all my friends from TD and all the Albs and Mids that provided such worthy competition. Haven't played an MMO since DAOC but every time I see the 14 day trial pop up in my email I reactivate just to say hi but it looks like they did away with Kay. :-(



Almost Not a Noob
Mar 15, 2002
I played mid with Axes of Odin which them turned into Outsiderz.

Shaman named Kasuza but I never really rvr'ed too much just crafting etc.


Oct 8, 2002
Hey Kes!

Zapath/Opi/Fembard (Hib/Kay) here. Don't play any MMOs these days.

Long shot, but does anyone know how to get hold of Flippy?


Jan 6, 2013
Hey Kes!

Zapath/Opi/Fembard (Hib/Kay) here. Don't play any MMOs these days.

Long shot, but does anyone know how to get hold of Flippy?

Not sure why I started thinking about DOAC tonight, but I did and the first 4 names that came to my mind were Illuminous, Kaarissa, Zapath and Goodbye. So low and behold I did some research and found this thread..and here you are looking for me..thats just weird gotta quit stalking me like this..I told you once..I like girls...I MISS YOU GUYS !! Email me at so we can get in touch..same goes for you Kaar..had sooooooo much fun..


Jan 6, 2013
Kaarissa from Hib/Kay here. Every once in a while I check back, but it's like a ghost town sadly :( It's not much fun without all the people I grew to love/hate and fight with!

I've tried every MMO since Dark Age seeking that Perfect Storm and nothing compares.

Here's hoping Guild Wars 2 comes close :)

And Hey KD! Is it any good where you're playing?

Not sure why I started thinking about DOAC tonight, but I did and the first 4 names that came to my mind were Illuminous, Kaarissa, Zapath and Goodbye. So low and behold I did some research and found this thread..and here you are looking for me..thats just weird gotta quit stalking me like this..I told you once..I like girls...I MISS YOU GUYS !! Email me at so we can get in touch..same goes for you Kaar..had sooooooo much fun..
Feb 22, 2011
Totally flaked out on this post since I posted in July, guess even VN boards aren't what they used to be. Awesome to see all the old names, I remember all of them. I still remember Flippy grinding out hours upon hours of alliance spam fixing up relic doors. I believe I was in TD for awhile to.

Visuvious, I miss the DF days, it's now even more of a ghost town than the frontiers :( Still having fun though, once in awhile I play with Emblur and some old school middies!


Oct 3, 2005
I (Barnicus/Eggwhite) was Kay though I doubt anyone knew me much from back then. No one would group me QQ


Oct 3, 2005
I used to play Alb/Kay mainly. Cedrina/Mori/Pravius/Praviux although spent most of my time on Mid/Galahad! Good to see some old faces :)


Sep 8, 2004
Fark, blast from the past thread...

Hi all, randomly popping into VN to find this thread, hah!

Juz - Hib/Kay [Eastern Wind]
Alkin - Hib/Kay (v 2.0) [Eastern Wind / Lurikeen Liberation Army]
Last edited:


Mar 3, 2013
Check out all the old schoolers!

I was Rumbler/Rumblin, Shadowblade on Kay.

Currently downloading SWTOR to try it out, haven't gamed in quite sometime. Anybody playing SWTOR or know of any guilds with old Kay-ites?


Mar 6, 2013
Hey - Bride/Rockmaster/Eltharion here (and too many other alts). Like everyone else, can't shake DAoC nostalgia!

Actually just put down Skyrim after exhausting all the quests and feeling a little empty - can't beat DAoC endgame (and endless character options/uniqueness).

Looking forward to Elder Scrolls Online but I'm a little worried that characters, classes, races, and factions are going to be a little too generic and fold into each other. I hope they don't shy away from accidental balance problems - re-balancing classes and races (and realms) helped keep the game dynamic and encouraged people to try new things - and even fotm classes didn't dominate because of the sheer variety of checks and balances.

Anyway, not sure I'll ever go back to DAoC, but I'm definitely still waiting for something worth investing my time in.


Mar 7, 2013
Check out all the old schoolers!

I was Rumbler/Rumblin, Shadowblade on Kay.

Currently downloading SWTOR to try it out, haven't gamed in quite sometime. Anybody playing SWTOR or know of any guilds with old Kay-ites?

Rumbler, wow that's a blast from the past. I was Noctem, smite cleric of The Scarlet Order, before leaving for Hib/Galahad. One of my unforgettable memories of daoc is a 1vs1 when you jumped me near amg. Luckily for me, this was when smite was horrendously overpowered.

Ahh the good old days. WTB time machine - destination October 2001.

I'm hoping that Camelot Unchained (or whatever it ends up being called) will recapture some of that old daoc spirit.


Mar 3, 2013
Check out all the old schoolers!

I was Rumbler/Rumblin, Shadowblade on Kay.

Currently downloading SWTOR to try it out, haven't gamed in quite sometime. Anybody playing SWTOR or know of any guilds with old Kay-ites?

Rumbler, wow that's a blast from the past. I was Noctem, smite cleric of The Scarlet Order, before leaving for Hib/Galahad. One of my unforgettable memories of daoc is a 1vs1 when you jumped me near amg. Luckily for me, this was when smite was horrendously overpowered.

Ahh the good old days. WTB time machine - destination October 2001.

I'm hoping that Camelot Unchained (or whatever it ends up being called) will recapture some of that old daoc spirit.

Nice! I remember all too well fighting smite clerics before the nerf.

Total god mode.


Jan 17, 2002
Just saw this thread by coincidence while checking out Camelot Unchained news.

Taxman/Healwell here and my brother duo Frostdagger/Doubletime from Mid/Kay here, some familiar names around. To think I was in high school when DAoC started and now married with kids of my own. I still told my wife that I'm playing Camelot Unchained and so is my brother.

Still lots of fond memories of Mid/Kay, the drama, stealth fights, Fury, Methuselah's Guard, and so many more.


Nov 13, 2002
Hey Kes!

Zapath/Opi/Fembard (Hib/Kay) here. Don't play any MMOs these days.

Long shot, but does anyone know how to get hold of Flippy?

Not sure why I started thinking about DOAC tonight, but I did and the first 4 names that came to my mind were Illuminous, Kaarissa, Zapath and Goodbye. So low and behold I did some research and found this thread..and here you are looking for me..thats just weird gotta quit stalking me like this..I told you once..I like girls...I MISS YOU GUYS !! Email me at so we can get in touch..same goes for you Kaar..had sooooooo much fun..

Flippy! It's been awhile since I have checked here. Hey everyone who checked in while I've been awol. This was the greatest community. I miss it! I heard about Camelot Unchained a bit, is anyone even thinking of checking it out?


Nov 11, 2011
Hey Kes!

Zapath/Opi/Fembard (Hib/Kay) here. Don't play any MMOs these days.

Long shot, but does anyone know how to get hold of Flippy?

Not sure why I started thinking about DOAC tonight, but I did and the first 4 names that came to my mind were Illuminous, Kaarissa, Zapath and Goodbye. So low and behold I did some research and found this thread..and here you are looking for me..thats just weird gotta quit stalking me like this..I told you once..I like girls...I MISS YOU GUYS !! Email me at so we can get in touch..same goes for you Kaar..had sooooooo much fun..

Flippy! It's been awhile since I have checked here. Hey everyone who checked in while I've been awol. This was the greatest community. I miss it! I heard about Camelot Unchained a bit, is anyone even thinking of checking it out?

Hey there! Old school Kay here too, great seeing some of these names from back in the day! After TOA I spent all my days in Thidranki on my 13 thid toons, usually Vaeder, Invaeder, and Mentalica, all were part of the Celtic Dragons guild. Prior to that use to have fun helping PL people on my mana chanter, Sayhello Tomylilfriend. The Camelot Unchained kickstarter is over (it funded, yay!) but there are a LOT of former DAOC players that pledged during the kickstarter to help it out. The comments section was filled with people reminiscing, including several from Kay. Merlin too, we talked about our "Hammer Time" adventure from Kay to Mid Merlin. :)
I'm hoping Camelot Unchained succeeds (I pledged Warrior Forever for the lifetime sub) because NOTHING has come close to it since then and my friends that didn't play DAOC just don't understand why I get so disappointed at PvP in other games.
Oct 1, 2005
Old school Kay times! Some of my favorite memories.

What up Rumble man. My wife and I have characters on SWTOR but we havent played in quite some time. If you are still playing it and see this let me know what server you are on.

I donated to the Kickstarter for Camelot Unchained so hopefully that works out.
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Jun 19, 2013
Fark, blast from the past thread...

Hi all, randomly popping into VN to find this thread, hah!

Juz - Hib/Kay [Eastern Wind]
Alkin - Hib/Kay (v 2.0) [Eastern Wind / Lurikeen Liberation Army]

Juzzie its me your Old GM mooksthedruid I now play world of tanks how have you been buddy ? also hello to my old kay friends and Foe.
Jul 2, 2013
Wow, pretty cool I ran across this.. Zerro Tolerance here, I ran Touel Alfar with that numb nuts Flippy back in the day.. Unfortunate how badly the game has died out, I'm still playing on ywain4 but live in molvik battlegrounds thats about it.. Run a Shade named Piercingzz these days so if any of ya play again come look me up! Damn, Vaeder, Kaarissa, Zapath and GB good to see those Although most of these posts were a year ago :(


Nov 11, 2011
Wow, pretty cool I ran across this.. Zerro Tolerance here, I ran Touel Alfar with that numb nuts Flippy back in the day.. Unfortunate how badly the game has died out, I'm still playing on ywain4 but live in molvik battlegrounds thats about it.. Run a Shade named Piercingzz these days so if any of ya play again come look me up! Damn, Vaeder, Kaarissa, Zapath and GB good to see those Although most of these posts were a year ago :(
Hey there Piercingzzz! Good to see you, good times in Thid back in the day! Still roaming Molvik? I just resubbed and moved toons around. Deleted a Reaver I had named Vaeder so I could roll another Shade with the name. Can't believe how rusty I am...pretty embarrassing. :) Have a Thid shade named Vaedyr, kind of sad how dead Thid is nowadays though. Planning on taking Vaeder up to Molvik and checking it out.
Jun 15, 2006
Wow. It's great to see so many familiar names and stories.
LadyShaw - TheGeneral from hib/kay reporting in. A year late it seems but what the heck.
Really miss this community. I've not been able to commit to an MMO since DAoC. Thought I was just getting too old for games or something but it's nice to see so many others feel the same.
Shout out to Zap, Kes, Kaarissa, Flippy, GBCW - all of your awesome people. if anyone wants to say hey. :)
Nov 10, 2011
I played mid kay I was Ubiene GoBoom a spiritmaster in the BSR (Black sun rising guild) I now mainly play gaheris but every so often if at all