
No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Since the old one is no more. [face_rose]

If you guys don't like the name, I'll get a mod to change it for us. Before ME2's release, we decided to make a new CT but never got around to it. This is the name we decided upon, so this is what I went with.
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No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
KAG! Why are you on the Mass Effect boards?

And yes, I did notice you. Are you gonna hang out around here now?


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
KAG! Why are you on the Mass Effect boards?

And yes, I did notice you. Are you gonna hang out around here now?
Yes! I love ME, and I can't wait till ME3 comes out. Besides, this is the only place I can find you. Could you fix my icon so I don't have the ugly white background and it fits with the classic skin?

It's not that I don't like you, it's that I love Robbie.
You..... don't.....l....l....llllll.......llllllllllllllloooove......m.....m...m.m.m.m.meeee?

Baby, it's not like that! It's just, we've drifted so far apart, and you've changed so much, and... I just don't think it'll work out like this!


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Are there a lot of spoilers in the CT here, or are you guys good at censoring? I still haven't played ME2, expecting that in the mail in a day or two.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Are there a lot of spoilers in the CT here, or are you guys good at censoring? I still haven't played ME2, expecting that in the mail in a day or two.
There aren't a lot of spoilers
I was not sure I should click that, in case you were an asshole spoiling the ending of ME2 because I don't love you anymore.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Here you go, Kag. But the icon pool on MyIGN is buggy at the moment so I don't think you can change it. They're fixing the problem as we speak, apparently. You may have to wait a day or two to upload it.

Which means all the Mass Effect icons I made everybody are now obsolete and I'll have to fix them to look good here. And now most of the CT is back to using non-Mass Effect icons and I can't switch to the ones I made.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Are there a lot of spoilers in the CT here, or are you guys good at censoring? I still haven't played ME2, expecting that in the mail in a day or two.

Welcome to the club, I just bought ME2 about 4 weeks ago and I'm currently on my 4th playthrough!

No lifeing ftw!
That's pretty much exactly what I did with with ME, so I'm hoping ME2 will be as good of an experience. And eventually, ME3.

My backlog is so huge.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
Just use spoiler tags now, so any spoiling should be fine. We talked ME2 stuff in the last CT BUT that was because everyone there had played it. Since you haven't, I don't think we'll be doing so as much.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Here you go, Kag. But the icon pool on MyIGN is buggy at the moment so I don't think you can change it. They're fixing the problem as we speak, apparently. You may have to wait a day or two to upload it.

Which means all the Mass Effect icons I made everybody are now obsolete and I'll have to fix them to look good here. And now most of the CT is back to using non-Mass Effect icons and I can't switch to the ones I made.
Lookin' good! Thanks mate. You got your hands on that mic yet?

And, will I still be allowed to upload big pics?


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Just use spoiler tags now, so any spoiling should be fine. We talked ME2 stuff in the last CT BUT that was because everyone there had played it. Since you haven't, I don't think we'll be doing so as much.
Awww you guys are so nice! Why did I not stop by here earlier?


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Here you go, Kag. But the icon pool on MyIGN is buggy at the moment so I don't think you can change it. They're fixing the problem as we speak, apparently. You may have to wait a day or two to upload it.

Which means all the Mass Effect icons I made everybody are now obsolete and I'll have to fix them to look good here. And now most of the CT is back to using non-Mass Effect icons and I can't switch to the ones I made.
Lookin' good! Thanks mate. You got your hands on that mic yet?

And, will I still be allowed to upload big pics?

Yeah, the new standard icon size is 140x140, which is larger than the old icons (regular were 80x80, and megicons were 120x120). It's the one thing I actually like about the new boards. I reaaaaaally want them to switch back to b1b3bc for the icon background where icons go though. It's b1b1b1 currently, and it effectively breaks all the icons from the old pool.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Just use spoiler tags now, so any spoiling should be fine. We talked ME2 stuff in the last CT BUT that was because everyone there had played it. Since you haven't, I don't think we'll be doing so as much.
Awww you guys are so nice! Why did I not stop by here earlier?

Probably because you weren't playing Mass Effect?
I was, but I was only playing ME. And I knew Robbie was here, and he's my Bromerican.

Here you go, Kag. But the icon pool on MyIGN is buggy at the moment so I don't think you can change it. They're fixing the problem as we speak, apparently. You may have to wait a day or two to upload it.

Which means all the Mass Effect icons I made everybody are now obsolete and I'll have to fix them to look good here. And now most of the CT is back to using non-Mass Effect icons and I can't switch to the ones I made.
Lookin' good! Thanks mate. You got your hands on that mic yet?

And, will I still be allowed to upload big pics?

Yeah, the new standard icon size is 140x140, which is larger than the old icons (regular were 80x80, and megicons were 120x120). It's the one thing I actually like about the new boards. I reaaaaaally want them to switch back to b1b3bc for the icon background where icons go though. It's b1b1b1 currently, and it effectively breaks all the icons from the old pool.
Ah, all right. Why the huge icons? I feel there's not enough space for the posts as is. Too much scrolling.

But I'm nit-picking.


Super Star
Mar 26, 2009
ME community is probably one of the best on all the boards.

Gotta say, almost no trolls ever show up here.

I wish I could say that for the spam though.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
It seems like a nice place. So far. I doubt it'll ever be like the TES boards to me, but it can definitely join the top three.
Jan 8, 2012
New Jersey
a cmdnr sheprd wuz wlkn acros the road

a girl said 'cmdnr sheperd, do u luv me 4evr'

cmdnr shephard said 'no'

da llittel girl cryed n run acros the stret

da litle gurl got kild by a reaper

cmdnr shepherd went ovah 2 her and said ' i ment to say i love u 5EVER'

5evr is moar thn 4evr

liek dis if you cry every tiem

So Stryder, Kag, the question now presents itself; Will you be friends Fivever?


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
a cmdnr sheprd wuz wlkn acros the road

a girl said 'cmdnr sheperd, do u luv me 4evr'

cmdnr shephard said 'no'

da llittel girl cryed n run acros the stret

da litle gurl got kild by a reaper

cmdnr shepherd went ovah 2 her and said ' i ment to say i love u 5EVER'

5evr is moar thn 4evr

liek dis if you cry every tiem

So Stryder, Kag, the question now presents itself; Will you be friends Fivever?
I will be his friend Sixever!
Jan 8, 2012
New Jersey
a cmdnr sheprd wuz wlkn acros the road

a girl said 'cmdnr sheperd, do u luv me 4evr'

cmdnr shephard said 'no'

da llittel girl cryed n run acros the stret

da litle gurl got kild by a reaper

cmdnr shepherd went ovah 2 her and said ' i ment to say i love u 5EVER'

5evr is moar thn 4evr

liek dis if you cry every tiem

So Stryder, Kag, the question now presents itself; Will you be friends Fivever?
I will be his friend Sixever!
But that's like..... more than Fivever!

I'm glad we're such a tight-knit community.

On the more serious side, I'm actually exactly the same as Stryder when it comes to books lol. I do like them, but I rarely read them for enjoyment. Now I either have too much work, or get distracted easier.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Sweet. How are you?
I like your icon.
Do you like books?
Yes, but I rarely read for pleasure.
So you like books but you don't read them just to enjoy them. Why do you read then? Because you have to for Uni or school or work?
I'll read for myself on occasion. I read The Lord of the Rings on my own, and it's my favorite book, so I should probably do it more often. But it's mostly for school instead; I enjoy most of the things I've had to read over the years.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
That's odd. I mostly read books while in bed before I sleep, they either keep me up for hours or make it easier for me to sleep. And I do love just relaxing when I'm back home at my parents' place with a good book. Or while at the cabin, or taking the bus back home, which is about a five-hour ride.

Most of what I read is for Uni, though, and it kind of kills the joy.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
I 'liked' your comment. You must feel so cool right now.
Dude you have no idea. I never knew what it felt like to be popular, but now I do. I'm never going back to being sad and lonely!
He was talking to me.

And I do feel so cool right now.
Uh, wrong, he liked MY post too.

Yes, but I rarely read for pleasure.
So you like books but you don't read them just to enjoy them. Why do you read then? Because you have to for Uni or school or work?
I'll read for myself on occasion. I read The Lord of the Rings on my own, and it's my favorite book, so I should probably do it more often. But it's mostly for school instead; I enjoy most of the things I've had to read over the years.
Ah, the joy of studying something you actually enjoy. I don't like what I'm studying now, switching up this autumn. Hopefully it'll be more interesting to read that.
Jan 8, 2012
New Jersey
LOTR almost put me to sleep. I tried to get through Fellowship at least 10 times, nope.

Edit; The books that is, loved the movies. Yes, I'm one of those guys.

My favorite book would probably have to Ender's Game. So good.
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But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
I'm a gamer first.
I don't know, I do play more games than I play books, and I do find it more fun because I'm usually playing with a couple buddies, but books... leave a lot to my imagination, which I like.

LOTR almost put me to sleep. I tried to get through Fellowship at least 10 times, nope.

Edit; The books that is, loved the movies. Yes, I'm one of those guys.

My favorite book would probably have to Ender's Game. So good.
Never heard of anyone falling asleep to LOTR. My favorite books i probably... 1984? That, or IT.
Jan 8, 2012
New Jersey
1984 is great, but I think I prefer Animal Farm as far as Orwell goes lol.

Edit; Yeah, this is a game where Gamefly would do me some good.

Sadly, I don't have it, nor do I really want it.

I usually prefer just owning a game and playing that a lot. And for the games I'm on the fence on, pay $5 to $30 on.
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But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Animal Farm is good, I just really loved 1984. One of the first... "proper" books I read, some time ago now.

GameFly, is that a rental service?