
No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
I think the opposite, the way he glared at Nana before Nana started to dance, I think he is getting ready to "cut the fat" of the Mogul Embassy, which will turn him... heelier?


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
The big announcement is…tune into Dynamite on March 13 for an important night in AEW history! It’s clear that Mercedes is coming in, but you either announce it right there or just don’t make a big deal about a ‘big announcement’. I’ve said it before, but it’s hard to take Tony seriously when he hypes everything as being “major”, “unforgettable”, etc.

That being said, Joe vs. Swerve vs. Hangman should be awesome.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
What a fantastic Dynamite.

Swerve v. Hangman was awesome 5 star quality, it was that good. Not sure how I feel about heel Hangman, but his look on the ramp when the triple threat got announced, I don't know if it was the mustache, but that was one of the best comeuppance faces I have ever seen.

Toni v. Red Velvet was good with Deonna being built well to be Toni's next challenger. Red Velvet is really good and I would like to see her in some non-title feud to be built up.

CMLL v. BCC was another great match and the feud is really starting to feel like an invasion, crazy that Claudio had to cheat to win. CMLL should win a match in this feud though.

I disagree with TBD, I think the announcement was worthy, AEW is going to try to sell out a 20k seat arena for a Dynamite, they have not gone for that in a while I feel and the obvious teasing of Mercedes Mone is great, I mean the Boston in the picture is spelled out BoSSton, it just works. Also, seeing Mercedes get the type of hyping up that they have only given Punk so far is great, it shows a real belief that she is going to be a major star in the company, and just what the improving women's division needs. Also, Okada is money based too...

Jericho v. Takeshita was good, but probably the least good match of the night, Takeshita needing help to beat Jericho sucks, but Jericho overcoming the KO to try to get out of the Walls to basically be put into a Lion Tamer and tap was the important part of the match, forget how we got there.

The tag main event was great too. I love Sting in AEW and Darby was the guy I sort of flocked to of the early AEW signings so to see them win the belts was great. On top of that, having Ricky Starks (who I think might actually stay in AEW now considering what is happening in WWE right now) show doubt and not want to finish off Sting, but then brushing it off and trying to anyway, fantastic. It could lead to Big Bill taking him out and then Bill will be on his way to the main event.

Then the post-match beat-down by Matthew and Nicolas was top notch, white bats, brilliant. The white clothes getting red from Darby's blood, what a well put together beat down.

AEW is firing on all cylinders again and it is great, and we get more BCC v. CMLL and Ishii v. OC on Saturday, should be a two more great matches at least.

edit: Renaming the BTE Trigger the EVP Trigger, so good, god the Young Bucks are so good at being douchebag heels.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Mita, literally the only new information in Tony’s “huge announcement” was that the show is named Big Business. We already knew the venue for the show. I know you like the product, but you come off like a total AEW homer when you defend one of TK’s nothingburger segments that end up just telling us to get hyped for something vague in the future with zero concrete info revealed.


Sep 18, 2008
Mita, literally the only new information in Tony’s “huge announcement” was that the show is named Big Business. We already knew the venue for the show. I know you like the product, but you come off like a total AEW homer when you defend one of TK’s nothingburger segments that end up just telling us to get hyped for something vague in the future with zero concrete info revealed.
Technically the venue wasn't official confirmed outside of dirtsheets until the tickets went up for sale earlier today.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Technically the venue wasn't official confirmed outside of dirtsheets until the tickets went up for sale earlier today.
OK? That still makes it publicly known information prior to Tony's huge, groundbreaking, earthshattering announcement of ... the name of the show. If the venue itself was supposed to be the big info, then don't reveal it hours in advance by putting tickets on sale first. Unless AEW has zero control over when tickets are put on sale, but that would seem weird to me.
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Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
The big announcement is…tune into Dynamite on March 13 for an important night in AEW history! It’s clear that Mercedes is coming in, but you either announce it right there or just don’t make a big deal about a ‘big announcement’. I’ve said it before, but it’s hard to take Tony seriously when he hypes everything as being “major”, “unforgettable”, etc.

That being said, Joe vs. Swerve vs. Hangman should be awesome.


MODerately Terrifying
�� MOD
May 15, 2009
Damn. I saw a couple in theaters and it was always a fun time. I remember how nuts people went for Bryan and Cole’s debut.



No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
What a great show, only real complaints are the women's and TNT title match finishes, neither felt right, but that is so small compared to all they did right.

Dear god, Takeshita v. Osprey lived up to my hype and then some. A legit 6 star match. The Oscutter into Blue Thunder Bomb might legit be the best wrestling move I have ever seen.

And the main event, what else is there to say besides Sting is one of the best to ever do it, and he had the best retirement run of a wrestler ever. Also, Darby, what the fuck was that bump, never do anything close to that again.

I am ready to see the new AEW come Wednesday (but more likely next week).

What else is there to say besides

That was Sting.


Sep 18, 2008
You know I thought that first ref pull was a bit late, but honestly it really added to it that it was clearly overkill, only to then follow it up by doing the same to Bryce.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
So Fightful's reporting that Santana's gone from AEW, and honestly it's for the best

He was extremely clear he didn't want to team with Ortiz anymore, and if that's what he wants then more power to him, but if he wants to make a run as a singles guy...there's just too many people above him on that AEW roster

Wish him the best and despite the jokes being made about it I would definitely like to see him show back up in TNA


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
Wish him the best and despite the jokes being made about it I would definitely like to see him show back up in TNA
Honestly, I don't see him getting his due in TNA either, they have Moose, Josh Alexander, Nic Nemeth, Alex Shelley, Mustafa Ali, and Chris Sabin at the top of the card, that is hard to break into to, even people like Mike Bailey haven't (that is TNA's fault). I don't see Santana getting into their group. I see him being a mid carder there.

I know he and Jonathan Gresham were supposed to be the top of Terminus when Gresham tried to get that going before the pandemic, I think that is what Santana needs to aim for, getting on the ground floor of a company that can build around him, I think he might have it in him, just not sure any of the major companies have a place for him... Maybe NWA or MLW I guess, if you consider them major, which you really shouldn't.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Honestly, I don't see him getting his due in TNA either, they have Moose, Josh Alexander, Nic Nemeth, Alex Shelley, Mustafa Ali, and Chris Sabin at the top of the card, that is hard to break into to, even people like Mike Bailey haven't (that is TNA's fault). I don't see Santana getting into their group. I see him being a mid carder there.

I know he and Jonathan Gresham were supposed to be the top of Terminus when Gresham tried to get that going before the pandemic, I think that is what Santana needs to aim for, getting on the ground floor of a company that can build around him, I think he might have it in him, just not sure any of the major companies have a place for him... Maybe NWA or MLW I guess, if you consider them major, which you really shouldn't.
We'll see how many of those are still in TNA in a year though


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013

I am very interested in heel Okada, him and the Young Bucks are going to be great together as dickheads.
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Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Tony wastes no time giving us what we want. Might not be best for business in the long run but it’s awesome to see.
In this instance, Danielson has a very real clock ticking on how much time is left to do this match


Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
In this instance, Danielson has a very real clock ticking on how much time is left to do this match
I was under the impression that Danielson was still going to wrestle on a part time schedule going forward. If that’s true, they definitely could have waited until Ospreay had been built up more in the states and helped sell out a stadium show with this match down the line.

Also, if Danielson is still going to be wrestling on occasion I wouldn’t be having him lose as much as he has lately. Keep his name value strong, like pre sex trafficking Brock.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
I was under the impression that Danielson was still going to wrestle on a part time schedule going forward. If that’s true, they definitely could have waited until Ospreay had been built up more in the states and helped sell out a stadium show with this match down the line.

Also, if Danielson is still going to be wrestling on occasion I wouldn’t be having him lose as much as he has lately. Keep his name value strong, like pre sex trafficking Brock.
Counterpoint, do what Danielson did the first time on the Final Countdown tour

Lose EVERY match, then get a final win on the way out to Nigel


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
I am horrified to say anything after the last time that AEW had a show built around a wrestler joining the company ended, but, besides the bad theme, so far, so good.

C-E-O chant is [face_money_eyes]


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
I am horrified to say anything after the last time that AEW had a show built around a wrestler joining the company ended, but, besides the bad theme, so far, so good.

C-E-O chant is [face_money_eyes]
For me, the chant cancels out the theme, what thetheme is doens't matter, it's just fluff to get to the CEO chant


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
I know it is just March, but Bryan Danielson is the wrestler of the year.

Go watch Bryan vs. Shibata, oh my god, it was so good.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
The new Mercedes theme still hasn’t clicked with me yet. Maybe it will over time, but I liked the one she used in Japan more.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Did Vince low key join AEW? I’m only slightly kidding because they announced several talent releases yesterday and Khan hasn’t been known to not honor contracts.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
People were worried about how WWE would use Jay White, but his run in AEW has been a huge letdown. A singles match against Billy Gunn isn’t exactly how I’d be booking him right now.

At least Joe and Swerve are killing it.


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
A singles match against Billy Gunn that he lost, at that. After he looked great in the CC, I was hoping it’d be the start of a singles resurgence for him, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. They’re leaning too much into chickenshit heel territory, which doesn’t really work when we’ve already seen the guy can go.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
A few things

1. Holy shit they actually showed the footage
2. Punk always comes off as an ass
3. This better be the last time this shit is ever referenced on AEW,


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
Good Dynamite

If Swerve wins, which I am expecting, what a great reign by Samoa Joe.


Didn't know Ruby and Angelo were in a real relationship, but good for them.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
Amazing show, absolutely amazing. From top to bottom not a bad match on the card (I didn't hate Jericho v. Hook).

Okada v. PAC was great, Okada is an amazing heel and PAC was a great first defense.

The trios match was maybe "just" a tv main event but it was a good one, and Malakai pinning Copeland, and hitting him with the mist, can't wait to see what happens there

Willow v. Julia was probably a little short due to a reported injury for Julia, but if she was hurt and not able to go all out, they did a great job protecting her. Mone needs to be a heel and soon.

Roddy v. Kyle was just a really great match, really gave me the old ROH vibe if you know what I mean, they just kicked each other's asses.

Hook v. Jericho, probably the weakest match on the card, a real 2.5/5 match, and I have been over Jericho for years, and it seems like the crowds are over him too.

Toni Storm v. Thunder Rosa, not a big fan of the finish, but otherwise, gave off a "these two hate each other" feeling and they played it up well

Bryan Danielson vs. Will Osprey - Watch this match. Just go watch it, it will probably be the match of the year, and may be the match of the decade. What a fucking match

FTR vs. Young Bucks, great ladder match with two of the best tag teams to ever do it. More excited about the return of the Scapegoat though.

Swerve vs. Joe, like I said before, what a great reign by Joe when I did not think it was possible even 5 months ago. Swerve winning really feels like AEW entering into its own new era and with him, Will, Okada, all around to carry it, along with the old standby people, AEW's near future is looking good.

Maybe not as good as All Out 2021, but what a great show, without any real bad matches.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
AEW had a match tonight, the Casino Gauntlet match for a shot at the International title and while I didn't like it as it started, I liked it as it went along, especially with it being able to end at any time. The announcers said it could go up to 21 entries and they did not get close to the number, so yeah, actually a cool match concept that they made work tonight.

The audio issues were actual shit tonight and I had to find a stream from a different country to actually hear anything.

Tony Khan died too. Feels like what AEW has needed for a while, a humongous angle to end a show on, also will explain why the Jags have a horrible draft again.

edit: Oh, Shad Khan appearing shocked me.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
You know, with AEW being on a bit of a downward slope lately it got me thinking what was missing in AEW right now, and I think it is a main character. Look at WWE now, Cody took the main character spot by force from the Rock and it led to arguably the most celebrated moment in WWE history.

If you look at AEW you can even follow a solid through line of main characters. At first, the main character was Moxley, then the heel Kenny Omega, then Adam Page (who was really the main character all along), Punk sort of usurped that position from Hangman and MJF sort of took it when Punk went all Punk, but I feel since MJF has been gone, there has not been one. Joe was a good champ, but he was not a main character. Swerve should be it, but I don't feel like it has all come together for him for some reason, and Osprey will be it eventually, but not yet. With Kenny's return a few weeks ago I really feel like if he was cleared he could take the position right back, but that is not in the cards. AEW needs a hero to fight the Elite and to save the company, and as much as I love him, Bryan is not the guy to be the main character this late into his career.

So, Darby's returned at the end of Dynamite and it was great, and he is perfect to be the new main character of AEW, have him be the one who has to really fight the Elite, him versus Okada will be nuts and him and Jack Perry will make a fantastic mirror of each other, he needs to find a new ally to fight the Young Bucks with Sting gone, which could be its own great story, imagine him and Guevara or MJF having to team up, it would be great.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
Lost me at AEW on a downward slope
I meant numbers wise, it is hard to ignore their rating and attendance have been down lately. Now the actual show, I am one of those who thinks it has been good since Punk was kicked out and the whole company kind of rallied together (besides the occasional Dynamite and Collision)


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I meant numbers wise, it is hard to ignore their rating and attendance have been down lately. Now the actual show, I am one of those who thinks it has been good since Punk was kicked out and the whole company kind of rallied together (besides the occasional Dynamite and Collision)
It’s actually very easy if you just don’t seek this info out.