
Almost Not a Noob
Sep 11, 2017
This seems thread worthy.

As Ryan pointed out in the DT, The Elite are opening their own wrestling promotion. Here's what Meltzer is saying:

- There are guys signed to the promotion, including Cody. The Young Bucks aren't officially signed yet but could be within 24-48 hours.

- There's no television deal for AEW yet, but there are "multiple offers out there." Meltzer said he's confident enough to say that he thinks it will happen.

- People are being signed to multi-year contracts.

- Tony Khan (of the Jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham FC) is the head of the company. He's a longtime professional wrestling fan and the son of billionaire Shahid Khan.

- What happens with AEW and New Japan Pro Wrestling is "100 percent up in the air." Everyone in All Elite would like to have a relationship with NJPW and would like to continue working with them. Whether or not NJPW will do it is up in the air.

- The success of All In wasn't lost on certain people in the TV industry. Those who watched it were very impressed.

- Meltzer doesn't think ROH talent will be working for AEW -- they'll be competing for the same wrestlers. Meltzer called this the greatest thing for talent since the WWF/WCW war, with WWE, AEW, and ROH now all competing for talent. They all wanted Bandido, and ROH got him.



No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
They all wanted Bandido, and ROH got him.
AEW is looking good, but this is the part that interested me the most

It looks like we might be having a possible three-way bidding war and ROH might not be dead in the water because of it.

I know I have read a lot of people complain about ROH getting guys, but one of the best ways for them to get better (besides getting rid of Delirious) is to get more talent.

With TNA getting a bad tv deal, this is good because it means there is almost already a new number 2 as well.

It is going to be an interesting year.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 27, 2017
I'm curious to see what Kenny Omega does. Odds are I'm assuming he probably will go with AEW, unless WWE made him an offer he just can't refuse.

I think AEW, with or without him, especially if they have a relationship with NJPW, definitely has a chance to be the new #2, and I am interested to see what happens.

I think just how strong of a #2 and just how big of a "war" this becomes, starts with Kenny. May not necessarily end with him, but who would you rather be rolling out as the face of AEW when it starts. Cody Rhodes or Kenny Omega?
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Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
I'm curious to see what Kenny Omega does. Odds are I'm assuming he probably will go with AEW, unless WWE made him an offer he just can't refuse.

I think AEW, with or without him, especially if they have a relationship with NJPW, definitely has a chance to be the new #2, and I am interested to see what happens.

I think just how strong of a #2 and just how big of a "war" this becomes, starts with Kenny. May not necessarily end with him, but who would you rather be rolling out as the face of AEW when it starts. Cody Rhodes or Kenny Omega?
I'm wondering about Kenny as well. The episode of Being the Elite only included the Bucks, Cody and Page announcing stuff. It's already weird to me that Marty is sticking with ROH. Not having Kenny will definitely make the Elite aspect of it feel diluted.

It'd be like if WCW went through with the idea of giving the nWo their own show but then only put Hall, Nash, The Giant and Savage on it.


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
Curious who fills out the rest of the roster. They're gonna need some major star power.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
Curious who fills out the rest of the roster. They're gonna need some major star power.
I've wondered the same thing. Based on Being the Elite, it seems like SCU are on board.

Kenny's contract expires this month but I just don't know if I see him leaving NJPW. It would be huge for them if NJPW would have a working relationship with AEW. Heck, if I was NJPW, I might would just let the Elite guys head up their U.S. expansion.

Kota Ibushi is apparently a freelancer right now.

On the non-wrestling WWE side, it seems that Mauro Ranallo, Paige and Jim Ross all have contracts coming up in 2019.
More interesting than that, apparently Gallows, Anderson, Styles and Shinsuke's contracts are all up in 2019 with Styles's running out in April.

EDIT: Also, let us not forget
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No Longer a Noob
May 16, 2016
So out of the news loop that I didn't realize that this was going to be happening until the other day, I thought Cody and the others were supposed to be WWE bound, lol.

One thing that I wonder about this - it seems that they release a lot of content through this YouTube channel, but it "only" has a quarter mil subscribers, and it looks like most of the videos don't get very many more views than that. It does seem like such a biz setup with that audience size could be sustainable, but the numbers just seem low to me. It is interesting that they have an NFL owner-ish type of person involved from the money side, so who knows. I never would have thought that both Impact and ROH would be in business for over a decade and a half, so this could do well. It'll be interesting to see what guys pick this over NXT, and what WWE veterans have stints in a place like this and what that means.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
So Cody Rhodes is the new Jeff Jarrett.
God damn, I never realized how apt this comparison was before.
tbh, I hadn't either and while I'm not a big fan of Cody in-ring, he's seems like a likable guy and I enjoy his Being the Elite stuff so when Imma said this, I wanted to disagree but just couldn't


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
It's already weird to me that Marty is sticking with ROH.
To clarify, Marty's not really 'sticking' with ROH, he just initially signed a contract after everyone else so it still has I want to say a year left on it.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
It's already weird to me that Marty is sticking with ROH.
To clarify, Marty's not really 'sticking' with ROH, he just initially signed a contract after everyone else so it still has I want to say a year left on it.
For some reason, I thought he chose to stick with them for another year but not sure if that was just an assumption I was making or if I read it somewhere.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
It's already weird to me that Marty is sticking with ROH.
To clarify, Marty's not really 'sticking' with ROH, he just initially signed a contract after everyone else so it still has I want to say a year left on it.
For some reason, I thought he chose to stick with them for another year but not sure if that was just an assumption I was making or if I read it somewhere.
That's why the "sticking together" promise was only between Hangman, Cody, the Bucks, and Kenny. Marty was never part of it because it was never really an option.

Maybe in a year we'll see him off to AEW, maybe he'll be made ROH champ and he'll want to stick around. I dunno, who's to say


No Longer a Noob
Jul 23, 2009
pallet town
More interesting than that, apparently Gallows, Anderson, Styles and Shinsuke's contracts are all up in 2019 with Styles's running out in April.
i feel like all 4 of those guys are very content with cruising in WWE right now. there's no way AEW can offer the same money for those guys.


Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
I'm interested, but cautious. If they start pulling some of the same dumb shit they were doing at All In for their storylines then I won't be following it close, and would probably just check in if I hear there's a good match. So pretty much how I regard Impact Wrestling nowadays.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 27, 2017
There are also reports that I saw on Cageside Seats that:

Jericho and JR are in and will be "heavily involved", and that Tony Khan is talking to Time Warner about possibly having AEW on TBS or TNT, plus AEW is going to go hard at WWE talent and personnel and want a mix of younger talents and legends.

No surprise on that last part, but trying to get with Time Warner? That's interesting.
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MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
WWE clearly does not want this to happen, so I'm excited to see how they respond. Competition makes WWE a better product, so I'm all in.


Dec 23, 2011
It'll probably push ROH to be a better product too as they'll be the clear 3rd after a few years of being the #2 brand in US based promotions. Very interested to see which WWE talents make the jump, very few who I would pick as obvious guys who would leave bar maybe a few vets who want that last payday/good run


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 11, 2017
Sadly, I expect Zack Ryder to be one of them. Cody seems to have a soft spot for him.



No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Sadly, I expect Zack Ryder to be one of them. Cody seems to have a soft spot for him.

Does he? I heard Cody railing against Ryder for being a "fake Star Wars fan" on a podcast one time, but I couldn't tell if it was good-natured ribbing or if he really disliked the guy. Anyway, I'd be fine with that. It's always a little depressing when current Ryder pops up randomly in a battle royal or something. Somehow he ended up even worse off after the whole Z True Long Island Story stuff than before he started.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 11, 2017
Does he? I heard Cody railing against Ryder for being a "fake Star Wars fan" on a podcast one time, but I couldn't tell if it was good-natured ribbing or if he really disliked the guy. Anyway, I'd be fine with that. It's always a little depressing when current Ryder pops up randomly in a battle royal or something. Somehow he ended up even worse off after the whole Z True Long Island Story stuff than before he started.
Cody was asked if he could have booked anyone in WWE on All In besides Goldust, who would it have been and he said Ryder.

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Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
WGN America seems more likely, as they aired the "All In" pre-show, but aren't they owned by Sinclair?
I don't think so, but if you had a choice I think a Turner station is the obvious choice. It's been reported they've gotten "multiple offers" so if they can trade up they should


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Although with Nakamura's contract expiring later this year, any thoughts of him jump shifting to AEW instead? He did moved his family to America so I wouldn't be surprised if he does so.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
Big hint that Omega is going AEW

After the timestamped part, jump to 23:15. The ticking sound with timers on phones is what hyped the announcing of AEW for the past few months.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 27, 2017
As conflicted as I am about where I want Kenny to go, I won't lie. I would love for Kenny choosing AEW over WWE to maybe be the wake-up call to Vince that his time has passed and just being Vince and the E isn't enough anymore. If rumors are true, and there was no creative control offered? When will Vince wake up and realize that that's half the damn problem? Let the talent be themselves.

I got a feeling today's AEW rally will be historic, not just because it's their big rally, but I got a feeling we get some kind of confirmation/stronger hint that Kenny is going AEW. Can't wait to see what the conference holds regardless; this is an exciting moment to be a wrestling fan if for nothing else just the unknown and unexpected of what may happen next!


We all go a little mod sometimes.
Feb 9, 2011
The SoCal Uncensored guys - Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky - are all heading to AEW. While none of those guys are big-time stars nowadays, they're all steady workers that have good chemistry with the majority of the talent that's said to be heading there; and that's definitely a good thing. Having star-power and competent hands from jump is a must.
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Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
The biggest Fuck you to WWE would be for Punk to go to AEW. I really this happens lmao.
I could be way off base but thinking back to interviews and stuff that I've seen with Punk, I really do think if someone got him back into a wrestling environment(whether it be ROH, NJPW, whatever) for just an appearance or a one-off, dude would remember why he loved wrestling. Dude was so in love with what he was doing, I just think WWE used the thing that he loved so much to break his heart.

On a semi-related note, some dirt sheets are reporting that Omega has officially decided on AEW. If so, I'm thinking they'll announce that this afternoon at the rally.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
MJF is in.

I don't have much of an opinion of him but I like him in the little bit of what I've seen.\

EDIT: And so is Joey Janella. Again, not a huge get but still a solid, entertaining guy.
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