Nov 19, 2018
I added a bunch here but no one seems to have added me back :( reposting my stuff so maybe I'll get some add backs

FC: 4570 7158 2174
Name: Alexis
Fruits: peaches, pears & lyches. Hopefully get more with help
I added you!
My FC is 5000-3239-2220
Name: Blue
Town: Nekoland
I've got apples orange peach lynchs durian coconut and banana and can get you a silver shovel fish rod or net I feel needed
Feb 12, 2019
I added a bunch here but no one seems to have added me back :( reposting my stuff so maybe I'll get some add backs

FC: 4570 7158 2174
Name: Alexis
Fruits: peaches, pears & lyches. Hopefully get more with help
I added you!
My FC is 5000-3239-2220
Name: Blue
Town: Nekoland
I've got apples orange peach lynchs durian coconut and banana and can get you a silver shovel fish rod or net I feel needed

I added some of you guys!! Hopefully people add me back since these comments are hecka old

Name: Camille
Town: Chenxu
FC: 0619-2966-3065
Feb 24, 2019
hey Bp23 I added u recently, pls accept
My name as dejua (Dylan) and fc is 2294-3772-3024
Come check out my town, and we can swim on the island( I pay)
My native fruit is Cheries and I also have bananas and stoof
It would be good to hang out with people, and I will accept any friend request
(My town is gitel)
Apr 27, 2020
Anybody want to play acnl with me?? My code is 0448 1626 6723 and my name is Anna and my town is called Tiny