
Almost Not a Noob
Nov 3, 2004
I hate the controls. Just gameplay in general. The movement alone makes me want to throw this game across a room. I can't be the only one right.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Movement and combat are fine in Unity. It takes time to work out the slight changes to previous games, but not that long.

I enjoy the combat, and the effortless movement in Unity. It totally beats Sydicate, where both fighing and movement were crap.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2007
If you want to discuss this back up your complaints with sensible explanations.

Why do you feel the controls are bad?

Why do you feel the game play is bad?

If not prepare yourself cause I'm perfectly ready to tell you why Unity save for it's catastrophic release is the best game to date.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 3, 2004
Movement and combat are fine in Unity. It takes time to work out the slight changes to previous games, but not that long.

I enjoy the combat, and the effortless movement in Unity. It totally beats Sydicate, where both fighing and movement were crap.
If you want to discuss this back up your complaints with sensible explanations.

Why do you feel the controls are bad?

Why do you feel the game play is bad?

If not prepare yourself cause I'm perfectly ready to tell you why Unity save for it's catastrophic release is the best game to date.
My biggest complaint is that it doesn't move they I want it to. AC movement has at times been annoying but never this annoying. The reaction time from when I press a button to what I want him to do is slow if it happens at all. Same during combat. Even when I'm taking cover it doesn't respond fast enough. If this is bad I can only imagine how bad syndicate is


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2007
Movement and combat are fine in Unity. It takes time to work out the slight changes to previous games, but not that long.

I enjoy the combat, and the effortless movement in Unity. It totally beats Sydicate, where both fighing and movement were crap.
If you want to discuss this back up your complaints with sensible explanations.

Why do you feel the controls are bad?

Why do you feel the game play is bad?

If not prepare yourself cause I'm perfectly ready to tell you why Unity save for it's catastrophic release is the best game to date.
My biggest complaint is that it doesn't move they I want it to. AC movement has at times been annoying but never this annoying. The reaction time from when I press a button to what I want him to do is slow if it happens at all. Same during combat. Even when I'm taking cover it doesn't respond fast enough. If this is bad I can only imagine how bad syndicate is

That's the thing about contextual buttons, sometimes it's not going to do what you want.

As for it being slow, I never noticed that. It requires timing and not mashing in Unity. You can't just mash B and hope to counter, you can't just mash attack and hope everything will go well, calm down and don't press buttons without making a deliberate and well thought out decision.

When an enemy attacks you focus on countering and when you see an opening you get in an attack or two and prepare for countering again. Sure there are a lot of animations where you can only cancel out of them near the end but that's just something we have to deal with. (That's an actual good argument you COULD have used)

If you don't like the way it feels that's a personal problem, it doesn't make the game worse. It worked well enough that when I screwed up I knew it was my fault.

You can't just say I don't like how it feels and say the game is bad and expect to be taken seriously by anyone intelligent.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Still do not get his complain about movement. It's a flow, and there's hardly any button bashing involved.
-my guess is, he thinks this is one of the old games, where you needed to press buttons more when climbing and so on.

so, my advice is, try moving, climbing and running with less button mashing. You'll do better.

That was my experience, actually. When I played Unity, I soon realised it required lot less button pushing than the older games as far as movement went.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 3, 2004
Movement and combat are fine in Unity. It takes time to work out the slight changes to previous games, but not that long.

I enjoy the combat, and the effortless movement in Unity. It totally beats Sydicate, where both fighing and movement were crap.
If you want to discuss this back up your complaints with sensible explanations.

Why do you feel the controls are bad?

Why do you feel the game play is bad?

If not prepare yourself cause I'm perfectly ready to tell you why Unity save for it's catastrophic release is the best game to date.
My biggest complaint is that it doesn't move they I want it to. AC movement has at times been annoying but never this annoying. The reaction time from when I press a button to what I want him to do is slow if it happens at all. Same during combat. Even when I'm taking cover it doesn't respond fast enough. If this is bad I can only imagine how bad syndicate is

That's the thing about contextual buttons, sometimes it's not going to do what you want.

As for it being slow, I never noticed that. It requires timing and not mashing in Unity. You can't just mash B and hope to counter, you can't just mash attack and hope everything will go well, calm down and don't press buttons without making a deliberate and well thought out decision.

When an enemy attacks you focus on countering and when you see an opening you get in an attack or two and prepare for countering again. Sure there are a lot of animations where you can only cancel out of them near the end but that's just something we have to deal with. (That's an actual good argument you COULD have used)

If you don't like the way it feels that's a personal problem, it doesn't make the game worse. It worked well enough that when I screwed up I knew it was my fault.

You can't just say I don't like how it feels and say the game is bad and expect to be taken seriously by anyone intelligent.
Dude I can say whatever I like. The gameplay and movement suck. That's my opinion. As far as button mashing, that's not what I'm talking about. There are many aspects of the movement and combat make this bad. For example let's use basic movement, just yesterday I was playing and got a minor detection, as I turned and walked away it climbed on a box instead. The problem wasn't that it climbed on the box it was that it wouldn't get off of it. I don't press a lot of buttons to move, this is just basic walking, no running. I had to freerun off that box that landed me half way up a building rather than just getting off the box. It says hit L2 when near a window to enter; I'm near a window. He jumps down or further up. Many of these new things are just a annoyances more than anything. And I'm no stranger to countering in combat either but the reaction time is slow. The staggering strike takes too long and end up getting hit more than I care to. I don't mash buttons. Never have.
And that's just that part. Simple elements from previous games that have changed like lockpicking for instance, and this stupid sync points and helix points. I've been playing AC since it first came out and this one is by far the worst. At least I like the story but it doesn't make up for it. Don't be a condescending prick Sesheenku it's unnecessary. We simply don't agree. Classicnerd is saying the same things and he's not being a dick about it


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2007
My biggest complaint is that it doesn't move they I want it to. AC movement has at times been annoying but never this annoying. The reaction time from when I press a button to what I want him to do is slow if it happens at all. Same during combat. Even when I'm taking cover it doesn't respond fast enough. If this is bad I can only imagine how bad syndicate is

That's the thing about contextual buttons, sometimes it's not going to do what you want.

As for it being slow, I never noticed that. It requires timing and not mashing in Unity. You can't just mash B and hope to counter, you can't just mash attack and hope everything will go well, calm down and don't press buttons without making a deliberate and well thought out decision.

When an enemy attacks you focus on countering and when you see an opening you get in an attack or two and prepare for countering again. Sure there are a lot of animations where you can only cancel out of them near the end but that's just something we have to deal with. (That's an actual good argument you COULD have used)

If you don't like the way it feels that's a personal problem, it doesn't make the game worse. It worked well enough that when I screwed up I knew it was my fault.

You can't just say I don't like how it feels and say the game is bad and expect to be taken seriously by anyone intelligent.
Dude I can say whatever I like.

-Chuckle- So can I and because of that I am subject to being refuted as are you.

Your opinion is your opinion, just cause we think something is bad doesn't mean it is. You made this thread to talk about how bad it is, so I answered.

The gameplay and movement suck. That's my opinion.

And that's all it is until you back it up with something sensible.

As far as button mashing, that's not what I'm talking about. There are many aspects of the movement and combat make this bad. For example let's use basic movement, just yesterday I was playing and got a minor detection, as I turned and walked away it climbed on a box instead. The problem wasn't that it climbed on the box it was that it wouldn't get off of it. I don't press a lot of buttons to move, this is just basic walking, no running. I had to freerun off that box that landed me half way up a building rather than just getting off the box.

Again this is a problem in EVERY game with contextual controls, AC included. It can be imprecise but much of it comes from our own screw ups. This simply isn't a good argument for why Unity is worse because it's been in every single AC game. It sounds like you're simply not used to the different controls yet quite honestly.

It says hit L2 when near a window to enter; I'm near a window. He jumps down or further up. Many of these new things are just a annoyances more than anything.

That particular part is finicky, I'll give you that, I'd also like for him to drop through those holes in the roofs with parkour down but he won't, he has to use the ladder regardless of height. Hardly something that makes the game as a whole worse though, a minor annoyance that needs fixing is all it is.

And I'm no stranger to countering in combat either but the reaction time is slow. The staggering strike takes too long and end up getting hit more than I care to. I don't mash buttons. Never have

The combat is very deliberate in this particular installation. I can see where you're coming from AND YET once I realized I needed to match the pace, I did it. Usually if you can't counter a second in time attack you CAN dodge it instead but prepare to counter or dodge twice more after that cause they will follow up. Don't be afraid to abuse your tools either.

And that's just that part. Simple elements from previous games that have changed like lockpicking for instance, and this stupid sync points and helix points. I've been playing AC since it first came out and this one is by far the worst. At least I like the story but it doesn't make up for it. Don't be a condescending prick Sesheenku it's unnecessary. We simply don't agree. Classicnerd is saying the same things and he's not being a dick about it

Lockpicking is something extremely minor, what are your main gripes with it in here? You don't like Sync points? Again that's even more subjective than the other things, it's an element you either like or you don't. That doesn't make the game bad. That's like saying Final Fantasy is bad cause you don't like turn based combat. Not an argument.

The only difference between me and Nerd is that I'm telling you that your opinion doesn't make Unity a worse game. A lot of your gripes are entirely personal and the rest just seem like you need to acclimate to Unities flow, it's as Nerd says this particular installment requires LESS button pressing.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 12, 2001
I started playing unity again after finishing syndicate, and I'm enjoying it, I was already pretty far just from playing it here and there the last couple years, it's definitely improved. I like the combat and controls, and aside from the occasional AC frustrations, it's a descent game. I do like doing the side missions more so than the story.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
personally think its one of the better AC games to date

think the controls were by far the best in any AC game

never had issues with making him go where i wanted him to

really liked the jumping down button.. great free running in Unity,


No Longer a Noob
Nov 12, 2001
personally think its one of the better AC games to date

think the controls were by far the best in any AC game

never had issues with making him go where i wanted him to

really liked the jumping down button.. great free running in Unity,
Yeah, the controls were great, the game shines when doing what it does best, traversing the landscape at your leisure, sneaking around and assassinating targets, it's when they try and implement this into linearly designed missions where things get frustrating, making you pursue someone, or kill a boss a certain way, the gameplay is just not conducive to these types of missions.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
Yeah, the controls were great, the game shines when doing what it does best, traversing the landscape at your leisure, sneaking around and assassinating targets, it's when they try and implement this into linearly designed missions where things get frustrating, making you pursue someone, or kill a boss a certain way, the gameplay is just not conducive to these types of missions.

all AC games have had this issue....overall

i found it to be the most open ended do it your own way AC game to date

havn't played Syndicate so not sure if they fixed that issue
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 12, 2001
Yeah, the controls were great, the game shines when doing what it does best, traversing the landscape at your leisure, sneaking around and assassinating targets, it's when they try and implement this into linearly designed missions where things get frustrating, making you pursue someone, or kill a boss a certain way, the gameplay is just not conducive to these types of missions.

all AC games have had this issue....overall

i found it to be the most open ended do it your own way AC game to date

havn't played Syndicate so not sure if they fixed that issue
Syndicate is similar, there are a lot of missions and activities allowing you to approach things how you want, a lot of the story missions still contain the cookie cutter pursuit or tail missions, with the final showdown requiring specific actions to win. These are the parts I hate about AC games.


Feb 13, 2019
I donno, unity has the only good multiplayer in the series even if it's tied behind a paywall not everyone is willing to pay


No Longer a Noob
Apr 29, 2007
Don't have to pay anything extra on PC and I still found people to play with well after its release.

I even play it on a laptop with about 40 fps average, I have several settings cranked up past high like textures. This is at 1080p mind you.

I'm currently going through Origins and it's really making me miss Unity. Unity was the pinnacle of the original Assassins Creed. These new games are.... just not AC.
Jul 25, 2023
I enjoy the combat, and the effortless movement in Unity. It totally beats Sydicate, where both fighing and movement were crap.