
No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
The 100th Season, well technically 99th, of the NHL is upon us. Will the Penguins retain the title? Will Toronto have a winning season? Will Detroit miss the playoffs for the first time in 20+ years? Which rookie will win the Calder? Will there be another John Scott situation for the All Star Game (let's vote Tanner Glass)? Find soon on the next season of the NHL!

So let's do our annual Bold predictions. I'll do mine in a little while.
Nov 24, 2005
not gonna do bold predictions. just gonna post what my standings will look like:


1. Tampa Bay
2. Montreal
3. Boston

1. Washington
2. Pittsburgh
3. New Jersey

1. Florida
2. NY Islanders

3. Philadelphia
4. Florida
5. NY Rangers
6. Carolina
7. Toronto
8. Ottawa
9. Buffalo
10. Columbus


1. Nashville
2. Chicago
3. Dallas

1. Los Angeles
2. San Jose
3. Anaheim

1. St. Louis
2. Arizona

3. Calgary
4. Winnipeg
5. Edmonton
6. Minnesota
7. Colorado
8. Vancouver

Hart: Jamie Benn
Rocket: Ovy
Art Ross: Benn
norris: Karlsson
vezina: Price

Stanley Cup Final: Tampa wins over LA


Aug 31, 2001
You have Tampa getting there with Bishop, or with an asset they got in return for Bishop?


Aug 31, 2001
You can get Sam Adams in Canada. It isn't terribly popular, but if you look for it you can find it.


Dec 29, 2003
If tonight is any indication, going to be a long year in Ottawa. Anderson looks like garbage and so does their D.

For the Leafs as well. As fun as it is to see Mathews score 4(or maybe more), they also gave up four goals, and Mathews isn't going to score 4 every game.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
If tonight is any indication, going to be a long year in Ottawa. Anderson looks like garbage and so does their D.

For the Leafs as well. As fun as it is to see Mathews score 4(or maybe more), they also gave up four goals, and Mathews isn't going to score 4 every game.

Yeah Torotno's defense still needs a ton of work. Freddie is good but he cant do it himself

Yeah, Freddie desperately needs help in front of him.
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Dec 29, 2003
45 FREAKING MINUTES, that's how long it took to get to puck drop, seriously, do this ceremony crap before 8, 8 is already a stupidly late start because of the eastern game.


Dec 29, 2003
Either Gulutzan fixes his defensive deployments and gives Grossman his permanent home in the press box or he's gonna be the first coach of the season to be fired.
Jun 13, 2003
You can get Sam Adams in Canada. It isn't terribly popular, but if you look for it you can find it.

Yeah the LCBO here even has the seasonal stuff sometimes.

The Matthews hype is super real. It would be so Leafs if this was just a fluke game lol


No Longer a Noob
Dec 11, 2007
Your Face
Sid sure doesn't seem to be hurting much from that concussion.

MAF not waiting anytime giving up his first goal this season, 59 seconds in.

TIL Tom Sestito still plays and he's even dressing tonight!
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♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
OK, suspension better be coming for Justin Williams. What a piece of shit. I hope Malkin doesn't have a broken neck.....or concussion.........

No excuse for that shit whatsoever. In obvious pain as teams went to locker room for intermission.

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Aug 12, 2010
Virgin Islands
not gonna do bold predictions. just gonna post what my standings will look like:


1. Tampa Bay
2. Montreal
3. Boston

1. Washington
2. Pittsburgh
3. New Jersey

1. Florida
2. NY Islanders

3. Philadelphia
4. Florida
5. NY Rangers
6. Carolina
7. Toronto
8. Ottawa
9. Buffalo
10. Columbus


1. Nashville
2. Chicago
3. Dallas

1. Los Angeles
2. San Jose
3. Anaheim

1. St. Louis
2. Arizona

3. Calgary
4. Winnipeg
5. Edmonton
6. Minnesota
7. Colorado
8. Vancouver

Hart: Jamie Benn
Rocket: Ovy
Art Ross: Benn
norris: Karlsson
vezina: Price

Stanley Cup Final: Tampa wins over LA

You sure have a lot of faith in the Leafs, especially coming for a Habs fan [face_tongue]
I'm still so hyped from game one and have tickets to the opener on Saturday so I'm really excited..! but I don't see us making playoffs. This year and potentially most of next year is to develop the youngsters. We're still losing a lot, and as long as we see games such as yesterday's with Matthews' lighting it up I'm perfectly fine with this.
Also, although what I said is all true, I'm still upset we lost the game in OT, ONLY because of Matthews' insane game.
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No Longer a Noob
Dec 11, 2007
Your Face
not gonna do bold predictions. just gonna post what my standings will look like:


1. Tampa Bay
2. Montreal
3. Boston

1. Washington
2. Pittsburgh
3. New Jersey

1. Florida
2. NY Islanders

3. Philadelphia
4. Florida
5. NY Rangers
6. Carolina
7. Toronto
8. Ottawa
9. Buffalo
10. Columbus


1. Nashville
2. Chicago
3. Dallas

1. Los Angeles
2. San Jose
3. Anaheim

1. St. Louis
2. Arizona

3. Calgary
4. Winnipeg
5. Edmonton
6. Minnesota
7. Colorado
8. Vancouver

Hart: Jamie Benn
Rocket: Ovy
Art Ross: Benn
norris: Karlsson
vezina: Price

Stanley Cup Final: Tampa wins over LA

You sure have a lot of faith in the Leafs, especially coming for a Habs fan [face_tongue]
I'm still so hyped from game one and have tickets to the opener on Saturday so I'm really excited..! but I don't see us making playoffs. This year and potentially most of next year is to develop the youngsters. We're still losing a lot, and as long as we see games such as yesterday's with Matthews' lighting it up I'm perfectly fine with this.
Also, although what I said is all true, I'm still upset we lost the game in OT, ONLY because of Matthews' insane game.
He has them finishing 13/16. That's not a lot of faith.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
OK, suspension better be coming for Justin Williams. What a piece of shit. I hope Malkin doesn't have a broken neck.....or concussion.........

No excuse for that shit whatsoever. In obvious pain as teams went to locker room for intermission.

Jesus that looks like some WWF shit right there
Aug 12, 2010
Virgin Islands
not gonna do bold predictions. just gonna post what my standings will look like:


1. Tampa Bay
2. Montreal
3. Boston

1. Washington
2. Pittsburgh
3. New Jersey

1. Florida
2. NY Islanders

3. Philadelphia
4. Florida
5. NY Rangers
6. Carolina
7. Toronto
8. Ottawa
9. Buffalo
10. Columbus


1. Nashville
2. Chicago
3. Dallas

1. Los Angeles
2. San Jose
3. Anaheim

1. St. Louis
2. Arizona

3. Calgary
4. Winnipeg
5. Edmonton
6. Minnesota
7. Colorado
8. Vancouver

Hart: Jamie Benn
Rocket: Ovy
Art Ross: Benn
norris: Karlsson
vezina: Price

Stanley Cup Final: Tampa wins over LA

You sure have a lot of faith in the Leafs, especially coming for a Habs fan [face_tongue]
I'm still so hyped from game one and have tickets to the opener on Saturday so I'm really excited..! but I don't see us making playoffs. This year and potentially most of next year is to develop the youngsters. We're still losing a lot, and as long as we see games such as yesterday's with Matthews' lighting it up I'm perfectly fine with this.
Also, although what I said is all true, I'm still upset we lost the game in OT, ONLY because of Matthews' insane game.
He has them finishing 13/16. That's not a lot of faith.

Lol yup, noticed afterwards. I'm just slow.