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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]9 Things We Want To Know About Man of Steel[/link]
by Phil Pirrello and Jesse Schedeen

We stare down Zack Snyder's top-secret Superman movie and kick it in the junk with 9 questions we want answered. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
1.Don't make it suck like the last one.
2.When 1 is accomplished, use Batman (modern) movies and the FIRST Spiderman movie as examples.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 10, 2005
the only things i want to know is; are there more villains in the superman universe then zod and lex?
Oct 30, 2010
Actually, zimmer already said that the theme is going to be "revisited" and most likely completely changed, Nolan said in a recent interview that he and David Goyer constructed the story and that Goyer and Christopers brother are writing the script. Other than that, Christopher Nolan wont be involved.

Ign should do some research before writing articles


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 21, 2006
who to cast for perry white. i mean langella was absolutely perfect.

and iliked the kid that played olsen in returns. they could do alot worse.

lol, would not surprise me to see zach effron cast as jimmy.


Oct 7, 2009
Really? Zod? What about Darkseid? Braniac? Metallo? Doomsday? (copy of cartoon doomsday movie, and a lot of people will be happy) Superman is iconic, and yet he has the same lame movies over and over. Dont get me wrong, the originals were classic, but let him fight a real foe for once. Someone on his level. My god I'll Even settle for Lex in the Kryptonite suit. Zod is ok, but man,WOW us a bit with adding a Villain worthy of a movie.


Oct 12, 2010
10th think you want to know about the man of Steel.

He's gay and loves when someone gives their own "Steel" to the man of Steel.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
Why does everybody say that they want Doomsday, and to a lesser degree, Darkseid in this movie. Have we forgotten that Doomsday killed Supes? He should be saved for later (plus he wouldn't be abe to be the only villian in the movie). Doomsday needs to be built up to. I think Lex needs to be in this movie, similar to what Nolan did with Ra's Al Ghul, but definitely make Zod the main villian. Luthor just needs to be shown pulling some strings or gaining power.
Feb 18, 2011
Another [Don't use gay as a pejorative] movie. Can't those stupid hollywood execs ever come up with a unique movie instead of a remake after remake. There is only one superman (aka Christopher Reeve).


Feb 21, 2009
What about just make Lex do something small like in the comic Man of Steel by John Byrne, were he tries to put Superman in his payroll but gets rejected by Superman and also gets arrested, so his hate can begin.


Sep 25, 2007
Doesn't matter what they do at this point. Amy Adams as Lois Lane and Zod being the the villain has killed this for me. SO THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES with this movie.


May 19, 2008
I think I get where they're going. I can't wait to see it; Superman is Superman, you can hate all you want, but you know you'll buy a ticket for The Man of Steel.


Mar 25, 2011
It amazing to see the different directions taken by Superman and Batman. These are too unique characters and I would imagine they would share similar popularity. Batman is a cool character because he was created by pain and he is maintained by obsession. Superman is cool because he was created by desperation and he is maintained by necessity. However Batman is usually way more popular than Superman. In my opinion the main problem is that we rarely see the complexities of Superman, something they did in some of the earlier Superman movies. Like in Superman 2 in which he gave up his powers to live a normal life with Louis Lane. If the world is always depending on me I can imagine having points in my life in which
1. I just wanted to be normal
2. I became distant from those I protected, looking at humans as children who don't know any better
3. Or my powers would give me a false sense of entitlement
However you never see those sides of superman exposed, instead he continues to be treated as the ultimate boy scout which is a shame since it offers nothing new to the character.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 15, 2000
"Given Sucker Punch's anti-box office and fans feeling hesitant to embrace Snyder's vision of Superman in the wake of that"
If you are talking about comic book fans, you just need to look at "Watchmen". Yes, a decent movie if you've never read the comic, otherwise..... Where the hell was the big ugly alien!!!!!!!!!! It's funny, Watchmen and Wanted were both great comics that started with "W", but got terribly less than faithful movies.......


Jul 16, 2006
Even though I love williams score do not use anything from the other films. Its a reboot and we can not keep going back to the older films just to be safe we could use a new epic superman theme for this generation.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I would love for them to use the Superman theme again. Batman was different. It was only used for 2 films and then replaced by another. And Casino Roayle and Quantum of Solace used the Bond theme. It's cause it's iconic, nobody can top it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 20, 2007
Snyder shouldn't be judged by Sucker Punch, it was a unique project. In relationship to Superman his work on 300 and Watchmen should be the standard. I'm not worried.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 22, 2008
keep lex out of it plz...dont EVER change the score...we've seen the origin a gajillion times whether on the big screen or little, let it go already


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 27, 2004
Both 300 and watchmen sucked. 300... well, Xerxes was the most feminine villain on screen. Ever. And Watchmen, they changed the damn ending. I AM worried.


Nov 12, 2006
I thought the ending to the Watchmen comic book was horrible when I first read it. The movie was an improvement in my opinion.
As for Sucker Punch, it's getting a lot of flak now, but it's one of those movies that people will watch 10 years from now (after the release of a director's cut of course) and realize it was a masterpiece.
On Superman, I hae no doubt it will be good. Snyder is a very good director and with David Goyer writing the script it's definitely in good hands.


May 3, 2009
300 and Watchmen were great.

As for Sucker Punch, people always complain about big "Hollywood" movies being "all the same," "predictable," bla-bla-bla.... Snyder finally gives us something different, actual ART, and of course those same mother-suckers just bitch, bitch, bitch.

Suck yourselves, bitches.

Snyder's the perfect director for Superman, Goyer practically invented bad-ass comic-to-movie scripts (Blade-s, Batman-s) and Nolan knows how to take all that to beyond, what we as film goers and genre fanatics, our expectations.


Nov 8, 2009
With every news story I read, I pray to God that they keep the John Williams theme. It's my absolute favorite soundtrack and I rank it as my top CD. It tops Indiana Jones, Batman Returns, and even RoboCop. There's absolutely no reason not to keep it. After all, if they kept Judi Dench for the Bond reboot they can keep the William's Superman theme.

As far as Lex Luthor is concerned, my preference would be to treat him like Bruce Timm did in Superman: The Animated Series. He should be more of a behind-the-scenes villain. Someone who pulls strings with other villains but is careful enough not to be caught. That's how Spacey's should have been. He would have been perfect given that he worked with Singer on The Usual Suspects. But most definitely stay way from the whole land thing. It was fine for Hackman cause that's who Luthor was in the 70s. But he's become much more crafty in recent decades.

Still not sold on Snyder. Looking at critical and financial success, he hit the ground running with Dawn of the Dead. Peaked with 300. Watchmen was okay but should have been better. And Guardians and Sucker Punch both bombed. So many herald him as the next Quentin Tarantino, but he's proven to be little more than another Michael Bay. Sure Nolan's involved. But how involved is he? Just because his name is attached doesn't make the movie gold. Spielberg is attached to all three Transformer films but that didn't make Revenge of the Fallen any better.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 19, 2004
Starting to have my doubts about this film. The villain and director already paused me, but now I'm not seeing this film as a good one. Can it be better than Returns, who knows?


Apr 9, 2011
By the looks of things, this is still very early in development, so no doubt when all the castings are in place we will start to learn more as time goes on. Lets not try and rush this through, we need a great superman film, so i dont mind them taking their time!


Nov 25, 2009
OK, a few comments after reading this article.

- If the music isn't going to be there, STOP MAKING THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW

- If superman needs a miserable moment, definitely go with the drunk rage option instead of the super sad smallville angle.

- If superman isn't going to have at least 3 or 4, 10 minute fight sequences then they should be added now. Also NO ANTICLIMAX save the biggest epic-est attack for the final blow.

- I would also like to know if they plan on taking the fighting out of the city for more large scale battles with massive destruction that wouldn't hurt his precious humans. (i know i know this would be MUCH better done in the city but this is superman... he's totally ghey for humans.. so he's not gonna tear down buildings for the sake of a win


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 14, 2007
Hugh Laurie for Perry White. He was one of the first choices to play the role in Superman Returns but couldn't because of scheduling conflicts with House (if I am remembering it correctly.) And though he may have only been a frontrunner because of Singer's involvement (he is a producer on House--or was at the time) he would be perfect in the role.
May 28, 2008
I don't think we should keep the old theme for this movie. I love it, but then again, I love Danny Elfman's Batman theme too. This is a full fledged reboot, and while a little reference to the old series might be nice, it still needs to establish itself as a new series. Don't let nostalgia take control; this ain't your parents' Superman.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 9, 2009
No Luthor, please just no. If they're gonna pull a Batman Begins and set up the next villan for a sequel at the end, make it someone awesome and way powerful that we havent seen on film.


Oct 30, 2010
Alright, here's a list of questions for Snyder:

1) Why so secretive? Because it is too early? It is bad? Is it still under non-discloure agreement? Is the script finished or still being worked on? All in all, why so few details and then having the fans speculate for good or bad?

2) Is there another big villain with whom Superman can go toe-to-toe other than Zod or is Zod the definitive big bad guy?

3) Will we see all of Superman's powers being used to their full potential in the movie?

4) About how much percentage of the movie is action scenes?

5) How long is the movie going to be?

6) When he said that this movie stands on its own and is not linked to JLA or previous movie, does he knows if there's sequels planned or not for this movie?

7) What is the budget for this movie?

8) On a scale from 0 to 10, how big the story is going to be? 0 being Superman Returns (fighting a big chunk of kryptonite) and 10 being Death of Superman.

9) Can we hopefully get a kryptonite-free movie?

10) Will this movie have a more serious tone (like Batman Begins) or will it be lighter tone (like Hancock)?
Jun 22, 2010
Personally I dislike seeing origin stories in super hero movies. It only serves to piss off comic book fans when they get it wrong and tell a story everyone who is interested in the movie already knows. I know they have to show some origin but I really hope they go the way of the latest Hulk-- a 5 minute montage in the beginning giving us all the details. I want to see superman being superman and not some confused adolescent. I really don't want to see Smallville the Movie.
Mar 22, 2011
I hope they base it around the fifty's. First thing the retro Sup would be cooler and second the news paper industry is not quite relevant anymore. Mr. El placed himself in that job so he could keep a watch of what was going on. Unless the Daily Planet is going to be more like a Google. Superman had better not have made a baby either.


Prime Member
Jul 21, 2007
I agree they will probably run through the origin story through the beginning credit sequence. That would be the best bet. Nolan may not be as involved anymore but his job was to bring the building blocks in for the film. Production, casting, writing and even bringing in Synder. So Synder is left with the building blocks and instruction manual and he goes and does his stuff. Those Post production elements is the strength and should be enough to give this reboot more potential. Music wise I think a new theme is in order but bringing in Williams in to do entirely new music would be the best homage to the original films. This movie may not end up perfect but will probably quite good.

@HandsomeJack19 Hugh Laurie talents of pulling off characters like House is way more suited I think for J J Jonah Jameson.
Jul 27, 2008
I want brainiac,no ZOD like at all,mirror matches suck,only smallville and comic fans are sick I mean SICK of ZOD,superman's the 1st hero of all time and he's treated like this,superman 3,4 and returns SUCKED and ALL his Videogames,and idiots compare joker to ZOD!!REALLY(miz style)everyone knew he would be in TDK but we were worried about the actor and boy were we wrong,This time around we like the actor but HATE the villian selected,like make DC fans happy, the DC fans are always fucked over all we got is batman and superman and look how hollywood treat us!!look at the animated films there great but it just those two,freshen it up,its an disservice the fact that the superman franchise PROVIDES doubt when he's known as a SYMBOL of HOPE,if this film tanks like where its heading get TOM WELLING in a SUIT ASAP(that guy gave more inspiring speeches than MLK but hes


Aug 15, 2008
@ etanfalu

Isn't Doomsday the villian who "killed" SuperMan? Why would there be a storyline of killing SuperMan in the first film of a reboot? At the very least, save that villian for the last leg of the trilogy.


Sep 2, 2010
I've been saying it for years. If this works out and they are able to reboot it into a successful trilogy pitt Superman against villians that allow him to use his strength and other powers. Keep Lex in the background. Maybe in the second one do like the Red Son comic and have Luthor create a Bizarro Supes from Supermans DNA. With the final film, do the whole Death of Superman story arc with him battling Doomsday all the way to Metropolis and killing each other in front of the Daily Planet. That would be awesome.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 11, 2009
I hope they can really pull this off. Come on C. Nolan, you've got to be involved here. And if you can do it while still keeping the main Superman theme intact, that would be incredible.


Apr 13, 2011
I think this will be awesome, with all of these players coming together I don't see how this could be anything but awesome. We should have a great script from Goyer and Nolan, we have an awesome comic book director in Snyder, and already a fantastic supporting cast. Once we start seeing pics of the costume and pics from the movie I feel that is when the real test will come.

Also please check out my new blog that I started that will focus on all kinds of topics including comic book and MMA. Check it out


Nov 6, 2010
i loved the Donner vision of the Superman universe, and the visual legacy it created... no one could define a superhero so absolutely the first time around the way it did. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing some changes as long as it can still recognizably be Superman. But yeah certain things I can't part with like the raised S shield, the John Williams theme, and the white crystal Krypton.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
Dynamic duo, Phil and Jesse, lol. Some fair questions. Ursa I don't give a sh*t about, but everything else has me curious. On the flip side, here's 9 things that are guaranteed:

1. Slow motion (most likely the opening origin scene- or a punch to the face)
2. Green screen
3. Odd soundtrack choices
4. Lois in her undies at least once
5. Ma Kent in her undies at least once
6. A wink or twist on the line "Kneel before Zod"
7. Voice over narration or an inner monologue
8. A Saturated color palette
9. A March release date. (this is the only month he will work with)
Jun 11, 2001
This is the second Superman movie since the original bunch and they're reusing old villains. We need to see a new primary villain such as Brianiac or Darkseid. It's too soon for Doomsday. My thought is that first we need a really good Superman movie so people will love the character again, and THEN you kill him in the next movie.


Mar 8, 2011
Sorry to everyone who wants Darkseid, but He belongs the final Superman movie he's a GOD for fucks sake. You gotta work your way up to him.


Mar 8, 2011
Sorry to everyone who wants Darkseid, but He belongs the final Superman movie he's a GOD for fucks sake. You gotta work your way up to him.
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