Gen Con 2024 - Forum containing topics specific to the convention
General Info 2024
General discussion about Gen Con 2024
Topics: 30 Posts: 313 Latest: What are the Best Dimensions for a Coffee Sample Tray?
Last post by quarex
Events 2024
Discussion about events at Gen Con 2024
Topics: 38 Posts: 222 Latest: Tuesday Evening Gaming 7-10pm
Last post by the orange mailman
E-Ticketing 2024
Discussion about E-Ticketed events at Gen Con 2024
Topics: 1 Posts: 8 Latest: How does it work?
Last post by grokssilk
Travel, Housing and Dining 2024
Discussion about eating, sleeping, and getting to Gen Con 2023
Topics: 43 Posts: 310 Latest: Looking for downtown room mate(s)
Last post by andreasengstrom
Customer Support - Ask questions, get answers, interact with other customers
Attendees / Customers
For customers to discuss general support issues
Topics: 262 Posts: 1681 Latest: Looking for Game Knights tickets!!
Last post by shangrila36
Event Organizers & GMs
For Event Organizers and GMs to discuss hosting events at Gen Con
Topics: 475 Posts: 3255 Latest: Still Submit Events?
Last post by magnain
For exhibitors to discuss exhibiting at Gen Con
Topics: 22 Posts: 114 Latest: 2024 Rebooking for Author Avenue
Last post by kochama
Event Team
For discussion about working at Gen Con
Topics: 18 Posts: 78 Latest: Anyone Need A Extra Hand?
Last post by davidson02
Technical Support
Report issues and submit feedback about this website
Topics: 139 Posts: 631 Latest: Gen Con is looking for a Mobile App Developer
Last post by aliyasaxena6
Off Topic
For anything that doesn't fit somewhere else
Topics: 219 Posts: 1205 Latest: Shopping carts at conventions
Last post by suachuadogo