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Fancensus: Fallout 76 most viewed game on YouTube of E3 2018

Elder Scrolls VI enjoys Twitter attention; Kingdom Hearts III most often mentioned across media coverage

The yearly debates over who "wins" E3 may never truly be answered, but quantifiable data can certainly tell who was spoken of the most, for good or ill.

Fancensus joins the post-E3 analysis with a breakdown of "PR activities," YouTube views, and Twitter retweets that offer an interesting picture on which games held the media spotlight during the week of the show.

Source: Fancensus

While ICO Partners' data on media coverage breaks down overall media coverage of games, platforms, and brands, Fancensus goes in-depth on software specifically and looks both at both exclusive coverage and media mentions in broader articles. It also filters out some of the smaller outlets, accounting for lower numbers in this report and some other differences from ICO's data.

Fancensus data reinforces the dominance of Fortnite in media coverage of the show with nearly 2000 exclusive articles, likely following the Sony crossplay controversy and its out-now release on the Switch.

It was followed by Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 76, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and Kingdom Hearts III. But where the report looks at total activities and not merely exclusive articles, Kingdom Hearts III received by far the most mentions of any game.

On YouTube, Fallout 76 was the most-viewed game by a longshot, and that's not including its quirky teaser stream from the week before. But even though it dominated in views for an individual game, PlayStation still won the most views as a publisher channel, leaving Bethesda in second and Nintendo, with its three-day-long Treehouse event, squarely in third.

Source: Fancensus

The popularity of Fallout 76 also had an effect on Twitter, garnering the second most retweets from its announcement. In first was another Bethesda title doing well on the only platform where it could be properly shared around: The Elder Scrolls VI. Given that Bethesda showed only a teaser and that the game is still in pre-production, it makes sense that Twitter was the best place for its audience to share the news.

Source: Fancensus

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Rebekah Valentine: Rebekah arrived at GamesIndustry in 2018 after four years of freelance writing and editing across multiple gaming and tech sites. When she's not recreating video game foods in a real life kitchen, she's happily imagining herself as an Animal Crossing character.
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