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Everything we learned from GI Sprint

As our series on making games cheaper, faster and better comes to an end, we recap the highlights Staff

Four ways AI and cloud can make game dev easier (and one thing they can't do) | GI Sprint

We talk to Xbox about what these technologies can do to support – but not replace – developers

Alex Calvin

Life without layoffs, or why they are an avoidable part of game development | GI Sprint

We talk to veteran game designer and CEO, Jesse Schell, who hasn't laid off any devs in 22 years

Vikki Blake

How King is using AI to speed up development of new Candy Crush levels

The firm has made level iteration 50% faster as a result of its playtesting bot

Christopher Dring

How to support performance actors during game development

A panel of actors discuss the importance of feeling included in every step of game development, and how they'd like to see the industry improve

Sophie McEvoy

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