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Conference: CPDP LatAm 2024

Join Us for an Engaging Session on Human Rights and AI at CPDP LatAm 2024!Hear from our Veridiana Alimonti and other leading experts on AI and the human rights impact in the Inter-American system! Date: Thursday, July 18th Time: 9:15 - 10:15 AM (GMT-3) Location: FGV Rio de Janeiro Conference...

To Sixth Circuit: Government Officials Should Not Have Free Rein to Block Critics on Their Social Media Accounts When Used For Governmental Purposes

Legal intern Danya Hajjaji was the lead author of this post.The Sixth Circuit must carefully apply a new “state action” test from the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure that public officials who use social media to speak for the government do not have free rein to infringe critics’ First Amendment...


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