Contact form application for access of FDPIC

Contact form application for access of FDPIC

Any person has the right to inspect official documents and to obtain information about the content of official documents. As an administrative unit of the Federal Administration, the FDPIC is covered by the scope of application of the principle of freedom of information. 

To obtain access to official documents of the FDPIC, you can use the adjoining form.

For access to official documents of other administrative units of the Federal Administration, please contact those directly: contact details:

You can also contact us in advance and request information about the available documents.

Alternatively, a sample letter is available for your access request (sample letters).

Please send the request to:

Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter
Feldeggweg 1
CH - 3003 Bern

Please note: The usual processing time for your request is 20 days.

Last modification 11.05.2023

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