
If decision making were easy, humans never would have needed to invent flipping a coin, the magic 8 ball, or any of the hundreds of traditional...

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Imagine you are helping someone as they cross a stream of rushing water. Do you watch their voyage along the shoreline to find the best entry point?...

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What is Lead Source Attribution?

Before diving into lead source attribution specifically, let's quickly define marketing attribution as an...

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Multi touch attribution is the process of determining the value of each touchpoint that a consumer has with your brand on their path to purchase....

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In order to truly know how your marketing efforts are stacking up, you need to understand where your customers are coming from and which ads,...

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Marketers have been making guesses and assumptions for as long as their teams have existed. There has never been a single source of information for...

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Filter to Get to the Most Actionable Data

At DemandJump, we tend to err on the side of giving you more data, as opposed to less. Because of this, you...

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Data, data everywhere, but what does it all mean? For today’s marketers, the digital analytics process might be a new or mystifying part of the job....

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Growing revenue is important to organizations throughout the world, yet there are infinite ways to achieve this elusive goal. Whether you're focused...

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The world is now online. While there are still service industries where brick and mortar businesses exist, even these companies benefit from digital...

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