South Korean Government: Please stop the consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea!

South Korean Government: Please stop the consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea!

November 6, 2011
Petition to
South Korean Government and
This petition made change with 263,749 supporters!

Why this petition matters

South Korean Government: Please stop the consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea!

Can you imagine your beloved dogs being killed and eaten? Dogs, just like your pets, are being cruelly farmed, killed, and eaten in South Korea today.

South Korea has the world’s 14th largest economy and is home to global brands such as Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, and LG.

Yet, in this modern country, an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are slaughtered and eaten each year.

From the moment they are born until the day they are slaughtered, dogs are imprisoned in cramped, filthy, raised wire cages with no protection from scorching summers and freezing winters. They are deprived of everything natural to a dog. They get no water, exercise, proper dog food, or medical care. They never feel the ground beneath their feet.

Often, they are killed in front of other dogs by being electrocuted, hanged, beaten, having their throats slashed, or being boiled or burnt to death.

At present, dog meat consumption in South Korea is NOT LEGAL. Yet, the profoundly indifferent Korean government basically ignores the dog meat industry and allows it to continue.

We are

We are heartbroken by how Man’s best friends are being treated in South Korea. So, our aim is to end this cruel practice by vigorously campaigning and raising awareness worldwide. We seek to bring the world’s attention to this urgent issue because we believe that ending dog and cat meat consumption in Korea cannot be accomplished by Korean activists alone. They need our help. They need help from as many compassionate people around the world as possible. So, please be the voice for these dogs by signing and sharing our petition.


This petition made change with 263,749 supporters!

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