
We work in partnership with the most trusted bodies in higher education and business education, including EFMD, CABS and AACSB.


EFMD has supported our annual market studies for more than a decade, promoting them to schools and providing a platform for distribution of the findings to members, media and others. CarringtonCrisp supports EFMD events, contributing insights and presentations, writing articles and building relationships.

Chartered Association of Business Schools

The Chartered Association of Business Schools worked with CarringtonCrisp on its first group market report, The Business of Branding, in 2004. Since that time there have been regular collaborations, most recently working together on reports on Executive Education, International Student Recruitment and the Future Shape of Business Education. CarringtonCrisp have also spoken for a number of years on the Deans and Directors Development Programme.


CarringtonCrisp is a Business Member of AACSB attending a number of their events each year and speaking at AACSB conferences. In addition, Andrew Crisp is a member of the Advisory Committee for the AACSB magazine, BizEd.

Global Business Schools Network

CarringtonCrisp has worked with GBSN over a number of years most recently sponsoring the 2019 Annual Conference held in Lisbon.

Canadian Federation of Business School Deans

CarringtonCrisp has worked with the Canadian Federation of Business school Deans for a number of years, speaking at their conferences, supporting the development of an international recruitment portal to attract students to Canadian business schools and sponsoring a joint reception at the AACSB ICAM event each year.

Association of Asia - Pacific Business Schools

CarringtonCrisp has been a corporate member of the AAPBS for several years, attending conferences, providing content for their newsletter and helping with research projects.

Australia and New Zealand MBA Directors Forum

CarringtonCrisp has regularly sponsored and spoken at the annual forum for Directors of Australian and New Zealand MBA programmes.


CarringtonCrisp has worked with CEEMAN for a number of years, speaking on marketing and alumni relations at their Programme Managers Seminar, assisting with communications and market research, supporting the launch of their Manifesto to change the course of management development and participating in their annual conference.