About Calibre Cleaning

Our mission is to provide outstanding cleans, whilst delivering world class customer service

Who We Are

Calibre Cleaning started with a simple goal, to offer a better house cleaning service to locals in Melbourne. We strived to do this through offering an easier experience for finding excellent cleaners, and a focus on customer service.

We cleaned our first home in 2015, and have since grown to offering cleaning services throughout Australia. We have expanded our cleaning teams and head office team, but still have the same vision that drives what we do, and how we do it.

Our goal for the future is to keep finding ways to offer a better house cleaning experience; and to make our customers' lives easier through cleaning and customer service.

Calibre Cleaning's 2022 team retreat to Boracay, Philippines

Meet Our Team

When you call, email, or livechat us, you speak with one of our passionate customer service team members.

Rocky Vuong, Founder and Owner of Calibre Cleaning

Rocky Vuong, Founder & Director

I enjoy solving the many problems that arise when running a company. My goal is to ensure we are always in line with our company's mission of delivering outstanding cleans and world class customer service.

When I'm not working on Calibre Cleaning, I love a beer or two with some mates.

Jho, Accounts Specialist

Being a real team player, there's nothing I enjoy more than helping my awesome colleagues achieve their goals! My mission is crystal clear: streamline our financial processes, tidy up the numbers game, and stay on the right side of the accounting rulebook.

Outside work, I particularly relish the opportunity to unwind at beaches with no cellular coverage, allowing myself to disconnect from the digital world and fully appreciate the serenity of nature.

Jan Heruela, customer service representative at Calibre Cleaning

Jan, Customer Service Team Leader

I like being in Customer Service because it also makes me happy when I get to personally serve and help others. I make sure that how I perform my duties will make the customer want to come and use our services again. I also want to be a helping hand to my team to build each other up and get better for ourselves and the company. I strive to learn new things along the way and apply the good things in my life to attain my goal and leave my comfort zone.

I mostly enjoy watching movies, playing video games, cooking, and spending time with my family.

Mon, Recruitment Team Leader

My gig? Not just screening, but also diving into the art of finding the best leads. I'm all about making connections that matter. Beyond the usual tasks, I see my role as more than just sifting through resumes; it's about building a foundation for an awesome team. Work isn't just a job for me; it's a source of joy. I bring organizational finesse and time management skills to the recruitment process, driven by enthusiasm that goes beyond professionalism.

When I'm not in work mode, you'll catch me enjoying family movie nights and exploring new recipes. And when it's time to chill, I dive into the worlds of anime and online games.

Shedilyn, Customer Service

I like how I can give my best in extending help to people, and it is a fantastic experience making their day by resolving their problems and making them feel a bit better. Through customer service, I can connect to people and learn from them too. Talking to people helps me grow and improve from who I was yesterday; thus, I strongly relate to this job.

I enjoy my off-work time by reading books, watching Netflix movies and Tedtalks videos and going out for coffee

Belle, Customer Service

Helping others has always made me feel fulfilled, and the satisfaction it gives me is immeasurable. My experience as a customer service representative has been significant because I've been able to help customers and engage with many different people. Interacting with various individuals feels like experiencing a different culture, and experience is always the best teacher in my opinion. I will always be grateful to Calibre for providing me with a chance to help others.

I enjoy playing with my dog when I have free time. Along with eating ramen and watching movies and vlogs.

Neil, Customer Service

As a person with high interpersonal skills and an empathic nature, I find joy in meeting new people and building connections. This is the very reason why I have spent more than 5 years of my life working in customer service. There is something special about interacting with a diverse range of customers as you can gain insight into different perspectives and experiences, thereby expanding your own worldview and broadening your understanding of the world. Ultimately, I believe that the ability to connect with others is a powerful tool that can make a significant difference in the world. Whether in customer service or in any other aspect of life, the ability to empathize, communicate effectively, and build relationships can lead to more positive interactions and a greater sense of community.

I love traveling solo and I enjoy reading and collecting self-help books.

Del, Sales Representative

With 7+ years of experience in customer service and sales; working with people and helping customers find the right solutions have come very naturally for me. I always aim to deliver results. I believe that my exposure to various industries throughout my career will be a vital contribution to a company's success.

When out of work, I love spending quality time with my daughter while having a cup of coffee on the side and I also enjoy travelling with fam.

Joyce, Sales Representative

Having the 'Always be closing' & "putting a smile on their face" mindset has made me thrive both in the Sales & Customer Service Industry for quite some time now. I always make sure to find the best tailor-fit solution to my client's needs. Quality is my top-tier priority for all of my closed won deals. I find joy & satisfaction whenever I make them repeat our 'high calibre' cleaning services and aims to keep them as regulars.

During my offs, I make sure not to skip a Spa day to balance work and life while working full-time remotely.

Edgar, Assigning Coordinator

I want to be that "someone" who impacts the people I interact with. In a way, they'd remember me as the one who listened to them and made them happy with the customer service. Achieving that makes me feel satisfied, knowing that I was able to attend and provide them service/s that exceeded their expectations.

I am fond of playing mobile video games in my free time, especially while eating my favourite comfort food; burger and pizza.

Karstein, Assigning Coordinator

I enjoy interacting with people every day, from someone in my family, on the bus, mall, and definitely in my job as customer service. Being able to do what you like as a career is something that stays longer. I am just thankful for the opportunity to do that with Calibre Cleaning.

I like cooking and baking when I am off work.

Melchizedek, Assigning Coordinator

I love growing as an individual and learning how to give more to others without expecting anything in return. Being a Customer Service Representative, I love making connections and, like every transaction seamless, creating a happy and satisfied customer.

I like watching movies and cooking in my free time.

Ruel, Assigning Coordinator

I choose customer service because I enjoy meeting new people. I enjoy making a positive difference in their day and find resolving challenging customer service concerns rewarding. Calibre allows me to maximize my potential, helps me grow as an employee, and helps me reach my professional goals. I enjoy working for a company that supports "work-life balance" at its finest.

I am just a home-buddy person out of the office but a "one-call-away" friend. I enjoy spending my free time watching mini-vlogs on Tiktok, and if I want to, I'd like to hang out with my friends and do things we love the most.

Kim, Assigning Coordinator

What fuels my passion for customer service is the opportunity to make a positive impact on someone’s day. Every interaction is a chance to provide support, solve problems, or simply brighten someone’s experience. It’s the satisfaction of turning a challenging situation into a positive one and knowing that I’ve contributed to making someone’s day a little better. Building connections, understanding needs, and going the extra mile to ensure satisfaction – these aspects of customer service resonate with me. There’s a joy in creating a positive and memorable experience for customers, and that’s what keeps the passion alive.

In my downtime, you’ll often find me watching YouTube tutorials or catching up on the latest movies and TV shows. If the weather’s right, I might take a stroll outdoors, or some quality time with friends and family, be it through a game night or a leisurely chat over a cup of coffee.

Mary Semana, Customer Service Representative at Calibre Cleaning

Mary, Assigning Coordinator

I have a soft spot in helping others since childhood. When I started to work, customer service is one of my forte . My goal is to make every customer happy by going above and beyond in every situation . I am an outgoing person with a positive attitude. Also, I love visiting new places and meeting new people.

When out of work, what makes me happy and relax is to watch movies like sci-fi and anime, singing and sometimes I draw.

Kevin, Recruitment Specialist

As a recruiting nerd, I love people. I love getting to know people's stories, and I love helping them find the perfect place to use their skills and talents. I also love the challenge of finding the right people for the right jobs. It's like putting together a puzzle, and it's incredibly rewarding when you find the perfect match.

When I'm not immersed in the world of recruitment wizardry, I'm a proud homebody at heart. You'll often discover me immersed in virtual worlds, gaming with friends, or indulging in epic binge-watching sessions of TV shows and movies. As a connoisseur of life's quieter pleasures, I infuse my world with enthusiasm and creativity, making every day at home an adventure in itself.

Josh Isola, Chief marketing officer at Calibre Cleaning

Josh, Chief Marketing Officer

As Chief Marketing Officer, I'm passionate about crafting compelling stories that resonate with our audience and drive results.

But when I'm not cooking up new campaigns, you'll likely find me in the kitchen experimenting with new flavors – a creative outlet that fuels my passion for both marketing and culinary arts

Cath Babasa - Accounts Specialist at Calibre Cleaning

Cath, Accounts Specialist

I find joy in working with numbers, especially when they present a challenge. I also have a habit of asking myself and others "why" at work, which helps me gain a better understanding of things. My goal is to meticulously maintain the accuracy of our financial records, ensuring that every detail is carefully accounted for.

Outside of work, you'll find me on quiet indoor days with my blue tablet, either diving into a good read or enjoying relaxing moments with my family.

Joey, Customer service representative at Calibre Cleaning

Joey, Customer Service

It took a couple years working solitary in the technical field and cybersecurity for me to realize that customer service is where my heart is. Throughout my career, I've found that I love human interaction where I can help and guide people, something that I'm now able to do everyday.

When I'm not responding to and addressing customer concerns, you'll find me either out exercising, home watching inspirational success stories, playing a few video games, or sitting around anywhere reading books about psychology.