US President Joe Biden in Madison, Wisconsin.
US President Joe Biden in Madison, Wisconsin.

Photographer: Scott Olson/Getty Images

The Big Take

Biden Narrows Gap With Trump in Swing States Despite Debate Loss

The incumbent trails his GOP rival by just 2 points across key states, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows, even as three in 10 Democrats say he should leave the race.

President Joe Biden registered his best showing yet in a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult tracking poll of battleground states, even as voters offered withering appraisals of his debate performance amid panic within his party.

Republican Donald Trump led Democrat Biden by only 2 percentage points, 47% to 45%, in the critical states needed to win the November election. That's the smallest gap since the poll began last October. Biden now leads Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin. He’s within the poll’s statistical margin of error in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina, and is farthest behind in the critical state of Pennsylvania.