BlackBerry ISV Partner Program

Get the tools you need to develop and promote your apps

Sign Up Today

Grow Your Business with BlackBerry

Join the BlackBerry® ISV Partner Program to leverage the comprehensive BlackBerry® Development Platform, promote your app in the Marketplace for Enterprise Software and obtain BlackBerry® Dynamics Certification to reach more customers and grow revenue.

As a BlackBerry® ISV Partner, you'll be able to get your BlackBerry® UEM, BlackBerry Dynamics, AppConfig, BlackBerry® Workspaces and Secure Communication applications in front of thousands of potential customers.

Exclusive Benefits for BlackBerry ISV Partners

Establish your expertise
  • Certify your BlackBerry Dynamics application as BlackBerry® Secure and list it on the BlackBerry Marketplace
  • Host application trials and betas with your customers
Access resources
  • Enjoy white glove access to BlackBerry technical specialists
  • Get free extensions to BlackBerry developer trial licenses
  • Manage new leads and existing customers through a web-based portal
Expand your customer base
  • Offer your solution to BlackBerry® UEM customers in a central location for users and admins
  • Deliver your BlackBerry Dynamics application to multiple customers without having to customize 
  • List your AppConfig community and customizable applications

How to Get Started

Get started with the BlackBerry ISV Partner Program today:

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Complete the registration form

Once you complete the registration form a BlackBerry representative will review your application and follow up with you.

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Get access to your ISV partner resources

Once you are accepted into the program, you will be granted access to the ISV portal and can start taking advantage of the benefits listed above.

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Complete your certification process

Getting certified indicates to customers that your application meets the high BlackBerry Dynamics security standards.

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List your app on the Enterprise Marketplace

Your certified application will now be available to BlackBerry customers and admins.