So Wrong It's Right

RRP £16.99
One question - five answers. Each question has five possible answers, so you'll never play the same game twice! Hilarious fun for small large crowds.

Ages 12+

- People

So Wrong It's Right

One question, with five possible answers - can you think quickly enough to answer correctly (even though it sounds so wrong)? With over 500 questions, the So Wrong It’s Right game has over 2000 answers so you’ll never play the same twice.

How to play

Designed for a minimum of 3 players, aged 12 and over, the questions may be easy but make sure your answer is right as there are 5 possible responses. The question master will flip over one of 5 possible cards to tell you how you need to answer. Cards include: got it, flip it, switch it, ditch it or not it. You might have to switch around letters or words or come up with a completely wrong answer to win the card! Race against your competitors to decide on the right answer first - once you know, grab the card and call out the correct answer.

Example of So Wrong It’s Right game play

Question: Which home appliance cleans your clothes?Answers depending on which card is flipped: 1. Got it: Washing Machine (the correct answer); 2. Flip it: Machine Washing (the words are flipped); 3. Switch it: Mashing Wachine (the first letter of each word is flipped); 4. Ditch it: Ashing Achine (the first letter of each word is removed); 5. Not it: Dishwasher (an incorrect word in the same category)