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Sad to see the spikes across the board in 2020. That was the year lockdowns (not COVID) destroyed children's mental health and caused learning loss, which many have not recovered from. Never forget that Fauci, Weingarten, and Democrat teachers' unions kept schools closed in poor urban districts the longest, over a year after Sweden and Florida demonstrated schools could be opened safely.

Don't let them gaslight you. It would be interesting to see this adolescent depression data across length of school closures. Given the opening statements that liberals have worse mental health, it may be strongly correlated with areas that kept kids out of school the longest. DEI/ESG/HR commissars make education and healthcare cost more with worse results: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/fire-dei-esg-hr-commissar-administrative-bloat

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And it’s pretty easy to figure out why liberals, as you suggest have worse mental health, they don’t have their heads in the sand. They understand science and climate change, they care greatly about all life other than themselves and our sustainable future. It is very depressing to watch 1/2 of the country support a possible leader who has absolutely no decent character nor integrity.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

You have demonstrated the exact ways that leftists have buried their heads in the sand. "Science" is a weaponized word to follow leftist dogmas around fear. The data shows COVID had a 99.9%+ recovery rate for healthy children and CO2 has minimal effect on climate, which has always been changing. climate-related harm is at record lows thanks to advancements in technology driven by energy abundance through cheap fossil fuels. Big Pharma and ESG corporations thank you for your loyalty.

Don't believe your lying eyes. It is depressing to watch half the country support a president who is clearly senile and whose character includes wishing the unvaccinated a winter of death, lying about the vax stopping transmission, refusing to acknowledge the granddaughter that is son fathered with a stripper during his crack addictions, and escalating towards World War 3.

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I joined this forum because I thought the discussions would have less vitriol and more decency. I was obviously misinformed.

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How are you defining vitriol? Facts that contradict your narrative? You stated non-liberals have their heads in the sand, perhaps you should look in the mirror.

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The science of what Liberals and Conservatives care most about shows a curious reversal between them: arranged in concentric circles, Liberals say they care most about things that are furthest from their lives and over which they have the least control, like climate and "all life". Conservatives say they care the most about things closest to themselves like family, friends, & community, and the life nearest them that they can actually help in meaningful ways. I've noticed the truth of that science in my own life, both in my own behavior as a Conservative and how Liberals I've known cared to spend their time & thoughts.

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Isn't that kind of thinking sorta turning the cart around backwards and then putting it before a horse with blinders.

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RemovedJun 20·edited Jun 20
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Well we never dealt with & still don’t the rate of teen deaths in automobile accidents, so maybe we just don’t like dealing with things that may involve curtailing the economy and our selfish adult lifestyles.

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Teens die disproportionately in car accidents in part because they lack experience, and partly because their brain's frontal lobes, which control things like judgement, don't finish developing until around 21. We could stop them from driving until they're 21, but they aren't going to like that not to mention it being economically crippling. And they still wouldn't have the driving experience, they'd just start getting it at a later age. Since by definition, all teens are being raised & supported by adults, how is that selfish? We pour our time, love, & money into them, and wisdom when they'll accept it.

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That is one blip that just extended already rapidly rising rates. Focus on the entire picture to find honest answers, not just political blame.

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A "blip"? 2 years of remote learning had a huge huge impact on mental health among many other things such as learning loss. Extended School closure was based on the stupid 6ft distance rule that now Fauci admits to not being rooted in science (the science 1/2 the country believes in btw). He couldn't even source that rule. so calling it a blip is almost the same as saying it didn't really happen.

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The article seemed to be referencing a long period of time and looking for more than incidental, yes, short term, occurrences. Why can humans not look at our existence here for what it really is, a blip in the larger picture of the earths timeline.

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2020 showed a spike, not a blip.

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