
ERTL Farm Toy Updates & More of the ERTL Team to Meet!

Jul 22nd 2021

Greetings from Dyersville!Thank goodness for warmer weather! It’s that busy time of the year in Northeast Iowa. All the farmers are in the field putting down anhydrous and getting corn in the ground. That means it’s time to also get my garden in shape and start some work around the yard. April is when we get to pull everything out of our shed that we’ve stored over the winter. My wife found a …
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ERTL Farm Toy Updates & More of the ERTL Team to Meet!

Jun 23rd 2021

Greetings from Dyersville!We’re rounding off the month of March and the snow is finally melted here in Northeast Iowa. Now I get to see all of the gravel that’s been pushed onto the lawn from our lane. I guess I need to get out there and fix that!! I’ve also had my eye on a new 16 gauge finish nailer for some additional projects I’m working on. My kids gave me a gift certificate for Christmas a …
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Farm Toy Updates and Team Introductions!

Mar 31st 2021

Even though February is a short month it sure seems long. It’s been a cold and snowy month, but hopefully warmer weather is finally on its way. My goal is to work harder so I forget about the weather. In my last blog I mentioned that we would start introducing other members of our team.  Now back to farm toys! We’ve been busy working on some new items for 2021. First is a new AGCO …
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Happy New Year from ERTL Farm Toys!

Feb 3rd 2021

Greetings from Dyersville! Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday. I’m glad 2020 is over and we have moved on to 2021! Now that the days are getting longer I’m already thinking about spring. On December 29th Mother Nature blessed us with the last snow of 2020. I try to stay positive and snow can be really beautiful at times. In other instances it can cause real problems. …
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